
How to develop a sense of humor

How to develop a sense of humor
How to learn how to joke and become the soul of the company.

With a smile in life, it is not only easier, but more fun and more interesting. A sense of humor helps us to be in the spotlight on the work and soul of the company with friends. If you easily approach any situation and perceive difficulties with a smile, your mood remains as wonderful, and issues are resolved by yourself. The ability to laugh at ourselves helps us to perceive us, like us, put up with our shortcomings and increase the advantages. A great sense of humor is the key to a happy, long and complete joy of life.

How to develop a sense of humor: what is a sense of humor and how to determine it?


In order to find out how, to develop a sense of humor in ourselves, let's first figure out what is it and do we possess it?
What point of reference is considered to be the appearance of a sense of humor: the time of birth, the first successful joke or the first sonorous laughter? A great sense of humor is rather a lifestyle, and not a one -time successful joke. This is the ability to always remain in a good mood and in any of them, to be able to laugh at yourself - condescending, and with a smile to treat your failures. A person who has a sense of humor easily finds a common language with people, he is a wonderful communicator and at work communication is his favorite pastime, always smiling and positive, not lowering his hands, and a favorite of all - this is a person with a great sense of humor.
As you know - laughter prolongs life. Depending on the mood of a person and the nature of his personality, his jokes can be kind and cruel, rude and thin, ironic and joyful. The presence of a sense of humor is determined not only by the opportunity to successfully joke, but also by the ability to appreciate the joke, to laugh from both the neighbor and himself from the heart. People who have an insufficient sense of humor are often representatives of a reduced emotional level, and even apathy.

How to develop a sense of humor: a sense of humor in women and men


Who has a more developed sense of humor, in men or women? Here we take the well -known “Club of Funny and Resourceful” or simply comedy unions, series, programs, who are a regular of a tower - men. Seriously, how many successful comedians, or women's teams do you know? They noticed that even leading social events is always a man and woman, and a partner with a sense of humor, a man is necessarily. So, women do not have a sense of humor and “funny and resourceful” representatives of the fair sex should be entered in the Red Book?
Not everything is so deplorable, dear women. There are enough girls with a sense of humor, because they are true connoisseurs of its presence in the stronger sex. It may seem that male and female jokes differ: they say, some are rude, while others are more subtle and insightful. However, it rather depends on the level of education, character, intelligence or upbringing, rather than can be associated with a floor or a large or less sense of humor.

How to develop a sense of humor?


Many mistakenly believe that a great sense of humor, such as brown eyes or broad shoulders, is given exclusively from birth, and is not acquired quality. In fact, a sense of humor is the ability to express a psychological reaction to a humorous action, a joke or an unexpected situation in the form of a laughter of others. This is a way of protecting the body - stress reset.
You can also develop a sense of humor as a habit of drinking tea without sugar - just a little effort. There are different ways to learn how to joke. You can go to professional courses that, using special exercises, guarantee to develop a sense of humor in people with different temperament. You can pay attention to people who radiate positive and always in high spirits. People with a developed sense of humor are often attention in the center, they create a relaxed fun atmosphere in which it is easy to communicate. Pay attention to the nature of his behavior and tune in to his wave as much as possible. However, remember, you need to be careful with humor, you cannot thoughtlessly repeat the behavior of others. It is important to subtly guess the moment for the joke, because only what has been said at the right time and at the right time, it will have the effect you need on the interlocutor. Quickly assess the situation and act instantly while the moment for the joke is still relevant.
But how to have time to joke and not miss the moment?
The basis of jokes is the speed and play of words. Increase your education, replenish the vocabulary, develop a horizons, train speech, read more and communicate. Developing these qualities constantly, and over time you will get used to joke, and will radiate positive and vivid emotions.

We develop a sense of humor using exercises

Young Woman with Hat in Front of Pink Wall

How to develop a sense of humor: we develop imagination

Choose any letter alphabet, for example your beloved. Write down all the words in this letter that will come to your mind. Now make a meaningful proposal of them. Read what happened. This creation certainly caused you a smile. Repeat so more often, and the sentences will become more original. This will expand your imagination and give an impetus to the imagination.

How to develop a sense of humor: we focus on contrasts, learn easy irony

Use thin irony for small jokes. It’s not at all difficult: we just observe the situation, analyze it, and give the exact opposite assessment of the expected one.
For example, if you came to a girlfriend, and she has a terrible mess, notice: “I look, only proceeded?” If a person does not know how to sing - "You have an excellent hearing - directly an opera singer!"
Be careful with irony, you need to be kind in a joke and not put negative emotions in your words. Do this with love for the object of your joke.

How to develop a sense of humor: we use aphorisms and winged words

This is a wonderful and easy way to develop a sense of humor - after all, everything is funny has already been invented before you. Now this should be used at the right time in the right place. In addition, this will develop your horizons and vocabulary.

How to develop a sense of humor: we look at humorous programs

A sense of humor will reveal anything like that as even more humor in you. Look, read - penetrate positive. There are even programs in which people try to joke on a given topic at speed, and you do not lag behind. Practice is the best teacher. At such moments, you not only gain experience and absorb jokes, you reveal a sense of humor in yourself, which you must have, in order to be a positive, joyful and positive personality.

How to develop a sense of humor with the help of a book?


From many books on how to develop a sense of humor and make it excellent and individual. And they all converge on the list of certain exercises, which over time will make us more emotionally liberated, smiling, positive and funny. That is, the more we train the sense of humor, the more wit we begin to possess, expand our horizons and become more educated.
The book by Yu. Tebra “How to develop a sense of humor” will find extremely useful people who want to develop a sense of humor. The book will help you abstract and learn not to perceive humor at your own expense. In it you will find a collection of aphorism and humorous stories, jokes and jokes. Yuri Tamberg cited a very simple course of exercises and a lot of additional material for beginners and not only. In addition, the convenient format of the audio format “How to develop a sense of humor” will be easily perceived and will help to perform several exercises in parallel.

How to develop a sense of humor: a test for a sense of humor

This test of 10 easy questions will help you determine the level of your sense of humor. Answer the first thing that comes to your mind. So:
1. You see a person who catches the mice with a lick. In your opinion, why is he doing this?
A. This is a new deductive method;
B. is more fun.

2. The seller of pies at the height of the queue, asks someone to bring him oranges. In your opinion, why?
A. He just wants an orange;
B. Apparently he is on a diet.

3. You found that the guard is sleeping on a shift. Your actions?
A. Create to the authorities;
B. Draw him a mustache and take a picture.

4. In the subway you were interested in a charming person. You invite on a date and hear a refusal. Your reaction?
A. Trying to find out in public for what reason?
B. You forgive with a smile and wish a good day.

5. A passerby asks you to borrow money to him. Are you answering?
A. Why, suddenly, I don't know you at all?
V. And for whatever it would not, I always dreamed about it.

6. In the morning newspaper you read a strange announcement: "I am changing a three -room apartment for a bicycle." Do you think that the person who announced?
A. not in his mind;
B. Cool joke.

7. In the crowd, you brazenly stood on your foot. Your reaction?
A. Is it really possible to be more attentive, here people are actually standing!?
B. How do you cost you, doesn’t pour anything, does not bake?

8. In the cinema, before the denouement of the plot, electricity is turned off. Do you think this?
A. What is this service for that kind of money?
B. So be it, now there is a topic for talking for the evening.

9. The winning combination differs from your only one digit. Your reaction?
A. Life is a continuous injustice!
V. So another time is lucky.

10. Your love (Aya) carefully prepared a romantic dinner, but you do not love it at all. You?
A. Immediately say that you, to put it mildly, do not like;
B. All will smart and you will admire the culinary talents of the second half all evening.

  1. Now calculate the amount of A and B, where we read more:
    If you have an answer A: You belong to the category of people open and simple. If white, then white, but black - is not blank. You are telling the truth straight and without preludes. There is no half -dead for you. Try it easier to relate to what is happening, not everything unusual in life is definitely called to annoy you. Smile in response to what you do not understand, maybe it should not have been understood.
  2. If you have a response in: you have a healthy sense of humor, you are well balancing and never overdo it. The subtlety of your irony does not offend others, you are the soul of the company and easily find a common language with people. However, be careful, not all people are so insightful and smart as you would like. Be selective with the subject of your jokes.

How to develop a sense of humor: video



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