
How to cook buckwheat correctly

How to cook buckwheat correctly
Features and recipes of proper preparation of delicious buckwheat.

Among all the cereals, it is buckwheat porridge that can be called the most tasty, beloved and useful among housewives and households. It is properly cooked tasty buckwheat that is included in the obligatory diet of children in kindergartens and schools, and also recommended for the mandatory regular use of the house. The complex benefit of buckwheat for the whole organism is obvious and proceeds from its unique composition: vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, copper and potassium, as well as useful trace elements and amino acids. In addition, buckwheat porridge is the only one that contains a large amount of routine. Products with the entry of this natural element are a valuable natural antioxidant, and also help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve the circulatory system as a whole. Therefore, boiled buckwheat, even on water, is very useful and mandatory for the presence in the diet of children, people of advanced age, people with chronic digestive diseases and the circulatory system, to restore the complex of vitamins and microelements after diseases and just for prevention.

How to cook buckwheat tasty


Although buckwheat and undemanding product, there are still a number of nuances that must be held to hold in order to get tasty.

How to cook buckwheat: proportions

As they say - buckwheat is a universal product, so so valuable. And this is not only in terms of benefit and taste. In addition to the fact that buckwheat can simply be welded deliciously with many recipes and it will always be unusual, it is added to a mass of different dishes as a component of the ingredient and as an independent dish. Buckwheat is boiled, fried, cooked on water, milk and broths, made lean and meat, with eggs and herbs, cooked in a slow cooker and microwave, added to cutlets and jelly, and even bake pancakes and pancakes. And this, surprisingly, the fantasy of culinary masterpieces is not limited, but is even more played out. The only thing that always remains unchanged when you cook buckwheat is its proportions in relation to liquids. This ratio should always be 1: 2, no matter how you are going to cook useful nuclei. In addition, boiled crumbly buckwheat is very fond of oil - its aroma and taste are instantly revealed when you add olive, sunflower or butter. As it says correctly: "You can’t spoil the porridge with oil!"

How to cook buckwheat: preparation of cereals

Whatever expensive buckwheat you buy, it will not save you from the need in the ideal version to sort it out and rinse well. In the case of buckwheat, as with rice, the taste after cooking and its aesthetic appearance depend on this.

  1. First of all, before cooking, sort the volume of delicious buckwheat you need for the presence of pebbles and garbage. You will immediately notice small stones - they are usually much darker than the rest of the buckwheat and hard to the touch. If you are lazy and do not check the buckwheat porridge before cooking for the presence of such defects subsequently, they can even plug a piece of tooth during meals, but no one is safe and glad of it. Therefore, we sort carefully.
  2. Stage number 2 will be the exclusion of empty nuclei. The fact is that in the buckwheat in any case there are empty nuclei and they can be detected by placing cereals into the water - they immediately come up to the surface and are easily assembled by ordinary slotted spoon or spoon. In addition, in wet buckwheat porridge you will see a residual small husk - separate pieces of a dark almost black nucleus shell. It is not so much, but it is also better to remove it, since we do everything right.
  3. And, in the end, we wash buckwheat well before cooking until the water becomes transparent.

How to cook buckwheat: how much time

From how you cook buckwheat porridge, envy and how much time it needs to be kept in boiling liquid.

  1. If you adhere to a classic recipe for cooking buckwheat on the stove, withstanding proportions, under a closed lid it is enough for 20 minutes of time at medium power.
  2. If you cook buckwheat according to the recipe in a multicooker enough standard buckwheat program and up to 1 hour of time.
  3. When boiling for a couple of buckwheat, it turns out especially crumbly and airy. After previously fried dry buckwheat grains, it will take it in a steam bath until 35 minutes of time.

Cook buckwheat: recipes


Cook scattered buckwheat

Among the many recipes of buckwheat porridge are all tasty when correctly cooked. If you relate to buckwheat as a simple porridge, then as a result of cooking you will get an indistinct something that does not look much like a crumbly fragrant buckwheat that you want to eat. Do not forget - this is a process that has its own rules and terms.


  • buckwheat porridge - 1 cup;
  • purified water - 2 cups;
  • butter - 1 tsp;
  • salt to taste.

Method of preparation:

  1. We determine how much porridge we want to cook today, we determine not by eye. Remember, we have rigid fluid proportions. We measure buckwheat porridge for subsequent cooking with a measuring container. In addition, remember that the finished porridge will become twice as much, so do not overdo it with volumes.
  2. We do not neglect all the preparatory processes before putting buckwheat on the stove. We sort out the cereal and my thoroughly it.
  3. After you have crossed and washed the cereal, let's start cooking. We will cook aromatic crumbly buckwheat porridge. To do this, we will calculate the entire volume of cereal in a pan. We stir well and fry slightly so that the grains are given a characteristic aroma, but at the same time do not burn - we control.
  4. Turn off the fire and add the butter to the porridge. Mix everything thoroughly until the oil is completely melted, and each grain will not be shrouded in oil. It is very important to relate to this stage responsibly - this is a guarantee that the porridge will not be dry. And it is important to do this on the turned off fire - the porridge should not fry at this moment, otherwise the oil will bake and the whole effect will disappear.
  5. Pour buckwheat with water and turn on the fire. It is important until the full readiness of our crumbly buckwheat not to let new air there. So, we cook buckwheat in a container with a transparent lid - this is convenient and practical. We control until the water boils, and reduce the fire to the middle one - we maintain for 20 minutes and turn off.
  6. When you open the lid, you will see that buckwheat has already cooked and became crumbly. Now add salt, spices or greens to taste. We cover with a terry towel and set aside for another 15 - 20 minutes so that the porridge “reaches”. Bon appetit!

How to cook delicious buckwheat porridge in a thermos


A very original and quick way to prepare delicious buckwheat porridge without any effort. No need to stand at the stove, fry and soar, control something. The motto of this recipe: you steal porridge in the evening - eat delicious buckwheat porridge in the morning.


  • buckwheat porridge - 1.5 cups;
  • water - 3 cups;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. L.;
  • cream oil - 20 grams.

Method of preparation:

  1. We sort out and my buckwheat.
  2. At this time, boil the necessary volume of water in a separate container.
  3. We prepare a large thermos by 2.5 liters: well, we remove it, remove all extraneous smells.
  4. Pour salt into washed buckwheat and mix well. It is very important to mix salt with buckwheat croup before entering a thermos - so everything is definitely mixed well.
  5. We fill up buckwheat into a thermos and pour boiling water over the desired volume.
  6. We close the thermos and put in a warm place at night.
  7. In the morning we pour delicious buckwheat porridge for breakfast and do not forget to add a piece of butter before serving. Bon appetit!

How to cook buckwheat: a buckwheat recipe with mushrooms in pots


A very original way to make delicious buckwheat porridge and not very expensive in time and efforts. You can cook both with mushrooms, and with meat, greens, egg, or make a mix, in general, for every taste.


  • buckwheat porridge - 100 g per pot depending on its volume (I have half -liter);
  • water - 200 g (2 times the amount of buckwheat);
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • butter - 10 g per pot;
  • white mushrooms are dry - 10 g;
  • any fresh mushrooms - 20 g;
  • garlic - 1 tooth;
  • green onions - 3 feathers;
  • greens to taste.

Method of preparation:

  1. We carry out all the preparatory processes over the buckwheat. We prepare it for immersion in a pot: sort out, mine.
  2. At this time, we soak dried white mushrooms in warm water, 10 - 15 minutes. Drain.
  3. We cut finely onions and fresh mushrooms. In olive oil, fry the bow until a characteristic smell appears, no more than 2 - 3 minutes. Add cut mushrooms there and fry until golden brown. Remove from heat.
  4. Fry buckwheat a little in a separate frying pan to a pronounced aroma. Turn off and add half of butter and salt - mix thoroughly. This is done so that buckwheat porridge is fragrant and crumbly.
  5. On the bottom of the pot bed, half the remaining butter, we fill up all the buckwheat on top. Gently spread the fried mushrooms with onions on buckwheat, add half the white mushrooms and a clove of garlic.
  6. We put the oven for 40 minutes pre -warmed up to 200 degrees. Do not open the pot.
  7. Turn off the stove, take out a pot and reconciliation we report the remaining white mushrooms, butter and finely chopped greens. We cover and send it to a warm oven for 15 minutes to reach. We get - a pleasant appetite!

How to cook buckwheat correctly: video



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