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How to make a home condensed milk

How to make a home condensed milk
Ways to make delicious homemade condensed milk.

Many remember the taste of traditional condensed milk - it is from childhood. Currently, canned condensed milk is presented on sale, the taste and composition of which are often far from ideal. If you want to please yourself and your loved ones with a condensed milk, prepared according to the classic recipe from natural ingredients, it's time to cook it at home. Such a product in its taste is often significantly exceeds store, condensed milk.

How to make a condensed milk: useful recommendations

To prepare a useful and mouth -watering dish, some secrets of cooking condensed milk should be taken into account. Experienced housewives note the following features:

  • to make a condensed milk, it is recommended to use milk in which the cream is not yet separated (the best choice is homemade paired). When using pasteurized milk, choose a product of greater fat content (optimally 3%-5%);
  • checking the quality of homemade milk is not difficult to check, dripping a small drop from the lid on the hand - if it spreads, then the milk was diluted;
  • milk can be replaced with the same amount of cream (25-30% fat);
  • to exclude the handle of condensed milk, you need to use dishes with a thick bottom. In addition, a low bowl of suitable sizes or a basin for cooking jam is suitable for effective moisture evaporation;
  • to get a homogeneous mass, you can add a little soda at the beginning of cooking to the container (literally on the tip of the knife);
  • the classic recipe for condensed milk (exclusively from milk and sugar) can be successfully diversified by adding natural milk to the prepared ingredients. According to reviews, many taste of such condensed milk like even more;
  • to make a delicious condensed milk, use reed sugar - it has a significant crystallization and a more saturated taste;
  • you need to cook condensed milk on the stove, periodically mixing with a wooden spoon to prevent the handling and running of milk;
  • in the process of preparation, it is necessary to remove the test from time to time so as not to miss the desired stage of readiness, otherwise, instead of a half -liquid condensed milk, you can get a thick “boar”. In hot form, the homemade condensed milk is usually semi -liquid, after cooling it thickening. If during cooling the milk becomes much more thick and viscous, then the boiling process can be stopped. The volume of the finished product will be approximately equal to the number of sugar used as part of the suitable dish;
  • for storage of condensed milk, it is recommended to use glass containers. Place the condensed milk in the refrigerator (after cooling it will become even thicker). As necessary, select the right amount of the product with a dry and clean spoon from the can - in this case, condensed milk can be stored for a long time.

How to make a home condensed milk

According to Soviet GOSTs, in condensed milk welded from the sweetened mixture of whole and skim milk, the sugar content is about 50%, fat - about 30%.

In addition, the “correct” condensed milk should contain twice as much dry substances (not considering sugar) than the initially taken milk. At the same time, sugar also plays the role of a preservative - high -quality condensed milk can be stored in the refrigerator for a month.

Currently, you can find many variations on the topic of condensed milk on sale - in order to save, many manufacturers add vegetable fats, soy products, thickeners and preservatives to it, while the content of natural milk in such a product is minimal.

Natural, delicious and tasty condensed milk can be made at home on your own. There are several ways to prepare it. You can make condensed milk at home as follows:

  • reding the dairy mass on the stove or in a water bath;
  • having prepared it in a slow cooker or a double boiler.

To make a home condensed milk on the stove, it will take at least an hour of time, depending on the method of preparation, temperature regime, as well as the desired consistency of the product. Having increased the time of temperature treatment, it is easy to make a condensed milk boiled, reminiscent of the taste and consistency of Irisk. Gradually, in the process of prolonged cooking, the milk shade of the product will change to a darker caramel, the consistency will become dense and viscous.

How to make condensed milk on a stove

In order to cook condensed milk on the stove, you will need a pan with a thick bottom.

There are several basic recipes for making condensed milk on the stove:

  1. The traditional method is pour 1 liter of milk into a pan (with a fat content of 3%) and add 1 cup of sugar, mix thoroughly and put on medium heat. When the milk boils, reduce the fire to the minimum. It is necessary to cook condensed milk, stirring periodically until the mass of fluid is evaporated to a third of the initial volume. At the end of cooking, add vanilla sugar, turn off the heat and wait for the cooling of the condensed milk.  In a hot state, the milk mass is semi -liquid, after cooling it is hardened to a thick and viscous consistency. The result is a condensed cream -colored milk with a traditional taste.                                     
  1. Condensed milk - pour 400 g of sugar into a pan, add 100 ml of water and bring the mixture to a boil, and then boil for a couple of minutes. Pour 1 liter of milk into a pan, heat, after a boil, cook over low heat, often stirring, within one and a half to two hours until thickened.
  2. Condensed milk with butter - you need 300 g of powdered sugar and two glasses of milk, as well as 30 g of butter. It is necessary to place oil and powdered sugar in a pan, add butter and put on a minimum fire. The mixture is necessary, constantly mixing, slowly bring to a boil. Next, cook the condensed milk over low heat for 10 minutes, not forgetting to stir. In hot state, beat the condensed milk with a blender or a mixer and pour into a glass jar. After cooling, place the condensed milk in the refrigerator.
  3. Chocolate condensed milk-prepare a syrup of 250 g of sugar and 4 tablespoons of water, share a thin stream of half a liter of milk into a pan. This mixture must be brought to a boil and cook over low heat to thicken, stirring from time to time to avoid the formation of lumps and burning. At the end of cooking, add 1 tbsp to milk. Cocoa powder (it is recommended to sift its milk mass through a sieve-for uniform dissolution in condensed milk) and boil for a minute.

How to make a condensed milk in a steam bath

It is quite convenient to make condensed milk in a water bath, so this method minimizes the likelihood of burning a milk mixture. In addition, thanks to soft temperature treatment, in the dish the dish will remain in thus the dish.


To make a condensed milk in a steam bath, prepare the following products:

  • 0.5 liters of milk of high fat content or cream;
  • 600 g of sugar;
  • 300 g of milk powder;
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar.

In addition, to make condensed milk, two pots of different diameters, or a metal bucket and a pan, will be needed.

How to make a condensed milk in a steam bath:

  1. Put water on the stove in a larger pan for heating.
  2. In a smaller container, mix all the ingredients, except vanilla - it is recommended to add it at the end of cooking. The presence of some lumps in the mixture is allowed, because In the process of heating in a water bath, they will dissolve in the total mass of the liquid.
  3. After boiling the water in the pan, place a bucket with a prepared mixture in it and cook for an hour, while it is necessary to stir it from time to time.
  4. After cooling the prepared condensed milk, beat it with a whisk or in the bowl of the blender to give a delicate homogeneous consistency, and then place it in a suitable container and put in the refrigerator.

As the condensed car is cooling, it will acquire a fairly thick consistency.

How to make a condensed milk in a slow cooker and a bread machine

Many housewives who have tried to make condensed milk according to this recipe in a slow cooker, consider this method of cooking extremely successful.

Such a condensed milk is characterized by a soft delicate consistency, as well as a pleasant rich taste that resembles both a classic version and a boiled condensed milk.

Multicar processing modes allow you to get an exceptionally useful product, while it is easy to make a thick condensed milk, having achieved the desired degree of density. In the process of preparation from a mixture of homemade natural milk and whole powdered milk, excess fluids are evaporated with the addition of sugar, while the maximum nutrients are preserved as a result of thickening.

The following ingredients will be required for cooking:

  • 2 cups of milk;
  • 1.5 cups of dry whole milk;
  • 2 cups of sugar.


To make a condensed milk in a slow cooker, you will need to do the following sequence of actions:

  1. Pour milk milk and sugar into a separate container (deep bowl), pour milk there and mix with a corolla until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  2. Pour the milk with sugar into the multicooker bowl, start the "soup" mode for a quarter of an hour, while you do not need to close the lid.
  3. After boiling the mixture, activate the “baking” mode for 10-15 minutes (depending on the desired condensation of condensed milk). To make a boiled condensed milk, increase the temperature treatment time in the slow cooker after boiling to 20 minutes. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the prepared dish and periodically stir milk in order to avoid lumps and handling.
  4. After turning off the slow cooker, you should wait for the cooling of the milk mass to room temperature. To obtain a more delicate and homogeneous consistency of condensed milk, it is recommended to whip it in a blender bowl or using a mixer.
  5. Pour the finished condensed milk into a suitable dish.

Cursing is ready, pleasant appetite!

Similarly, you can prepare condensed milk using the “Extinguishing” mode (within half an hour after boiling) - this low -temperature regime is effective for languishing the milk mixture. Upon reaching a light-kernel, it will reach a sufficient degree of thickening. After the end of the preparation, you can leave condensed milk in the bowl of the multicooker until cool.


To impregnate cake cakes, you can make a half -liquid condensed milk from milk in a bread machine. To do this, dissolve a glass of sugar in 500 ml of milk, pour into the bowl and run the "jam" mode (cooking time - an hour and a half). To get a thick consistency, you will need to continue cooking in the bread machine at the same time.

Dishes with condensed milk

Most likely, you will not have to rack your head what can be done from condensed milk - usually it is eaten very quickly. The condensed car prepared at home is perfect for various refreshing drinks, it can be consumed “in the bite” with white bread or pancakes, added to tea and coffee, as well as in ice cream. There are many recipes using condensed milk - for example, you can impregnate cakes for a cake, bake cookies and puddings with it. As a filling for some types of baking - for example, sand “nuts”, it is convenient to use a boiled condensed milk.

In addition, there are many desserts based on this product, primarily all kinds of creams with condensed milk. Recipes of cream and chocolate cream with condensed milk are popular. To make a similar cream made of condensed milk, which is distinguished by a delicious look and taste, is not difficult. To prepare it, softened butter is mixed with condensed milk with a mixer, gradually adding the rest of the ingredients - sugar, vanilla, and also if you wish, cocoa. It is recommended to cover the cake or roll with this cream immediately after cooking, without waiting for the arrangement of butter.


How to make a condensed milk - video



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