
Types of temperament

Types of temperament
Each type of temperament has its pros and cons.

The founder of the teachings about temperaments is hippocrate. It was he who first drew attention to the fact that people differ in the speed of mental processes. Based on these observations, 4 main types of temperament were subsequently allocated: a sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic. The temperament is given to a person once, at birth, it is primary. Further, a person gets education, acquires habits and produces character. But the temperament remains for life, it determines the emotionality of a person, impressionability, the speed of the reaction to the external stimuli, the stability or instability of the psyche.

If you figure it out in the difference in temperaments, and learn how to determine which psychotipu is one or another person, you will find a secret key to the human psyche. You will be able to predict the reactions of each individual person to a certain life situation. These knowledge can be useful to the head in order to know which section of the work can be entrusted to the employee, with which he will cope great, and which tasks before it is better not to put. The type of temperament is very important in family life: we always want to know about the reactions and inclinations of your partner. It is only important to remember that even the character of a person can be changed a little, but the temperament is for all his life, nothing can be done here. The most successful teams for responsible work, for example, astronauts, polar explorers, researchers are selected taking into account temperaments. This determines the result of the project as a whole and the psychological situation in the team. Currently, it has become fashionable to form a working team of people of certain psychotypes, sometimes in the interview even suggest a test. So the leader is trying to choose employees with a certain temperament to create a favorable situation in the team.

Characteristics of temperament types

4 types of temperament are distinguished, but there are about 10 mixed or intermediate species. It is possible to determine the type of temperament by what qualities there is more than this person. Outwardly determine the temperature of the person will help general activity. After observing the surrounding, it can be noted that some are always in the center of attention: they are moving, active, speak loudly, everyone notice. Others, on the contrary, are more contemplated and are in passive condition, immersed in their world.

The second criterion for determining temperament is the emotionality of a person. This is expressed in a rapid change of mood, stress resistance and other external influences.

Type of temperament: Melancholic


Melancholic reacts poorly to external stimuli. He is constantly immersed in himself, his thoughts and plans. If there are complex obstacles, Melancholik is unable to overcome them alone. A difficult life situation can end with depression or nervous breakdown. Melancholic is very injured and emotional, any situation is long experienced inside, analyzed and remembered. Melancholics have a tendency to self-digging and self-analysis. Melancholics are idealists, they want to see the world and people who are perfect and impeccable. With such a vital installation, it is very difficult to live, because the world is always distant from the perfect. Movement and external emotions from melancholics are inexpressive, calm. They do not have perseverance and energetic, quickly get tired, have low performance. Melancholics love loneliness and do not tolerate noisy companies.

Thanks to high sensitivity, melancholics are able to create penetrated masterpieces. It is known that Lermontov, Gogol, Yesenin, Chekhov, Levitan were melancholic.

Melancholic is difficult to adapt to the team, it is always inconspicuous and sad. But this is not a trouble, there are professions, where a person can reveal his potential alone. Therefore, it should not be ashamed of closetty or put on the mask of the guy's shirt, because each person has its own personality.

Type of temperament: choleric


The choleric is easy to learn in the impustary fast movements. This is the brightest and recognizable type of temperament. Choleric does everything with rage and passion: it works, loves, hates. Its nervous system is very strong, but at the same time and unstable, it is very quickly excited. Cholerics easily achieve the desired, are unconditional leader in any company and the team. Very love competition, competition, but they do not know how to lose at all. Any failure causes a healer with rage and incontinence. Choleric love to argue, but the result of the dispute is not to find out the truth, but the self-affirmation of this power type.

Choleric is a very fond of nature, can quickly waste forces to the detriment of his health, not paying attention to it. Creators with a choleric temperament are able to create exciting works: romantic, stormy and impust. These works are conquered from the first note and from the first line. Pushkin, Bayron, Beethoven possessed temperament.

Choleric love and afraid in the team. They love for the fact that they are open and friendly for everyone, everyone is noticed and interested in everything. And they are afraid of directness, hot tempering and uncompromising. In the rustling of anger, a choleric is able to blame everyone around, sometimes unreasonably, but then very quickly move away.

Type of temperament: Sanguine


Sanguine has a strong balanced nervous system. Very nice type of man, outdoor for the outside world, mobile, fast, friendly. Sanguine is most often a company's soul, he always stays in a good mood, joking and rejoices. He loves to be the focus of a lot of people, trying to avoid loneliness. It has a wonderful performance, very quickly masters any type of activity. Easily switches from one area of \u200b\u200bthe application of its forces to another, quickly gets used to a new team and atmosphere. The productivity of the Sanguinic work directly depends on how interesting it is. If interest is lost, work can be abandoned or made with indifference. A small disadvantage of this temperament is obsession.

Living, cheerful and energetic Sanguins create works of art to become: assertive and expressive. Sanguinics were Onor de Balzac, Mark Twain, Rossini and Vivaldi.

Type of temperament: phlegmatic


Phlegmatic is characterized by a strong stable nervous system. To any case, phlegmatic fits thoroughly, thinking well and weighing. The productivity of labor is high, despite the fact that it is very slow, distinguished by perseverance, exposure and adjudication. External stimuli does not have a strong impression on the psyche of phlegmatics. It can maintain peace of mind in difficult life situations, not a panic and emotions. Speech phlegmatics smooth and inexpressive, feelings are hidden deep. Flegmatics are afraid to make decisions and think about the team, so they are not suitable for the role of the leader. But they are well subordinate and amenable to persuasion. Flegmatics have a very sensitive sensitive nature, they are capable of empathy. Flemphatic temperament had a basin of wings, composers of Borodin and glazing.

What type of temperament is better?


It does not matter to which psychotipu you feel, in pure form, temperatures are very rare. Although researchers are noticed that the most vivid historical personality had a strong character and pronounced temperament. This is understandable, because only having persistence and dedication, you can achieve the goal. Therefore, feel free to your outstanding temperament features.

The composition of the society by the type of temperament as a percentage looks like:

  • Sanguines 49%;
  • Melancholics 29%;
  • choleric 14%;

The type of temperament does not affect the abilities of a person, one can be a talented melancholic, and it is possible to be a sacrificial sanguine. From temperament depends:

  1. The speed and speed of information perception.
  2. Rhythm of life and activity.
  3. Intensity of mental reactions: Will strength, emotionality.
  4. Attitude towards the surrounding world. This is detected in openness, which is possessed by extroverts. And introverts, on the contrary, is characteristic of a closure.

Aizenka test for temperament type


Most often, we can not solve independently, to which type of temperament we treat. Thinking about the abilities of your I, we are Lukavim, issuing the desired for valid. Psychologists have developed special tests to determine the type of temperament whereby questions can be sought in themselves. The proposed test was developed by the English psychologist Gansa Aizenkom, consists of 57 questions and is one of the most popular. There are 2 answers to each question: "Yes" and "no". Try to answer as truth as possible.

  1. Do you get to new bright impressions?
  2. Do you have a need for understanding and sympathy of friends?
  3. Are you a harmless person?
  4. Are you easy to give up your plans?
  5. Before action, do you need time to think?
  6. Do you accite \u200b\u200bthis promise to the detriment of your interests?
  7. Are you subject to mood drops?
  8. Do you need to think well before saying something or do?
  9. Do you feel unhappy, even unfortunately?
  10. Is it true that for the sake of victory in the bet you are ready for almost everything?
  11. Are you shy to contact an unfamiliar person?
  12. Are you able to get angry so to get out of yourself?
  13. Can you accomplish a challenged act by yielding emotions?
  14. You are tormented by the thoughts that you have said something in vain or did?
  15. Do you think it is better to spend time with a book than to communicate with people?
  16. You can easily hook?
  17. Do you adore the company?
  18. Do you attend the thoughts about which to tell people?
  19. Do you have energy lifts when you are ready to turn the mountains, and the decline when you feel lethargy?
  20. Are you sure it is better to have little friends, but tested?
  21. Are you a dreamer?
  22. Do you react with a cry on a scream?
  23. Do you often visit the feeling of guilt?
  24. Do you have only positive habits?
  25. Do you know how to relax and "break" in a funny company?
  26. Do you often have a nerves tense as much as possible?
  27. Are you considered a cheerful energetic person?
  28. After completing any case, do you dig in thoughts, what could be done better?
  29. Are you comfortable with a large crowd of people?
  30. Happens that you share rumors?
  31. Does your sleep be disturbed by annoying thoughts?
  32. To find out any question, do you contact your friends or read in the book?
  33. Do you have a rapid heartbeat?
  34. Do you strive to perform work that requires tension?
  35. Shiver attacks you?
  36. If you know that your words will remain secret, you will speak as everything?
  37. You do not like the company where we tear over each other?
  38. Are you susceptible to annoyance?
  39. Will you choose a speed-based job?
  40. Even if everything ended successfully, you play a mental scenario, how could it really end?
  41. Do you like to move not in a hurry?
  42. Do you let yourself be late for a responsible meeting?
  43. Do you dream of terrible dreams?
  44. Are you easy to make a conversation even with a stranger?
  45. Do you often visit the feeling of pain?
  46. Will you be unhappy if you are long enough for friendly communication?
  47. Do you consider yourself unbalanced?
  48. Among your environment there are people who do not tolerate in spirit?
  49. Are you confident?
  50. You do not accept criticism?
  51. Is it possible to feel the pleasure of the party?
  52. Does the thought visits you that you worse than the rest?
  53. Can you revive the inert society?
  54. Do you agree to discuss the topic in which you do not understand anything?
  55. Do you think about your health?
  56. Do you allow yourself to teach over others?
  57. Do you torment the lack of sleep?

Deciphering responses to Aizenka test


Now you can proceed to analyzing the answers. All 57 issues are divided into 3 groups, each of them corresponds to certain identity qualities. If your answer coincides with the following, you can put on yourself 1 point. And then calculate the number of points. Record the number of points in each group.

A group of answers of truthfulness


The answer is "yes" was supposed to questions: 6, 24, 36. A negative answer to questions 12, 18, 30, 42, 48, 54. After a simple calculation, we can see how when you answer the questions we have been honest. If you get the amount of more than 5 points, your answers are false. Most likely, if the answer you're motivated by a desire to please themselves and others. If the test showed untruthfulness responses, further analysis can not continue.

Group responses to emotional stability

In this section, you can dial up to 24 points. A positive answer to question 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 50, 52, 55, 57. the lower you score points, the more stable mentality you have. Conversely, the more you have counted points, the more sensitive and doubtful of person you are.

Group responses to determine attitudes to the outside world

The fewer points you accumulate in this group, the more you are a reserved man (introvert), and the higher the score, the more likely that you - an extrovert. The answer "yes" to the question: 1, 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 37, 39, 44, 46, 49, 53, 56. A negative response to questions: 5, 15, 20, 29, 32, 34, 41, 51.

Now, at the proposed lower photo plotting the obtained points. Horizontal - from the group of points introvert-extrovert, and vertically - the value of the responses to emotional stability.


Found the point and is a reflection of your temperament. The farther from the intersection of the axes it is, the brighter expressed your temperament. Proximity point to the location of one of the axes indicates how your mixed type temperament.

Determine your psychological type, you can reasonably avoid uncomfortable situations, choose the right type of activity. Knowledge of its internal advantages will help in achieving the goals and development of the strengths of the individual.

temperament types. Video

On the psychological types temperament according to Pavlov.


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