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The role and effect of magnesium for the human body. Signs, symptoms, diagnosis of lack of magnesium in the body. What to do with a lack of magnesium. Treatment of magnesium deficiency in the body

The role and effect of magnesium for the human body. Signs, symptoms, diagnosis of lack of magnesium in the body. What to do with a lack of magnesium. Treatment of magnesium deficiency in the body
The article talks about why magnesium is needed in the body, and how the lack of magnesium in the body affects a person.

The presence of minerals in the human body in sufficient quantities is vital. Phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron - all these elements and their compounds directly affect the general state of human health and the quality of his life. One of the main elements in our body is magnesium. About what he is needed for, and how an excess of magnesium in the body and its shortage affects a person, we will tell further.

The role of magnesium in the body. The value of magnesium for the body

Despite the fact that magnesium in pure substance in the human body contains only 70 grams, it plays a large role in its functioning. The largest amount of this element is concentrated in bone tissue (up to 60%), brain, heart and other organs in the form of solutions.

Consider the functions of magnesium in the body. So, entering into reaction with various substances, magnesium takes part in almost all processes of metabolism, the main of which are:

  • Glucose splitting.
  • Cleaning the body of toxic elements.
  • Energy disposal.

There is also the next benefit of magnesium for the body:

  • Magnesium is extremely necessary for the normal digestiveness of B vitamins (in 6 and in 1), Vitamin S.
  • One of the main functions that this element performs is to contribute to the stability of the cell during its development. This is very important for children who have a rapid growth of the body, as well as for adults, to accelerate cell regeneration.
  • The main element in the body with which magnesium interacts is calcium. In their action, they are antagonists and compensate for each other in the process of contraction of the muscles and tone of blood vessels. If calcium contributes to the contraction of muscles and the tone of the walls of blood vessels, then magnesium - on the contrary, relaxes muscle tissue and reduces the tone. This is why the body of the human body needs.

The effect of magnesium on the work of the cardiovascular system in the body

The concentration of magnesium in the human body directly affects the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. In most patients with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, a lack of magnesium in the body can be found in the body - hypomagnium.

Characteristics and description of hypomagnesia:

  • The lack of this mineral substance causes the rapid accumulation of blood cholesterol, which is the cause of vascular atherosclerosis. This is due to the fact that magnesium regulates the production of lecithin, which takes an active part in lipid metabolism.
  • Hypomagnium also reduces the resistance of cell membranes, which adversely affects their development.
  • Lack of magnesium in the body can lead to the occurrence of heart arrhythmias, an increase in the risk of hypertension. Thus, studies have shown that the constant use of magnesium -containing products in the indicated dosages leads to a persistent decrease in blood pressure up to 3 mm. R.S.
  • With a lack of magnesium in the body of a woman, the production of most hormones decreases.
  • Hypomagnium also prevents the absorption of calcium and potassium, which are very important for uninterrupted heart function.

Magnesium level and balance in the body

The main sources of magnesium in the human body are water and food:

  • Almost all cereals, nuts, legumes, dried fruits, dried apricots and prunes are rich in this element.
  • Also, the high magnesium content is located in greenery, sea fish and many medicinal plants, such as nettles, calendula, celandine, yarrow and others.

The human body receives this element through the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, its absorption occurs along the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the duodenum.

However, the body will still not be able to fully provide itself with magnesium. Firstly, a person will not be able to eat such a amount of products to completely cover the daily need for magnesium. And secondly, he needs other minerals, such as phosphorus and calcium, which block the absorption of magnesium. Plant fats also have the same effect, so a spinach with vegetable oil will not be able to give the body a sufficient amount of mineral. A lot of magnesium is often lost when processing products. So, in a peel of raw potato, a high content of this substance. However, it would never occur to anyone to eat potato cleaning. That is why to maintain the balance of magnesium in the body, it is necessary to integrate use of vitamin and mineral complexes that can give the body the necessary amount of not only this, but also other minerals.

How to determine the level of magnesium in the body? For this there is a special laboratory blood test:

  • Analysis of magnesium in the body is most often carried out on an empty stomach. At the same time, before the surrender of venous blood, you can not smoke or take drugs with magnesium.
  • The norm of magnesium in the body for an adult is 0.66-1.07 mmol/L, for a child-0.7-1.2.

Symptoms of a lack of magnesium in the body

The deficiency of magnesium in the human body is not immediately manifested. Hypomagnium is rolled up as a snowball and begins to manifest itself in the case when the lack of this substance is already quite serious:

  • One of the most obvious signs of a lack of magnesium in the body is chronic fatigue syndrome. A person feels a breakdown even after a long holiday. Symptoms are complicated by constant headaches, reducing attention, memory. Muscles, tremor and even convulsions may occur.
  • From the side of the cardiovascular system, malfunctions of the heart, an increase in blood pressure, a decrease in the tone of blood vessels are observed. Against the backdrop of a decrease in potassium digestibility, for which magnesium is necessary in the body, symptoms of heart disorders increase.

Typically, these symptoms are not distinguished and the diagnosis of “hypomagnesia” is very rare. In the process of treating hypertension, patients are prescribed magnesium preparations to improve the general condition.

Causes of magnesium deficiency in the body

Hypomagnium can be primary or secondary. The first chronic form occurs most often due to the congenital pathology of magnesium metabolism in the body. As a rule, it is diagnosed already in the later stages and is treated as a separate disease very rarely. Secondary forms most often arise due to unbalanced and poor-quality nutrition. “Skew” towards fatty foods or the use of a large number of products containing calcium reduces the digestibility of magnesium. In addition to improper nutrition, the cause of magnesium deficiency can be:

  • Alcoholism.
  • Heavy diets.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which magnesium absorption decreases.
  • Pathologies of the kidneys in which treatment is carried out by diuretics.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Active sports, frequent visits to the sauna.
  • Violation of the acid-base balance in the body.
  • Chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, hormonal functional disorders can increase the lack of magnesium in the body.

Prevention and treatment of a deficiency of magnesium

The deficiency of magnesium in the body is compensated by the increase in the diet of products that contain this element, as well as taking complex drugs containing magnesium asparaginate. From products, it is recommended to increase the use of buckwheat, liver, beef, nuts, cottage cheese, etc. Correction of a lack of magnesium in the body is often included in the complex for the treatment of cancer, toxic poisoning, heart function, severe allergic reactions.

Excess of magnesium in the body

In the human body, everything should be balanced. That is why an excess of magnesium does not lead to anything good, just like its drawback. The main symptoms of excess of magnesium are:

  • Inhibitory.
  • Constant drowsiness.
  • Violation of the boundaries of speech.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Dryness of the mucous membranes.

When these symptoms appear, you should stop taking magnesium -containing drugs and adjust your nutrition.

List of products with the greatest magnesium content

If magnesium does not have enough magnesium in the body, then such products should be included in the diet:

  1. Sage, coriander and basil. These fragrant herbs will become not only a good flavor for various dishes, but also a real storehouse of magnesium. One tablespoon of each of them on average contains up to 700 mg of useful substance.
  2. Dark chocolate. If you look from the side of magnesium, then dark chocolate in the "top-list" of products, where there are a lot of it. Also in large quantities it is in cocoa beans and in a cocoa powder. That is why there is dark chocolate in limited quantities is very useful.
  3. Leafy vegetables. Spinach, dandelion greens, cabbage leaves contain up to 150 mg of magnesium per 100 g. product. They need to eat raw, since with heat treatment the amount of substance will become many times less.
  4. Some cereals. These include: brown rice, wheat, oats, barley. It is better to cook cereals from these cereals, so the loss of magnesium in the finished product will be minimal.
  5. Beans and lentils. These legumes contain up to 150 mg of magnesium in terms of 1 portion. This is enough to ensure the body's need for a given substance. Similarly, like cereals, legumes are better to eat raw (applies to fresh peas), or steamed.
  6. Dairy products. This mainly applies to yogurts. Those who are littered with store shelves are not suitable. They have a lot of sugar, and little magnesium. It is better to cook yogurts yourself from non -pasteurized milk and sourdough without sugar. The same applies to cottage cheese.
  7. Avocado. This exotic fruit contains a huge amount of beneficial fats and magnesium. This mineral is up to 60 mg per large fruit.
  8. Rice bran. This product can rarely be found on the shelves of ordinary supermarkets. However, the high content of magnesium, and its brans contain up to 800 mg per 100 g., It costs the efforts spent on their search. This product almost doubles the daily norm for a given adult mineral.

Magnesium in the body: video



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