
Altai Mummy: Instructions for use

Altai Mummy: Instructions for use
The healing power of natural mountain resin for beauty and health

Mummy is a resin -shaped substance of natural origin, which is cleaned of impurities before use. It is a mass of black with a shiny surface.

Mummy since ancient times has been used in medicine. Doctors of India and Iran have used and still use it as the main drug in the treatment of injuries and diseases of all internal organs.

A unique resin is extracted in the alpine caves of Altai, India, Afghanistan, Iran, China, as well as Australia and South America. The origin of the mountain balm remains a mystery to scientists. However, it is reliably known that substances of plant, animal and mineral origin take part in the formation of mountain wax (called mummy in the east). And although in many regions the deposits of mummy are discovered, its reserves are small.

Before using the product, check the naturalness of its origin.

  1. At the temperature of the human body, the natural mummy softens, a specific smell appears.
  2. The mountain balm has a bitter taste.
  3. If you pour the mummy with warm water, then in a few minutes a natural product of high quality will dissolve without a residue.

Altai Mummy, photo



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The composition of the Altai mummy

The composition of the mummy is very complex - the substance contains more than 80 different components.

  1. Chemical elements.
  2. Microelements.
  3. Metal oxide.
  4. Amino acids and fatty acids.
  5. Vitamins.
  6. Essential oils.
  7. Bee poison.
  8. Resins.

Even modern science cannot yet identify and describe all the beneficial properties of this substance. But the features already studied by its already studied to say that the mountain balm is able to heal from a number of diseases of the human organs and systems, to solve cosmetic problems, to help weight loss and strengthen health.


Properties altai mummy

  1. Anti -inflammatory.
  2. Antitoxic.
  3. Bactericidal.
  4. Regenerating.
  5. Choleretic.
  6. Immunomodulating.
  7. Anti -reducing.
  8. Mucolytic.

The mummy regulates the metabolism in the body, increases its resistance to infections, suppresses the processes of negative mutations, helps to relieve inflammation, healing various wounds (fractures, burns, cuts, etc.). Normalizes the level of cholesterol, sugar and hemoglobin in the blood. Substances contained in the resin are involved in the processes of strengthening immunity, stimulate intercellular metabolism, provoke cell renovation and general rejuvenation of the body.

Mountain wax is also very useful for people who have suffered chemical poisoning.

That heals the Altai mummy


Mummy can be bought in pharmacies or specialized stores in the form of tablets, suppositories, ointments, balms and simply in the form of pieces of resin mass. Choose the shape of the product depending on what you will use it.

Mountain balm is used for psycho-emotional overloads, for high-quality recovery after physical overwork and, of course, for the treatment of diseases and their prevention.

The use of mummy in the form of compresses

  1. Injuries of varying degrees of complexity: fractures, stretching, dislocations, purulent and inflamed wounds, burns, frostbite.
  2. Skin diseases.
  3. Neuralgia.
  4. Diseases of the oral mucosa and gums.
  5. Salt deposition, joint pain.

Application of mummy in the form of candles

  1. Haemorrhoids.
  2. Gynecological diseases.
  3. Treatment of infertility.

Use of mummy in the form of tablets

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Including peptic ulcer.
  2. Periodontal disease.
  3. Bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
  4. Purulent otitis media, diseases of the middle ear.
  5. Sinusitis, front.
  6. Stroke.
  7. Postinfarct states.
  8. Prevention during flu epidemics.
  9. Thrombophlebitis of deep veins.

Contraindications to the use of mummy


Natural components contained in a qualitative mummy cannot harm the human body. Contraindications relate to the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, treatment with medications (especially Eufillin). It is not recommended to combine mummy with alcohol. If you notice individual intolerance to mountain resin, refuse to use it. Mummy can be given to children from two years old.

Instructions for use mummy


  • External use.  For the treatment of skin diseases, abscesses, burns and inflammations, compresses with 2-3% of the aqueous solution of mummy are used. The bandage should be fixed and hold for several hours. The frequency of applications depends on the necessity. Often therapy is supplemented by taking the drug inside in the form of tablets.
  • In the form of suppositories.  For vaginal and rectal use. Adult candles are administered 2 times a day with an exacerbation of the disease. The duration is 10 days, then a break of 7 days is made and the course is repeated. For prevention - one candle for a month. After a preventive course, a break of 3-5 months is required.
  • In the form of tablets.  The optimal daily dose of the drug is 0.2 grams. Tablets take one 2-3 times a day. Two treatment courses are carried out for 10 days with a break per week. In the case of treatment of peptic ulcer, the dose can be increased to 0.5 grams per day.

Mummy for fractures, dislocations and stretching


Medical studies have shown that in patients who took mummy, the restoration of bone tissue ended 15-20 days earlier than in other patients with fractures. In addition, the level of calcium, phosphorus and potassium in the body normalized. This is due to the acceleration of the division of young cells of the body and replenish the balance of useful trace elements. Both adults and children over 2 years old can take mountain resin with fractures.

Mountain wax is taken in a certain dosage on an empty stomach (at least half an hour and food). Squacked with water, milk, juice or dissolves in them.

Reception methods developed by different doctors are slightly different, but each of them brings the effect of accelerated restoration of bone tissue, the formation of bone corns with a full structure.

Reception mummy by Nuraliev

The recipe consists in taking a substance inside 2 times a day (morning and evening). The dosage is calculated depending on the weight of the patient: from 50 to 90 kg of weight - 0.2 grams per appointment; Over 90 kg of weight - 0.5 grams per dose. According to this scheme, you need to take the resin for 3 weeks without interrupting the course.

Reception mummy according to Shakirov

According to the prescription of a specialist, the drug must be taken daily in the morning (half an hour before meals) at 0.2 grams regardless of the weight and age of the patient. The course of treatment: taking 10 days, a break of 10 days, repeated reception of 10 days.

In the treatment of dislocations, sprains or other disorders in the operation of the musculoskeletal system, in addition to taking the mummy inward according to the selected scheme, it is necessary to supplement the treatment with daily massage of the damaged area.

Dissolve the mummy (1 gram) in a tablespoon of water, then add honey (1 tbsp. L.) and rub into the skin until absorbing. The course of therapy is 25 days.

Altai mummy from stretch marks


Stretches (or striae) are scars on the skin, which are formed as a result of microtrauma and strong tension. Stretches appear in women on the stomach, hips and chest, most often after pregnancy and childbirth.

For the appearance of the desired result, the course of treatment should last an average of 3-5 months. It all depends on the oldness of striae and the features of your skin.

Treatment of stretch marks requires a lot of time and zeal. However, numerous reviews of women indicate that the effect of treatment is noticeable.

  1. Elasticity of the skin increases.
  2. The skin is overtaken by vitamins and microelements in the right amount.
  3. Stretches become much smaller and paler.
  4. The regeneration of epidermal cells is activated.

How to use mummy against stretch marks

  1. Start therapy immediately after the formation of stretch marks, not allowing them to completely abrupt and change the color.
  2. Use the product regularly.
  3. Apply a nutrient mixture with massage movements (hand or using a massager). This will enhance blood circulation and provide good access to substances in the skin tissue.
  4. Cream with mummy does not need to be washed off. Leave it on the skin for at least 2-3 hours.
  5. If the skin has changed the color under the influence of the resin, then use the lemon juice to lighten it.

Recipes for making creams with mummy from stretch marks

It is important to correctly prepare a cream made of natural resin. Take 4 grams of mummy and dilute it in 2 tbsp. l. warm water. Add 100 grams of children's cream or body milk as a base. Give the mixture to brew for 15 minutes.

To remove the specific smell of a mountain balm, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil to the cream. Ethers also enhance the procedure. Peppermint oil, citrus oils, pink oil or ylang-ylang will be useful.

The cream you have prepared should be enough for several applications. You can store a cream in a closed jar for no more than 14 days.

How to apply cream from stretch marks with mummy

On a clean skin, steam, apple the cream with soft circular movements. Do not press on the skin and do not stretch it - this can additionally injure damaged areas. Leave the cream on the skin for 2-3 hours. To treat stretch marks, repeat the procedure once a day before the appearance of visible results. For prevention, it is enough to apply the cream 2-3 times a week.

During pregnancy, the external use of cream from stretch marks with mummy is permissible, but essential oil should not be included in its composition.

Altai mummy for face

mumie-Maski-Dlya -lica

Facial masks with mountain resin were used by many generations of women. The mummy helps not only external rejuvenation, but also the treatment of deep skin problems, its general healing. The mountain balm does not cause skin allergies. Moreover, the resin itself has a calming effect on irritated skin.

  1. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is tonic.
  2. The regeneration of tissues and the healing of scars after acne is stimulated.
  3. Rashes are eliminated due to the antibacterial effect of the resin.
  4. The work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the excessive oily skin is eliminated.

Rules for the use of mummy for face

  1. When choosing between tablets and resin in liquid form for cosmetic purposes, choose a mummy in liquid form.
  2. If you use tablets, before creating masks, they need to be rubbed into powder.
  3. You can apply masks with a mountain balm for 15-20 minutes no more than 1 time in 10 days.
  4. By choosing a recipe, conduct a procedure with a course of up to 10 applications.

Face mummy recipes

When choosing a mask recipe, take into account the individual tolerance of additional components of the composition.

  1. A mask with an egg for oily skin. Pour 1 gram mummy with a tablespoon of warm milk, add whipped egg protein.
  2. A mask with a decoction of calendula from acne. Pour 1 grams of resin with a decoction of calendula so that a thick mass is obtained.
  3. Mask with yolk for dry skin. Mix 1 gram mummy with yolk and a tablespoon of cream.
  4. Mask with lemon from irritation on the face. Mix 1 gram mummy with a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  5. Lotion with wine from small wrinkles. Pour 1 grams of resin with natural red wine (100 grams), let it brew for a day. The lotion can be used daily to wipe the skin of the face.

Altai mummy for hair treatment


Mountain resin is actively used in cosmetology to restore damaged and brittle hair, normalization of the sebaceous glands. As well as to protect against the negative impact of external factors.

Natural substances mummy normalize blood circulation and nutrition of hair follicles, contribute to the active growth and strengthening of hair.

The mountain balm contains a whole complex of substances that positively affect the condition of the scalp: eliminate itching, peeling, inflammation and dandruff.

For the treatment of hair, mummy is used in the form of masks and solutions for rinsing. In addition to external use, it is also recommended to use mummy tablets during a hair restoration course - 1 tablet (0.2 grams) every morning.

Hair recipes with mummy

You can repeat hair masks with a mountain balm 2-3 times a week. The course of hair treatment will be 10 procedures. Then let your hair rest.

  1. The enrichment of shampoo. Add 2-3 grams of resin to your shampoo. Apply to the hair and withstand for about 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  2. Lotion for strengthening hair. In a glass of water, dissolve 2 grams of mummy. Water can be replaced with a decoction of herbs. Distribute the lotion through the hair and rub in the skin. Wash off after 2 hours. This recipe is suitable for any type of hair.
  3. Mask for dry and damaged hair. In warm honey, dissolve 2-3 grams of mummy, add the yolk. Move the mixture in the scalp and distribute along the entire length. After 30 minutes, rinse.
  4. Mask for split hair. Take 100 grams of kefir, 2-3 grams of resin and 1 tbsp. l. warm burdock oil. Apply the composition to the hair, thoroughly rub in the ends. Wash off in half an hour.

Altai mummy for weight loss


The mummy contributes to the activation of metabolic processes in the body and the rapid burning of calories. In addition, taking the mummy reduces the appetite and the need for fluid consumption. Therefore, it is often used for easy weight loss.

In order for the intake of the resin to have the necessary effect, it is important to correctly calculate the dosage of the substance per technique.

  1. Weight up to 70 kg - 0.2 gr.
  2. Weight up to 80 kg - 0.3 gr.
  3. Weight up to 90 kg - 0.4 gr.
  4. More than 90 kg - 0.5 gr.

As the weight decreases, the amount of the drug must be adjusted. Take the mummy 2 times a day (in the morning and in the evening) is necessary on an empty stomach. The course of admission is 20 days. Then you need to take a break from a week to a month so that the addiction to the substance does not develop. After the break, the course is repeated. However, dietitian doctors do not recommend conducting more than four courses per year.

Mountain balm contributes to intensive weight loss. But this does not mean that you can eat any foods. Diet during the intake of mountain resin provides for a complete rejection of sweet, flour, fried and canned food. Be sure to eat seafood, vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to abandon alcohol and smoking. With such an integrated approach, you will soon notice a weight loss.

How to measure the right amount of mummy

Although the mummy has no side effects, nevertheless, when taking it, it is worth observing the dosage developed by qualified doctors. If you use mummy in the form of a whole piece of resin, the weight of the drug can be determined by eye:

  • 0.1 g of resin - wheat grain size;
  • 0.2 g - wheat core;
  • 1 g - the size of the pea;
  • 5 gr - the size of a large cherry.

Mumiy of Altai. Video



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