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How to tear jeans correctly

How to tear jeans correctly
How to independently make torn and “aged” jeans.

Modern denim fashion invites us to turn our eyes to extraordinary and original things. According to fashion trends, we are recommended to wear boyfriend jeans, overSize and with various effects of agility, echoing and scuffing. Such things can cost quite expensive, sometimes twice as much as usual. Nevertheless, if there is a desire and a creative approach, you can make jeans in this style yourself.

How to break jeans correctly: useful tips

About ten years ago, torn jeans appeared on the catwalks, and many reacted to them with a certain wary. Several years ago, this trend returned again - and now denim items with the effect of obstinity (in the form of small holes or extensive holes) gradually appeared in our everyday life. They are put on not only for special cases of fashionistas who want to stand out, but also in everyday life lovers of the Casual style, handmade and original clothes.

The torn denim is quite relevant, especially in the warm season. In modern fashion magazines and on the Internet you can find various photos of torn jeans - both from branded manufacturers and processed at home. These things distinguish slots and decorative damage to fabrics, which, using a special methodology, the skilled master tried to give the effect of natural repentance and scuffs.

How to break jeans correctly: select the style

Silhouettes and styles of torn jeans should be selected not only depending on fashion, which is currently quite democratic. You should choose a suitable model for yourself primarily, taking into account the individual characteristics of the figure. Long -legged and slender girls are torn models in various styles, whether it be skinny or free “boyfriend jeans”.


Puff -up girls with full feet are suitable for denim trousers with slots above the knee so that massive caviar of their legs and lower legs are covered. The full girl will look slimmer in straight jeans with narrow slots placed vertically. And vice versa, in order to give the figure the missing volume, thin girls can use torn jeans with fairly wide horizontal slots, as well as make holes in them in the knee area.

How to break jeans yourself correctly

You can achieve the effect of torn denim and achieve breathtaking results without any help. It is not at all difficult to tear jeans beautifully. You will be happy to wear it yourself in this way in accordance with your taste. In addition, such jeans will be a great gift for a friend. You should not be too zealous with the processing of fabric to give it a decorative effect of “eagerness”, otherwise there is a risk of getting a hopelessly spoiled thing at the exit. Modelity will be required to intuitively feel how to break jeans correctly. Thus, it is worth acting gradually and measure the changes made with the result you want to get.

How to break jeans correctly: preparatory work

To perform such work, you will need, in fact, the jeans themselves. You can purchase new ones or use a non -demanded thing from your wardrobe for starters - in this way you can turn jeans stolen in the closet into a fashionable new thing. After tearing them decoratively, you can literally breathe a new life into them. The classic model of jeans is optimal - your size or slightly larger to achieve free fit. It is worth considering that in order to give the effect of agility and echoing, it is preferable to choose a thing from fabric of medium thickness and density. The insulated model, with a significant content of elastan, from too thin material or, on the contrary, rude denim is unlikely to be suitable. Burders and slots on jeans with smoothly flowing shades of color, with the presence of rhinestones and metal rivets look interesting.

How to break jeans correctly: suitable tools and devices

It is convenient to make cuts on denim with a stationery knife or blade. Sometimes a medical scalpel or a coarse -grained grater is used for this. In addition, you will need a plastic plastic plain or plywood (like a small tray or cutting board), which will be conveniently placed under a layer of material for its further processing so as not to cut out the trousers through.


Prepare also small scissors (manicure), small or a remnant for applying marking, pumice or sandpaper of medium granularity. For processing denim, chlorine -containing bleach can also be useful.

How to break jeans correctly: we determine the seats

First, you will need to get acquainted on the Internet with the current photos and choose a suitable option for yourself how to tear jeans. To decide where your jeans will be “torn”, put them on and mark the planned sections of the cuts with the help of chalk. The slots can be minimal or solid size, depending on what effect you want to achieve, as well as how ready you are ready to show in the holes and gaps of a naked body. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that a small hole on the knee is in the place of significant tension of the fabric and in the process of socks can expand significantly, turning into a non -aesthetic gap. Thus, in order to give the effect of “elasticity” it is worth choosing a place slightly higher or below the knee. After applying the markup, hang jeans on the hanger and step back to a distance to evaluate from the side that the effect of further tissue processing should be expected.


How to break jeans correctly: giving the aging effect

Artistically “torn” jeans are perfectly combined with the presence of scuffs on them. Thus, in order for jeans trousers with a torn effect to look as natural as possible, before the manufacture of sections and holes, it is necessary to artificially aged them artificially. To do this, lay out jeans on a flat and solid surface, place a plate or a dense plate inside the legs, and then treat the fabric with an energetic pumice with energetic movements. In this way, you can achieve the appearance of light scuffs on it and the effect of some outcast. Tearing jeans at home, making spectacular holes and scuffs in them, is quite real. Similarly, you can process any places on jeans at your request, including pockets, the outer layer of the belt fabric or the bottom of the leg. At the same time, it is recommended to avoid the area in the area of \u200b\u200bthe knees, since in this place minor scuffs can turn into unscheduled holes.

Ways to break jeans at home correctly

The basis of most ways to correctly break jeans lies cutting the fabric with an acute object, followed by a more or less accurate pulling out part of the threads. Sores and patterns can be symmetrical or located randomly, near or in the distance from each other. It is worth considering that the incision due to natural wear and washing can expand, while the slot can increase significantly. Thus, this phenomenon should be taken into account when cutting fabric. You can start processing jeans by placing a plank under the leg so as not to break and cut the fabric of the lower layer of the leg.


To give various decorative effects, you can apply the following methods to break jeans at home correctly:

  • you can get several small holes by making shallow cuts and gradually pulling a layer of blue jeans threads located perpendicular to the bottom of the leg from the fabric between them from the fabric. To do this, you need to pick them up with the help of manicure scissors or tweezers and gradually pull them out one after another or small beams. If desired, individual threads should be torn so that they hang beautifully. As a result of the actions done, a very decorative gap with white threads will be obtained at the base; 1
  • in order to get the effect of “noodles”, you should make on jeans a few frequent long cuts along the threads using a blade, a scalpel or a stationery knife. The permissible distance between the incisions is about 2 cm. Put the knife with the tip of the hole a little, disheve and slightly dissolve the threads along the edges of the cuts so that the jeans look torn, and not cut. Such processing will allow things to give things a more natural appearance;
  • you can make jeans torn by a “spider web” by making frequent cuts in their width and getting rid of a significant number of threads; 34
  • you can achieve the effect of elaboration by actively working on fabric with sandpaper, pumice or scalpel (it should also not be cut, but rubbed). Carefully erasing the blue threads from the front part of the fabric on the selected site, and then removing damaged threads with manicure scissors, needles and tweezers, you can achieve a wide variety of results - depending on your desire;
  • another way to correctly tear jeans is to make several wide cuts across the leg (on most of its width). A more noticeable effect in this case can be achieved if the cuts are frequent. After that, armed with a clerical knife, you will need to clean the longitudinal threads from the cuts, leaving the transverse in place. Pull out the not aesthetically sticking excess threads in the processed area, neatly comb with a scallop with rare teeth. Thus, you can simultaneously get the effect of agility and outcome. Small residues of the fibers can be removed using a vacuum cleaner;
  • in addition, you can beautifully tear jeans as follows - using manicure scissors, carefully cut a small hole on the jeans tissue (the size of a pea or a small coin). On the perimeter of the resulting hole using a needle or an awl, pull out the blue threads and cut them with scissors. Such a decorative “aging” of jeans does not look catchy and very cute;
  • in a similar way, you can cut out various figured holes in jeans tissue - in the form of rhombuses, butterflies, stars, hearts, etc. So that such an image does not lose its shape as a result of washing, from the wrong side you should glue it with frizeline and end the edges. If you fix the fabric of bright colors from the inside of the holes, the torn jeans will look even more catchy and original.

How to break jeans correctly: final processing

Jeans with a torn effect look quite spectacular with a slightly bleached cloth. To do this, you can use a chlorine -containing bleach like "whiteness". Dissolve a small amount of this product in water and, moistening a fabric napkin in it, apply jeans in the area of \u200b\u200bthe made holes and around them. After a few minutes, wash and thoroughly rinse the thing.

In general, with your own hand, torn jeans should be washed in cool or warm water, and then straightened and dried in natural conditions. It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to wash such a thing in a special case for delicate washing so as not to damage the fabric (or, if there is no one, in the old pillowcase).

With what to wear torn jeans

Having learned how to break jeans correctly, you can get as a result an excellent thing for everyday wear. It is worth considering that the best torn jeans are combined with casual casual clothes. The more bizarre the model is processed in order to give the effect of echo and aging, the easier it is to select the top for it. With torn jeans, a shirt or a T -shirt of a simple style and a discreet color, sitting on the figure or slightly freely, will look harmonious. Do not make multi -layer and complex combinations with things like feminine blouses and volumetric pools.


In addition, jackets and cardigans, as well as cuckoo jackets, can approach the torn jeans, but such combinations should be selected as thoughtfully as possible. Such jeans themselves are a catchy, attracting attention to the detail, so it is not recommended to overload the image with additional details. Do not put on stockings or tights under them, since in this case the main idea is lost, which allows you to spect a stripes of naked body against others spectacularly for others.

You can wear any shoes for such pants. Sports options like sneakers and sneakers are optimal, various boots, ballet shoes and sandals, as well as classic lodges, will also look harmonious. Depending on the selected shoes, you should select a bag - do not wear respectable status products with torn jeans, but democratic backpacks, chests or bags are suitable optimally.

How to break jeans correctly - photo








How to break jeans - video



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