
How to cook pumpkin soup. Recipes of pumpkin soup step by step with photos. Diet pumpkin soup. How to cook pumpkin puree soup in a slow cooker

How to cook pumpkin soup. Recipes of pumpkin soup step by step with photos. Diet pumpkin soup. How to cook pumpkin puree soup in a slow cooker
Pumpkin soup is a tasty and useful dish. Learn how to prepare pumpkin soup at home. Recipes of pumpkin soup step by step with photos.

Pumpkin soup is a tasty and useful dish, which will great help diversify the autumn diet. Pumpkin soup recipes are a lot, so everyone can find something suitable for themselves. Some variants of pumpkin soup will require time and effort for cooking, while others can be made so easily and fast that even a beginner hostess will cope. If you want to learn how to prepare a variety of useful soups from pumpkin, in this article you will find several step-by-step instructions.

The benefits of pumpkin soup

In the modern world, the right diet is extremely important. The homemade food prepared from the useful quality products will allow for a long time to maintain health, support good mood and minimize stress. It is especially important to use many vegetables and fruits in the fall, when the body especially needs vitamins. Pumpkin is a product rich in need for humans. It has the following valuable properties:

  • Contributes to improving vision due to vitamin A.
  • Contains a lot of fiber, therefore contributes to the right digestion, it is easily absorbed and allows you to get rid of excess weight.
  • Pumpkin strengthens vessel walls and is especially useful for maintaining health with hypertension.
  • Pumpkin helps to increase vitality and contributes to getting rid of insomnia.
  • Thanks to the vitamin from the pumpkin, the immunity strengthens is especially important in the flu season and colds.

Pumpkin cream cream soup

One of the most popular pumpkin soups in European cuisine is cream cream soup. His tender texture and unusual taste will satisfy any gourmet. In addition, it is light enough, but, at the same time, nourishing soup. If you are trying to lose weight or want to go to a healthy diet, the soup on this recipe definitely should be included in your diet.

For the preparation of useful soup puree, you will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • As the basis of soup can act water, chicken or vegetable broth. The water is suitable for the fastest possible preparation, the broth on vegetables will allow you to saturate the dish with vitamins, and the chicken broth will make nutritious soup. On average, 2 glasses of broth or water are required.
  • Take the 500 g of pumpkins, having first cleaned it from seeds and cutting into small pieces. The skin is also preferably removed.
  • For soup, one medium bulb will also need.
  • Prepare one clove of garlic.
  • For soup, 100 ml is not too fat cream.
  • Choose spices to taste - nutmeg, sesame, salt, parsley and pumpkin seeds will help reveal and enrich the taste of your soup.
  • It will take a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. The classic recipe calls for olive oil, but you can take and sunflower. For additional flavor sometimes take sesame oil and grapeseed oil.

This pumpkin soup with cream has only a few key ingredients in its composition, so it is quite easy to prepare. Speed \u200b\u200bup the cooking process will help the blender - that with it will be possible to achieve the delicate and airy texture of pumpkin puree. If the mixer or blender you do not, you can manually make a smoothie, but it will not work perfectly homogeneous.

To prepare the puree soup with cream, use the following step by step instructions:

  1. First cut onion rings and chop a clove of garlic. Fry mixture in olive oil over low heat until until the onion is transparent. Better just to cook the onions in the pan.
  2. Put to the onions in a pan chopped pumpkin cleaned.
  3. Pour the vegetables with water or broth. Cover the pan with a lid and leave the dish to simmer for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Place the pumpkin and onion in a blender, whip the vegetables until smooth.
  5. If you do not have a blender, take a wooden pestle and mash the pumpkin and onions. Then try to take the whip and whip the resulting mixture. Perfect creamy texture you do not succeed, but the mashed potatoes will still be sufficiently homogeneous.
  6. Add the cream and mix thoroughly all.
  7. Fry in a pan and sesame shelled pumpkin seeds. Add them to the soup with salt and nutmeg.
  8. Pour the soup into a bowl. It can be decorated with a sprig of parsley and add a little more cream without stirring them.

Classic pumpkin soup with rice and meatballs steps

Pumpkin is perfectly combined with rice and meat. This vegetable is perfectly allows to diversify and enrich the traditional soup with meatballs. If you are looking for new and unusual recipes, but do not like to spend too much time and energy to cook, this option is you have to like. To prepare the soup will need the following ingredients:

  • Meat or vegetable broth, in which you'll make soup.
  • One cup of rice. If you want to make the recipe more exotic, you can take a brown or black rice - it will go perfectly with a pumpkin.
  • Prepare a little minced meat. It is best to take a mixture of beef and pork. You can also use minced chicken or turkey. Minced lamb gives a specific flavor and not too well with pumpkin.
  • You will need 300 grams of peeled and chopped into pieces of pumpkin.
  • Prepare 3-4 medium-sized potatoes and other vegetables you want to put in soup. Carrots, onions, Bulgarian pepper, celery root or tomato. The more vegetables you add, especially saturated and fragrant dish.
  • From the spices you need fresh greens, salt and pepper to taste.

The recipe for cooking dishes is almost no different from the preparation of a classic soup with meatballs. You will easily make a similar pumpkin soup using step-by-step instructions:

  1. Make meat meatballs. They should be small to fit easily in a tablespoon.
  2. Preheat broth, add potatoes cut into cubes.
  3. After 20 minutes, add other vegetables, pumpkin, meatballs and rice. Leave the soup to cook for another 15 minutes.
  4. Add greens with seasonings and serve the soup to the table.

French pumpkin bacon soup

This is another recipe for delicious soup for those who love especially fragrant and spice dishes. Pumpkin French cream soup includes various spices. If you want to surprise the family of an unusual soup, this recipe is suitable for you. This is a pumpkin soup with ginger, curry and dried bread. The dish is very simple and at the same time delicious. For the manufacture of spicy soup with croutons, the following products will be required:

  • 300 g of chopped and purified pumpkin is a base for soup.
  • 200 g potatoes will need to be whipped with pumpkin - so soup will become even more nutritious, and the texture will be even more air.
  • You will also need vegetable oil - you can choose any, depending on what taste you want to give your soup.
  • It is necessary to prepare croutons for soup in advance - just fry black or white bread with vegetable oil and spices. It is possible to grasp it with garlic or ginger.
  • Garlic, onions and ginger will also need you to add to soup.
  • Prepare curry, paprika and a mixture of Caucasian herbs for spicy soup.
  • Optionally, you can add bacon soup, smoked chicken or pork ribs.

Cooking spicy pumpkin soup is completely easy. To do this, follow these simple steps:

  1. First, grind garlic with bow and fry in a small amount of oil.
  2. Then cut the pumpkin and potatoes with cubes. Put them to garlic and bows.
  3. Fill the entire mixture with boiling water and boil for 15 minutes.
  4. After that, add all the prepared spices - curry, paprika, grass. Ginger should be added to finely chopped or rubbed.
  5. Bring the soup to cream consistency in the blender. If there is no blender, you can use a pestle and a wrencher to make mashed potatoes.
  6. In a plate with soup, add the crouton and a slice of bacon or smoked meat. You can decorate the dish like pumpkin soup in the photo.

Pumpkin chicken soup

Pumpkin chicken soup is another simple, tasty and satisfying dish, which can be prepared with the addition of pumpkin. In fact, this recipe is not much different from the ordinary chicken soup. Unless to add pumpkin to the ingredients, which will give broth unique taste and aroma. Prepare chicken soup with pumpkin follows from several products:

  • First of all, you will need chicken broth. For the dietary soup, it is best to cook it from chicken breasts on the bone, and if you want a more nutrient dish, you can boil chicken fences.
  • After cooking, the meat must be taken out of the broth and crushed.
  • For soup, a bit of potatoes will also need 2-3 medium-sized tubers.
  • Prepare 300 g of chopped pumpkin for soup.
  • Choose seasonings to taste, dill and pumpkin seeds.

Prepare chicken soup with pumpkin as follows:

  • Add pumpkins and potatoes into the broth, sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes. Heat them on slow heat for 20 minutes.
  • This soup should not be bothered in a blender, but the pumpkin is better to light a pestle to be slightly, so that the marsh is.
  • Add chopped boiled chicken meat to the soup.
  • Fry pumpkin seeds in a pan and add them to your soup.
  • Add salt, pepper and other spices that you love. Decorate soup in a plate of dill branches.

Pumpkin seafood soup

Pumpkin with seafood is a very interesting taste combination that will not leave indifferent true gourmets. Despite the fact that this soup is very exotic, it is not so difficult to prepare it, as it may seem. In fact, this soup consists of a conventional puree from pumpkin with the addition of mussels, sea scallops, squid or octopus. Any seafood will suit you to taste. Very often make pumpkin soup with shrimps.

To prepare an unusual pumpkin soup with seafood prepare the following products:

  • 500 g of chopped and purified pumpkin will be the basis of soup.
  • One glass of broth will be required. It can be a fish or chicken broth. If you want the most lightly soup, you can use water, but the taste in this case will be less saturated.
  • Carrots - Another important component of soup. She enriches it with vitamins and emphasizes the taste of other products. You will need 2 medium-sized carrots.
  • Traditionally, the soup also take celery.
  • 100 g of cream make cream soup especially gentle.
  • Take the spices to taste and grated ginger.
  • For soup, any seafood will be suitable.

This recipe for pumpkin soup with seafood is very simple:

  • Heat the broth, add purified pieces of pumpkin, carrots and celery into it.
  • Boil vegetables in broth for 40 minutes on slow fire.
  • Add all the necessary spices.
  • Fill the soup with fresh cream.
  • Take a mixture in a blender or try to make a puree with a pestle.
  • Separate seafood separately.
  • Add seafood into cream soup.

Dietary pumpkin soup

Connoisseurs of healthy nutrition, vegetarians or simply wanting to reset a couple of extra kilograms will appreciate this pumpkin soup. Pumpkin is a very nutritious and delicious vegetable, so, even on a diet, you will still be able to enjoy the taste of dishes. This soup is suitable for the child. If you are interested in the most useful and low-calorie food, try to cook vegetable puree soup from pumpkin. You will need the following products:

  • Take 500 g sliced \u200b\u200band peeled pumpkin. In order for the dish is particularly tasty, it is better to choose the sweet varieties of pumpkin.
  • You will need one large carrot.
  • Prepare fresh bulbs.
  • You can add half zucchini or small patisson.
  • Select the seasonings to taste, get the clove of garlic and many different greenery - parsley, dill, celery, kinza and basil will perfectly complement the dish.
  • A glass of water will be required as the basis of the dish.
  • It is necessary to some vegetable oil, it is better to give preference to olive - it will enrich the taste of dietary soup.

Prepare pumpkin puree soup from vegetables is very simple:

  • Cut onions and garlic, fry them on vegetable oil until transparency.
  • Put the finely chopped pumpkin and carrots to them.
  • Fill the vegetable mixture with water and leave to boil on slow heat for 15 minutes.
  • Add the purified and sliced \u200b\u200bzucchini or patisson. All together tapping another 5 minutes.
  • Now add salt and spices.
  • Using a blender, make a puree from a vegetable mixture.
  • Abundantly decorate cream soup in a plate with branches of greenery.

Pumpkin Multicooker Soup

Multicooker allows you to significantly alleviate the process of cooking dishes and free more time for other matters. In addition, thanks to special technology, food prepared in this way, it turns out to be especially healthy and useful. Cooking in it any pumpkin soup is very simple - for example, often make pumpkin soup with milk. Try to make it from the following ingredients:

  • You will need 500 g prepared to pumpkins in advance - put it on, clean it from seeds and peel.
  • So that the soup is satisfying and nutritious, it is also worth adding 500 g of potatoes.
  • Instead of water or broth for this recipe, take the milk. It will require a lot of approximately 1 liters.
  • You also need a little onion onions, take one or two bulbs, depending on your flavors.
  • You will also need one small carrot.
  • Take a little creamy oil.
  • Choose spices yourself to taste.

How to cook pumpkin soup in a slow cooker? This can be done as follows:

  • Fry chopped onion on creamy oil. In a multicooker, the "Baking" mode is suitable in the best way - it will bring the bow to a transparent state, but will not let him burn. With the "frying" mode, the onion may turn out to be golden and crisp - this is not necessary for soup.
  • Add carrots, potatoes and pumpkin. Add the desired spices.
  • Pour milk and put a multicooker on the "quenching" mode. Now leave the vegetables to prepare for 1-1.5 hours.
  • Make a puree with a blender.
  • Decorate soup with crackers and seeds.

Pumpkin soup from Julia Vysotsky Stepha

Well-known Culinary Julia Vysotskaya offers its own interesting recipe for pumpkin soup with cheese. If you like to try unusual dishes and want to diversify your own diet, you will probably try to prepare pumpkin soup with celery and cheese for her recipe. To begin with, make sure that you have all the ingredients needed for the dish:

  • It will take 500 g of peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bpumpkin.
  • Prepare 1 l vegetable broth - it will form the basis of soup. Pumpkin soup on broth from vegetables will be especially useful.
  • It will also require 50 ml of white dry wine to refuel soup.
  • Soup should be supplemented with soft mascarpone cheese, take 150 g.
  • It will be necessary 2 tbsp. Spoons of butter.
  • Prepare fresh greens, celery stem, garlic and bow.
  • To give an additional taste, fried pumpkin seeds will be used.
  • Pick up the seasonings to taste. It is recommended dried thyme, bouquet of olive herbs, salt and freshly ground pepper.

Prepare pumpkin soup with melted cheese is completely easy. Store the following instructions:

  1. Slip the pumpkin salt and smear the creamy oil. Put it on the tray and send to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Bake pumpkin for 20 minutes.
  2. Finely cut down onions, garlic and celery. Melt some cream oil in a saucepan and lay out the sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables there. Then pour them with wine and keep on slow heat for 7 minutes, stirring constantly.
  3. Mixion, garlic and celery with pumpkin, add thyme, olive herbs and peppers. Wake up a blender dish before receiving a homogeneous substance.
  4. Add broth. Weganize the soup on slow heat for 10 minutes.
  5. Add Mascarpone Cheese to the soup and take everything in a blender again. Serve this delicious pumpkin soup should be with fresh greens and pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin Coconut Soup

If you love an exotic kitchen, you should like the original pumpkin soup recipe with coconut milk. This is a Thai recipe. It is not more difficult to prepare it than all other options for this dish. The only difficulty lies in the fact that there are no coconut milk on sale by no means in every store. Nevertheless, in some large hypermarkets it is definitely worth searching. Also now you can order coconut milk and in the online store. The remaining ingredients for soup are very simple:

  • It will take 700 g pumpkins.
  • For a lean soup version, vegetable broth or water should be used - 1 liter will be required. You can make soup on light chicken broth, but for a more harmonious taste from meat it is better to refuse.
  • As seasonings, garlic, onions, ginger, cumin and coriander are recommended.
  • It will take 1 tbsp. Spoon of vegetable oil - it is better to choose olive.
  • Finally, you need 400 ml of coconut milk.

How to cook pumpkin soup with coconut milk? Prepare an exotic Thai soup as follows:

  1. Farm onion and garlic on vegetable oil.
  2. Add all the remaining spices and thorough them thoroughly with garlic and onions. Fill it all by broth or water.
  3. Now add a finely chopped pumpkin and leave the soup to be cooked on slow heat for 20 minutes.
  4. Be a blender soup.
  5. Add coconut milk and serve a dish to the table.


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