
How to use coconut oil for sunburn

How to use coconut oil for sunburn
Coconut oil for sunburn: how to use what benefits. Is the oil for sunbathing in solarium? How to make coconut oil yourself

Bright sun, gentle sea and warm sand, how do you want to get a chocolate tan to get a chocolate tan so that he will be smoothly and beautiful, and held long. Many girls, in anticipation of the long-awaited holiday, are planning not only the upcoming vacation, but also calculate all a step forward: pick up the summer wardrobe, choose a swimsuit, they stick to diet and come through means for sunburn. Excellent selection - Coconut oil for sunburn.

I want not only to light up faster, but also to do it most safely, so that the tan was beautiful and held long. Naturally, not to harm the skin, you need to think about the protection against burning sun rays - these are all sorts of money for a safe tanning with different levels of protection: cream, foam, milk, emulsion. All this can be used so that the skin shade is beautiful, and staying in the sun is safe. You can go along the path of least resistance and even save and use to achieve a safe tool - natural oils.

A list of natural oils that will help sunbathe safely and without harm to the skin, quite extensive. In this list, coconut oil occupies a leading position. It is checked for years and will allow to sunbathe faster than with stores. What is saving? Everything is simple here, in one bottle you buy not only a safe tanning agent, but also good skin moisturizing after sunbathing. If you buy a safe tanning cream in the store, you will also have to purchase a means for humidifying the skin after staying in the sun. And this does not always happen enough, some girls have to additionally use moisturizing body creams, so as not to feel discomfort after staying in the sun and swimming in salted water. Coconut oil solves all these problems, and at the same time improve the condition of the skin of the face and hair.

What coconut oil is suitable for sunburn

It is difficult to immediately decide and choose a decent option, because coconut oil in the store is sold in 2 variations:

  • refined;
  • unrefined.

The first product will be practically deprived of a gentle coconut flavor. Obtained by high-temperature processing with chemical components (these are alkalis and acids). As a result of such treatment, valuable nutrients are derived from oil, it becomes empty and useless. This product is used more for the production of soap and confectionery manufacturing (mass production).


The second option is an unrefined coconut oil. The fragrance of this product is gentle, barely catchy smell of coconut. Such oil is considered valuable and very useful, because the production of cold spin technology is used. This is the best that you can choose from the entire line of oil oils, because the oil can be called "alive", it will give you not only comfort and beautiful tan, but also benefits for the skin and in general the whole body.

Do you know how to check the product for quality? If the "Live" oil or natural, then its storage is small, and keep a jar with coconut oil in the refrigerator. If you bought an oil that can be used for internal use, then the shelf life is only in a cold place for a maximum of 6 months. If the oil is used for outdoor use (on the package the corresponding mark), then the shelf life of such a means is 12 months.


You can independently check the purchased oil on its naturalness - just place it in the refrigerator. The contents of the jar at room temperature will be liquid, and at low temperatures, current coconut oil hardens. If you put it in a warm place again, it is enough just to hold half an hour in the room and it will again become liquid. Stay in the cold environment and in warm no means affects the properties of the product.

A little about coconuts and history

The product that is obtained from palm fruits is considered healing for many centuries. Coconut oil is widely used in Thailand, India and Indonesia is his homeland. The healing properties of oil people found a long time and used it to treat various ailments, in that cosmetology and traditional medicine.


Tsarina Cleopatra really grated coconut and took beauty baths, which consisted of 2 components: fresh milk and coconut oil. Such baths did not only the skin, but also hair velvet, like silk.

Coconut or in common coconut ripens on coconut palm. It looks like a dense brown walnut with a solid shell, under which there is a fleshy part. Its thickness fluctuates in the range of 10-12 cm - this is a copra of coconut. All the rest of the space occupies coconut juice. Many people do not know that inside the coconut is not coconut milk, but the juice. It is liquid and transparent, but not white.

As soon as the fruit of coconut palm reaches the stage of maturity, a copra distinguishes several droplets of oil and the juice gradually turns into a viscous mass - this is coconut milk, it thickens and as nut ripen (and this is not fast, 8-9 months!), It becomes solid . Just such a fruit and is considered ripe, it can be sent for processing to get the most valuable and useful product - coconut oil.

In brief about the production of oil: a solid coconut pulp, in which there is more fat (in percentage), it is necessary to separate from the shell. Copra, with mass production, first crushed, then dried and passed through the press. It turns out a gentle coconut oil with a slight slightly sweet aroma. This is a cold pressing method.

Technology for producing coconut oil can be different: hot pressing method. Oil outlet is slightly higher, but value decreases. With 1 kg of copra, 300 g of oil is obtained.


Cold spin oil is useful, there is more nutrients in it. Such a product is not always beneficial in production, because the yield is low, the waste is larger, and the cost of the finished product is an order of magnitude higher than the use of hot pressing technology.

How to choose coconut oil

After studying the reviews of girls who used coconut oil for a sun, you can come to this conclusion that not every oil will help to find a golden smooth and beautiful tan. The girls say that the oil acquired in online stores had an unpleasant smell, the product color was slightly yellowish and transparent, the oil fell down badly and practically did not absorb. It washed it very hard. There are many positive feedback, the oil liked it and helped faster tanned without burns and dry skin.

To achieve the desired result, listen to these recommendations:

  1. Avoid remote purchases: It is very important to consider the oil, to see what color it is, what a consistency and what is his fragrance.
  2. Go to Cosmetics shops, markets and dubious shops are not the best option, because you can buy a poorly purified product.
  3. When buying, pay attention to the cleaning method. Unrefined oil, it is the "first spin" - the best, because cleaning is mechanical, without additives and impurities. Refined - purified by different ways using chemicals, due to which the value of the product is reduced.
  4. Cold or hot spin? Of course, the first option, in such oils more nutrient components, which means and the benefit will be greater.
  5. As for the fragrance, before buying it is necessary to get acquainted with the aroma of the product. High-quality oil smells nice, thinning gentle fragrance of coconut. But not sharp and obsessive. And also, if you are refined, then it is most likely to be deprived of the flavor or vice versa, have a fragrance.
  6. About color: To see the color, choose oil in transparent capacity, if possible - in glassware. The color of good oil will be barely yellowish and transparent, but in the total mass the oil will be white. A saturated yellow shade testifies to poor oil cleaning.
  7. The consistency was mentioned above, but it is possible to repeat. Since the oil melting point is achieved upon reaching 25 oC, then the lower the temperature, the greater the chance of solidification of oil. Because of this particular, cosmetology is called such oils with solid or "batters". Oil properties when heated and cooling do not change.

The use of coconut oil for sunburn

Before you go on vacation for a few days, and it is better for a week, you need to start preparations. Leather, must be ready for relaxation and sunbathing, so do not be lazy to make a scrub at least 3 days before the exit to the beach. Skin cleansing make home remedies using ground coffee, sugar and a large sea salt. One day before the exit to the beach to do a scrub has undesirable.

The use of oil is to be welcomed, it can be and coconut oil, which should be applied to the skin immediately after showering. Such a method will not only help to maintain optimum moisture balance, but also to prepare for sunbathing.


Using the right coconut oil for tanning in the sun:

  • before going to the beach put on the body, as well as on the face of coconut oil. We do it in the morning and look forward to when it will be absorbed;
  • for several hours protection is provided;
  • if you enjoy outdoor activities, a lot of swimming and playing with the kids in the sand, then after 1-2 hours of exposure to the sun and bathing, it is necessary to wash off with fresh water remaining oil, and then apply a fresh batch.

Coconut oil for tanning. Photo:




sunbathe safely

If we compare the level of protection of coconut oil with a shop specialized tools for a safe tan, you should note that the level of protection or SPF in coconut oil is low, it is only 8 units.


It says that you need to follow these rules:

  • in high solar activity hours needed or applied to the body of extra protection, or to refrain from sun exposure. This time from 11 hours to 16.00. The sun is very active during these hours and you can only hurt yourself if you continue to "fry" the skin. For her, it is very dangerous and fraught with even sunburn;
  • to obtain the desired smooth and beautiful tone and boasts a beautiful tan, the sun can be a total of no more than 1-2 hours, and then to a safe time: up to 11.00 and after 16.00;
  • do not forget that in the shadows, you are not protected from the UV dose. Therefore, if the oil is not applied to the skin, use a cream with a high degree of protection;
  • before you go to the beach, you can not use alcohol-based agents, they cause pigmentation. And uneven tan - it is small, than you can shake;
  • deodorants, antiperspirants are very harmful for the skin on the beach. If you can not give up deodorant does, buy a special natural crystals;
  • is the topic does not apply, but all the same: protect the hair as well! Couple drops of coconut oil will help avoid over-drying hair. And do not neglect the headdress - Health is more expensive because the image.

Coconut oil for tanning

Going to a tanning salon? You need to take care of even tan. Not necessarily a long time to be on the beach, you can sunbathe in the solarium at any time of the year. Coconut oil just for this purpose and intended use it before you go under the lamp.


What are the benefits of coconut oil, when compared with products specifically designed for indoor tanning, is:

  1. Even, beautiful tan.
  2. Good humectant for the skin.
  3. No premature wrinkles! Skin moisturized and not dry under the influence of ultra-violet lamps.
  4. In coconut oil is excellent absorbency, it does not leave the skin shine.
  5. The oil does not cause allergic reactions.

Oil is used to tan before and after tanning session. In the first case the oil will attract a nice tan, and the second - does not give dry up the skin. If you overdo it, it burns and discomfort will not.

Comparing the special funds for sun with coconut oil, concludes: All shops products are not intended to protect the skin, but only so that it quickly became darker shade. And the oil is smooth and safe: protects, moisturizes and helps to get a beautiful golden color. It has no chemical ingredients, all just a natural and safe.

How to make their own coconut oil

If you could not find in stores coconut oil or its quality is in doubt, there is a way out - the oil can make your own! In this product you can be sure at 100%, because it will not have any preservatives or chemical components.

Coconut oil do at home:

  • we need a coconut (buy in the store);
  • large capacity;
  • knife;
  • grater or powerful chopper / blender.


The technology is very simple:

  1. We reveal coconut. This is not easy, you should try. Sharp awl make holes in the coconut where you see 3 dents.
  2. When making a hole, pour the coconut juice. Many people prefer to drink it right, do as you like.
  3. We reveal coconut - sawed, chipped pieces or beat with a hammer on a dense shell.
  4. Separate the white fragrant flesh from the shell, lay out onto a flat dish so that it dries a bit. Ideally - leave for the night on the table, and continue in the morning.
  5. If we hurry, then proceed to business immediately. Your task is to grind this flesh with any ways. You can do this manually, just grate the coconut pulp on the grater (using a side with small notches!). This is quite laborious. If there is a powerful blender or shredder, then the task is facilitated.
  6. The resulting crushed pulp pour water. It should be hot, but not just boiling. Water will need so much so that it completely covered the whole chips for 2-3 cm. Do not worry if the water is more, it will not spoil the pulp of coconut.
  7. Now we knew the flesh with a wooden spoon, you can take a pin, use a dyshko from a plastic bottle or a cup. It is necessary to try to straighten the pulp, so that she gives more oil.
  8. The process of kneading is not long, until water cooled.
  9. The case is almost done, it remains to strain the mass through the sieve. Liquid flow into the jar and put it in a cold place. For reliability, place the remaining pulp in a four layer-folded gauze and squeeze all the liquid to the last droplet.
  10. A jar with coconut white liquid put in the refrigerator for the night (maximum 8 hours).
  11. After the specified time, check - on top there will appear white dense flakes or pieces - this is oil.
  12. It is necessary to strain the liquid, oil to shift into a small glass container or wrap pieces into parchment.
  13. And you can do otherwise: Put a container with oil on a water bath, wait when the oil is melted. From it can exit an excess liquid. Ready product Press into a jar.
  14. When the oil becomes solid, make a few holes in it until the bottom with the toothpicks. You will see that an extra liquid remains at the bottom - it needs to be merged.

Fragrant and useful coconut oil is ready. The remaining fluid does not pour it out, it will be useful - this is a great tool for humidifying the skin and hair. Apply a coconut driver on your hair along the entire length, leave for 1 hour, then you can wash your hair with shampoo.

It happens that everything is done correctly, and the oil did not work out. If cream appeared on the surface of coconut milk, then it was necessary to carefully knead the chips. Creams do not hurry to throw away, it is also a good product for moisturizing the skin, only the shelf life is not as big as the coconut oil.

Now you know that with the help of coconut oil, you can get a beautiful golden tan without harm to health.


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