
How to cook cake for Easter: the best cakes recipes

How to cook cake for Easter: the best cakes recipes
Favorite and interesting recipes of Easter Mood. The history of the tradition of tradition Easter Culichi.

On April 12, the whole Christian world will celebrate the Great Holiday - the day of the Lightly Resurrection, which in the surprise call Easter. One of the significant attributes of this life-affirming holiday is Easter cake, which many centuries decorate Christian tables. Given the importance of the holiday and the fact that Easter always comes after the most strict years during the year of the Great Post, Christians never spare for the mouth of the most expensive and rare products, turning the baking of the Easter Merchant into a special priesthood.

How to bake cake in Russia knew for a long time. Both historians and clergymen converge in the fact that the custom of Kulich's oven existed in Russia before her baptism and was part of the pagan cult.

Moreover, the name of the Kulich occurred from the Old Slavonic "Ko-La-Cha", which translates like the "Sun Child." Easter cake was not famous in Easter Old Testament. Moreover, the resurrection of Christ was noted by the "taste of the Easter's absenteeism with desarp (fresh cakes) and bitter herbs." Kulich, as a high bread with eggs, is the personification of the famous pagan symbol of fertility god. And it is quite symbolic that he is baked in the early spring, in anticipation of sowing, the appearance of the rating of cattle, a new natural cycle.

Thus, Russia, adopting Christianity, brought his values \u200b\u200bto him, together the resurrection of Christ and the resurrection of nature to a new life. By and large, these holidays are close in their deep meaning, because they give us hope for a bright future and eternal life!

Scene of the Ritual in Easter Ritual

Kulich occupies an important place in the ritual of Easter worship. He symbolizes the memory that Jesus Christ after his resurrection touched food along with his apostles. At the same time, during the meal, the apostles did not sit down on the central place at the table, and put the dish with bread in front of him. It has long been a custom for Easter to illuminate the cakes in the church, which were depicted or a cross, or the image of the resurrection. Only a crown was visible on the cross, the figure of Christ was absent, which meant victory over death. Cacius then got along the church and left a part of them on a shared table in the monastery. On Saturday, after the blessing, they were handed over to believers.

Easter Cooking Recipe


At the celebration of Lightly Christ Resurrection, referred to as Easter, the Easter cake is consecrated, which, in fact, is an arranged yeast bread.

Easter cakes differ from other breads with a special form and recipe. The secret of this festive dish, as a rule, keep our grandmothers, and thanks to them, the recipe for the Easter croup is transmitted from generation to generation. Dough for cakes necessarily yeast. The recipe for the scene contains many eggs, sugar, butter or margarine. In addition, the recipes of Easter cakes may contain candied fruits, dried fruits, nuts, many spices. A variety of combinations of such spices, like vanillin, saffron, carnation, nutmeg, cardamon, cinnamon are used. So, in the preparation of the Easter Mood, there is where your fantasy is roaring to create your own family recipe for Easter scene.

The decoration of the croup also makes it possible to show your creative start. The basis for the decoration of kulukhai is, as a rule, the glaze, which is decorated with inscriptions ("« KH "or ornaments of tinted milf, chocolate crumb, confectionery fonders. Festively decorated cakes are a real work of art. It is not surprising that Culichs at Easter are as follows in the photo.

Kulich brings joy to the house and sew your family. Preparing Easter cakes, let them bring happiness to your house, Christ is resurrected!

We warn you that starting to cook the Easter Merchant, please be patient and fill your heart with love and tenderness to your loved ones, joy for the salvation of Christ and the bright hopes for the future!

Easter cake: classic recipe


This option is the preparation of Easter Moods is the most common and relatively simple cooking. It can be the basis for your culinary fantasies.


  • milk - 500 ml;
  • drier yeast - 1.5 packs (16 g);
  • flour - 1 kg;
  • yolks - 10 pcs.;
  • sugar - 300 gr (or to taste);
  • butter creamy (softened, room temperature) - 300 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 grams;
  • raisin - 300 grams;
  • lemon Zestra (optional) - to taste.

For glaze:

  • sugar powder - 1 cup (150-180 grams);
  • egg protein (chilled) - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

For decoration:

  • powder Pastry (for Kulichi) - 50 gr


  1. To bake Easter cake, it is necessary to start the dough.
  2. For this, in a saucepan in which your dough will be put up, you need to warm up 350 ml of milk to 35-40 degrees. Milk must be warm, but not hot, otherwise, the yeast, which we add to the milk, and all your effort will disappear for nothing.
  3. Dissolve, stirring with a spoon, yeast in milk, pour 150 gr (1 cup) of sifted flour, and mix again.
  4. Leave the cooked opar for 30-40 minutes in a warm place so that the opara rose and began to be down.
  5. Meanwhile, we will deal with eggs. Separate yolks from proteins. Squirrels will remove in the fridge - they will be suitable for us later. And yolks to scatter with sugar in a foam, adding a little sugar.
  6. We will add softened butter to whipped yolks, and we are still swinging up to homogeneity.
  7. Here the opara rose well.
  8. The resulting mixture of yolks and oils is added to the finished opaire.
  9. We thoroughly mix and leave to an increase in the volume of the resulting test by 2 times, that is, about an hour.
  10. When the dough rises, mix it with a spoon, and leave to climb again. It will take another 30-40 minutes.
  11. After that, add the remaining sifted flour into the dough, pour the remaining milk, add vanilla sugar and a grated zest from lemon or orange.
  12. Mix the dough with a spoon and leave it to approach another hour.
  13. Raisins thoroughly rinse and go through, removing the fruits and pour boiling water 1 cm above the level of berries. After that, let's draw about half an hour. Remove some swelling berries, dry and shield flour (1-2 tbsp. Spoons) so as not to settle on the bottom.
  14. Intermarry raisins in the dough for the Easter Mood.
  15. Give the test to approach again, 20-30 minutes.
  16. Fill the forms with a test, slightly more than 1/3 and leave to be set until the moment when the dough increases in a volume of at least twice.
  17. At this time, heat the oven to 190 degrees.
  18. Raising cakes to put in a preheated oven for 35-40 minutes.
  19. The readiness of the Easter Mood can be checked with a wooden stick (rays), which should remain dry.
  20. While our Easter cake is in the oven, prepare the glaze to decorate the Easter Mood.
  21. For this, cooled proteins with a foam. Then, slugging a little sugar powder, you take them up to an increase in volume several times, adding lemon juice into the glaze.
  22. Finished hot cakes to lubricate with icing and decorate with confectionery.

Chocolate Easter Merchant Recipe on Ancient Recipe


The original recipe requiring significant culinary skills and relatively large financial costs through the use of expensive ingredients.


  • water or milk - 0.5 cups;
  • yeast - 60 grams;
  • picky flour (can be ordinary) - 2 glasses;
  • eggs - 16 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 glasses;
  • almond purified - 3 glasses;
  • chocolate - 50-100 gr or cocoa powder 0.5 cups;
  • wine red - 0.5 cups;
  • rum - 0.25 glasses;
  • orange Cuccats - 0.25 glasses;
  • cinnamon - 1 h. spoon;
  • hammer carnation - 0.5-1 h. spoon;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • rye crackers - 0.25 glasses.

For chocolate glaze:

  • cocoa powder (spoons without a slide) - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar powder (spoons without a slide) - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • potato starch (spoons with slide) - 1 tbsp.;
  • water (boiled, ice) - 7-8 tbsp. l.


  1. Yeast dilute in warm water or milk, heated to 35-40 degrees, add 1.5 cups sifted through the sieve flour, mix thoroughly and put into a warm place for about 1 hour to give a pampel.
  2. During this time, separate 16 yolks and confused them with sugar. 12 proteins remove in the refrigerator, they will come to us later.
  3. Almonds fry on a dry pan, clean from the skins and chop with a knife.
  4. If you use chocolate, put it in the freezer in advance so that it is convenient to grate it in a small grater.
  5. Tsukati, depending on the magnitude and your addiction, can also be crushed.
  6. Squeeze lemon juice.
  7. The finished opaar is well mixed with a spatula, put yolks, lighted with sugar, almonds, grated chocolate, pour and red wine, add rye crackers, candy, cinnamon, carnation and lemon juice.
  8. Mix the shovel thoroughly thoroughly, give the test to climb, and mix again.
  9. Delayed earlier in the refrigerator 12 proteins beat and add to the dough, also add the remaining flour.
  10. The finished dough is to pour into the shape, lubricated with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and immediately put in a hot oven for 1-1.5 hours.
  11. At this time, cook chocolate glaze. For this, cocoa powder, sugar powder and starch mix and sift into a dry bowl.
  12. Add boiled water, pre-for about 20 minutes cooled in the freezer and mix to homogeneous mass.
  13. Ready chocolate Easter cake to pour chocolate icing.

Boyarsky Recipe Cooking Molds for Easter


The recipe is unusual through the use of a large number of spices that give Kulich special originality. Nevertheless, its preparation does not require special skill and financial costs.


  • fresh yeast - 50 gr;
  • cream - 3 glasses;
  • wheat flour - 1200 gr;
  • butter creamy - 200 grams;
  • sugar - 200 gr;
  • eggs - 15 pcs.;
  • cardamom - 10 pcs.;
  • nut nut - 1 pc.;
  • carnation - 5 pcs.;
  • almonds - 50 gr;
  • cuccats - 100 grams;
  • raisins - 100 gr.

For protein glaze:

  • egg protein - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • water is 1 cup.


  1. Make a glass of cream to the body temperature and breed fresh yeast in them.
  2. Add to cream 3 cups of flour and put the resulting displacement in a warm place for about an hour.
  3. While the opara rises, scroll the butter with sugar and 15 yolks to the formation of a homogeneous mixture. Separate separately a couple of proteins and put them cool into the fridge, they will come in handy for glaze.
  4. Brew raisins boiling water for half an hour, then drain the water and beat it, freeing from the fruits. Threaten on a paper towel.
  5. Scroll into the mortar 10 grains of cardamom, 5 inflorescences of carnations and nutmeg.
  6. Fry almonds on a dry pan and clean it from the skins. Fine almonds and cooked citadates with a knife finely.
  7. In the finished oparan, enter the mixture prepared from the yolks, oil and sugar prepared by you, add more than 3 cups of flour, 2 cups of cream, a mixture of crowded spices, chopped almonds and beams, raisins.
  8. Mix the dough well, and leave it to climb 1.5-2 hours, stirring every half hour.
  9. Finished dough put in a lubricated oil and mowed a high shape.
  10. Fill the shape on 1/3, give the test again to rise to 3/4 of the altitude of the form and put into the oven with a 40-50 minutes.
  11. Culici from such a baked dough is better baked in small forms.
  12. The readiness of the hook is easiest to check the toothpick. When it comes out of herrum dry, it means that Kulich is ready.

So that Kulich was not only delicious, but also pleased the eyes, decorate it with traditional protein icing for Kulichi. To do this, put on a metal saucepan of 1 glass of water, add 1 cup of sugar sand and, constantly stirring in a spoon, will cook first on weak heat, and then screaming water to get a thick syrup.

The readiness of the syrup is determined as follows: take a teaspoon with a boiling syrup and lower it into cold water; If you can roll a soft ball from the cooled syrup in the water - syrup is ready.

Remove the 2 protein left from the refrigerator and take them into a foam.

Do not cease to beat, gradually pour into the protein mass a thick syrup with a fine trickle and continue to beat to a homogeneous mass.

The resulting protein icing decorate the top crust of your slices. You can also scatter the glaze of almond residues and zucats.

As needed, this portion of protein glaze can be enlarged twice.

Cooking recipe for carrot (solar)

kulich (1)

An unusually colorful veil version containing carrots makes it not only useful, but also easier, due to the reduction of the volume of flour used.


  • 300 g of carrots;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 25 g yeast;
  • 1 kg of flour;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • 6 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • raisins, Tsukati and Nuts - to taste.

For glaze:

  • 2 egg whites;
  • 200 g of sugar powder;
  • 1 tbsp. Lemon juice.


  1. We heat the milk to the warm state and leave in it to swell dry yeast. You can add some sugar to the yeast to work faster.
  2. We take out the refrigerator oil so that it is room temperature.
  3. Cleaning a strong and sweet carrot, we divide on the layers in 1 cm thick, fill with water, slightly above the level of carrots and cook until readiness under the cover on a small fire, with the calculation, so that by the end of the cooking water remains minimal.
  4. Welded carrots break the blender to the condition of mashed potatoes or wipe through the sieve.
  5. Add eggs, mounted butter, flour, salt, sugar and sucker lying on the cooked carrot puree. We mix the dough.
  6. The finished dough put in a warm place and wait when it rises.
  7. At this time, we are engaged in the preparation of the filling of the crib, that is, fry nuts and grind them to the necessary value, cutting the candles, poured with steep boiling water raisins.
  8. When the dough rises 2-3 times mix nuts, smeared raisins, candied and give the test to get up again.
  9. The finished dough is shifted into the prepared molds, smeared with oil and sprinkled with flour or sugar crumb, who loves.
  10. Fill the molds on 1/3 - if you want to smooth edges in the mouth and on ½ - if you want the finished cake to be like a small fungus, that is, had a small hat. We leave the filled molds in a warm place for 30 minutes so that they rose. We bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.
  11. While our Easter cake is in the oven, prepare the glaze to decorate the Easter Mood.
  12. For this, cooled proteins with a foam. Then, slugging a little sugar powder, you take them up to an increase in volume several times, adding lemon juice into the glaze.
  13. Finished cakes to cool a little and shifting on the dish.
  14. Half the icing and decorate the candied in their taste.

Pickup recipe for Easter. Video


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Lara 69. 30.04.2016 To answer

Used the classic recipe-great !!! And there is a photo, how to lay out, I know (.

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