
Chicken with apples, recipe for cooking

Chicken with apples, recipe for cooking
A chicken with apples can easily become your branded dish, the highlight of your kitchen.

Chicken with apples is a simple preparation dish that does not require special skills. But if you approach this matter creatively, choose your own, original composition of the filling or marinade, this dish can become festive and unique.

Chicken with apples in the oven


First, choose chicken. The very first condition is that the meat should be fresh. Next, you should determine the size of the bird. If you are preparing a festive dish for lunch with your family or for a friendly party, it is better to take a chicken weighing 2 kg. And if a feast is planned for 2-3 people, a small kilogram bird will be enough.

Apples for this recipe are better to choose sour - sweet. They will give the meat aroma and are perfect for the side dish. If you do not plan to serve a side dish of apples, they can be cleaned and then they soak the chicken from the inside with their juice.

You can just grate the chicken with salt and pepper before baking, it will be delicious. But if you first marry the carcass in the marinade for several hours, the meat will be more tender and fragrant, and the crust is simply amazing!

For baked chicken with apples, we need:

  • 2 kg of chicken;
  • 3-4 apples;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. honey;
  • 2st.L. lemon zest;
  • salt, pepper;
  • favorite spices (thyme, oregano, turmeric).

Preparing the marinade. Mix honey, lemon zest, salt, pepper and spices. Spices can be chosen arbitrarily. Of course, turmeric and thyme are very suitable for baking chicken, but this does not mean that with a different set of spices it will turn out worse. But the combination of honey and lemon zest in the marinade is a classic, the best option. Grind the poultry carcass on the outside and inside with the marinade. We send to the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. If there is no time, it doesn’t matter! It can be baked after 15-20 minutes, but the embedded chicken will be much tastier.

We cut garlic finely, apples, if necessary, can be cut into pieces, cleaning from the middle. We stuff the chicken with garlic and apples. We take a needle with a thick thread, sew the chicken. We tie the legs with a thread. This is done so that the legs are tightly pressed to the carcass and do not burn in the process of cooking.

We spread the chicken entirely with apples on a baking sheet and put in the oven. We bake 2 hours at a temperature of 180 degrees. In the process of baking, water the chicken with juice and fat, which was formed on a baking sheet. We take out the finished ruddy chicken out of the oven, let it cool for 15-20 minutes, and remove all the strings that we sewed the carcass. We take out apples from the middle of the chicken.

We make a dish. On the salad leaves laid out on a large flat plate, we place the chicken. Near it we spread apples, complement the picture with cut vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs. Chicken stuffed with apples and baked in the oven can eat both hot and cold. The meat does not lose its aroma and juiciness.

Chicken with apples in a slow cooker


If you are a happy owner of a multicooker, cooking chicken will become a mild unrelevant task.


  • chicken carcass 1.5-1.8 kg;
  • 2-3 apples;
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • salt, pepper;
  • spices "Provencal herbs"

We begin to prepare this amazingly juicy and aromatic dish with washing the carcass of chicken. Slightly dry the chicken with a paper towel.

To prepare the marinade, mix vegetable oil, garlic, sold through a press, salt, pepper, dry Provencal herbs.

We rub the carcass of a bird with a marinade inside and out. We leave for 2-3 hours in a cool place so that the meat is marinated. It is better to pickle homemade chicken at night, then the meat will definitely be soft.

Cut the apples in large slices and stuff the chicken. So that the apples do not fall out, pinch the skin of the chicken with toothpicks.

We send chicken stuffed with apples to the multicooker bowl. We will cook in the "baking" mode for 50 minutes. Turn on the slow cooker and forget about the chicken. After this time, the bird must be turned over and add another 30 minutes of baking. We get a uniform golden crust. We put the finished chicken on a beautiful dish, we take out the slices of apples and serve as a side dish. We complement the plate with vegetables and herbs.

Chicken in the sleeve with apples and tangerines


The baking sleeve greatly facilitates the cooking process. The meat cooked in the sleeve is very juicy, soft and fragrant. The juice that stands out during the preparation process does not stem, but impregnates the carcass from all sides. The use of citrus fruits in the preparation of chicken, gives the meat a unique soft aroma. In this recipe, chicken with apples use tangerines.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 1.5-2 kg of chicken carcass;
  • 2 apples;
  • 2 tangerine;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • salt, pepper;
  • 5 tbsp. soy sauce;
  • spices for chicken are “alert”.

To prepare the marinade, mix soy sauce, salt, pepper, garlic, sold through the press, and spices for chicken. Spices can be taken as you like, in this case, spices with dry herbs and turmeric are used, which are called: spices for chicken are “in the same way”.

Rub the washed and sample carcass with marinade, leave for 2-3 hours. Do not forget to grate the middle of the chicken.

The blown chicken is stuffed with slices of apples and tangerines. It is better not to clean the tangerines from the skin, but simply cut into slices. We roll the skin toothpicks so that the apples do not get enough sleep, and place it in the sleeve. We put the chicken in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for 1-1.5 hours. If you like a crunchy crust, cut the sleeve at the end of cooking, and bake the chicken for 10-15 minutes. A bird prepared according to such a recipe is fragrant mandarin zest. Very tasty!

Chicken with apples and potatoes


A chicken baked with apples and potatoes is a hearty delicious dinner for a large family. And what aromas walk in the kitchen and do not give household calmly to wait for a meal!

We start cooking. We will need such products:

  • 1.5-2 kg of chicken carcass;
  • 800 g of potatoes;
  • 2-3 apples;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 tbsp. mayonnaise;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt, pepper;
  • oregano.

Rinse the poultry carcass and dry. The dried skin in the future forms a delicious rosy crisp. We prepare the marinade: we squeeze the juice from the lemon, mix lemon juice with salt, pepper and garlic, sold through the press. Add oregano. If there is fresh oregano, it is better to use green leaves. The essential oils contained in the greens of this plant fill the marinade with aroma and freshness. In winter, you can use dried oregano, it is sold in spices. In some cooks, Oregano is considered unsurpassed seasoning for chicken meat.

We rub the bird with a marinade, leave in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours so that it “makes friends” with aromas of lemon juice and oregano.

We clean the potatoes from the peel, wash, cut into rather large pieces. Potatoes should prepare with the chicken, it is about an hour and a half. Cut the carrots with plates. We clean the apples from the core, cut into four parts.

If the bird has already been marked, we fill it with apples. Sew or fasten the chicken with toothpicks. We spread the stuffed chicken in a deep baking dish.

We salt the purified dried potatoes, mix with mayonnaise and spread around the chicken. We lay carrots and pieces of the remaining apples on top of the potatoes. Cooking time at 200 degrees 1-1.5 hours. We make sure that the oven is not too hot, and the chicken is baked evenly. If the bird is not baked in the middle, but dries on top, you can use foil. Cover the top of the shape for 20-30 minutes and bring the meat to readiness.

This recipe is convenient in that at the table everyone can choose to taste: meat with a side dish, only meat or just a side dish. All will be full and satisfied! Try different options for marinades, different spices and on your table there will always be a new chicken dish.

Chicken stuffed with apples and prunes. Video

The video clearly demonstrates the whole process of preparing this wonderful delicious dish.



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