
How to unravel your hair

How to unravel your hair
The problem of confusing hair is a constant companion of the owners of dry and long curls. What can be done so that the hair is not confused and what needs to be done in order to keep the curls and not pick up scissors?

Well, they got confused again. And so every day, you just have to solve the problem and carefully disassemble a small stoop from the hair, as in its place after a while, another one appears. And each time it is becoming increasingly difficult to cope with tangled hair. How to unravel confusing hair so that it never gets confused and what needs to be done to prevent this problem?

Before proceeding with practical exercises and getting rid of the stiffons forever, let's figure out the reason.

Why hair is confused

This problem concerns the owners of long, thin and dry hair. Curls can be confused into small nodules, and every day after sleep, in the tangles and just weave each other. Combing such hair is very problematic. Some girls decide on the most radical methods and pick up scissors. But this is just not necessary. You can solve the problem, but it is better to prevent it.

Woman Having A Bad Hair Day

Endocrinologists argue that if the hair is constantly confused, then they need urgent treatment. The first reason is dryness. Then the list is replenished with a lack of vitamins, abuse of smoking, taking alcoholic beverages (even in small quantities), love for salty, fatty, fried and spicy foods, as well as a wrong lifestyle. By living in a metropolis, you can “acquire” yourself such a problem as dry, brittle hair. Naturally, when they are long, the dry tips begin to confuse among themselves. If you do not pay attention to this in time, and do not do anything, then large areas form from small nodules and it will be very difficult to unravel the stoop in the hair.

Another common cause of hair confusing when they begin to electricize. The hairs become fluffy and attract to each other. As a result, they are intertwined, and a bundle is obtained. Again, this is a problem-thinned and weakened hair.

Risk factors include:

  • insufficient amount of vitamins in the body;
  • smoking abuse and other bad habits;
  • stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • mechanical overdrying of hair when a girl often uses a hair dryer and tongs;
  • когда волосы страдают от перепадов температуры: в холодное время пребывание на морозе без головного убора, а в помещении в зимнее время подвергаются воздействию горячего и сухого воздуха;
  • improperly selected detergents;
  • the effect of chlorinated water (frequent visits to the pool) or hard water when washing curls;
  • if the hair is often subjected to chemical curls or staining;
  • porous hair by nature.

All these circumstances have a negative impact on the condition of the curls. From this, the hair only suffers, dries and lose moisture. And if in addition they are also dry, thin, then the curls will be prone to confusion. You can avoid such a problem if you competently care for the hair, eat right and rest completely.

How to unravel hair: prevent the problem

We all want to look attractive and hair - our main tool. So why do we need unsightly dry hair tangled into knots? Let's get acquainted with the elementary rules of hair care - simple tips will help prevent the problem.

How to unravel hair: my hair is right

The water that flows in the tap of each apartment contains a small amount of chlorine. This substance negatively affects our skin and hair. The ideal solution is to collect talus or rain water, as our great -grandmothers did, but here you can also argue. After all, rainwater, although it does not contain a large amount of chlorine, but it can be dirty, with an admixture of nitrates, etc. You can do the other way and boil water water, but in our bustle rhythm it is impossible to isolate time to prepare a sufficient amount of water.


Therefore, we will go in a simpler and more easy way and learn how to wash your hair correctly:

  1. So, before starting the procedure, it is necessary to comb the hair thoroughly. Take the scallop with rare cloves, so you will not only put the curls in order (they will not be confused during washing), but also remove the remnants of the layout from the hair. In addition, a scallop should be wooden. It will help accelerate the blood circulation of the scalp, which means that it will help strengthen the bulbs.
  2. Water. The water temperature should not exceed 40 oS. If you use too hot water, the work of the sebaceous glands is activated and our curls will be quickly polluted. In addition, after washing with hot water, a detergent will remain in the pores, which can lead to drying the skin and the appearance of dandruff.
  3. How to choose the right shampoo. Focus on your hair type. If your hair is dry, then the shampoo should be taken for dry hair, if oily - on the contrary, ordinary shampoo is suitable for normal hair.
  4. How to use the detergent correctly: wet the curls, squeeze a small amount of shampoo in the palm of your hand, foam and distribute through your hair. The shampoo is applied to the roots and distributed to the ends of the hair, and the balm is from the edge to the roots of the hair so that it is not greasy.
  5. After using shampoo, it is necessary to wash it off, then apply a small amount of balm.
  6. The last rinsing of the curls can be performed with barely warm water with the addition of 1 tbsp. Vinegar per 1 liter of water, or rinse the hair with a decoction of herbs. For blondes, a decoction of chamomile is suitable, for brunettes - oak bark or nettles.
  7. The frequency of washing curls will depend on the type of hair. In any case, it is undesirable to wash your hair every day.

How to unravel hair: dry curls according to the rules

As soon as you wash your hair, you do not need to immediately run after a hairdryer. First, wrap your head with a towel and wait for the excess fluid to absorb. Stylists recommend holding wet hair under a towel for no more than 4 minutes.

Wet hair is very prone to brittleness, since it becomes heavier from water and can easily break. So treat wet curls very carefully.


If you are late and you need to quickly put your head in order, then you can’t do without a hair dryer. Then do not neglect protective means. In order for the hair to spoil less, tilt your head down and proceed to drying. In this position, the scales will not be relaxed, the hair will remain brilliant and smooth. It is better not to dry the hair a little, then you will certainly have confidence that your hair is not overdred.

How to unravel your hair: comb your hair correctly

Since childhood, we know that wet hair is forbidden to comb. If time is cut, then it is allowed to use a soft comb, with elastic teeth. They do not scratch the skin and do not damage curls. It is best to use scallops made of natural materials - wood or rubber, purchase the brush with natural bristles. The best version of the scallop is from birch, it will help to get rid of dandruff. It is best to comb long hair in a lying position. To do this, you need to lie on a bed or sofa so that your head hangs. Start with the occipital part and go through the scallop in each direction. In 3 minutes you will feel warm. If such a pose is unacceptable to you, then you can tilt your head down. In this pose, blood rings better to the head. Alternate combing with stroking your palm: go through a scallop 1 time, the second with your hand. After combing, the hair must be “stroked” with a palm for 1-2 minutes so that it becomes brilliant.

Attractive Woman Combing Her Hair

We unravel very confusing hair

If the situation is not too neglected, then it is quite possible to unravel the hair at home.

We offer to familiarize yourself with step -by -step instructions:

  1. You need to wash your hair with shampoo. Before the procedure, dry hair cannot be combed, since you can even aggravate the situation and generally tear out tangled curls along with the root.
  2. Be sure to apply a mask or balm to your hair after shampoo. The exposure time is within 20 minutes.
  3. Now it's time to get to work. Take a scallop with rare teeth and begin to carefully distribute the strands. You can even do this with your hands.
  4. Start from the end of your hair, gradually getting to the problem place.
  5. It is very important to choose a suitable position: it is best for the head to hang down. You can sit on a chair or lie on a bed. If you are standing, tilt your head down.
  6. When the nodules are rash, it is necessary to grease the curls with a mask again and wait another 15 minutes.
  7. After you wash off the cosmetic product with warm water, wrap your head with a towel and leave for 2-4 minutes. During this time, the fabric will absorb excess moisture.

It will be a little more difficult to unravel the extended hair, since capsules are located in the immediate vicinity to the roots, on which artificial hair is held. Fighting the hair from the root will not work well. So you have to stock up on and very carefully disassemble the curls with your hands. If there are few beams and they are small, then you can handle it yourself. And if the hair turned into one continuous tan, then it's time to go to the interior to remove artificial hair and unravel the balls.

Brown Hair. Beautiful Woman with Healthy Long Hair. High Quality Image.

For an independent struggle with confusing hair, it is better to use special tools, the spray can be purchased at a specialized store or make it yourself.

What will be needed for this:

  1. Take the basis for the air conditioner and mix it with a small amount of warm water.
  2. The liquid must be mixed with a wooden or glass stick.
  3. Wait when the mass cools completely.
  4. Add a few drops of essential oil or apricot seed oil.
  5. Pour the liquid into a spray container and proceed to the acceleration procedure.

To unravel the hair on the hairpins, as well as the extensions, you can: moisten your hair with a spray, wait a few minutes until the product is absorbed. Now, in front of the mirror, feel for a confused lump of hair and very carefully pull 1 hairy from it. Your movements are only to the root, if you pull down, then the hair can break. Stell yourself, this painstaking work is worth your efforts.

If there are several tangled lumps and they are small, you may need a special tool - prepare a spoke or comb with a sharp end, as well as a scallop with rare teeth. The edges of the teeth must be processed.

How to unravel hair from a comb

The worst thing that can happen to a woman is if her long hair spun on a comb. This can happen by accident, while drying the hair with a hairdryer or in inexperience. Often, girls observe in beauty salons, as the master deftly copes with a round comb, winds a strand of hair on it, and then dries with a hairdryer. The result is beautiful wavy curls. Many girls want to make a similar hairstyle on their own, and fall into a trap - hair is wound on a comb and remain on it. No movements are able to return everything back.

What can be done in a similar situation:

  1. You can try to disassemble your hair through small strands. Take a comb with rare cloves and slowly comb your hair, be careful, as you can, on the contrary, confuse them even more
  2. You can wet your hair and grease it with air conditioning or a mask of hair. Hold for 3-5 minutes, wash off with water and start unraveling. The method is acceptable only if the hair is not very long and not very wound on the comb.
  3. You can try such a method - moisten the confusing curl with oil and gently rotate with a comb with a combing circle. The hair should slowly free himself, and your task is to pull the strand behind the strand with the help of a sharp end of the comb.
  4. If after this procedure nothing happened, then it is better to dry the hair with a hairdryer and take a comb for the parting (with a long acute handle). Gently release the strand behind the strand.


If this method does not help, only one thing remains - it can be unraveled by natural or artificial hair only in 1 way. For this you will need help. Ask dad, guy, brother or husband to help you solve this problem. You will need small pliers. They will need to very carefully pull out cloves from a round comb. As you part with the teeth, it will be possible to slowly release the hair. This method is considered the most acceptable if long hair is confused and, except how to cut it, nothing can be done.

Let's talk about the prevention of hair confusion

So that your long curls are not confused, study these recommendations:

  1. Wash your hair in the shower, but without tilting your head over the bathroom.
  2. Do not forget for air conditioners and hair masks, although they weight curls, but they prevent confusion.
  3. After washing, the hair can be wrapped with a towel, but it is vigorously rubbed - it is impossible. It is better to get the curls with a towel.
  4. You can not comb wet strands, especially if your hair is thin and long.
  5. If possible, dry the curls in a natural way.
  6. If your hair is always confused, use special sprays with herbs and oils.
  7. Comb the curls from the tips, moving to the roots. Do not make sudden movements.
  8. If after washing your hair confused, carefully disassemble it with your fingers.
  9. It is better to collect long hair for the night in a bundle or braid. Otherwise, after sleeping, nothing will work with them. If you do homework, you sing the floors, often bend, it is advisable to choose your hair or tie your tail at the top.
  10. Do not walk with hair loose for a long time, friction about clothes provokes their confusion. Select several acceptable hairstyles.
  11. It is better to braid a braid at night. In addition to the prevention of hair interruption, in the morning you will have slightly wavy curls.
  12. Let us recall our grandmothers - they tied their hair in a tourniquet and wrapped it with a special mesh.
  13. Only dry hair is confused, so wear a headdress in a hot season.
  14. If the hair is confused constantly, often cut dry tips. And remember that it is better to prevent the problem and cut off damaged hair than to constantly disassemble the tangles. After all, this procedure does not always pass without loss and as a result your hair will noticeably thin.
  15. Choose the right comb - a scallop made of natural materials with rare teeth or a massage brush. Depending on the type of comb, combing style changes. A day you need to comb your hair several times. First, a rare scallop, then you can use a massage brush. Combing from the ends begin - this method prevents the appearance of split ends.

It is not easy to unravel your hair, so it is better to observe these tips and then your curls will always be healthy and flowing!



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