
How to make a personal diary for girls with your own hands. What can be done in a personal diary. How to make a beautiful personal diary from a regular notebook

How to make a personal diary for girls with your own hands. What can be done in a personal diary. How to make a beautiful personal diary from a regular notebook
How to make a personal diary for girls with your own hands. What can be done in a personal diary, the ideas of design is beautiful. How to make pages and cover of a personal diary, photo, video.

Personal diary or ld is a multifunctional thing. This is a “vest” in difficult moments, and a storehouse of life moments, which allows again to plunge into a pleasant memory or analyze one or another situation, to understand what mistakes were made.

Personal diaries made by personally made are undoubtedly more interesting than soulless and monotonous samples presented in the stationery market. How to make and decorate a personal diary, what materials may be needed in the manufacturing process, which can be written in LD - this will be discussed later.

What a personal diary

There are no only true templates for creating a personal diary, everything is determined by preferences and convenience for the future owner.

  • A diary with spilled pages is a classic version, convenient for lovers to spread in thought in the tree.
  • A diary without a Linovka made of high -density white paper is suitable for drawing lovers. Pages from such paper can be safely decorated with drawings created using a liner, felt -tip pens or colors. Creative authors can make a diary with stained paper pages, and for the pages of a vintage style diary will be appropriate to use craft paper.
  • If the owner plans to constantly carry a diary with him, then it is better to dwell on a small format with a solid or integral cover and a sufficient number of pages. Diaries inhabiting houses can be of any format and thickness. Recently, rather thick notebooks that can accommodate the events of several years are relevant.
  • The gender of the owner of the diary plays a role only when choosing a decor. If you need to make a personal diary for girls, then you need to stock up on pearly handles, lace, rhinestones, semi-busins, decorative tape, designer and scrap-boom with prints for girls, stickers. Topics: cats and owls, yummy, flowers, Internet memes, emoticons, social networks and others.

  • In cases where you need to make a personal diary for boys, the emphasis is on the drawings with pencils, felt -tip pens and paints. The design uses space, superhero themes, Internet memes, elements of social networks.

Video how to make a page in a personal diary (6 design options)

Video how to make a personal diary in the style of a social network VKontakte

Make your personal diary what to write

  • Personal experiences. Wound, impressionable people are more prone to keep personal diaries. For them, he becomes a friend who will always listen and not betray.
  • In a personal diary you can write about your dreams, outline goals, make plans and talk about their implementation.
  • Bright life moments. In an attempt to stop time, not only photos, but also descriptions of events will come in handy. Change of image, tasting a new dish, impressions of music or film, a pleasant trip - all this and much more can be captured on the pages of a personal diary.

What else can be done in a personal diary

In addition to the drawings, applications and other decorative elements for the design of LD, converters are used in which you can place a secret message, pockets for any small things, mobile elements, such as moving cards.

How to make a pocket for a personal diary

It will be required:

  • Paper.
  • Scissors.
  • Simple pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • Eraser.
  • Glue-pencil.


  1. A sheet of paper is located the wrong side up.
  2. On paper, a rectangle is drawn with sides of 10 cm and 7 cm and allowances of 5 mm near one long and two short sides.
  3. On the 10-centimeter side, 4 points are indicated: 1 cm, 2 cm, 8 cm, 9 cm. From these points, perpendiculars are drawn through the entire figure.
  4. The rectangle along with the allowances is cut out.
  5. On lines located at 2 cm and 8 cm, the edges of the figure are bent inside, along lines located in marks 1 cm and 9 cm, the edges are bent out, along lines located at 0 and 10 cm, the edges are again bend inside.
  6. The allowance left at the base of the rectangle is bent up, a bend is being worked out. Further, the "accordion" is revealed, the extreme parts of the lower allowance are smeared with glue and the figure is folded again.
  7. The lower allowance is bent up, the places of the overlap of the allowances are glued.
  8. The pocket is ready, it remains only to smear the allowances with glue and glue it in LD.

How to make an envelope for a personal diary

It will be required:

  • Square sheet of paper.
  • The line for working out the bends.
  • Glue-pencil.


  1. The sheet folds diagonally. It turns out a two -layer isosceles triangle.
  2. The center of the base of the triangle is planned. The upper layer of the triangle is bent at itself so that its top lay down in the intended center.
  3. The corners of the base of the triangle are bent overlapping.
  4. The resulting rectangular triangle is folded so that the sharp angle lying at the base lay onto the rectangular angle. If desired, you can additionally fasten the envelope with glue.
  5. The resulting small rectangular triangle is opened and bends so that the rhombus turns out.
  6. The closing valve is bent and placed in a rhomboid clasp.
  7. The envelope is ready, it remains only to glue it in LD.

How to make a waterfall for a personal diary

It will be required:

  • Colored paper.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue-pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • Simple pencil.
  • Accessories for decoration.


  1. From a square with a side of 6 cm, a heart template is made. The resulting part is transferred to colored paper 7 times, the figures are cut out.
  2. A strip of paper 6 cm wide and 30 cm long is cut off. The strip is placed vertically. One of the hearts is placed by a pointed part on the lower edge of the strip, a line is drawn along the upper edge of the heart with a simple pencil.
  3. 6 marks are placed from the drawn line, the distance between which is 1 cm. Through the intended points, even lines are drawn along which the bends are worked out.
  4. Glueing the hearts begins in the direction from the bottom up. In hearts, only small areas in the upper part are lubricated with glue. The upper edges of the hearts should lie on drawn lines.
  5. The strip is turning over.  A rectangle with sides of 5 cm and 15 cm is perpendicular to the square in its lower part.
  6. The protruding edges of a small rectangle are lubricated with glue. The design is glued to LD, it remains only to decorate the waterfall.

How to make a personal diary with your own hands

How to make a glued personal paper diary

It will be required:

  • A4 paper.
  • A4 format sheet.
  • Chancellery knife.
  • Scissors.
  • Benders-hunkers.
  • Transparent glue.
  • Ruler.
  • Simple pencil.
  • A segment of the skin, jeans or other dense fabric.
  • Accessories for decoration.


  1. Paper for future pages of the diary is folded exactly in half. Candies are carefully worked out, it is convenient to carry out with the help of a metal ruler, after which the paper along the fold line is cut by a clerical knife.
  2. With the help of a pencil and ruler, a line is drawn, dividing a sheet of cardboard in half. On this line, the sheet is neatly cut by an office knife.
  3. Future paper pages are placed on one half of the sheet of cardboard, which are covered with another half of the sheet of cardboard on top.
  4. The resulting stack is leveled, fastened with two binders on each side.
  5. The side on which the book block will be gluing is additionally fastened in the middle by another binder (this is done so that during gluing the gluing substance does not leak into the notebook), after which the spine of the book block is abundantly lubricated with glue.
  6. After complete drying, the plot is smeared with glue under an additional binder.
  7. A rectangle is cut out of the skin or dense fabric a slightly larger than the height of the diary. The resulting piece of material is glued to the diary so that the perpendicular passing through the center of the rectangle coincides with the middle of the book block. Excesses are carefully cut.
  8. From the A4 format sheet folded in half, by gluing it to the inside of the upper cover and the first sheet of the book block, an outrage is created. Similarly, a nahzat is made.
  9. The diary is decorated based on the wishes of the owner.
  10. The notebook is placed under the press. A day after gluing a diary can be used.

How to make a personal diary, a photo of a finished diary from scratch.

How to make a personal diary without gluing from paper

It will be required:

  • A4 paper.
  • A sheet of dense paper or A4 format.
  • Brackets.
  • The needle or thin awl.
  • Pencil.
  • Elastic braid.
  • Chancellery knife.
  • Transparent glue.
  • Accessories for decoration.


  1. Sheets of paper are folded in half, and folds are carefully worked out.
  2. Similar manipulation is carried out with a sheet of cardboard or more dense paper.
  3. Sheets of paper are put one into one. The resulting stack is placed in the future cover of cardboard.
  4. In the middle of the workpiece of the notebook on the fold line, the fastening places are outlined with brackets.
  5. The planned points are carefully pierced with an awl or needle. The brackets are inserted into the obtained holes from the outside, fixed in the center of the diary.
  6. The cover is decorated based on the wishes of the owner.
  7. You can provide a diary with a razor with a razor. To do this, a hole is made on the back of the cover, the size of which is determined by the width and thickness of the braid. The diary is wrapped in braid, the edges of the elastic tape are passed through the hole and glued to the inside of the rear cover.
  8. In a day, you can use a diary.

How to make a soft cover for a personal diary from a notebook

It will be required:

  • General notebook (cardboard cover, on brackets).
  • Microfiber towel.
  • A napkin for cleaning or a section of thin felt.
  • Pieces of felt white, red and yellow.
  • Transparent glue.
  • Glue gun and rods to it.
  • Rhinestones, preferably in the form of a triangle or heart.
  • Fat threads for embroidery.
  • Sewing threads.
  • Needle.
  • Black nail polish or acrylic paint.
  • Scissors.
  • A sheet of paper.
  • Multi -colored narrow tape or flat cord.


  1. A rectangle of 50 cm long and 22 cm wide is cut out of the towel, which turns the notebook in the manner of the cover.
  2. On a sheet of paper, a hare's ear template is drawn in the form of a semi -oval. The template is cut out with scissors, transferred in 4 copies to the remainder of microfiber.  The details are cut out, stitched in pair, leaving the untouched flat side of the semi -oval. After they are twisted in the seams inward.
  3. From the yellow felt, 2 smaller half -sizes are cut out, lubricated with transparent glue and pressed to the microfiber ears. For reliability, the edges of the felt parts are sewn with a “forward needle”.
  4. The ears are stuffed with cotton and glued to the upper cover on transparent glue. The left ear is glued to the upper left corner. The right ear is located in the upper right corner.
  5. With the help of transparent glue, valves of the cover are formed.
  6. An animal muzzle is created. Two white circles are cut out of felt - future eyes. In black varnish or paint, a pupil is drawn. The eyes are glued at a distance of about 7 cm from the upper edge of the cover.  Two circles are cut from red felt - cheeks that are glued a few centimeters below the eyes. All parts from felt are also stitched around the perimeter. The role of the nose will perform the rhinestones glued to thermoclays. Eyelashes, mouth and mustache are embroidered with thick yarn.
  7. The cover is decorated. From the yellow felt, a small heart is cut out, which is glued in the lower part of the cover and is additionally fixed by firmware along the perimeter with a “forward needle” seam. A rectangle of 4-5 cm wide is also cut out of the yellow felt. The length of the rectangle should be such that when the part of the handle body is wrapped, a cylinder with an overlap is 1-1.5 cm. The overlap is lubricated with a transparent glue on both sides and a cylinder-cut holder is glued to it A felt heart.
    A bow folded from a narrow tape or cord, which is glued in the right upper part of the cover.
  8. A rectangle of 34 cm long and 21.5 cm wide is cut out of a napkin or felt. The part is glued to the inner side of the cover and additionally fixed the “forward needle” with a forward.
  9. A soft cover for a personal diary is ready.

How to make a personal diary from a notebook in the technique of granting (engraving)

It will be required:

  • General notebook on a spiral.
  • Glue-pencil.
  • Acrylic paint is black.
  • Art or large artistic brush.
  • Liquid dishes washed.
  • Chancellery tape.
  • Flomators, textbooks, gel pens of neon flowers.
  • Toothpick.


  1. The upper cover of the notebook is removed.
  2. A new cover is formed from the first three notebook sheets glued together.
  3. The cover of the diary is completely filled with one or more bright colors.
  4. The cover is laminated using tape.
  5. Black acrylic paint in equal proportions is mixed with a dishwasher. The resulting cover is completely painted over. If there are propharyns, then after the first layer dries on the cover, a second layer of black composition is applied.
  6. By scratching the black layer with a toothpick, the cover is decorated with patterns. It is more convenient to carry out shortly before the mixture dries completely. The Grattage Diary is ready to fill out.

How to make a personal diary: video with a technique


A personal diary is a thing, of course, useful.  These varieties of notebooks are presented in the stationery market, but it is better to work on the manufacture of LD on their own. Moreover, to make a beautiful personal diary for everyone, you only need to attach a little effort, time and creativity.



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