
Black face mask from black dots

Black face mask from black dots
So that your skin shine purity and freshness, treat her black mask from black dots. And our article will tell you how to prepare this cosmetic.

The skin of the face, destroyed by the painted black dots, looks like fad and unhealthy. What to say, the comedones do not represent any danger to our health, but the appearance spoil terribly! It is good that the problem can be solved on your own without spending money on expensive cosmetologists. Improve its reflection in the mirror will help a black face mask at home. We decided to devote our article to this original method of treating the skin.

Forever get rid of black dots, or comedones, it is impossible. Even the owner of a healthy and absolutely clean (at first glance) skin forced from time to time to fight this cosmetic defect. The reason for the inexperiencedness of this unpleasant phenomenon is very simple: the formation of black points is the continuous activity of the sebaceous glands on the production of skin saline. Together with then and microscopic particles of dirt from the environment, this substance blocks the skin pores with a ugly "plug" of dark or black.

Of course, this is not a reason to lower your hands, especially since regular and persistent skin care improves its condition and helps maintain sufficient tone and fresh look. Yes, and self-esteem increases: our subconscious makes us much more attractive in your own eyes, if you make a certain effort and time to care. So, one of the numerous procedures for getting rid of the skin of the face from black points are cosmetics based on activated carbon. Now you understand why they are called black?


Where comedones come from

Dermatologists call several fundamental factors, because of which the good half of the female population suffers:

  1. Insufficient or improper skin care. First of all, it means the quality of the purification of the face. Successfully selected foam for washing and tonic for skin refreshing are capable of transforming you to be unrecognizable in a few moments. And vice versa - not suitable for your skin type cosmetics or the absence of a cleansing procedure as such as natural beauty is very fast.
  2. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as excessive use of sweet, greasy, in a word, unhealthy food contribute to the appearance of black dots. There are also bad habits in the form of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages that dried the skin of the face, pulling valuable oxygen from it. If you don't even come one time - reconsider your menu, refuse cigarettes - over time, the number of comedones on the face will only increase.
  3. Hormonal "breakdown". It can occur in the body after severe stress, against the background of serious illness or as a result of a very hard diet. This will inevitably affect the face of the skin of the face, which is a kind of mirror reflection of what is happening inside our body.
  4. Poor-quality cosmetics. Yes, yes, a frivolous attitude to the choice of leaving and ornamental cosmetics can also play a bad joke with your skin.

Of course, it will be much easier to solve the problem of black dots if you find out the truth of the reason for their appearance. In this you can help a qualified cosmetologist dermatologist.

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Features of the external influence of activated carbon on the skin

A home first aid kit is difficult to imagine without activated carbon. Its cleansing effect on the stomach and intestines in food and drug intoxication is known to everyone. Recently, women began to use activated carbon in the composition of face masks, instantly turning black pills into a popular cosmetics. Enthusiastic reviews on women's forums indicate the real efficacy of the drug.

As it represents this natural medicine. To obtain activated carbon, fill and mix poplar, birch, spruce, pine and some other breeds of coniferous and deciduous trees. All the cleansing qualities of the natural product are stored when mixing cosmetic masks. A black face mask with activated carbon in a short time will significantly correct the appearance of anyone, even very unhealthy problem areas. Your age and skin type do not matter.


Most of all the effect of the use of a black coal mask is noticeable on the fat skin. Activated coal slightly reduces the intensity of the work of the sebaceous glands on the face, due to which the extended pores are noticeably narrowed, and the number of acne is declining. The use of black healing masks by courses allows you to make the skin of the face smoothly - it is easy to say goodbye to its rough and uneven surface.

The activated carbon molecules penetrate into the depth of contaminated pores and split the rigorous corks that are clocked. The effectiveness of the black mask is significantly increased, if you use gelatin, along with coal.

Some women do not use coal masks for the face due to a specific black color, erroneously believing that the pores on the skin pollute even more. This is the root incorrect judgment: the natural composition of the activated carbon-based mask is absolutely harmless to the face. Moreover, activated skin impact on the skin effect can compete with expensive facial cleansing agents that are sold in cosmetic stores.


Rules for cooking a black cosmetic mask

Prepare such a cosmetics is very simple, but there are certain recommendations even in such a simple matter. Be sure to remember them:

  1. In leather care, use only fresh activated carbon. You can define it like this: fresh tablet quickly scatters, if you press it with a spoon, and the old under pressure is warm up very hard.
  2. Activated coal - hypoallergenic substance. But if you plan to use a combined mask with additional ingredients, certainly spend the skin test on the sensitive skin of the wrist.
  3. A significant reduction in the number of inflamed acne and black points is achieved due to the systematic use of black masks: 1 time per week for 1.5 - 2.5 months. Repeated therapeutic course can be passed 10 weeks after the first.
  4. Before applying a black mask, the skin of the face needs to spare well, sidewood with a towel-covered head over a bowl with hot water. Then the microparticles of activated coal will be able to penetrate the pores quite deeply to push the dirty tube from there.
  5. For the effectiveness of the cosmetic mask, specialists advise to combine the cleansing potential of activated carbon with other useful substances. For example, in parallel with coal, food gelatin is often used. The tool when drying turns on the face into a film that removes the entire fat and dirt from the surface of the skin, which pushed the coal. For dry-type skin, coal masks are ideal for the addition of milk or yogurt.
  6. The best mask from black dots is in practice. Carefully monitor the condition of your skin: when you see that later several cosmetic sessions, it has noticeably smoothed, it means that you are not mistaken with the recipe. If visible results are missing, try changing the composition of the black mask.


Go to practice: Recipes of black masks

A large accumulation of black dots on the face is a call for immediate action. Pain the tablets of activated carbon from the pharmacy and start experimenting. Secondary additives for the mask share special attention: it is unacceptable to use old or spoiled ingredients. Fresh gelatin has crumbly consistency, a good cosmetic clay does not have additives, and milk it should be home.

Coal mask with gelatin

Split in powder 1 tablet activated coal and connect it from 1 tsp. Food gelatin. Fill the resulting mixture of 2 h. L. Milk or purified water and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Now place the container with the future facial mask in the microwave smoothly for 15 seconds. Conducting the therapeutic mixture of the skin only after the total cooling of the substance. Apply a black mask locally - to the places where the skin is amazed with acne and black dots. Wait for a complete drying of the mixture, and then picked up her edge of the nail and carefully remove the solid plate from the face. This black face mask for the face will surprise you as an instantaneous effect, since ugly black points on the nose and chin will noticeably pale after its first application.


Gelatin face mask from black dots

Since we started talking about masks films, remember another interesting recipe, for the preparation of which you need one gelatin. This substance knows how to "pull out" silent deposits from the pore no worse than activated coal. Mix 1 tbsp. l. Milk with 1 tbsp. l. Gelatin and put in the microwave for 10 seconds. Enjoy the adhesive mixture, and then evenly apply it to the skin of the face without spaces. It is most convenient to do this with a cosmetic tassel. After a quarter of an hour, remove the dried film from the face. Feeling how together with gelatin goes away is all unnecessary?

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Black clay mask for face

1 Crumpled activated carbon tablet Mix from 1 tsp. Black clay. Mix solvent 1 tbsp. l. warm homemade milk, and then add it 1 tsp. gelatin. Wait for some time that the gelatin sweeps, after which you completely dissolve all the ingredients in the water bath. When the mixture cools, apply it to problem areas of skin and "Forget about it" for 15 minutes. Mask from black clay is not the only panacea from black dots. Instead of black clay for cleansing and transfiguration of skin, you can use clay green or blue.

Mask from black dots with yogurt

Powder obtained from 1 tablet activated coal, mix with 2 tbsp. l. Natural yogurt, then dilute the mixture of 1 tsp. Fresh lemon juice. The action time applied to the face mask is 15 minutes. The cooked film does not form a film, so it is simply washed with warm water.


Black Point Mask with Aloe Juice

1 tsp. Black coal powder mix from 1 tsp. Juice squeezed from aloe sheet. Divide the resulting casczyce mass of 1 tbsp. l. water, then add there 2 droplets of tea tree oil and ½ h. Sea salts (without dye). The regular use of this tool will help you to defeat inflamed and subcutaneous acne, clean the pores, and also the skin cells with valuable trace elements.

Black Mask from Black Points with Honey

First, prepare the powder of 1 tablet of activated carbon. Now add 1 tsp. Natural honey and pinch cinnamon. The mask effectively eliminates the weaves on the skin and reduces the severity of the comedone. Before it is applied, do not forget to test the allergic reaction to the wrist.

Black masks for lazy

If you do not like to mess around with the preparation of cosmetics in the kitchen, but you wish to look wonderful, you can just buy a black face mask. The composition of finished cosmetics contains charcoal, herbal extracts, essential oils, vitamins and combinations of useful trace elements.

According to the texture that the finished remedy becomes after applying to the skin, they are divided into scrubs, films, creams and masks with a hydrogel effect. The most popular brands that help women become more beautiful today are Pilaten, Freeman, Origins and Blackout.


Manufacturers of black masks argue that the finished product:

  • eliminates comedones;
  • struggles with eczema;
  • smoothes small wrinkles;
  • removes redness and reduces extended pores;
  • lines the surface of the skin of the face;
  • satisfies skin cells with oxygen.

Summing up, we note: feminine beauty is the result of tireless care and daily painstaking work on yourself. It doesn't matter what means to face you decide to try on myself once again - home or purchased. The main thing, never stop in search of an ideal beauty formula and nature will definitely reward you for your efforts a brilliant view of fresh and clean skin.

Black Mask from black dots: What does it look in practice? Video


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