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How to use coconut oil for tanning

How to use coconut oil for tanning
Coconut oil for tanning: how to use, what are the advantages. Is the oil for tanning in the solarium? How to make coconut oil yourself

The bright sun, the affectionate sea and warm sand, how you want to quickly get a chocolate tan so that it lay down smoothly and beautifully, and stayed for a long time. Many girls, in anticipation of the long -awaited vacation, plan not only the upcoming vacation, but also calculate the whole step forward: they select a summer wardrobe, choose a swimsuit, adhere to diets and move with means for tanning. Great choice is coconut oil for tanning.

I would like to not just light up faster, but also to do it as safe as possible so that the tan is beautiful and hold on for a long time. Naturally, in order not to harm the skin, you need to think about protection against burning sunlight - these are all kinds of means for safe tanning with different levels of protection: cream, foam, milk, emulsion. All this can be used to ensure that the skin shade is beautiful, and staying in the sun is safe. You can follow the path of least resistance and even save and use a safe tool - natural oils to achieve the goal.

The list of natural oils that will help to sunbathe safely and without harm to the skin is quite extensive. In this list, coconut oil takes a leading position. It has been verified for years and will allow you to sunbathe faster than with store equipment. What is the savings? Everything is simple here, in one bottle you acquire not only a means for safe tanning, but also good moisturizing the skin after taking sunbathing. If you buy a cream for a safe tan in the store, you will also have to purchase a tool for moisturizing the skin after staying in the sun. And this is not always enough, some girls have to additionally use moisturizers for the body, so as not to feel discomfort after staying in the sun and bathing in salt water. Coconut oil solves all these problems, and at the same time improves the condition of the skin of the face and hair.

What coconut oil is suitable for tanning

It is difficult to immediately decide and choose a decent option, because coconut oil in the store is sold in 2 variations:

  • refined;
  • unrefined.

The first product will be practically devoid of delicate coconut aroma. It was obtained by high -temperature processing with chemical components (these are alkalis and acid). As a result of such processing, valuable nutrients are removed from the oil, it becomes empty and useless. Such a product is used more for the production of soap and manufacture of confectionery (mass production).


The second option is an unrefined coconut oil. The aroma of this product is a delicate, subtle coconut smell. Such oil is considered valuable and very useful, because in the production the technology of cold spin is used. This is the best that you can choose from the entire line of tan oils, because the oil can be safely called “alive”, it will give you not only comfort and beautiful tanning, but also benefits for the skin and the whole of the whole organism.

Do you know how to check the product for quality? If the oil is “living” or natural, then its storage period is short, and you need to hold a jar of coconut oil in the refrigerator. If you bought oil that can be used for internal use, then the shelf life only in a cold place is a maximum of 6 months. If oil is used for external use (on the package appropriate mark), then the shelf life of such a product is maximum 12 months.


You can independently check the purchased oil for its naturalness - just put it in the refrigerator. The contents of the jar at room temperature will be liquid, and at low temperature, the real coconut oil hardens. If you place it again in a warm place, just hold it for half an hour in the room and it will again become liquid. Stay in a cold environment and warm does not affect the properties of the product.

A little about coconuts and history

The product that is obtained from the fruits of the palm tree is considered healing for many centuries. Cokos oil is widely used in Thailand, India and Indonesia - this is his homeland. People discovered the healing properties of oil for a long time and used it to treat various ailments, in that cosmetology and traditional medicine.


Queen Cleopatra very much appreciated the coconut and took the baths of beauty, which consisted of 2 components: fresh milk and coconut oil. Such baths made not only the skin, but also the hair velvet, like silk.

Coconut or in the common people of coconut, ripens on coconut palm. The fetus looks like a dense brown walnut with a solid shell, under which there is a fleshy part. Its thickness ranges from 10-12 cm-this is a coconut. The rest of the space is occupied by coconut juice. Many people do not know that not coconut milk is hidden inside the coconut, but precisely juice. It is liquid and transparent, but not white.

As soon as the fruit of the coconut palm reaches the stage of maturity, the Copra releases a few drops of oil and the juice gradually turns into a viscous mass-this is coconut milk, it thickens as the nut ripens (and this is not fast, 8-9 months!), It becomes a solid . Just such a fruit is considered ripe, it can be sent for processing to get the most valuable and useful product - coconut oil.

In short, oil production: a solid coconut pulp, in which there is more fat (as a percentage), it is necessary to separate from the shell. The copru, with mass production, is first chopped, then dried and passed through the press. It turns out a delicate coconut oil with a slight slightly sweet aroma. This is a cold pressing method.

The technology for obtaining coconut oil can be different: by hot pressing. The oil output is slightly higher, but the value is reduced. With 1 kg, the copra is obtained 300 g of oil.


Cold pressing oil is more useful, it has more nutrients. Such a product is not always beneficial in production, because the output is low, the waste is larger, and the cost of the finished product is an order of magnitude higher than the use of hot pressing technology.

How to choose coconut oil

Having studied the reviews of girls who used coconut oil for tanning, you can come to the fact that not every oil will help to find golden smooth and beautiful tan. Girls say that the oil purchased in online stores had an unpleasant odor, the color of the product was a little yellowish and transparent, the oil was poorly and practically did not absorb. It was washed off very difficult. There are many positive reviews, the oil liked the oil and helped to quickly light up without burns and dry skin.

To achieve the desired result, listen to these recommendations:

  1. Avoid remote purchases: it is very important to consider the oil, see what color it is, what consistency and what is its aroma.
  2. Go to cosmetics stores, markets and dubious shops are not the best option, because you can purchase a poorly cleaned product.
  3. When buying, pay attention to the cleaning method. Unrefined oil, it is the “first squeeze” is the best, because the cleaning is mechanical, without additives and impurities. Refined - purified in different ways using chemicals, due to which the value of the product is reduced.
  4. Cold or hot squeezing? Of course, the first option is more nutrient components in such oil, which means that there will be more benefits.
  5. As for the aroma, before buying, you must definitely get acquainted with the aroma of the product. High -quality oil smells pleasantly, thinning the delicate aroma of coconut. But not sharp and obsessive. And yet, if you have a refined product in front of you, then it will most likely be deprived of aroma or vice versa, have a fragrance.
  6. About color: to see the color, choose oil in a transparent container, if possible - in a glass dish. The color of good oil will be barely yellowish and transparent, but in the total mass the oil will be white. A rich yellow tint indicates poorly cleaning the oil.
  7. The consistency was said above, but you can repeat it. Since the oil melting temperature is achieved upon reaching 25 oC, the lower the temperature, the greater the chance of hardening the oil. Due to this feature in cosmetology, it is customary to call such oils with solid or “butterians”. The properties of oil when heated and cooling do not change.

The use of coconut oil for tanning

Before you go on vacation, in a few days, and preferably in a week, you need to start preparatory events. The skin should be prepared for rest and the adoption of sunbathing, so do not be too lazy to make a scrub at least 3 days before going to the beach. Do the skin cleansing with homes using ground coffee, sugar or large sea salt. The day before reaching the beach, making a scrub is already undesirable.

The use of oils is only welcome, it can be coconut oil, which must be applied to the skin immediately after taking a shower. This method will help not only maintain the optimal moisture balance, but also prepare for the acceptance of sunbathing.


We use correctly coconut oil for tanning in the sun:

  • before going to the beach, apply to the body, as well as on the face of the coconut oil. We do this in the morning and wait for it to be absorbed;
  • protection for several hours is provided;
  • if you like outdoor activities, swim a lot and play with children in the sand, then after 1-2 hours of stay in the sun and bathing, you need to wash off the remnants of the oil with fresh water, and then apply a fresh portion.

Coconut oil for tanning. Photo:




We sunbathe safely

If we compare the degree of protection of coconut oil with store specialized means for safe tanning, then you must consider that the level of protection or SPF in coconut oil is low, it is only 8 units.


This suggests that such rules must be followed:

  • in the hours of high solar activity, you need to either apply additional protection to the body, or refrain from staying in the sun. This is the time from 11 hours to 16.00. The sun is very active in these hours and you can only harm yourself if you continue to “fry” the skin. For her, this is very dangerous and even fraught with sunburns;
  • to get the desired even and beautiful shade and boast of a beautiful tan, then in the sun you can be a total of not more than 1-2 hours and then in safe time: until 11.00 and after 16.00;
  • do not forget that while in the shade, you are not protected from the dose of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, if the oil is not applied to the skin, use a cream with a high degree of protection;
  • before you go to the beach, you can not use alcohol -containing agents, they cause pigmentation. And the uneven tan is small, which can be made up;
  • disodorants-antiperspirants are very harmful to the skin on the beach. If you can’t refuse deodorant at all, buy a special natural with crystals;
  • this does not apply to the topic, but still: protect your hair the same way! A pair of droplets of coconut oil will help to avoid overdrying hair. And do not neglect the heading - health is more expensive than image.

Coconut oil for tanning in a solarium

Are you going to a solarium? You need to take care of a flat tan in advance. It is not necessary to be on the beach for a long time, you can sunbathe in the solarium at any time of the year. The coconut oil is just for this, it is used before lying under the lamps.

diesel fuel

What is the advantage of coconut oil, when compared with special tanning products in the solarium, this is:

  1. A flat, beautiful tan.
  2. Good moisturizer for the skin.
  3. No premature wrinkles! The skin is moistened and does not dry out under the influence of ultraviolet lamps.
  4. The coconut oil has excellent absorption, it does not leave a bold shine on the skin.
  5. Oil does not cause allergic reactions.

Oil is used in order to light up in front of the solarium session and after. In the first case, the oil will help pull the beautiful tan, and in the second - it will not let the skin dry out. If they overdid it, then there will be no burns and unpleasant sensations.

Comparing special products for solariums with coconut oil, we draw conclusions: all store drugs are not intended to protect the skin, but only so that it will quickly gain a dark shade. And the oil works softly and safely: protects, moisturizes and helps to get a beautiful golden skin color. There are no chemical components in it, everything is only natural and safe.

How to make coconut oil yourself

If you could not find coconut oil or its quality in doubt in stores, there is a way out - the oil can be made yourself! In this product you can be 100%confident, because it will not have any preservatives and chemical components.

We make coconut oil at home:

  • we need a coconut (we buy in the store);
  • spacious capacity;
  • knife;
  • grater or powerful grinder/blender.


The technology is extremely simple:

  1. Open coconut. It is not easy to do it, you need to try. Sharp awl make holes in the coconut where you saw 3 dents.
  2. When you made holes, drain coconut juice. Many people prefer to drink it right away, do the way you want.
  3. We open the coconut - we cut, chop off the pieces or hit with a hammer along a dense shell.
  4. We separate the white fragrant pulp from the shell, put it on a flat dish so that it dries a little. Ideal - leave for the night on the table, and continue in the morning.
  5. If you rush, then get down to business right away. Your task is to grind this pulp by any means. You can do this manually, just grate the coconut pulp on a grater (using the side with small notches!). This is very time -consuming. If there is a powerful blender or grinder, then the task is facilitated.
  6. Pour the resulting chopped pulp with water. It should be hot, but not only boiled. It will need so much water so that it completely covers all the chips by 2-3 cm. Do not worry, if there is more water, it will not spoil the coconut pulp.
  7. Now we knead the pulp with a wooden spoon, you can take a crowd, use the bottom from a plastic bottle or a cup. You need to try to thoroughly stretch the pulp so that it gives more oil.
  8. The kneading process is not long until the water cools down.
  9. The case is almost done, it remains to strain the mass through a sieve. Place the liquid into a jar and put in a cold place. For reliability, place the remaining flesh in a gauze folded in several layers and squeeze the entire liquid thoroughly to the last drop.
  10. We put a jar with coconut white liquid in the refrigerator at night (maximum 8 hours).
  11. After the indicated time, we check - white dense flakes or pieces will appear on top - this is oil.
  12. You need to strain the liquid, transfer the oil into a small glass container or wrap the pieces in the parchment.
  13. And you can do otherwise: put the container with butter in a water bath, wait for the oil to melt. An excess fluid may come out of it. Pour the finished product into a jar.
  14. When the oil becomes solid, make several holes in it to the bottom with a toothpick. You will see that excess liquid remained at the bottom - it needs to be drained.

Fragrant and healthy coconut oil is ready. Do not pour the remaining liquid, it will come in handy - this is an excellent tool for moisturizing the skin and hair. Apply coconut water to your hair along the entire length, leave for 1 hour, then you can wash your hair with shampoo.

It also happens that everything is done correctly, but the oil did not work. If cream appeared on the surface of coconut milk, then it was necessary to carefully knead the chips. Cream do not rush to throw away, this is also a good product to moisturize the skin, only the shelf life is not as large as that of coconut oil.

Now you know that with the help of coconut oil you can get a beautiful golden tan without harm to health.



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