
How can you remove moles

How can you remove moles
Moles are not always beautiful and safe, sometimes they can bring big troubles and even trouble. That is why, if possible, it is advisable to get rid of the moles, the benefit that there are many ways today.

All people have moles. Someone has a lot of them, and someone has only a few things. This is a completely normal phenomenon. Smooth and neat moles do not cause much harm, on the contrary, the mole on the cheek in a woman looks playfully and, according to men, sexy. No wonder in the Middle Ages in France, a fair sex was drawn to their moles to add a charm and be more attractive for men. But recently, women are increasingly faced with the desire to remove the Mountain, especially if she clings to clothes or brings other - "psychological" discomfort. Do Moles Delete? What is the most effective and verified method?

How can you remove moles: what is moles?

  1. Moles, or as else they call these points on the body - Nevi, are small pigmented formations on the skin.
  2. What is noteworthy, they are benign, but have the ability to reborn into malignant.
  3. Moles are different colors - from pale pink to black.
  4. Moles size from 1 mm to 1.5-2 cm.
  5. Moles also have a different form: they can be both completely flat and convex, and also "hanging."
  6. From some moles grow hair.
  7. Netures appear in the first years of life, and finally formed by 7-10 years. But this does not mean that moles cannot appear throughout life.
  8. Moles may appear anywhere on any part of the body!
  9. Normal is considered if the moles, appearing somewhere on the body, throughout the human life remain without special changes.
  10. Poor if the nurses begin to grow, change the shape or color. This may be a sign of a serious illness.
  11. Experts argue that it is easy to get rid of the nevus undesirable, but you can remove moles on medical clubs, for example, if moles are injured or until they were reborn in malignant neoplasms.


How can you remove moles: why are moles appear on the body?

  1. Moles are among all people, but their number is due to genetics and heredity.
  2. If parents have a lot of moles, then there is a high probability that their children will also have many moles.
  3. Suddenly, moles can appear during puberty or during pregnancy, when a hormonal failure occurs in the human body.
  4. Moles appear from the Sun, or rather from UV irradiation. The more often you visit the sun, the greater the likelihood of moles.
  5. If you have a lot of moles on the body, give up visiting a solarium and from staying under the outdoor sun. It is also contraindicated to sunbathe.


Do you need to remove moles?

Today, it is not a problem to remove the birthside: it will not be a lot of work in the era of developed technologies. This procedure is now being carried out quickly and painlessly. Nevertheless, delete moles are dangerous. Remember:

  1. You can remove moles only after consulting the surgeon, dermatologist and oncologist!
  2. Do not agree to remove the mole in the Cosmetology Cabinet or in the beauty salon.
  3. Injuriety, scratching, combing, to pierce the birthplace! It can lead to cancer!

What kind of moles can be deleted

  1. Moles who urged a person. This is especially a huge problem for women.
  2. Moles on the neck, which are often traumatized by clothing, scarves with bags, etc.
  3. Moles are armpits that can be injured during shaving or bra.
  4. Moles in the perineum and the genitals that can be injured during shaving or melting.
  5. Moles on the body that can be injured by any clothing.
  6. Moles that cause itching.
  7. Moles that cause burning.
  8. Moles that grow.
  9. Moles that change the form.
  10. Moles who changed color.


What kind of moles can not be deleted

Not all moles can be deleted.

There are neutuses that the doctor should observe, as they can cause fears. We are talking about very large moles, which, besides grow. If the mole is growing gradually, then it is not as scary as those neutuses that increase rapidly, in a very short time.

It is impossible to remove moles without certain reasons, "just so", if they do not bother and do not bring discomfort. The fact is that the consequence of surgical intervention can be the most diverse:

  1. A remote mole may cause an oncological disease, and in this case, in this case can be able to wonder in the body, infecting all organs through blood.
  2. You can only delete moles after the tests have shown that the Molenia will be removed, and not malignant neoplasm.
  3. Specialists advise not to remove moles independently - at home, as this is a very serious business and the slightest error can lead to sad consequences.
  4. Another danger that threatens after the removal of the mole is a blood infection. And the more Molenia, the greater the danger exists.


How can you remove moles: how to determine melanoma?

Moles are safe, but sometimes they are reborn into malignant neoplasms, which leads to melanoma, and then - skin cancer. If you suddenly, you have a loaf with uneven edges, I changed the color or began to grow, you need to immediately turn to the dermatologist or immediately to the oncologist. The fact is that the removal of such moles can prevent the formation of melanoma.

Signs of the rebirth of the mole in Melanoma:

  1. Mountain has uneven color.
  2. Molenia has increased in size.
  3. Moled has changed its color.
  4. Molenia has unusual pigmentation.
  5. Redness appeared around the mole.
  6. Mine began to bleed.
  7. Cracks appeared on the mole.
  8. Moleda lost its original form.
  9. Rights have become uneven edges.
  10. Mountain began to perform strongly above the skin surface.
  11. Moled has changed the drawing.
  12. Mountain Zudit.
  13. Mountain hurts.
  14. Mountain is inflamed.


How to remove moles: best and proven methods

Remove the Mountain Laser

The removal of moles with a laser is the most modern and effective way. Laser beam can be adjusted: the depth of penetration and the diameter of the impact, so that this method is the most accurate and does not damage the skin around the mole. It is very important if you are going to remove a mole on your face, on the neck, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline or on other parts of the body, which are difficult to cover all the time.

The removal of moles with a laser is carried out only with the use of anesthesia - local, of course. The skin surface is treated with a laser, gradually evaporating all layers of the mole. Thanks to this impact of the moles for counting minutes, there will be no trace.

This method of removing moles is famous for accuracy and has a number of advantages:

  1. Mountain removes 100%.
  2. Molenia is removed immediately - after the first procedure.
  3. The place heals very quickly - the maximum for the week.
  4. After removing the mole there is no bleeding.
  5. After removal of the mole, the scars and scars on the skin remain.
  6. After removal of the mole, the familiar pigmentation of the skin remains
  7. After removal of the mole, a very low percentage of complications remain.

The removal of the moles in this way is a completely painless process, and in time the whole procedure takes a couple of minutes, no more. However, immediately after this operation, it will be necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Avoid cold and heat.
  2. Do not go to the sun, so as not to be exposed to UV radiations.
  3. Do not rub the skin where the mole was removed. After the shower, this place should be blocked by a towel.
  4. Two weeks try not to visit the bath or sauna.
  5. Two weeks do not sunbathe and not go to the solarium.
  6. Deals in place where there was a mole, sunscreen.
  7. The place where Molenia was, to handle aspirts (tells the attending physician).

After removing the moles with the help of a laser, on the place where Nesus was, a crust is formed - it will disappear after about a week. Once the wound will heal, the regeneration of the skin will occur and there will be no traces in this place.

Laser removal is a completely safe procedure, it does not have contraindications and negative consequences. Nevertheless, only a qualified specialist should carry out this operation.


Remove the Mountain with liquid nitrogen

Removal of moles of liquid nitrogen or cryoablation, is a nevus freezing at very low temperatures: up to -180 degrees. The main feature of this method is that the tissues that die during the procedure are not deleted - they serve as a kind of protective film, under which the growing normal, healthy skin.

The only inconvenience is that the healing period is very long - at least two weeks. This method is not acceptable to remove moles on his face.

The healing period is 2 times longer than with the laser method. Mole removal with liquid nitrogen on the face, usually do not produce, but this method is well suited to remove the birthmark - papilloma.

The advantages of removing moles with liquid nitrogen:

  1. Moles are removed quickly, leaving no scars.
  2. Heals all without pain.
  3. Excellent antiseptic effect.

The main drawback of this method is that it is not always a mole removed for one procedure, sometimes have to repeat everything. Often can not clearly delimit the place of nitrogen effects, so may be affected not only the tissue source, but the skin around it. The biggest trouble that you can expect if you decide to use this method - on-site removal of moles can get burned, which significantly slow down the healing process.


Remove birthmark electrocution

Due electrocoagulation, i.e., application of an electric current, can also get rid of moles. This method will get rid of the nevus anywhere.

The principle of this method consists in the following - by means of the current pulse mole completely burned skin surface.

This method is quite good because:

  1. Moles can be removed in one session.
  2. This method is suitable for all types of moles.
  3. This method is used to remove moles on any part of the skin.
  4. Birthmark removed quickly.
  5. During the procedure, there is no blood.

When removing moles electric current has only one drawback - the scars. Scar is hardly noticeable, however, if the procedure is performed on the face, it does not suit many.


Remove the mole surgically

Surgically removed only large and deep growths. This operation is complete, which is carried out under general anesthesia - the surgeon cuts mole then closed with stitches. A few days later the sutures are removed.

After removal of birthmarks scars this method, which over time can become inconspicuous scars.

The minus of this method of getting rid of the moles is the high risk of bleeding and infection with infection. Since scars may not be quite aesthetic, this method is unacceptable to get rid of moles on the face.


How to remove the mole at home

The removal of moles at home is not practiced - it is fraught with serious complications. But in order to remove the hanging molest, there are many proven ways that have come to us from the depths of the centuries.

The most common ways to remove the nevus are the following methods:

  1. Mountain lubricate vaseline.
  2. Apply a flaxseed and honey compress to the mole.
  3. Wipe the birthday with a nipple pineapple.
  4. Twice a day to make a mole of castor oil.
  5. Throw vitamin C into the Mountain in Powder.
  6. Rub the birthside of onion juice or dandelion.
  7. Lubricate the Mountain with Cleptela juice.

Do not forget that the people's methods do not eliminate the cosmetic defect, so if you are interested, first of all, an attractive look like this is a photo of a remote mole, you need to turn to specialists and not risk once again - neither health or beauty.


How to remove a molest. Video


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