
How to remove sagging belly after childbirth

How to remove sagging belly after childbirth
Ways to restore the figure after the birth of the kid

Many young moms are upset when after the birth of the baby fails to remove the stomach: he still remains great, sacrifies, an overweight appears. Do not worry, just your body need time to restore after delivery. And if in the postpartum period is actively engaged in the restoration of the body, then very soon you will return yourself a tightened figure.

How to remove the belly after delivery: what happens to the body during pregnancy


During the period of having a child in the body of the future mother, serious restructuring occurs under the influence of hormones.

  1. As the fetus develops, the uterus increases. After childbirth, the uterus is reduced and accepts the usual forms for 4-5 weeks. Simultaneously with the restoration of the uterus from the body, an excessive accumulated liquid comes out.
  2. Dissolve and a little separated by the muscles of the abdominal cavity. It is necessary to free up the space to place the fetus. Due to the discrepancy of direct muscles of the press, almost 30% of women after childbirth arises diastasis. This state when a small recess is formed on the stomach - the white line of the abdomen appears. Until the diastasis is not cured, get rid of the flabbiness and the stomach loan after childbirth will not succeed.
  3. An additional fatty layer is formed on the stomach, sides and hips. It is because of a fat layer, the tummy after pregnancy looks uneven.
  4. Stretch skin, chest and thighs stretch. As a result, stretch marks that need to be treated immediately after their appearance, then you have a chance to get rid of their significant amounts.

How to remove the belly after delivery: how is the recovery after childbirth


According to experts, the average recovery period will take about 6 months. But how quickly you can return the previous figure after childbirth, depends on many factors: a complex, weight to childbirth, age, physical form and even genetic predisposition.

  1. Faster after the first pregnancy, mammies who have scored not too much weight (up to 12-13 kg) during the baby tooling. After the second genera, the accumulated fat is harder.
  2. The feminine, who suffered a caesarean section restores much more slowly than those who have suffered natural childbirth. This is caused by the fact that the woman is much later (only after healing the seams and the disappearance of pain) can begin work on its figure.
  3. Young mothers who have been engaged in sports during pregnancy, will be easier to recover due to the fact that their body is in good physical form.
  4. Women who feed the baby breasts will faster consuming accumulated fatty deposits.
  5. If there is no 30 years old woman, her body is better restored.

How to get rid of the abdomen after childbirth: what will help bring the belly in the old form


It will be better if from the first day after delivery you will begin active actions to restore the body and eliminate the sagging abdomen. Use the maximum number of measures, but do not forget about the precaution and the testimony of your doctor.

  1. Breast-feeding.
  2. Corrective lingerie and abdominal suspension.
  3. Massage and gymnastics from the sagging of the belly.
  4. Physical exercises.
  5. Healthy nutrition.
  6. Salon procedures.
  7. Folk remedies.

How to get rid of belly after delivery: the benefits of breastfeeding for weight loss


Scientists have proven that baby breastfeeding allows a woman to burn calories. On the production of milk and the feeding process, the body spends an average of 500 calories per day. Therefore, the consumption of fatty sediments arising on your stomach occurs faster. A nursing mothers also actively produces a hormone oxytocin, which helps reduce the uterus after childbirth.

You must understand that too intense weight loss during feeding can harm your baby. If the mother loses more than 1 kg per week, it means that toxins of split fats in large numbers fall into the blood, and then into breast milk. In this case, you need to increase the caloric content of the woman's nutrition to slow down weight drops.

In order not to weaken the lactation, do not sit down during feeding on a strict low-calorie diet. Women's body To maintain health during feeding period, 1200-1800 calories are needed per day. First of all, you should think about the healthy nutrition of the baby.

Corrective linen and tanning to get rid of belly after delivery


Special corrective underwear is sold in pharmacies and shops. It is better to purchase it before childbirth and put on immediately after them. Such compression linen helps to cope with the abdomen, which arises due to the decrease in intra-abdominal pressure, bias the organs and reduce the tone of the muscles of the pelvic floor after delivery.

Wearing underwear need at least two weeks. When you feel that your condition has improved, you can stop using damaging linen.

If for some reason you do not want to wear special sweeping linen, you can use an alternative way - a belly suspension.

Take a sling scarf or linen fabric, the dimensions of which 3m x 50 cm. Put the fabric on the stomach, then wrap it around the waist, cross on your back, then print the fabric ends again and tie the knot. So you will have 2 layers of fabric: a wide (pull-up tummy and lifting it) and narrow (supports muscles from saving down).

Do not tighten the fabric too tight. Between the bandage and the body should pass your hand. Feels like the border must resemble the touch of hands, slightly raised your belly. The binding is better to do lying on the back, but then get up.

Get rid of the abdomen after childbirth with massage and gymnastics


Return the elasticity of the muscles of the abdomen will help you massage of the abdomen at home. When the shower is adjacent, massaging the belly with a sponge or jet of water. Perform careful circular movements clockwise. Strengthening blood circulation in tissues will help to restore muscle tone faster and return the tummy an attractive appearance.

Catching up everyday affairs, try alternately strain and relax the front abdominal muscles. In general, try to develop a habit of tighten your stomach all the time. Watch your feelings, gradually your muscles return to your former state, as before pregnancy.

Also lighten the breathing technique, which will make it without efforting the press muscle. Sit or lie comfortable, deeply and slowly inspire, while pulling the stomach as much as possible, then also slowly exhale, inflating the belly as an air ball. Such respiratory gym should be dedicated to 10 -15 minutes a day.

If you have the opportunity to visit the pool or just a reservoir, do not waste time in vain - make gymnastics in water. To do this, drive closed hands up and down along the body. You will feel the wave rhythmically touches the abdomen. This exercise is safe and can be repeated until you get tired.

How to get rid of belly after delivery: home exercise

junge Mama Macht Gemeinsam Mit Ihrem Baby Fitness Und Yoga UEBungen

Physical activity after pregnancy may include home exercises, classes in the aerobic hall or yoga, but even long walks and lifting the stairs will help burn extra calories and bring your muscles into tone.

You can only start muscle strengthening exercises only 6-8 weeks after natural genera, if your body is normally restored. Loads immediately after delivery or in the presence of diastasis can lead to health care, for example, the omission of the vagina, a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure, etc.

How to get rid of the sagging belly after childbirth: the rules for training the muscles press after pregnancy


To get rid of the sagging and flaws of the abdomen, you need to train all the muscles of the abdominal press: straight, transverse and oblique. Start your workouts from 10 minutes a day, gradually bringing time to 1 hour. Repeat your lessons at least 2-3 times a week, and better find the opportunity to perform them every day.

For 1 hour before training, do not take food. And before it starts to warm up the muscles with jumps with a rope, just dance movements and stretching.

After performing exercises, try not to make long breaks between them. Work in a row as much as your endurance allows. But avoid the appearance of pain. Let your main principle be gradual recovery.

Be sure to keep track of breathing: strain the muscles on the exhalation, relax on the breath. For recovery after pregnancy, you need to master 4 types of exercises in the press:

  1. Working feet to strengthen the muscles of the lower press. Raise and lower smooth or bent legs. The torso should remain motionless.
  2. The work of the body to strengthen the upper press. Smoothly raise and lower the housing from the position lying. Legs remain motionless.
  3. Work case and legs at the same time. Thus, you will use all kinds of abdominal muscles at the same time.
  4. Cross work with legs and hull. We are necessary to study the abdominal muscles, which form the side walls of the abdomen.

Exercises for belly after childbirth

Explore the basic exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Do so much approaches how much your physical form allows.

1. Planck. At first glance, a very simple exercise. But performing it, you will use all muscle groups. Relieve on my elbows, put legs on the socks. Stand in this position for at least 30 seconds. Gradually bring the execution time up to 1 minute.


2. Exercise for the muscles of the lower press. Lower the back and raise your feet at 45 degrees from the floor and keep 30 seconds. Then start the weight to make rhythmic movements of your legs, as if you go somewhere. Continue for another 30 seconds.

for the muscles of the lower press

3. Raising the pelvis. Exercise strengthens not only the abdominal muscles, but also hips and buttocks. Lying on the back, bend your legs in the knees. Slowly raise the pelvis until the top point, then lower. Repeat the exercise at least 20 times in a row.


4. Lying on the back, hands along the body, bent legs raised up. Raise the pelvis, taking it off from the floor. At the same time, the muscles of the press work. Repeat 10 times in a row.

pull legs up

5. Lying on the back, bend your legs in the knees and put the feet on the floor. Start tearing the blades from the floor and reach your hands forward. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

hands stretch to the hands

6. Lying on the side, slightly bend the legs in the knees. Make maugh foot up. Repeat 15 times by one and 15 times on another leg.

mahi feet

How to eat to quickly remove the belly after delivery

Let's just say, diet is contraindicated to women restoring after childbirth. The deficit of nutrients can significantly worsen your well-being and health of the baby. Adhere to the correct nutrition in the complex with physical exertion, and your overweight will gradually leave.


  1. Limit the use of sweet, fried and fat.
  2. Take food at the same time.
  3. Drink small portions 5-6 times a day.
  4. Drink a lot of pure water without gas - more than 1.5 liters per day.
  5. Add fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and dairy products to the diet.

If the proper nutrition becomes your habit, then after 1 month you will see the result: the abdominal muscles will grow, it will take extra fat from the sides and hips, the skin will become fresh.

Pull the skin of the belly after the birth of folk remedies


After childbirth, the skin on his belly loses elasticity, becomes loose. Using special masks, compresses and infusions, you can get skin with useful elements and stimulate fat burning.

Make wrapping with natural honey. Circular moves on the skin of the belly warm honey. Salary the stomach with slamming movements. Then blame the film and the terry towel. Hold the mask for 30 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Making such a wrapping is better after the shower when the skin is placed and the pores are open. Honey enriches skin indispensable trace elements, and also enhances blood microcirculation in tissues.

Clushed compress contributes to the active burning of subcutaneous fat. Take a couple of spoons of dried nettle, fill with a glass of water and put on a slow fire for 10 minutes. When the decoction will cool down a little, fold the gauze into several layers, wet her in the brave and put on the stomach. Cover and lie in heat for 30 minutes.

Mask from stretch marks after childbirth. Mix aloe juice and olive oil, add a bit of vitamin A and E. Apply the composition in the morning and in the evening.

If you do not have an allergic reaction to herbs, you can drink infusions that reduce appetite: linen seed or altea root. Lamberry leaves, burdock and field hat contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the body. The way to prepare info and the course of treatment they look at the packaging of herbs. Please note that this should be done only after finishing breastfeeding.

How to get rid of belly after childbirth, video


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