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Aromatherapy: benefits and rules for conducting

Aromatherapy: benefits and rules for conducting
The benefits of aromatherapy and features of its application.

Since ancient times, it is known about the influence of odors on the emotional as well as the physical state of a person. For many centuries, antiseptic and wounding properties of essential oils, their antitoxic effects, the ability to increase performance, improve mood and appetite are used. Currently, aromatherapy as a healing body of the method is experiencing a real boom.

Aromatherapy: The benefits of essential oils

It is known that even in the fifth century BC, people learned to extract fragrant drugs from various plants. Fragrant substances of flying, and over time they began to dissolve in fats - for a better preservation of the aroma. Arabs learned to mix essential oils with musk to hold the aroma and the gradual prolonged spread of it into the environment. The antimicrobial properties of incense were widely used to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, to disinfect the premises by fumigation of air with religious rites. With the help of essential oils, embalming was carried out, they were added to building materials during the construction of temples, and ancient healers were used to eliminate various ailments.

In modern conditions, the method of aromatherapy means the healing effect of essential oils on the body through the sense of smell (using inhalation, inhalation procedures), intake, as well as through the skin - through massage, compresses, taking baths, etc. Essential oils protect against bacteria, viruses and microbes, affect biochemical processes in the body, normalize metabolism and generally improve the body.

Thanks to the numerous useful properties of essential oils, they are widely used in cosmetology, as well as at home - for various healing procedures that increase life tone. At the same time, smells of aromatherapy have a beneficial effect on the physical and emotional state. There are many subtleties of aromatherapy - each essential oil has unique properties.

Aromatherapy: useful tips

To protect yourself from fakes or use for the aromatherapy of diluted poor -quality raw materials, it is important to figure out what kind of product is in front of you. When buying, pay attention to the following points:

  • it is quite difficult to determine the quality of oil when buying, therefore it is recommended to purchase products of well -known brands;
  • carefully read the inscriptions on the label - it should have the Latin name for plant materials, as well as the formulation of “100% natural essential oil”. Such a product is accordingly extracted from natural, environmentally friendly raw materials;
  • essential oil is stored and sold in containers made of dark glass - in order to avoid damage under the influence of sunlight. In a box with essential oil, instructions for use are also attached;
  • check the presence of seal on the lid, expiration date;
  • a quality product cannot be very cheap. The relatively low price of conifers, as well as citrus essential oils.

Aromatherapy: Features of the use of aromatic oils

Essential oils are characterized by significant penetrating ability, so there are several ways to use them. Applying them, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • decide on the smell of oil - carefully listen to your feelings. If you do not really like it, then, as experience shows, you do not have to wait for a special healing effect from the use of such a tool;
  • it is recommended to initially test the use of essential oil in a minimum dosage. In the presence of a positive effect, the concentration of oil should be gradually increased, without exceeding the maximum permissible. It is not recommended to use the same essential oil for more than 10 days in a row;
  • most essential oils when applying directly to the skin can cause a burn, so it is recommended to use intermediary products that will ensure safe transportation of beneficial substances. Testing of essential oil should be carried out by adding 2-3 drops to a quarter of a teaspoon of children's or any familiar cream-thus, you will protect yourself from allergic reactions.

Aromatherapy: Rules for carrying out procedures at home

Aromatherapy is a natural and useful way to calm the nerves, get rid of many ailments, create an atmosphere of harmony and comfort in the house, achieve complete relaxation and gain strength for new achievements. Gradually master the subtleties of aromatherapy at home is easy. Feeling on yourself the healing power of essential oils, you will return to them again and again.

With the help of a bottle with a spray filled with water with the addition of a few drops of essential oils, it is easy to flavor the room. In addition, you can use improvised means or special accessories for aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy: aroma lamps and inhalations

A fairly effective method of using essential oils at home is their spraying for inhalation. There are cold inhalations with which the room flavor, as well as hot ones, they are successfully used to treat various diseases, including inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract (for example, bronchitis, rhinosinusitis).

At home, you can organize spraying in the air of essential oils as follows:

  • with the help of aroma lamps, flavoring and disinfect the room. In this case, the effect of essential oils added to it will spread to all those present. Aroma lamp is a vessel with a water tank at the top, which is heated from below - for example, using a small candle. A small amount of oil is added to the water-at the rate of about 1 drops per 5-6 square meters. When water is evaporated, the aroma of essential oils fills the room. If necessary, such a device can be built independently from improvised means. When using the aroma lamp, it is necessary to ensure that it does not overheat. In addition, it is necessary to periodically rinse it with household soap after use, so that with further use of the “traces” of the aromas do not mix;
  • to carry out individual aromatherapy sessions, special medallions are used (in the form of a small container with a cord or a chain for wearing a neck). A few drops of essential oil or their mixture are added to it. AromaCulones with essential oils are successfully used for individual prevention of viral infections. This aromatherapy method is recommended for children during the flu epidemic - it can be safely used provided that there is no allergic reaction to essential oils. You can also apply a few drops to a cotton pad and pin it to clothing (apply directly to the fabric, it is not recommended, since the oil can leave spots on it, in addition, when oil enters the skin, a burns may occur);
  • hot inhalation can be carried out by adding essential oils to a container with hot boiled water. Leaning over the pan and covered with a towel, for 10 minutes you need to breathe steam, then it is advisable to relax a bit. The course of such treatment with aromotherapy, as a rule, is no more than 7 days.

In addition, for home aromatherapy, you can use classic sasha -aromatic pads filled with fragrant herbs, petals and spices.


Aromatherapy: enrichment of cosmetics with essential oils

Due to the numerous useful properties of essential oils, they are widely used for external use. In order to fully enjoy the effect, one should take into account some features of such cosmetic and therapeutic procedures:

  • in small quantities, they are added to the cream, bath foam, shower gel, etc. It should be borne in mind that essential oils do not dissolve in water - to prepare an aromatic bath, you need to use an emulsifier. In its quality, you can use honey, soda, cream, sea salt, children's shampoo, etc. The water temperature should not be too hot, the duration of the bath for aromatherapy is about 15-20 minutes. To preserve the maximum of nutrients on the skin, it is not recommended to take shower with soap or gel at the end of the procedure;
  • in face and body masks, shower gel or shampoo, essential oils are added immediately before use. The cream enriched in this way is suitable for use during the week. As a “transport” agent for essential oils that delivers useful substances to the skin, you can use caring oils - avocados, almond, grape seeds, etc. In addition, a children's cream enriched with essential oil (4-5 drops per 1 tsp) can be used as a therapeutic or massage product.


Based on transport neutral oil without smell by adding essential oils and their mixtures, you can create unique aroma-compositions that have a beneficial effect on emotional state and well-being, helping to cheer up and preserve mental comfort, which, as you know, is the best cure for all sorts of diseases. Clothes and bedding are aromatizing by placing a sponge among them in the closet with several drops of essential oils of your choice.

Aromatherapy: massage

As aromatherapy “through the skin”, massage with the addition of essential oils is widely used. With the help of its various types, you can relieve muscle tension, get rid of pain, stimulate metabolic processes in the body. At the same time, the essential oils added to massage oil will help get rid of emotional stress, relax and reach a relaxation state, as well as enhance and extend the effect from the procedure. In this case, the composition of the oils is selected individually - depending on the indications.

With the help of aromatic massage, the following results can be achieved:

  • get rid of tension and pain in the neck and back, including with neurological pain;
  • relieve pain and relieve inflammation after injuries;
  • improve joint mobility;
  • alleviate the condition with migraines;
  • get rid of negative emotions and effectively relax;
  • stimulate mental activity.

With the use of Afrodisiac oil, it is possible to turn the procedure for massage-aromatherapy into something more interesting.

Apply various types of aromatic massage - for the back, the whole body, limbs and head. At home, you can independently massage the head with essential oils - this procedure improves blood circulation and enhances the flow of oxygen to the brain, and also helps relieve fatigue, improves vision and enhances the ability to concentrate.

Aromatherapy: recipes

The use of aromatic oils is appropriate in various cases - with their help you can gently balance the condition of various body systems, improve mood. Essential oils have a mild effect, returning a person to a person inherent in him after communicating with nature.


There are about two hundred varieties of essential oils. Among such a variety, it is easy to choose the right recipes for the use of aromatherapy, for example:

  1. Many essential oils help strengthen the immune system, and are also effective as the prevention of colds and influenza. Thanks to the antivirus effect, it is recommended to use them for home aromatherapy - when the first signs of the disease appear. Such therapy will have a general strengthening effect on the body, moreover, it effectively fights infections. If you add to 25 ml the base of 4 drops of thyme and lemon oil, as well as 5 drops of tea tree oil, you will get an effective remedy for colds and infections. This mixture must be applied in small quantities to the wrists, popliteal bends, an armpit and forearm.
  2. After communicating with “heavy” people, as well as to cleanse the premises with a “negative” atmosphere, it is recommended to use juniper, basil, sage, and mint oils. A couple of drops of the product are applied behind the ears, on whiskey, in the crown of the crown and the back of the head. In addition, you can flavor the room with these oils using aroma lamps.
  3. Effective relaxation after a busy day and subsequent strong sleep will be facilitated by the takeing of a bath with lavender essential oil. In the head of the sleeping place, you can place a napkin with a few drops of oil of the same lavender, orange or eucalyptus applied to it.                   lavender aromatherapy
  4. To flavor tea, apply 3 drops of mint or lemon oil, bergamot on the inside of the box cover with brewing and close the container hermetically. In a week, such brewing can be used to prepare aromatic tea.
  5. To smoothing stretch marks, prepare a mixture of 8-10 drops of rosemary essential oil or petitgrane-on a teaspoon of the base (basic oil, children's cream or body lotion). Such a mixture should be rubbed in the morning with massage movements daily until completely absorb.
  6. With the help of geranium oil and ylang-ylang oil, they care for the neckline. For this, 7 drops of these oils are added to 30 ml of the base product. Such a composition in small quantities must be rubbed daily at night in the neck and neckline. Fennel oil also cares for the skin of the breast.
  7. Aromapping with essential oils - this composition is suitable, including for sensitive skin skin. Boil boiling water 1 tbsp. Hammer oatmeal, after a few minutes add 1 tsp to it. Jozhoba oils and a few drops of essential oils (for combined skin with advanced pores, as well as sensitive oil, neroli, lavender oil). The resulting mixture is applied to the skin of the face, excluding the area around the lips and eyes, and left for exposure to 10 minutes, and then washed off with warm water. Such a sparing peeling option can be used 1-2 times a week.
  8. To relieve headache, a mixture of peppermint, lavender and rosemary (2-3 drops) will help a mixture of essential oils of peppermint. This composition is used to massage the temples, foreheads, as well as the scalp.

Aromatherapy: Contraindications

Unlike drug treatment, aromatherapy is characterized by a minimum of contraindications and side effects - the effect of essential oils is well studied, and they are considered safe enough for use. It should be borne in mind that there are contraindications to the use of certain types of essential oils in the following cases:

  • for pregnant women, as well as epileptics;
  • for people with a tendency to allergic reactions, with allergic rhinitis;
  • when undergoing a course of treatment with homeopathic preparations;
  • with thrombophlebitis and coronary heart disease (due to increased blood coagulation), as well as with kidney diseases.

In heart diseases and asthmatic states about the possibility of the use of aromatherapy, you should consult a doctor.

It is recommended to use essential oils for sensitive skin, as well as with increased blood pressure. Some types of aromatic oils are not recommended for children under 6 years of age, as they can provoke increased excitability, as well as cause insomnia.

Aromatherapy - photo

Aromatherapy Concept. Bottles of Essence Oil with Dried Herb.


Aromatherapy rules - video



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