
Gastal - from what helps, indications, contraindications. Tablets Gastal - instructions for use. Is it possible to take hacking during pregnancy. Analogs of Gastala

Gastal - from what helps, indications, contraindications. Tablets Gastal - instructions for use. Is it possible to take hacking during pregnancy. Analogs of Gastala
In this material you will learn how to make the drug hastal and what it helps. How to drink medicine hastal, analogs of the drug.

Such an antacid, as hastal, is familiar to many who have problems with the digestive tract. To be more accurate and to speak an affordable language, this preparation is used to reduce the acidity of the stomach. And it acts through neutralization or absorption (that is, the selective absorption of the substance) of hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice. How to take it right that the effect is maximum, and which may be contraindications (as well as from any drug), it is worth understanding more.

Gastal: instructions for use

Immediately make a reservation, which gastal acts not only to reduce acidity, but also on the removal of pain. Therefore, we answer the question - could you hasty people with a stomach ulcer? Yes! Its main goal and aims to eliminate unpleasant symptoms of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

How to buy or what form of release:

  • Tablet data have a resolution form. Yes, like candy, put under the tongue. If we talk about packaging, the plates are in a cardboard box.
  • If we talk about color and form of tablets, then they, like most preparations, round and white (more precisely, the color range from white to cream shade). Smooth.
  • As a rule, they have a mint flavor (there is a light flavor).
  • Tablets are packed, as it should be, in a blister pack (or blister) for 6 pieces (yes, we are accustomed to the packing of 10 units).
  • But in the box can be 2, 4, 5, 8 and 10 such blisters. That is, it is 12, 24, 30, 48 and 60 tablets in one box.
  • There is still hastal with orange and cherry flavor. The form of release is the same.

Now we will raise such an important question as the price of Gustala. Of course, in each pharmacy prices are slightly different.

But on average, for packaging:

  • quantity in 12 pcs. The price varies from 120 to 160 rubles;
  • for 24 tablets, the price has even larger range - 180-240 rubles. (depending on taste);
  • for 30 units, the price will be from 220 to 280 rubles;
  • 48 tablets will stand 320-380 rubles;
  • for 60 tablets will need to pay 340-450 rubles.

I also wanted to allocate that now free shipping medicines from some pharmacies (if you order via the Internet). Of course, on your city, it will be free. Therefore, consider when buying such a nuance.

Gastal: composition and analogs

Recall that today the shelves of pharmacies are filled with similar antacid drugs. And we gave a list of drugs that have a similar area of \u200b\u200bapplication and action. But they differ in their components.

Talk about the composition.

The main components are:

  • magnesium hydroxide - 300 ml (definitely we are talking about one tablet);
  • gel made of a mixture of magnesium carbonate and aluminum of hydroxide - in a volume of 450 ml.

The drug hastal has such auxiliary components:

  • sorbitol (E420);
  • mannitol (E421);
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • conventional corn starch;
  • talc;
  • pepper mint flavors;
  • cyclamate and sodium saccharinate;
  • as well as magnesium stearate.

Many wonder - what is better than hackney. If we talk briefly and clearly, there is no unambiguous answer. The fact is that all drugs are distinguished, above all, the composition. That is, some fun can be banal allergies, but on this criterion it is impossible to immediately say that the drug is bad or other is better.

It all depends on the individual influence of any medicine to your body.

  • Let's talk about the time of action. For example, Renny acts two times faster than hasthala. But, we mentioned above that frequent receptions can cause dependence and the need to constantly take constantly (after all, the gastric juice is produced in more). But the medicine hastal acts much longer. Yes, slower, but for a heartburn for a few hours.
  • Although, for example, Maaloks wins in this question. Because, in time, he beats gastal. By the way, acting is also a little faster. But! Such a medicine cannot be given to children (well, it turns out to be adolescents) up to 15 years. But the drug hastal is possible (but with great care and only after the approval of the doctor) kids from 6 years.

  • If you compare with such analogue as phosphhalugel, then there is practically no difference. But pregnant and nursing mothers doctors advise to stop their choice in the second version (that is, phosphhalugele).
  • Now compare, for example, Gastal and Almagel. That almagel is one step ahead due to the ability to curl the walls of the stomach, protecting them from aggressive impact. But this drug has a list of negative consequences and contraindications.

As can be seen (of course, we did not compare hacking with all the analogues), but everyone has some pros and cons. Therefore, someone this drug will be like a wand - the penetration, and for someone will not have any effect. This is a purely individual and personal question.

  • There are no preparations with the same identical composition, but there are similar drugs. Some components may be absent or at all be replaced by other components.

Important: Do not engage in self-medication. If your doctor discharged you to take the gastal, then choose analogues, only consulting with him. By the way, the doctor will tell you which of the many options will suit you the most.

  • If we talk about the price, then the gastal and its analogues are not very different. But other active ingredients are used (maybe someone basic substances cause intolerances), which have a similar principle of operation.

Important: Gastal refers to not suction pills, that is, its components do not penetrate into the blood.

  • The most common substitutes are Renni, Almagel (there are Almagl A and Almatyel Neo), Maalox, Gavisson (also there is Forte) and Phosfalugel.

Important: If we compare with the most popular analogue - Renny, then it is necessary to allocate that it is a suction drug, and it acts directly on the mucous membrane (enters the chemical reaction with hydrochloric acid). Thereby quickly helps to get rid of heartburn, but then she quickly returns to its norm. Moreover, with frequent use, the production of gastric juice increases.

  • Also, to drugs with a similar action include chewing tablets Algifluux, Inalan, chewing altacid and resinking pills of gastracide.
  • Palmagel gel, Palmagel A, Alumag and resorbing granules Recler - another analogues of Gastala.

Gastal: Indications for use

  • The first thing that is distinguished is to get rid of heartburn. It does not matter, it is caused by smoking, alcohol or incorrect diet, and maybe any medical preparations have become its cause.
  • Also hastal helps to get rid of any other dyspepsia phenomena. It means, acidic or bitter burden, discomfort in the field of digestive tract, epigastric pain. All these symptoms can also be caused by too fat or fried food, or a harmful way of life (smoking and alcohol their main things).
  • From all illness, which cause increased acidity of the stomach. This is gastritis, reflux - esophagitis, ulcerative disk and duodenal diseases.

  • Of course, the ulcer of the stomach of any origin. This may be the result of the high acidity of the secrets of the stomach or due to aggressive substances (acids, alkalis or some drugs), and maybe as the outcome of stressful situations.
  • Erosion of the walls of the stomach or esophagus shell themselves, as well as even the initial intestine department.
  • The hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm is another indicator.
  • Also, hastal helps with pancreatitis equipped with chronic or even acute form.
  • And do not forget about duodenitis, dyskinesia of bereal emission paths, such as the next indicators for receiving this medicine.

Gastal during pregnancy or during lactation:

  • This question deserves separate attention. Both future and young mothers should not only be done for their diet, but also with great care to take any drugs. This is no secret. During the pregnancy, the diet is not as strict, but the heartburn is tormented by each second mom.
    • Interesting! It is believed that if mom during pregnancy often torments with a large duration or intensity of heartburn, then a boy is born. But this is just an old belief, so you do not need to rely on it. It is like mom's moms more like sweet, and the moms of the boys pull on the salty food.
  • Any doctor will definitely say to you that taking hackney undesirable during pregnancy or lactation. This question is, as with any other drug.
  • But! If mom has at least one of the above testimony, then, in such a situation, the advantages from Gustala will be much larger. In general, with any medicine you need to always put on the weight of the scales benefit for my mother and the baby (after all, discomfort and heartburn of the baby are also worried) and harm on the fruit. Do not forget that being in the tummy, the child is experiencing those emotions and the state as mom.

  • If you just have heartburn or discomfort after meals (it doesn't matter, these symptoms have tormented you before pregnancy or become the consequence of an interesting position), then only one tablet is enough in such a situation. Yes, to simply eliminate the symptoms.
  • If you have diseases such as, for example, gastritis, ulcers or pancreatin, then the attending physician must write down the course and methods of receiving tablets. It is worth noting that they are prescribed, as a rule, an ordinary adult dosage. Otherwise, the effect will be too minimal.
    • Remember that you can take the gastal not more than 5 days. Sometimes even doctors insist on a 3-day course.
    • Drink, naturally, after eating and only in an hour.
    • If we talk about the daily rate, then doctors give as much as 8 tablets. After all, you need to take them after each meal. But a pregnant woman needs to be sure to discuss this issue with his attending physician. After all, a purely personal question.

We have already figured out that it is used by Gustal helps from heartburn. This is the most common application. But also mentioned other aahs, in which the doctor may appoint a reception of such a medicine.

First of all, I wanted to warn, because the medicine has contraindications:

  • Of course, people with renal failure (especially with a severe or chronic form) cannot be taken such a drug.
  • Any sensitivity or intolerance of one of the components will serve as a refusal.
  • The intolerance to the lactose or its deficit, as well as glucose-galactose malabsorption (that is, the intolerance to fructose).
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Hypophosphatemia (that is, the level of phosphates in the blood decreases below the norm).
  • Children up to 6 years. By the way, from 6 to 12 years, the drug needs to be used with great caution and only after a physician. Yourself to give your child medicine is not necessary.
  • And yet, children who have turned 12, but did not gain weight 50 kg, also require careful dosing.

As with any other medicines Gastal also has its own norm. That is, with a long reception or exceeded a dose of the drug can cause:

  • allergies goes without saying;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • taste changes;
  • change in stool (can be constipation or, conversely, diarrhea, depending on personal tolerance);
  • nephrocalcinosis (change of gastric acidity caused by the work of the kidneys), or renal dysfunction;
  • osteoporosis or osteomalacia.

How to take Gastal?

  • If we talk about the dosage, it should not exceed more than 8 tablets per day. Although doctors recommend taking a little less - for 6 units per day.
  • Of course, the drug is prescribed after a meal. And the need to drink immediately, but after an hour.
    • By the way! The last tablet should be taken at bedtime.
  • The course of treatment or simply taking the drug should not exceed 2 weeks. Sometimes the doctor may increase the time of receiving up to three weeks (but this is the maximum period).
  • Children after six years, the dosage is divided into two (that is, half a pill), but over 12 years you can already give the usual adult dose. But the number of children a few pills a day reduced - 5-6 tablets.

  • To treat heartburn Gastal administered in the same way, but the number of meals is not affected. That is, not necessarily to take a pill one hour after the meal. It must dissolve in the event of a symptom. But not more than 8 tablets a day and not get carried away with the drug for more than 2 weeks.

IMPORTANT: The tablets should not be chewed or swallowed! Their operating principle is hiding in resorption.

  • How to drink Gastal with overeating or due to fat (and perhaps the junk food), as well as a result of excessive alcohol consumption or smoking - the answer is quite simple. No need to regularly take the drug continuously. Enough to eat 1-2 tablets as needed.

IMPORTANT: Gastal is available without a prescription!

If we talk about the interaction with other drugs.

  • Naturally, you need to take the medicine carefully with other medicines. It was only after the approval of your physician.
  • But an important condition - receiving other medication should not be less than 1-2 hours after Gustav.

Now you are fully acquainted with the drug. We hope that he will be required very rarely. Be healthy!

Video: Preparation hacking from heartburn


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