
DIY for a birthday with their own hands. How to make a birthday craft - 10 original ideas

DIY for a birthday with their own hands. How to make a birthday craft - 10 original ideas
Purchased gifts in the store are templates without heat and individual characteristics. Make your loved on your loved ones unforgettable and unique, giving him a gift made by your own hands.

In our life, a huge number of holidays and celebrations, but there is one that especially the roads personally for everyone. This is a birthday - a holiday, when everything is spinning around the birthday man and all the attention with gifts only to him. It was on this day that his relative and beloved person wants to give something special, warm and native to the memory of your presentation for a long time remained in the heart of the birthday room.

And what could be better birthday gift with your own hands, in which you invest love, joy and warmth. It is much better than to acquire a ready-made gift in the store in addition to the template bouquet of flowers and cake.

There is a huge number of bright and unusual ideas of beautiful crafts for a birthday, which will certainly be remembered to everyone at the celebration, and most importantly - bring the joy and pleasure of the birthday itself. After all, in such a gift you can take into account all the preferences of your loved one, his habits, beloved things, places, colors, and so on. And this is the key to a high-quality and unique gift.

Birthday crafts from paper

Paper is the easiest material for making crafts for a birthday near a person. It is especially relevant if the gift needs to be done urgently and without serious costs, because such a material is exactly in every home. Crafts from paper for a birthday can be made to any member of your family, a close friend or friend, a beloved girl or a guy.

With the help of ordinary paper, quite non-standard and unique crafts can be made, which will certainly cause the birthday delight. The main thing is to do it with soul and love. Consider several options for the use of paper as the main material for the manufacture of light crafts for a birthday.

  • A variety of postcards with bright appliqués, a volumetric inner surprise. Such postcards may be of different subjects.
  • Flowers, while the paper may be the most different, from simple letters to corrugated.
  • Paper cake, inside which can be placed small souvenirs.
  • Bright picture or collage.

These are just a few options for which craft can be done for a birthday, using a paper of different types. We give an example of bright and unusual crafts with your own hands on your birthday.

Birthday handicraft - a piece of cake with a wish

You will need for the manufacture of this craft of the following materials:

  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • paper or cardboard, you can take corrugated or color;
  • glue;
  • various decor: ribbons, beads, flowers, rhinestones.


Process of manufacturing a piece of cake with a wish:

  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare a template for which you will make a piece of festive cake. It can be downloaded on the Internet and print on cardboard, and then cut. If you want to make a lot of pieces of cake, with the help of a template you will circle it on the right paper.
  • Next, carefully bend in the bend places, which are indicated in the scheme. You can do this with the help of the ruler, so that the edges turn out to be smooth, and the corners are straight.
  • Scissors or stationery knife on the back piece of cake need to be made. This is necessary in order for the cake to close.
  • With the help of PVA glue glue a piece of cake.
  • Further begin to decorate. To do this, you can use absolutely any elements of the decor: buttons, ribbons, beads, flowers, and so on.
  • Put a piece of paper with a wish or a small souvenir inside the boxes.


You can try to make exactly the same craft from cardboard for your birthday. It will be more durable.

Crafts for the birthday of girlfriend

In each house there are a lot of things and materials from which you can easily make an interesting, and most importantly a rather unusual gift. All sorts of boxes, natural material, pasta, coffee beans, discs, corks from bottles, plastic bottles and much more can be used as basic materials. It is enough to show a little imagination and ideas and you can get a very interesting gift that will undoubtedly like the birthday man.

Birthday Craft - Coffee Heart

Such a handicraft with your own hands will be a great gift for mom, grandmother, sisters or a better friend. The main feature of the coffee card is its durability, because such a handicraft can be stored for a very long time, decorating the birthday room.

Necessary materials:

  • coffee beans;
  • sheet of ordinary paper;
  • cardboard;
  • any tight bank;
  • wire;
  • a thread;
  • pVA glue;
  • thick cord;
  • decorative elements: ribbons, flowers, beads, rhinestones;
  • brown sponge and paint.

Coffee Heart Production Process:

  • Draw on a sheet of paper and cut a neat and even from two sides the heart of the size you need.
  • Next, the prepared paper template attach to the cardboard and cut out two identical hearts from it.
  • Take the wire and wrap it with paper. Then glue the wire to one heart.
  • At the cardboard heart glue your cotton discs in several layers to create volume and glue two identical hearts.
  • Top of both hearts also boil with cotton discs and firmly wrap the thread.
  • Next, carefully paint all brown paint and boil coffee beans.
  • Take any tin can from coffee and plunder it with beautiful paper or chopsticks from ice cream.
  • Welcome a wireless thread or cord.
  • In the jar tightly insert a sponge, and there is a coffee heart into it.
  • Decorative elements use to your liking and desire.


Birthday crafts from sweets

Such a gift will definitely please not only a child, but also an adult. Cleaning from sweets on the birthday of a loved one is a great option that will require low costs and a little of your time. For a sweet gift, you can use chocolates or candy, which is more relevant. With the help of candies in bright and brilliant packaging, you can make quite unusual crafts:

  • Pineapple - a bottle of champagne is punctured by sweets in a golden wrapper.
  • Tree - Krone's tree is made of candy.
  • Flowers that have a core is candy.

Consider the master class of making a flower-capacitive bouquet, which will be an excellent craft on the birthday of mom.

DIY Birthday - Flowers Candy

Necessary materials:

  • candy in the individual round-shaped wrapper;
  • golden or silver paper;
  • corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • wire;
  • styrofoam;
  • small basket or tin can;
  • pVA glue or thermopystole;
  • scotch;
  • sucks;
  • decorative elements: ribbons, beads, mesh, artificial leaves.

Production process:

  • First of all, it is necessary to make the cores of future colors. To do this, cut the desired number of squares of the foil of gold or silver color and wrap every candy, firmly fixing the base with thin wire or thread.


  • Next, make the petals of our colors. To do this, it is necessary to cut squares from corrugated paper, the size of which will depend on the size of the candy - the petals must fully wrap the candy.
  • For each petal, prepare two squares and carefully cut the petals with a rounded top.


  • Next, to the center of each petal place the pre-wrapped candy and gently form a rose bud, securing at the base of the thread or wire.


  • From green corrugated paper, you need to cut for each cup of cups and glue from the base.
  • After complete drying, carefully cut extra paper and insert the wire into the base, which then you need to wind up green paper.
  • Next, the number of roses you need forms a beautiful bouquet. To do this, take a small basket or a jar, pre-decorated, and place a piece of foam. The main thing is that it fell tightly to the walls.
  • Gently begin to stick the prepared flowers on wire stalks.
  • Empties between roses can be filled with ribbons, floral grid, leaves.


Birthday Crafts

More and more popular recently to make unusual crafts for birthday from balloons. Such a gift will definitely become bright, original and unique. Crafts from balls for the birthday with their own hands a more laborious process, as it requires special skills to twist the balls. However, this is a matter of experience and practice. Perhaps a huge number of variants of such crafts, a specific solution depends on your wishes and capabilities.

  • It will be great to look at the usual bunch of bright balls filled with helium and with small wishes inside. Just, but at the same time original and tasteful.
  • With the help of small round and long balls, you can create different heroes, bright items, flowers.

Crafts for birthday. Master class of making colors from balls

Necessary materials:

  • ball for modeling of red (long in form);
  • ball for green modeling;
  • hand pump.

Production process:

  • Hand pump inflate a red ball and link the edge into a nodule.
  • Next, both ends must be tied to thread.
  • In this position you need to bend the ball in half in the middle and take a gently twist.
  • Further, a fairly volumetric product must be visually divided into three parts and twisted in two places.
  • After that, the ball is tightly pushing the ball at the place of twisting and twisted several times for a complete consolidation. You got a flower with petals.
  • Inflate green ball and tie a knot.
  • A little retreating from the nodder, twist the ball.
  • The resulting small plot is in the middle of the flower.
  • Your flower is ready, and for a brighter gift you can make a whole bouquet of similar balls.


Crafts for birthday from plasticine or salted dough

Very interesting and unusual gifts can be made using simple plasticine. You can beautifully flip an interesting bottle shape and get a rather original vase. And with, for example, a salt test can be created unique paintings and figures, make magnets and panels from them. And for this you only need flour, salt, water and paint. And also a bit of your imagination and skill.

Birthday Craft - Rowan Branch of Salt Dough

Necessary materials:

  • flour;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • gouache red and green;
  • tree branch (birch);
  • stacks;
  • disk.

Rowan branch manufacturing process:

  • First of all, you need to prepare the dough. To do this, mix the flour, a large amount of salt and water - 2 packs of flour, 1 st-shallow salt, 125 ml of water, 1 st l cream for hand or sunflower oil. All this is mixed, divided into two parts. In one piece, add the red gouache, to the other - green.
  • Prepared branches neatly lay out on the disk and cut the extra length, which stands out beyond the disk.
  • From the green dough, leop the leaves of the oblong shape and stick onto the branches, after which the stacks do neatly on the leaflets drawing.


  • From the red color, we make rowan berries in the form of small balls, at the top of which a cruciform pattern should be made. Put them in a cluster on the existing leaves.
  • The remaining branches also shook the leaves.
  • Give the work to dry, cover all the details of the gouache of the appropriate color. After re-graze, cover all the product with acrylic varnish.


Crafts for my mother's birthday

Perhaps the first crafts do it all on the birthday of mom. It all starts with ordinary postcards, on which a children's hand showed the word "mother" and "happy birthday" with red gouache. But this is not the only way to surprise mom and give her a real holiday. For mom, you can make an incredible amount of crafts from different material:

  • Crafts for the birthday mom from paper. It can be flowers from corrugated paper, beautiful postcards in the technique of quilling, paper flowers in the Origami technique.
  • Beautiful crafts from plasticine or dough.
  • Embroidery or knitted animal.
  • Frame for photography.
  • Collage from family photos and much more.

Crafts for a birthday - paper flower in Origami technique

Necessary materials:

  • paper of any color;
  • any smooth surface.

Production process:

  • If you have a regular A4 sheet, you need to make a square from it.
  • Then fold the square sheet in half, then once again diagonally.
  • Turn the sheet and turn it back again in half, and then in a double triangle.
  • The two lower corners of this triangle must be connected to the top.
  • Next, make a double triangle again and attach it to the first figure.
  • Thus you need to repeat until you get a flower.
  • At the very end of the flower fastening gently, the flower leaflets are gently.
  • With the help of such small colors you can create a whole bouquet, and the use of paper of different colors will help make the cradle brighter and unusual.


Crafts for the birthday of dad

On the birthday of Pope also you can give an interesting and unusual craft made with your own hands. Variants of such gifts can be a huge amount. This also uses various materials: paper, cardboard, salt dough, rebunny material. Of course, flowers and bows are unlikely to be present on such a craft, as a gift for dad, it is necessary to focus on some kind of male details, simplicity and conciseness.

You can make any different crafts for your dumplings:

  • Bright and unusual crafts cards for the birthday of dad. They can consist of one page with some pattern or applique, and you can make a postcard that will open.
  • From the cardboard you can make any beautiful figurine of the machine with a photo of dad on the glass or any other shape.
  • From salt dough very interesting will be a key chain or a fridge magnet.

Birthday Craft - Dad Shirt Postcard

Necessary materials:

  • paper of two colors;
  • scissors;
  • pVA glue;
  • decor elements: strips, butterflies stickers, buttons.

Production process:

  • Take a sheet of paper. Gently at the top of the sheet, remove the strip of about 1.5-2 cm wide.
  • Expand the sheet and fold it in half. On the fold line, take a small incision without reaching the end.
  • Expand the sheet and attach the right cut extreme corner to the place of crossing the lines of the fold, then do the same with the second strip. You will have a shape of a shirt with a collar.
  • Next, from the second sheet of paper it is necessary to make a tie in the Origami technique. To obtain a suitable tie to our postcard, you need to make a square with sides of 10 cm.
  • We take a square sheet of paper and fold it in half diagonally. We deploy it to the fold line by adjusting the angles on the left and right side.
  • I turn over the workpiece and turn over the top corner.
  • Then this corner is once again folded, but already from ourselves.
  • We turn our tie and to the middle of the fold again bend the parties.
  • We got a tie, which must be glued to the shirt.
  • Next you need to decorate a postcard. You can glue the shirt to the cardboard. Then glue buttons on the corners of the collar. It is also interesting to decorate the tie himself. From the opposite side we write congratulations to dad.


Crafts for birthday grandmother

So many different options for crafts for your beloved grandmothers, which is sometimes difficult to decide. Here you can apply all your skills and skills. If you know how to knit, then there will be a knitted product. This does not have to be a full-fledged sweater or shawl, it suffices to tie a beautiful stand under a cup or a napkin, and you can make an animal or flower. With the help of embroidery, pretty beautiful and unusual crafts are also obtained on the birthday of a grandmother.

  • Alternatively, you can also make a postcard in a quilling technique or using origami figures.
  • An unusual and joyfully look at the figures or even a whole panel of salt dough.
  • You can please your grandmother with a stylish and convenient cabinet, which can be made of girlfriend or, for example, from threads and beads.
  • A grandmother and a fresh bouquet of paper flowers will be delighted.

Birthday Craft - Baseline of Threads and Toothpicks

Necessary materials:

  • motok rather thick threads;
  • a large amount of toothpicks;
  • sheet of thick cardboard;
  • silicone or clay;
  • scissors;
  • decor elements: beads, ribbons, flowers.

Production process:

  • Take a thick cardboard sheet. If not, you can try to glue two ordinary sheets together.
  • Next, make a heart template on ordinary paper, and then attach it to the cardboard and draw the exact same heart. Cut it. You can use absolutely different patterns: circle, square, oval.
  • On the edge of the resulting heart, step from the edge and after 1 cm make holes for toothpicks.
  • To the toothpicks did not fall out, they can be fixed using a silicone transparent or clay.
  • Next, take the thread and begin to wrap it with your basket-casket. It is necessary to wrap in a checker order to make a beautiful pattern that resembles the present weaving from the vine.
  • At the end, you can decorate your product by beads or rhinestones, and on the edge of gluing a beautiful ribbon.
  • If you wish, you can make the lid, cutting the heart of the same size and burning along the edge. The middle of the lid can be decorated with flowers.


Birthday crafts brother

In this case, there is also a huge number of options that are perfectly suitable as an interesting and unusual gift. Brother's birthday crafts can be made from a variety of materials and in various techniques.

Birthday Craft - Paper Airplane

Necessary materials:

  • white paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • matchbox;
  • cold cardboard.

Production process:

  • First of all, plunge the boxes from mats with white paper. In this case, it will be a pilot cabin.
  • From color cardboard Cut a long striped with a width of 1.5-2 cm. Bend it in half and glue the box from below to the wide side.
  • Then, from the same color cut out two rectangles to complete the tail. One rectangle cut around the edges to make them rounded, and the second bend in half and stick to the first in such a way that the bent angle performed strongly.
  • All the design is glued to the tail of the plane.
  • From another color cardboard, you need to cut two the same strip lengths and the width of the matchbox. This is the wings of our aircraft.
  • Slightly round the edges of the edge of the wings and stick them to the plane.
  • Further, you can paint or glue the distinctive signs and inscriptions.


Top 10 original ideas of crafts for your own hands

For your birthday, you can give a gift made by your own hands. It is such a handicraft that will bring genuine joy for a birthday name, because it is completely exactly that the second one will not have anyone. Below we present a photo list of pretty original and unusual crafts that you can make for your relative or friend.

Crafts for grandmother, mothers or sisters - a beautiful decorative vase in a quilling technique.


Bouquet greeting card in the Origami technique on the birthday mom or grandmother.


Frame for photos from buttons


Crafts for the birthday of dad or brother


Crafts for birthday cardboard


Crafts in the form of a kind of family tree - a great gift for a grandmother or grandfather.


Original greeting card with flowers


Bouquet of paper flowers


Birthday casket in quilling technique


Salted Dough Craft


Birthday is a homely, warm and cozy holiday, on which you need to give gifts selected or made with love. Therefore, making a gift to a birthman with your own hands, you will leave my close to your close person for a long time and make it a very bright and unique holiday.


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