
The healing properties of hop cones are indications, contraindications. The use of hop cones for hair and chest. How to use hop conels at home

The healing properties of hop cones are indications, contraindications. The use of hop cones for hair and chest. How to use hop conels at home
Home cones, their beneficial properties and harm. Recipes from hop cones for treatment and beauty

The beneficial properties of hop cones have found application in the medical and cosmetological field. How to harvest vegetable raw materials, from which and how to use it we will tell in this article.

Home cone

A product such as hop cones can be found in specialized pharmacies, but it is more convenient to prepare them yourself in the required quantity. Here are a few recommendations on this subject:

  1. First of all, you need to know when collecting hop cones. It is recommended to do this in mid -August, before the raw materials are completely renounced. It is better to focus on the color-it should be greenish-yellow.
  2. Pay attention to the form of cones - scales should not be very protruding. There are many seeds in cones with such scales, but there is just few main useful substance - Lupulin. The healing properties of such hop cones will be minimal.
  3. Raw materials are collected along with pedicels. If you cut off the cones without stalks, then after drying they will crumble.
  4. Dry the plants in the shade, and to speed up the process, lay them out with a thin layer on any cotton fabric. After drying, the raw materials should remain fragrant and elastic, maintain your natural shade.
  5. It is not recommended to bind hops in bundles and drying in a limbo, since in this position it will lose its same useful lupulin, for which the plant is harvested.
  6. Packs are stored in dried form for 3 years. Lupulin, which is obtained by sifting raw materials through a sieve, has the form of golden powder. It can be saved in glass containers.

The price of hop cones, if you want to purchase them ready -made, is quite acceptable. Although many trust themselves and try to stock up on a medicinal plant on their own.

What is the benefit of hop cones

Hop cones were found not only in folk, but also in classical medicine. Their useful components are included in some drugs. For example, plant essential oil is part of the “Valocordin” - a soothing drug used for insomnia, neurosis, intestinal spasm. In any pharmacy, you can buy a "Valosedan", where the cones of the hops in the form of infusion are also one of the components.

Let us consider in detail what the benefit of this plant is and under what ailments it can be used:

  1. Initially, the properties of a diuretic, blood -treatment and choleretic agent were attributed to hops. Even in ancient times, culture was used to treat diseases of the digestive tract.
  2. In the 19th century, the main active substance was given a medical name - Lupulin. Lupulin is contained in the glands of hops and acts as a sedative when taken orally. If you add the component to the composition of ointments and creams, then you can use them externally to remove inflammation in places of abscesses and abscesses.
  3. Hmel cones do not only antiseptic, but also analgesic effect. With their help, radiculitis, arthritis, scabies, various fungal diseases, bruises and burns are treated.
  4. If you prepare a decoction from the plant, then with its help you can deal with baldness, strengthen the roots of the hair.
  5. The decoction is also added to the baths, taking which, you can facilitate the manifestations of nephritis and rheumatism.
  6. Infusion of hop cones treat diseases of the bladder, liver and biliary. It also helps to gain visual acuity, and is also used as part of complex therapy for cancer diseases of the lungs, stomach and liver.
  7. Hops are considered a general strengthening tool that increases immunity.
  8. It not only soothes the nerves well and helps to fight stress and tension, but also effectively eliminates headache.
  9. Hmel cones are useful for women. On their basis, teas are prepared that help fight menopause and menstrual disorders.

Hamel cones, contraindications

Despite the numerous beneficial properties of hop cones, they, like any medicine, have a list of contraindications and can be harmful for some reasons:

  1. Hops - a plant that accumulates harmful substances from air, water and earth. If hops grow next to the broadband highways or simply often loaded roads, factories, factories - collecting its cones for treatment is not recommended.
  2. The plant has good sedative properties and is considered an effective relaxant. For this reason, it is impossible to use it uncontrollably, otherwise instead of benefit you can greatly harm the nervous system. Even for the preparation of home decoctions, it is better to first get a specialist consultation.
  3. Hmel’s fragrant cones cannot be breathed too long - this sometimes leads to a headache and nausea.
  4. The abuse or improper dosage of alcohol tinctures of the plant can also cause dizziness, headaches and even vomiting. That is why you need to carefully study the instructions for drugs where hop cones enter the component composition.
  5. It is better to refuse drugs with hops in the composition to those who are going to drive in the near future.
  6. Like many plants, hops are able to cause allergic reactions. They appear in the form of cough, sneezing, redness of the eyes or runny nose.

Folk recipes of funds from hop cones

Infusion from stress and insomnia from hop cones

Those who suffer from sleep disorders are in a state of nervous stress, has hard work or simply often experience stress, it is recommended to prepare the infusion according to the following recipe:

  1. Take 1 part of dried mint leaves, mix with 5 parts of hop cones and the same amount of motherwort. You can add a little valerian root to this tool if there are no contraindications to such a component.
  2. Mix the components and measure 2 tbsp.
  3. Pour herbs 1 liter of boiling water. Let them brew at least 10 hours.
  4. Such a tool is drunk 100 ml 3 times a day before eating.

Simple tea from hop cones will also save from insomnia. 1 tbsp. Boil in 250 ml of water and drink 1 hour before bedtime.

Dried hop cones can be filled with pillows and put them next to you during sleep.

Remedy for joint diseases from hop cones

Joint pains are concerned about the older generation and often younger people. You can get rid of unpleasant sensations with a folk remedy:

  1. 1 tbsp. The hop of hop is grind very finely to get a powder.
  2. Any vegetable oil is added to the powder, adjusting the consistency. The approximate amount is 4 tbsp, although there are more or less. The mixture should be thick.
  3. The mass is applied to sore joints and wound them with a film, then covered with a cloth.
  4. Such a natural ointment from bruises helps, it also relieves skin inflammation well.

The second version of a similar recipe looks like this:

  1. 1 tbsp. The cone of the hop should be made in a glass of water by about 2 times.
  2. The decoction should be cooled, measured 1 tbsp. And mix with 4 tbsp.
  3. The tool helps from abrasions, bruises and hematomas, relieves pain with radiculitis and arthritis.

Infusion for the treatment of kidneys and bladder from hop cones

For the treatment of kidney and bladder diseases, it is recommended to drink infusion of hop cones:

  1. 1 tbsp. Raw materials are brewed 1 liter of boiling water.
  2. In a water bath, the liquid is languished for 20 minutes.
  3. Before eating three times a day, you need to drink 50 ml of the product, washed down with a glass of clean boiled water.

The use of hop cones to increase the bust

In the cones of the hops there is a phytoestroogen - a plant analogue of the estrogen hormone that regulates the function of the female reproductive system. Now in many sources you can find information that hop cones are used to enlarge the breast. Indeed, obtaining an additional dose of female sex hormones can give a similar effect, although any games with a hormonal background can be dangerous and lead to unpredictable or sad consequences. If we talk about recipes, then 2 options are most common:

  1. Infusion of hop cones for breast augmentation. For him, take 1 tbsp. dry raw materials and insist in 1 liter of boiling water for the night. It is advisable to fill the bumps with boiling water in the thermos. This tool is consumed half a glass half an hour before meals no more than 3 times a day. For more than 1 month, such an infusion is not recommended to drink, after you need to take a break.
  2. Hop cones - composition used externally. Such oil is ready in a pharmacy, but some make it themselves. 1 zhmena of cones is grinding into powder, add 100 g of any vegetable oil, mix and set to stand. Every day for 2 weeks, the oil is well overdue. It is stored in a dark place, it is desirable that the container itself is made of dark glass. After 2 weeks, the oil is filtered and rubbed every day into the chest and neckline. The course lasts at least 3 months.

Using hop cones for cosmetic purposes

According to users, hops cones are a good cosmetic product. Their rich composition has a beneficial effect on hair and skin. Consider several useful beauty recipes:

  1. Infusion of hop cones to cleanse the face - reduces skin greasy, eliminates acne and pimples, minimizes small wrinkles. For the means of 1 tbsp. Dry cones are brewed in a glass of boiling water and languished for 5 minutes on the stove. Cool, filter and use liquid like a tonic, wetting a cotton swab and wiping the skin daily in the morning and evening.
  2. A decoction of hair cones for hair is an effective tool for strengthening follicles. A decoction is prepared from 5 tbsp. raw materials and 0.5 l of boiling water. The liquid is languished over low heat for 15 minutes and cool for half an hour. After washing the head with a decoction, the hair is rinsed. The procedure is performed 3 times a week.

Hop cones, photo:

Using hop cones. Video



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