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Cucumber diet for weight loss

Cucumber diet for weight loss
Features of the cucumber diet. Diet menu for 3 days, diet for a week. Cucumber-laying diet

The season of cucumbers began for those who did not have time to drop extra pounds, there is another chance to improve - you should try a cucumber diet. The results are simply stunning, you can get rid of 5 kg in a week, easily, quickly and without health problems. Do not believe? Let's study the features of this diet together and compose an approximate menu for a week.

For residents of central Russia, the optimal time for maturation of cucumbers is from June. You can just try this miracle diet on yourself, because there are a lot of cucumbers on the shelves of stores, and their cost is low.

Remember that you will need only fresh cucumbers, there can be no talk of any conservation. It is better to look better and approach the treasured numbers in the summer is much easier than in the cold season. Firstly, many suffer from a lack of sun and cannot stir up. I want to sleep, then eat something tasty, or wrap myself in a warm blanket, read a book and absorb sweets in kilograms. In summer, a completely different matter is warm, sunny and, of course, I want to boast of beautiful forms, especially since there is still such an opportunity. Eating fresh vegetables in the season is much easier than buying imported in winter. Moreover, there are a lot of fiber in vegetables that will help to move the weight to the “minus”. But here you should not pounce on vegetables and “sit” on vegetable diets constantly, everything should be within reasonable limits. Let's find out what nutritionists advise.

Features of the cucumber diet

The basis of this light diet is the use of exclusively fiber and compliance with the drinking regime. Just the perfect product to achieve the goal is fresh cucumbers. They contain up to 95% of water and a lot of fiber. If you eat about 2 kg of fresh cucumbers per day, then you can “drink” almost a liter of water. You will not experience hunger, because the intestines will be “busy” with the process of digesting the resulting food.


Studying reviews about the effectiveness of a cucumber diet, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. Cleaning of toxins and toxins.
  2. The work of the intestine is gradually normalized.
  3. The body is rebuilt and restored by a disturbed water-salt balance (and because of this, the metabolism is disturbed and, as a result, extra pounds).

As you can see, the advantages are enough to help your body cleanse yourself. By the way, if you think that you cannot withstand 3-5-7 days on a cucumber diet, you should not worry, after the cucumbers eaten, a feeling of satiety occurs almost immediately. Another question is taste habits. We will have to “hold” yourself in your hands and try to forget about quick carbohydrates: they include all types of sweets, sugar, baking, chips, waffles, ice cream, etc.

Briefly about the diet menu - a day you need to eat no more than 1.5 kg of cucumbers. The amount of meal varies and depends on the body of a particular person, it can be 3 or even 6-7 meals a day.

As for the back of the diet, and it also exists. Remember the popular leading “Dom-2” Ksenia Borodin, she periodically resorts to the “cucumber diet Borodina” to achieve even better results. But she does it with interruptions and without fanaticism. That is, it is impossible to force the body to remain in a stress state constantly, it is necessary to take breaks and, after the diet, make a menu for the day so that the body receives both proteins and carbohydrates (slow), as well as minerals and vitamins.


Based on this, we draw conclusions: the menu of the cucumber diet is incomplete, so starting from the first day, so as not to harm yourself, you need to drink the mineral-vitamin complex. Thus, you can not only easily defeat extra pounds, but also improve well -being.

Cucumber diet for a week. Features of nutrition

The fastest way to lose weight in a week is to eat 1 kg of fresh cucumbers per day. During the day, minus 500 is guaranteed, this is not much, just the body will not be shocked and will not postpone reserves for later.

The diet is as follows: from Monday and Sunday you should buy 1 kg of fresh cucumbers every day, drink 1 liter of low-fat kefir, prepare a piece of white boiled low-fat fish-100 g. You will need purified water-1.5-2 liters. The ingredients must be divided into 6 equal parts. Eating - every 2 hours. In addition, green tea and coffee are no exception. Only coffee is allowed without sugar and milk/cream.


There is also a hard cucumber diet: only cucumbers and water. Nothing else. Not everyone can withstand such a diet.

What are the advantages of a cucumber diet for 7 days - this is a quick weight loss. There are more disadvantages: it is a meager menu without vitamins and minerals. Therefore, be prepared for breakdowns, and in order to prevent this, take vitamins and minerals.

The second power option is practically no different from a standard weekly diet. I am glad that there is an opportunity to diversify the daily diet at least a little: breakfast consists of protein food - low -fat cottage cheese (zero fat) - 1 pack, cup of coffee without sugar and milk; or 2 boiled eggs and half a cucumber, a cup of green tea without sugar; Or boiled chicken breast (150 g) with a piece of rye bread. The rest of the time needs to eat only fresh cucumbers 1 kg per day. You can make a salad with greens or lemon juice (but without oil!).

Such a diet guarantees minus 5 kg per week. But what efforts? Nutritionists say that it can be harmful to the body. Since the diet is unstable, just a stable feeling of hunger throughout the day is provided to you. Black bread will “help” aggravate the situation and delay the fluid in the body. Therefore, if possible, it is better to eat a spoonful of fiber (sold in a pharmacy). The advantages of the fact that breakfast is offered not a fed cucumber, but something more tasty and satisfying.

  Cucumber diet for 3 days

Nutritionists offer 2 menu options, choose at your discretion:

  1. For every day you need to stock up 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers, add a bunch of fresh dill or parsley (any salad) to this “diversity” and 1 tbsp is allowed. olive oil. Cucumbers can be eaten just like that or prepare a salad. It is advisable to remove the peel, cut the cucumbers with cubes, chop the greens, add olive oil. The salad is divided into 4 portions that need to be eaten during the day. The intervals between meals should be approximately the same-3-4 hours.
  2. The loss is guaranteed-1-2 kg. The menu is a little different: 1 pack of cottage cheese (zero percentage of fat content), 1 lemon, 1 kg of fresh cucumbers will be needed for the day. We divide the cottage cheese into 3 parts: we eat half for the second breakfast - 10.00, the second part at 14.00, the remainder at 18.00. During the day, we eat a salad of cucumbers, seasoned with juice of 1 lemon. Salad reception time: 8.00, 12.00, 16.00 and 20.00.


Only 3 days of such a diet, in the first case, you can count on success in the form of 1 kg of plumbing, in the second-1-2 kg (depending on the initial weight of the body).

What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a diet:

  1. A strong laxative and also the diuretic effect is provided. Naturally, you can’t systematically “sit” on such a diet. It is impossible to combine with physical exertion, because in this state yoga and a slow walk is as possible as much as possible. Pros: The diet is affordable and inexpensive. Salvation after a protein diet, when a problem arose with bowel movements.
  2. 3 days will pass more fun, because the diet is not so “hungry”. To feel better, nutritionists advise drinking more fluids (purified water) and take additional fiber. Cons are also available: these are headaches, bouts of glycemia are possible (then you need to eat more often). Such a diet is not always suitable for working people.

Cucumber diet for weight loss by 10 kg

Get such high results, adhering to a cucumber diet, in principle, it is possible if the body easily parted with extra kilograms. But this is not guaranteed.


Check out the diet menu designed for 5 days:

  • from Monday to Sunday every day you need to drink at least 2 liters of purified water. Tea, coffee and other drinks are not taken into account. It is advisable to take water highly cleaning, distilled is suitable;
  • 1 l kefira, with a fat content of 1%;
  • fresh cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • greens - 1 beam.

Of all products (except for water), you need to prepare a semblance of okroshka and there is such a dish during the day in small portions, observing equal gaps between meals. The diet guarantees weight loss from 5 to 10 kg (depending on the initial mass and metabolism).

There are fewer advantages than disadvantages: it is a low -calorie menu, works due to intestinal cleansing. Because of this, decent plots are observed. The pluses are lost kilograms and you do not need to bother for a long time to cook your food.

Diet menu, designed for 7 days:

  • purified water - 2 l;
  • non-fat kefir (0-1%)-1 l;
  • boiled white fish - 100 g;
  • cucumbers - 1 kg.

All products must be divided into equal portions, eat during the day. Advantages: 3-day diet is similar, small plots. Disadvantages: the diet is unbalanced, breakdowns are possible. The body experiences an acute lack of minerals and vitamins.

Diet designed for 30 days:

  • for breakfast and lunch - low -calorie dishes. Exception: harmful food: it is sweet, fatty, flour, fried. It is necessary to exclude semi -finished products;
  • dinner consists of 1 cucumber and a glass of low -fat kefir.

The duration of such a diet is at least a month. You can and more, it all depends on patience and goals. Such food allows you to smoothly get rid of kilograms. But this works only if you really adhere to proper nutrition. Overflow is not allowed, no snacks and breakdowns.


Such a kefirno cucumber diet is not suitable for people with a weak intestine. Kefir, combined with fresh cucumber, can cause a disorder.

Cucumber-laying diet

Cucumber diet can be combined with tomato. These two vegetables are considered low -calorie. In 500 g of cucumbers and tomato (taken in equal amounts), only 50 calories are contained. This is very little, but there are a lot of fiber, water, and in tomatoes there are more minerals and vitamins than in cucumbers.


The diet is not as hard as cucumber and you can easily withstand it:

  • tomatoes - 500 g;
  • cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • cottage cheese (zero fat) - 100;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp

This is your daily diet. You can make a salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, you can eat vegetables just like that. It is allowed to add a little fresh herbs and salad leaves. Cottage cheese needs to be eaten at night before bedtime.

On such a diet in 3 days, minus 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bis guaranteed.

We also consider the menu of unloading days that can be arranged in breaks between diets:

  1. On a day, eat no more than 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers, plus 2 boiled eggs. Divide these products into 6 meals.
  2. Tomatoes - 0.5 kg, cucumbers - 1 kg. We make a salad, season with olive oil. Salt and spices - at will, but it is better to exclude.

On fasting days, it is important to observe drinking mode, drink a lot of purified water. Green tea, herbal broth or coffee is allowed, but only without sugar and high -calorie additives (honey, syrup, milk/cream).

You need to leave the cucumber diet correctly

It is good if you steadfastly withstand the diet and can boast of the results, but you also need to learn how to hold weight. In order not to be fluctuations, after the diet you need to adhere to proper nutrition, you can also do fasting days.


Recipes of dishes with cucumber:

  1. Cold soup with kefir: 2 cucumbers, 250 ml of low -fat kefir, grind in a blender. Add a boiled egg and slightly fresh greens to the mass, cut the radish and add a little salt (if necessary).
  2. Cucumber salad, boiled lean meat and greenery. Refueling: olive oil, you can homemade mayonnaise (low -calorie).
  3. Cucumber salad: grated cucumbers - 2 pcs., Mustard powder - 1 tsp, kefir - half a glass, a twig of rosemary.

To achieve the goal is also necessary for willpower. Everyone wants to boast of a beautiful body, but not everyone wants to work on themselves. Your efforts will pay off in full a chiseled figure and delighted glances of passers -by. Good luck!



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