
How to develop a sense of humor

How to develop a sense of humor
How to learn to joke and become a soul of the company.

With a smile in life, it is not only easier, but more fun and more interesting. The sense of humor helps us be the center of attention at work and soul of the company in a circle of friends. If you easily come to any situation and with a smile perceive difficulties - your mood remains as wonderful, and the questions are solved by yourself. The ability to laugh at itself helps us to perceive us, such as we, to put up with our disadvantages and multiply the dignity. The wonderful sense of humor is the key to the happy, long and full joy of life.

How to develop a sense of humor: What is a sense of humor and how to determine it?


In order to find out how to develop a sense of humor, let's first understand what it is and do we have?
What point of reference to consider the appearance of a sense of humor: time of birth, the first successful joke or the first ringing laughter? A wonderful sense of humor is rather a lifestyle, and not a one-time successful joke. This ability to always stay in a good mood and in any of them, be able to laugh at themselves - condescendingly, and with a smile to treat their failures. A man who has a sense of humor, easily finds a common language with people, he is a wonderful communicator and at work Communication His favorite occupation, always smiling and positive, not omitting hands, and the loves of everyone - this is a person with a great sense of humor.
As you know - laughter prolongs life. Depending on the mood of a person and the nature of his personality, his jokes can be kind and cruel, rough and thin, ironic and joyful. The presence of a sense of humor is determined not only the opportunity to successfully joke, but also the ability to evoke a joke, laugh from the soul both over the neighbor and above. People who have an insufficient sense of humor are often representatives of a reduced emotional level, and even apathy.

How to develop a sense of humor: a sense of humor in women and men


Who has a more developed sense of humor, in men or women? Here we take the well-known "club of fun and resourceful" or simply comedy alliances, serials, programs, who regulars started - men. Seriously, how much do you know successful comedians, or female teams? They noticed, even leading secular events always a man and a woman, and a partner with a sense of humor, a man. So, in women, there is no sense of humor and the "fun and resourceful" representatives of the wonderful sex to the Red Book?
Not everything is so crying, dear women. Girls with a sense of humor are enough, because they are true connoisseurs of its presence in a strong floor. It may seem that men's and women's jokes are distinguished: they say, alone rough, and others are thinner and insightful. However, it rather depends on the level of education, character, intelligence or education, rather than you can connect with a gender or a large or smaller sense of humor.

How to develop a sense of humor?


Many mistakenly believe that the excellent sense of humor, such as brown eyes or broad shoulders, is given exclusively from birth, and not acquired quality. In fact, the sense of humor is the ability in the form of a laughter of others to express a psychological response to a humorous action, a joke or an unexpected situation. This is a way to protect the body - reset the voltage.
You can also develop a sense of humor as easy as the habit of drinking tea without sugar - just a little effort. There are different ways to learn to joke. You can go to professional courses that with the help of special exercises guarantee the sense of humor in people with different temperament. You can pay attention to people who radiate positive and always in high spirits. People with a developed sense of humor often in the center. Attention, they create a relaxed cheerful atmosphere in which it is easy to communicate. Pay attention to the nature of its behavior and set to its wave. However, remember, with humor you need to be careful, you can not mindlessly repeat the behavior of others. It is important to finely guess the moment for a joke, because only said at the right moment and at the right time, it will have an effect you need on the interlocutor. Quickly appreciate the situation and instantly act while the moment is still relevant to the joke.
But how to have time to joke and do not miss the moment?
The basis of the joke is the speed and the game of words. Increase your education, replenish the vocabulary, develop the horizons, train speakers, read more and communicate. Developing these qualities constantly, and over time you will get used to joke, and you will radiate positive and bright emotions.

Develop a sense of humor using exercises

Young Woman With Hat In Front Of Pink Wall

How to develop a sense of humor: develop imagination

Choose any letter of the alphabet, such as your favorite. Write all the words on this letter that will come to your mind. And now make up a meaningful sentence. Read what happened. This creation certainwise caused you a smile. Repeat so more often, and the proposals will become original. It will expand your fantasy and give an imagination push.

How to develop a sense of humor: we make accents to contrasts, learn easy irony

Use a thin irony for small jokes. It is not at all difficult: just observe the situation, analyze it, and let the opposite assessment of the expected.
For example, if you came to your girlfriend, and she has a terrible mess, notice: "I look, I just got old?". If a person does not know how to sing - "You have a outer rumor - a straight singer!"
Be careful with irony, in joke you need to be kind and not to invest negative emotions in your words. Make it with love for the object of your joke.

How to develop a sense of humor: apply aphorisms and winged words

This is a wonderful and easy way to develop a sense of humor - after all, everything was already invented before you. Now it is just necessary to use at the right time in the right place. In addition, it will develop your horizons and vocabulary.

How to develop a sense of humor: we look at humorous

Nothing will open in you the sense of humor as even more humor. See, read - Peep the positive. There are even transmissions in which people at the speed are trying to joke on a given topic, and you do not lag. Practice is the best teacher. At such moments, you are not only gaining experience and absorb the jokes, you disclose a sense of humor, which must be needed to be a positive, joyful and positive person.

How to develop a sense of humor using the book?


From a variety of books on how to develop a sense of humor and make it excellent and individual. And they all converge on the list of certain exercises, which over time will make us more emotionally liberated, smiling, positive and funny. That is, the more we train the sense of humor, the greater wit, we begin to possess, expand our horizons and become more educated.
The book of Yu. Tambeg "How to develop a sense of humor" will find extremely useful people who want to develop a sense of humor. The book will help you abstract and learn not to perceive humor to your account. In it you will find a collection of aphorism and humorous stories, jokes and jokes. Yuri Tamberg led a very simple course of exercise and a mass of additional material for beginners and not only. In addition, the convenient format of the audio format of the book "How to develop a sense of humor" will be easily perceived and will help to perform several exercises in parallel.

How to develop a sense of humor: a sense of humor

This test out of 10 easy questions will help you determine the level of your sense of humor. Answer the first thing that will come to mind. So:
1. You see a person who catches noise mice. In your opinion, why does he do that?
A. This is a new deductive method;
B. So fun.

2. The seller of pies in the midst of the line, asks someone to bring him oranges. In your opinion, why?
A. He just wants orange;
V. Apparently he is on a diet.

3. You found that the guard is sleeping on shift. Your actions?
A. Award the authorities;
V. Draw a mustache and take a picture.

4. In the subway you are interested (a) charming person. You invite a date and hear the refusal. Your reaction?
A. Trying to find out in public for what reason?
B. Forgive with a smile and want a good day.

5. Passerspit asks you to lend money to him. Are you responsible?
A. Why suddenly, I do not know you at all?
V. And for what would not, always dreamed about it.

6. In the morning newspaper you have read a strange announcement: "I am changing a three-room apartment for a bike." Do you think that a person who gave an announcement?
A. Not in your mind;
B. Funny joke.

7. In the crowd, you brazenly stood on the leg. Your reaction?
A. Is it really impossible to be more careful, here people actually stand!?
Q. How do you stand, does not hurt anything, does not roll?

8. In the cinema, electricity is disconnected before the plot. Do you think it?
A. What is this service for the money?
B. So be, now there is a topic for conversation for the evening.

9. The winning combination is different from your one digit. Your reaction?
A. Life is a solid injustice!
B. It means another time lucky.

10. Your favorites (Aya) diligently prepared a romantic dinner, and you don't love it at all. You?
A. Immediately say that you are, to put it mildly, do not love;
B. Everyone will smart and you will admire the whole evening with the culinary talents of the second half.

  1. Now calculate the number A and B, where more - read:
    If you are dominated by the answer A: you feel about the category of people open and simple. If white is white, and black is not black. You say the truth is straightforwardly and without preludes. For you there is no half-term. Try it easier to treat what is happening, not all unusual in life is necessarily intended to annoy you. Smile in response to what you do not understand maybe it should not have been understood.
  2. If you are dominated by the answer in: you have a healthy sense of humor, you are well balancing and never relocate. The subtlety of your irony does not offend others, you are the soul of the company and easily find a common language with people. However, be careful, not all people are so insightful and smart, as you would like. Be pick up with the subject of your jokes.

How to develop a sense of humor: video


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