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Carbohydrate diet for weight loss

Carbohydrate diet for weight loss
Carbohydrate diet for weight loss: permitted and prohibited products. Strict diet, protein-carbohydrate diet.

Women always want to look more beautiful and slimmer, so they apply maximum strength and energy to achieving the goal. Some girls are engaged in active sports, prefer classes in the gym, and some try various diets on themselves. There are a lot of them today and to choose an effective diet, sometimes months and even years take it. We propose not to experiment and get acquainted with a very effective carbohydrate diet.

Everyone knows that carbohydrates are the basis in life. To be active and cheerful, the body needs energy sources - these are carbohydrates. But they are correct and wrong. The former will help accelerate the metabolism in the body and remove all unnecessary, and the second, illusion - they give temporary energy, but are deposited on the sides in the form of extra pounds.

If you eat correctly, for example, adhere to a carbohydrate menu, then you can get rid of both slagging and lose unnecessary kilograms. But this is not all - the features of this diet are also that there is no need to "sit" on bread and water. You don’t have to starve, the body will not put off reserves later, and you will be in a great mood. It is so important for every woman, especially during the diet.


Only this joyful event should be taken not for granted and to figure out what products are allowed during a low -carbon diet, and which remains prohibited.

Permitted and prohibited carbohydrate diet products

It is clear that to observe a diet, ordinary carbohydrates that each person uses during the day (even in excess) are not suitable. You need to know their groups and understand which can be included in the diet menu.

Carbohydrates of integrated purpose are substances that work slowly and gradually increase blood sugar (its level). Such carbohydrates are used in many dishes. Energy is enough for a person for several hours.

Complex carbohydrates:


There are also simple carbohydrates, or fast. They increase blood sugar faster, give a person energy faster, but this does not last long.

Simple carbohydrates:


A carbohydrate diet is not only the use of proper carbohydrates, but also the inclusion of protein food in the diet. The proteins cannot be completely abandoned, since they are simply necessary for our body, because it does not synthesize them on its own. Squirrels are inferior and full -fledged. Just full -fledged proteins of the body are not able to produce. They are obtained from protein products. Therefore, if you are offered to familiarize yourself with the protein-carbohydrate diet menu for weight loss, do not be surprised. She also works well.

The best source of protein for our body is 4 main products:

  • fish;
  • meat;
  • dairy products, as well as milk;
  • eggs.

They must be included in each meal. Of course, not all at once, but for at least 1 product must be present in the day diet. By the way, some plant products also contain healthy proteins. They can be found in seeds, germs of wheat, soybeans.


A little recommendations about eating for food during the fat diet - they also cannot be completely excluded. Saturated fats - taboo (fatty meat and milk products with a high fat content), but the “good” source of fat is welcome: it is olive oil and seeds. Only these products can be consumed a little, because in excess there is a chance to gain excess. And do not forget that the fats that are in these products are responsible for the elasticity of our skin and the quality of the hair. So they should not be completely abandoned.

What you need to know before "sit" on a diet:

  1. No "extra" sugar (sweets, cakes, etc.).
  2. Ready semi -finished products - solid "no"!
  3. Wine - 150 ml per day is allowed.
  4. Desserts, store yogurts with a low calorie content, dietary products and Coca-Cola “0” calories are prohibited.
  5. Sunny in this diet between meals - no!

Carbohydrate diet menu

This menu is simple, you will not be in a bad mood and wait for the diet to end. Everything is clear and simple, because the body is gradually rebuilding, while gets useful substances (these are minerals and vitamins). As a result of such a diet, you can get rid of 5-7 kilograms in 1-2 weeks. It is recommended for those who have tried many options and desperately see the result.


Carbohydrate diet. Menu for every day:

  • on the first day of the week during the day there is only baked potatoes. Here is a simple preparation recipe: 400 g of potatoes need to be washed, dried with a towel, wrap each potato in foil, put on a lattice and bake in the oven. There is a dish without salt and spices;
  • on Tuesday, nutritionists propose to use only low -fat cottage cheese during the day (preferably 0% fat content). Cottage cheese will need 400 g, this is one and a half packs;
  • wednesday - completely fruit day. You can eat any fruits, but not grapes and bananas. The amount of fruit is limited - only 400 g per day;
  • on Thursday, steal yourself with boiled chicken meat, it should be exclusively chicken breast cooked without salt and spices. It will take 400 g for a day;
  • friday - fruit day again;
  • saturday - alas, there is nothing, only drink a lot of purified water. Drink no more than 1.5 liters per day;
  • sunday is again a fruit day.

As you can see, this is a mono -diet, when during the day you need to eat only one product. Naturally, we do not forget about the drinking regime, because the body needs water. It can be a bottle of mineral water without gas (1.5 l), as well as a herbal decoction or green tea, but without honey and sugar. Every day you must divide the number of foods (for example, potatoes) into 6 meals and not skip this time: breakfast begins at 9 hours, the intervals between meals are only 2 hours, the last dinner at 19.00. If such a schedule does not fit, start a diet from 7.00 or from 8.00.

You need to leave the diet smoothly and over the next week try to gradually return to your rhythm of ordinary nutrition. Of course, without foods such as flour and sweet, salty and spicy foods. From these products, if you want to achieve good results, you will have to refuse forever.

We offered a strict carbohydrate diet. There is also the second option, the list of products for each day remains unchanged, only 500 ml of low -fat kefir is added - it is perfectly the fat content of the product of 0 or 1%. Every day, along with eating, you need to drink several sips of kefir. It is allowed to withstand a week of strict carbohydrate diet, and then another week - the same diet, but with the addition of 1 product - kefir.

Menu of a carbohydrate-white diet

We offer to familiarize yourself with another version of the carbohydrate diet, here both carbohydrates and proteins alternate. The diet is not so strict, because the diet is offered diverse. Here is the whole secret in the calculations of carbograms (carbohydrate content). Nutritionists say that after a month of such a diet you will see the first results. Yes, this is not fast, but without stress for the body.

Breakfasts can be tasty and very diverse, we start with a minimum carbohydrate content, but with the presence of protein foods:

  • from 0 to 5 carbohydrates will “give you an fried egg of 2 eggs. It is prepared like this: we break the eggs in a bowl, add a little milk, a pair of bacon strips and fry in a pan with a minimum amount of vegetable oil (olive, corn). Or like this: bake in a stove with a “grill” function 1 egg, 1-2 mushrooms and 1 tomato. Another option for a low -carb breakfast: the scrambled eggs of the "talker" and "leaf" of smoked salmon;
  • this breakfast has more carbohydrates than proteins - 20 KBG. We make 2 slices of toasts and eat with a boiled egg; 2nd option: oatmeal on the water 3 tbsp, a cup of green tea;
  • 30 carbohydrates - a mixture of grain flakes 125 ml, pour milk (30 ml); To choose from 3 fruits: apple, plum, pear - make a fruit salad.


These products can be eaten in lunch, and snacks are allowed:

  • 10 carbohydrates are a light vegetable salad made from pepper, beets, carrots, bulbs, tomato, radish and handful of canned corn (if possible, just boiled). We take the vegetables not large, we grate, season with a spoon of olive oil, spray the lemon juice; Another delicious salad: ham, cheese and tuna (100 g each) - cut, enjoy the taste;
  • 20-25 carbohydrates-you can a small piece of white bread and light vegetable soup; Leave leaves, ham, a piece of cheese (can be replaced with tuna), a white buns - 1 slice;
  • 35 carbohydrates are small portions, so do not flatter yourself: a salad of fresh vegetables and salad leaves; A sandwich with cheese, a piece of boiled chicken meat, salad leaves; a spoonful of boiled rice and a small bowl of salad made of cabbage, cucumber and salad leaves.

In the evening, nutritionists also offer to regulate the number of calories, offering the following options:

  • 10 carbohydrates - soup welded from asparagus, peasant and carrots - a small plate; grapefruit - 2 lobules; half a head of boiled corn;
  • 20 KBG - 2 slices of baked lean meat and a small plate of fresh vegetable salad;
  • 35 carbohydrates - vegetable salad and 3 tbsp. boiled rice and a sliced \u200b\u200bof sharp pepper "Chile"; Salad from anchovies, olives, tomato and slices of garlic.

During the day, it is allowed to drink 2 cups of coffee (custard), exclusively without additives (cream/milk/sugar), you can put half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Also during the day you can drink green tea, herbal decoction (calendula, chamomile) and purified water.

Diet of carbohydrate alternation

Before you start a diet, you need to prepare your body. One great desire to achieve the goal is not enough. You also need your actions: about a week about a week, and better 10 days before the date of “x”, begin to gradually abandon the favorites: these are fried potatoes, cakes, buns and in general, all any sweet pastries, sweets, fatty foods, too spicy and spicy spicy food - All this needs to be removed from your diet. At first it will be difficult, but you will definitely cope! The day before the start of the diet we do unloading - nothing needs to be eaten, it is allowed only to drink a lot of purified water.  Before going to bed, make an enema (warm decoction of chamomile) to clean the intestines.

And after such preparation, it is time to start a diet of carbohydrate alternation. This means that during the day you need to use not only the right carbohydrates, but also proteins. It is desirable to “sit” on such a diet for 21 days, observing the mode and eating a clock.


Diet menu:

  1. The first day: breakfast consists of a Musly plate plus a glass of kefir (low -fat). Lunch: steamed fish - a piece and a spoonful of potato puree. Dinner is not a fat cottage cheese, 125. At night we eat low -fat yogurt without additives.
  2. The second day: a cup of green tea (you can black, strong). Eat 2 boiled boiled eggs, plus a slice of solid cheese. At lunch, we rejoice at a boiled fish with a twig of fresh parsley, you can any mushrooms - 2 tbsp. For dinner, you will have stew with lentils - a portion is small, because it is harmful to overeat at night.
  3. The third day - for breakfast 3 tbsp. Loof cottage cheese with sour cream. Drink green tea. At lunch, prepare a bean salad (no more than 3 tbsp) and eat with a slicer of bread. You can also eat low -fat yogurt without additives and drink a cup of green tea. At night-a glass of yogurt or kefir (0-1%).
  4. On the fourth day, we prepare coffee for breakfast (add 1 tbsp) and 1 bread. Eat 2 any fruit (you remember that bananas and grapes are an exception). At lunch - a small plate of borscht and a piece of bread. You can also drink green tea a little later and eat a cube of bitter chocolate. Dinner - boiled rice, small cutlet (meat), vegetable salad. As a dessert, a glass of fresh grapefruit juice is allowed to drink.
  5. The fifth day is kefir and bread for breakfast, at lunch a piece of fish with stewed vegetables, dinner - 125 g of low -fat cottage cheese, herbal decoction.

5 days is enough to adequately withstand the protein-carbohydrate diet. By the way, it is not complicated, the main thing is not to overeat. Portations should not be huge.

If you have stood a diet with dignity, and the plumb line is not happy, do not be discouraged and think about what you can still do to achieve your goal. Perhaps it is worth playing sports? Such a duet will certainly give you a great mood and good results!



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