
How to dress stylishly

How to dress stylishly
Style is a god who worships all fashionistas. Moreover, being stylish and dressing is expensive are completely different things. Read about the features and secrets of creating an individual style in the article.

There is no such woman who at least once did not wonder how stylish she looks. Notice - not fashionable, but stylish. The capricious and wayward fashion is changing every now and then, obeying the course of time, and the style is unshakable, like the time itself. We invite you to a warm conversation about the style and ways of its conquest.

How to dress stylishly: style and style - we make clarity

Style is a distinctive feature of a woman's appearance. This is her kind of message to the world. Style is thoughtfulness. Style is integrity. Style is a uniqueness.

The generally accepted interpretation of the thesis “style” involves the perfect correspondence, the harmony of meaning and shape that puts it on. It is no coincidence that the term is used when they talk about historical milestones in the development of art (canvas in the style of expressionism), the features of architecture (a palace in the style of the Renaissance) and, of course, to dress the manner. Each thing, whether it is a dress or trousers, has a complete form of expression (a particular combination of cut, silhouette, texture of fabric). Clothes with general specific features unites a single stylistic solution.

Stylistics - an individual image (style) of a particular person. Stylistics is not only the clothes of a certain style, but also makeup, hairstyle, manners and tastes. All these components should be in harmony with each other. Now you understand that the task is not easy to determine the personal style, because you need to know and take into account a lot of nuances! Let's dwell on each of them to understand how to dress fashionably and stylish.


How to dress stylishly: fundamental styles in clothes

Fashion trends do not stand still, now and then hitting our imagination with all kinds of news. Some styles die, others immediately come to their place - the cycle of forms, textures and colors rotates at a frantic speed. However, there are dominant unshakable styles, peculiar whales of a limitless fashion ocean that were, are and will be. It is on the basis of these traditional styles that other, less constant.

How to dress stylishly: classic or English style

This is a classic of fashion, the beginning of all the principles. Having originated in England, the manner of dressing in this way gradually conquered all of Europe. The classic style is strict, sleek, practical and functional. What does clothing in the classic style look like? Pay attention, first of all, to the following parameters:

  • straight, slightly adjacent silhouette;
  • a form close to rectangular;
  • the volume is insignificant;
  • the type of collar - jacket;
  • traditional pockets;
  • medium -sized buttons corresponding to the color of the costume;
  • the finish is minimal.

Classic costumes are called that have a semi -suing and direct silhouette:

  • jacket, skirt, blouse;
  • dress, jacket;
  • dress, vest;
  • dress, vest, jacket;
  • pants, blouse, jacket.


How to dress stylishly: sports style

This style is perhaps older than the classic, because it appeared immediately after a person began to show interest in sports competitions and training of his body. One of the first options for sportswear is a free tunic with cuts on the sides, which was worn by the ancient Greeks.

The sports style in clothing progressed along with the development of a particular sport. For example, a jacket and galif pants shortened in front appeared due to the popularity of riding, the appearance of caps with a visor, or baseball caps, we owe American baseball, and with a light hand of players in tennis, the worlds conquered shorts and short skirts.

Another primary source of modern sports outfits is considered clothes to participate in military operations. For example, overhead pockets and noticeable metal fittings are still an integral part of jackets sewn according to all the rules of the sports style - these are echoes of the time of costumes, which were worn by the first balloonists and aviators.

Clothing, made in a sports style, does not constrain movements, allows you to feel natural and relaxed. Here are the specific signs of this direction in sewing clothes:

  • trapezoidal semi -adherent and adjacent silhouette;
  • forms are dominated by rectangular, square and oval;
  • sleeves can be shirts, in the form of raglane or one -piece. Most often, there is a cuff on the sleeve on the button, Velcro or lightning;
  • the neck is decorated in the form of an expanding collar, rack or hood.

Sportswear is useful for working in the garden and around the house, for walking and traveling, you can not do without it during dancing and sports.

How to dress stylishly: ethnic style

Clothing, made in an ethnic (folk) style, is notable for the fact that in its creation they will certainly use elements and decoration inherent in a national costume. Depending on what folk costume forms the basis of one or another clothing, they speak of East, Indian, Russian, African, etc. style. Such a costume is a reflection of the most characteristic features of the clothing of peoples that live in a certain territory.

The subspecies of the ethnic style is the stylization of outfits of a particular social group. For example, a rude fabric and a free plain cover of a rustic -style suit indicates that this clothing is not just a folk costume, but a costume of a village resident.

Clothing in an ethnic style is as if outside of time, and it can rightfully be considered a real work of art. It is characterized by:

  • straight and trapezoidal silhouettes;
  • form in the form of a trapezoid, oval or rectangle;
  • moderate volumes;
  • functionality, simplicity and convenience.

This style is most often used in summer clothes intended for relaxation.


How to dress stylishly: romantic style

This style has absorbed all the beautiful and feminine features of romanticism - fashion of the 19th century. Such clothes are designed to make a woman even more elegant and more beautiful, to emphasize all the beneficial features of her figure. Outfits, the creators of which were inspired by romantic motives, is not difficult to find out:

  • silhouettes streamlining the figure with soft and fuzzy lines;
  • design in the form of a "bow";
  • small and lush volumes;
  • the sleeves are stubborn, stanned or smooth along the okata, “bell”, decorated with ruffles, lace or cuffs;
  • the presence of symmetric and asymmetric stanned folds on the chest, belt or hem;
  • rich finish.

Romantic outfits emphasize the general attention of the main female virtues: naturalness, defenselessness, softness and tenderness.


How to dress stylishly: what does it mean to be stylish

There is nothing complicated to learn how to dress stylishly. There are universal rules for every woman that underlie style. And you probably heard about them more than once, but did not attach much importance to them. It is worth treating it a little more seriously, and you can safely talk about the fact that your own style is in your pocket! So, what does the mysterious definition mean "dress stylishly"?

  1. Dress stylishly - know the type and features of your figure. Not one book is written about what classifications of female physique exist, but this question still remains relevant. Knowing the features of your proportions, you will not be mistaken in the choice of clothes, significantly save the time when you go hunting for a new outfit, since you will save yourself from the need to try on a lot of things that are not initially suitable for you, as they do not correspond to the type of your figure. Having studied your body, evaluating the indicators of the size of the chest, waist, hips and their ratio, you will easily find the special costume that is right for you.
  2. Dressing stylishly - know the personal color type. Carefully look at yourself from the side and ask the beautiful stranger in the mirror, who is she - winter, spring, summer or autumn? Having selected for yourself a suitable color or shade in clothes, you will advantageously emphasize the depth of your eyes and visually refresh the skin tone. Remember that the main requirement for clothes is to serve as a background for your natural beauty.
  3. Dress stylishly - correctly combine things of different colors among themselves. To create an ideal ensemble, remember: a cold shade can be combined with other shades of a cold palette, a warm shade, respectively, only a warm palette is suitable. Universal black and white colors amazingly in harmony with all colors.
  4. Dress stylishly - successfully choose a basic wardrobe.
  5. Dress stylishly - to dress appropriate to the place and time. It is not necessary, as they say, to confuse flies and cutlets: it is convenient to flaunt in jeans during a suburban walk, a decolled dress on the floor - a nail of a New Year's corporate party and in no case vice versa.


How to dress stylishly: what is a basic wardrobe

The basic wardrobe, or the main clothing in your closet, plays the role of the first violin in creating a style. These are such universal things, on the basis of which you can come up with many ensembles and sets.

Here are what clothing items can be called basic:

  1. Classic Troika costume: jacket, skirt and trousers. It is selected with the obligatory accounting of the features of the figure. It is convenient to combine such things with blouses and shirts.
  2. Bluses and shirts from feminine, painted in pastel colors, to playful, decorated with a cage or strip.
  3. Classic jeans (without rhinestones, embroidery and applications).
  4. White and black T -shirts. With their help, it is easy to invent various interesting images.
  5. Dresses. They can be as much as you like, because each of them has its own character and mood: in a small black dress, it is easy to reincarnate into a sophisticated Frenchwoman, and a colorful sundress will help to confidently and at ease to feel on a date.
  6. Warm sweaters and sweaters of all kinds of colors. Putting them to a skirt, jeans or trousers, you will always look in a new way.
  7. Neutral shoes. Here you have to fork out: you will need frivolous ballet shoes, classic shoes, comfortable sneakers, boots, ankle boots.

Remember that the right basic wardrobe is a great start to create a unique wardrobe for all occasions.

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Simple, but important secrets of style

All fashion roads lead to Paris. The French style combines three fundamental features of female attractiveness: practicality, simplicity and chic. Having mastered the simple rules of the style of the harmonic of one of the most fashionable capitals of the world, each girl can look perfect, naturally and a little mysterious. So, let's reveal all the secrets of the French world of beauty.

  1. The true Frenchwoman always prefers classics, and not the last fashion trends.
  2. Dressing a stylish woman means wearing high -quality things, the French say. At the same time, the Frenchwoman considers it below her dignity to emphasize that he wears a famous and expensive brand.
  3. The French woman considers excesses inappropriate in clothes: pretentiousness only distracts the attention of others from the lady herself.
  4. Femininity is an important detail of the French style. For the skirts, dresses and elegant heels, the Frenchwoman feed the most delicate feelings. There is often some seductive detail in clothes-it can be slightly open knees or a bare shoulder.
  5. The French women have a sense of individuality that with all their love for things of the classical style, you will not meet two young ladies in similar clothes on the street.
  6. Buying each thing for these true connoisseurs of taste is a carefully planned mission. In the wardrobe, the Frenchwoman will never turn out to be random clothes: everything goes perfectly with each other. To make purchases, succumbing to a momentary mood, not in the spirit of real connoisseurs of style.
  7. The French, both women and men, after buying a new thing turn to the cutter, who perfectly drives her according to the figure. They do so because the ideal image begins with a harmonious silhouette.
  8. To create a bright image, a true Frenchwoman does not need rich and screaming colors. She prefers the modest and calm palette of brown, blue, gray and green colors, and she appreciates the black color for versatility and inviolability. In the spring, French avenues flare up outfits of silver, turquoise, pale pink and lilac shades. In the choice of accessories, you can be more relaxed: saturated red, green and blue are suitable. Do not forget that in one image more than three colors are not combined.


How to dress stylishly and inexpensively

Not everyone can afford Parisian chic, many will object. We foresaw this remark and decided to convince you of the opposite. No, we are not going to agitate you on food and other necessary things in the name of a new branded thing, but we will teach you how to follow several simple recommendations of experienced stylists in order to feel a million!

  1. Your image, devoid of expensive things, instantly improves the skillfully selected emphasis - a designer accessory. Agree, buying a scarf or belt of a famous designer in a financial sense is much easier than a dress or trouser suit.
  2. When buying a thing, carefully study its label: if more than 20% of synthetic impurities are present in the fabric, it should be abandoned. Expensive, high -quality, and most importantly, stylish clothes from natural fabric. Wool, cotton, silk - these are the favorites of a woman who wants to look elegant.
  3. Do not waste money on a pretentious thing that will soon sink into the flying world. Look for universal things that are outside seasonal trends. A pastel blouse, a sheath dress, a pencil skirt-these and many other “fundamental” things were, are and will always be, and they should not underestimate them.
  4. If you cannot afford original jewelry from fashionable jewelry houses, give preference to high -quality jewelry - it looks no worse, and the cost has a rather democratic one.
  5. Do not hesitate to visit vintage shops and second-hand. Those who do not do this lose their excellent opportunity to catch luck by the tail and find the only designer thing in their copy for a funny amount.
  6. Storm "drains" and fashionable boutiques on sales days. Get it a rule to go there at the end of each season or before the New Year. If you don’t hesitate, you can “grab” a stylish and inexpensive thing you like. Is it possible to resist wonderful shoes that cost 60 - 70% cheaper from their initial price? It is impossible, and not necessary. This is a great option to dress stylish to every girl.
  7. Think about individual tailoring. To look unsurpassed, you only need to find a good specialist who, in the smallest details, will be able to reproduce the “picture” from the fashion magazine that sunk into your soul. Sewing things to order is quite costly, but at the same time it is much cheaper than dressing in a boutique.


How to dress stylishly: Age style correspondence

You can look stylish at any age: at 14, and at 25, and at 40. There would be a desire! The main thing is that the image corresponds to age, and not add an extra years to you.

Young beauties who have not yet reached 20 years, it's time for bold experiments! Sports, youth style is perfect for them: torn jeans, short skirts and shorts, bright dresses. It is not necessary to monitor the trends of the season at this age - everything is the most interesting ahead!

At 20 - 25, you need to come close to the issue of your own style. It’s still early to put on clothes exclusively in a business, classic style, but your favorite torn jeans are increasingly missing on a shelf in a closet - the soul requires change! Take a closer look at the feminine, sophisticated clothing of neutral colors.

A 30-year-old woman already knows exactly what clothes will emphasize her beauty and will look most impressive. In her wardrobe there are several win -win ensembles for all occasions. The combination of things should be catchy, but in no case screaming.

At 30 - 40 years, the time becomes elegant! Stylists do not recommend wearing tight things (although with a sports and tightened figure this is a rather controversial question). Make a bet on quality and quality: forget about cheap jewelry, if possible, buy good fashionable shoes.

At 40 - 50, a woman will be absolutely right if she stops on the classic.

Let's take a general way as a girl, a girl and a woman can emphasize her attractiveness and originality.

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How to get a stylish girl to school

The school uniform - a dull brown dress and a black apron - has long been canceled, but this does not mean that you can fall into the extremes, dressing the first thing that falls by the arm. Age, of course, allows a lot, but it is still not worth crossing the facets of reasonable young young ladies.

The school can be called an institution where the official events (lessons) are held conditionally. This means that the most suitable clothes in the walls of such an institution will be jackets, trousers, skirts and blouses. The classic is relevant even for schoolchildren who like to look a little older thanks to strict clothes.


The costumes of gray, brown and black, of course, look a little boring when it comes to young people. The situation will be saved by bright accessories, as well as colored turtlenecks, T -shirts, shirts and blouses.

A beautiful and suitable thing for the school as an alternative to a jacket is a vest that looks rather restrained, but not too strict and officially. Also, a girl can pay attention to a practical and convenient sundress, because this is a wonderful basis for many unlike each other feminine combinations. The sundress will make a successful pair of jacket, blouse, shirt or turtleneck.


For the cold season, cardigans and sweaters are suitable. In addition, the girl’s school wardrobe can be replenished with dresses of various styles. It can be a soviter dress, an uncomplicated checkered sundress in the style of a preppy, a dress in the form of a case or a dressing gown.

Jeans - without which our young generation does not think of itself! If you choose their classic model of a calm color, without shining pebbles and screaming applications, the thing will be appropriate even at school. And a knitted sleeveless jacket, a unisex style, perfectly complement the carefree image.

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Do not forget that catchy multi -colored belts, hairpins, hoops, watches, hats and scarves are an integral attribute of the girl’s school image.

Stylish outfits for a girl

Young women, of course, want to feel the most beautiful and fashionable in all situations: the attention of others above all! Few people have a huge selection of stylistic solutions and combinations in clothes, so each lady wants to try herself in different role. Every day, trying on various images, you can gradually decide on your style once and for all. And we will tell you what to pay attention to.

How to dress stylishly a girl with magnificent forms (photo)

Full young women need to take a closer look at the things of a direct or fitted style, but not at tight -fitting clothes, which only disfigures beautiful lush forms. If the lady is a large fan of turtleneck, a cardigan or vest will help out, the color of which contrasts with a tight thing.


With extra pounds, you can fight with the help of clothing in a classic style. The simplicity and severity of the lines of such things will visually make the figure slimmer. In addition, you can not worry about the relevance of a particular costume. Classic outside of time, remember? From the raid of officiality, if necessary, they get rid, complementing the strict outfit with original accessories, catchy shoes or beautiful decorations.

A little geometry: vertical and diagonal lines in clothes, create a relief that visually narrows and pulls out a full girl a little. So that with a visual increase in growth, a small breast is not “lost”, they are experimenting with high waist models.

The young ladies with appetizing forms will help in summer the dresses of one -piece styles will help - they make the figure slimmer. But from blouses and dresses, a characteristic sign of which is the seam along the waist, you need to stay away. The skirts should be slightly flared up so that the lower part of the figure is visually not weighted.


On the "puffs" free straight or slightly narrowed to the bottom of the trousers look good.  When buying a sweater or blouse, you always need to pay attention to the volume of the sleeves: wide visually expands the chest, and narrow will emphasize the fullness of the hands.


Do not trust the clothes that depict horizontal and large drawings. So you can make your figure even more fully. It is better to dwell on a classic middle and small peas.

Yellow, red, orange and bright green colors, as a rule, are not suitable for girls with lush volumes, but a palette of cold shades (blue, turquoise, lilac, gray) in the full figure looks wonderful.

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For a girl with a full figure, soft and smooth fabrics for clothes are the best suited.

How to dress up a thin girl (photo)

Tall slender girls can afford an outfit with horizontal stripes and a large pattern, and overhead pockets or folds will only emphasize the advantages of the figure.


Scarreys can safely wear blouses, skirts and dresses with a coquer, decorations adding volume, wide collars. The silhouette will equalize and highlight a thin waist with a wide belt with a voluminous blouse and skirt.


The excellent material for creating clothes on thin ladies will serve as soft and hard, dense and thin fabrics.


Remember that if the top is open, the bottom must certainly be closed and vice versa.  If one element of the costume is voluminous, it is permissible for the other to fit the figure.

How to dress stylishly a woman for 40

According to 40-year-old ladies, life at this age is just beginning! And it is really impossible to object to them. Having crossed the 40-year line, the woman is getting good every day, her energy hits the edge and she continues to be interested in fashion and follow the new products of the fashion industry. The image of the young lady of Balzakov's age, of course, should reflect such an active social position.

Stylists assure that the choice of clothing for a woman for 40 is so great that except the most lazy will not be able to choose successful outfits for themselves. A forty -year -old lady will be at a height if she relies on a classic style: restraint and a minimum set of details seemed to be created for her. In addition, the classic will emphasize the dignity of the figure of a mature woman as well as possible.


The time has come to forget about frankly inexpensive things: clothes at this age need to choose a solid one, and, as you know, you need to pay for quality. By the way, if a woman prefers a classic style in clothes and natural shoes, you can safely wear high -quality jewelry instead of gold and silver jewelry. In creating a spectacular memorable image, you can put an end to a bright scarf, belt or stylish glasses. But you must certainly refuse screaming flowers in clothing - they will only add extra years and make the appearance to cause!

The ensembles of pastel colors will be a good choice for a forty -year -old lady, but moderate operation of muffled yellow, blue, green, pink and peach colors is also possible.

In choosing an evening toilet, you can afford more liberties. So, a mature woman in an elegant blue or red dress will look bold and bright. And of course, the classic of the genre is an outfit of black or deep gray. It is not forbidden to shock the audience with a transparent lace blouse and a skirt, decorated with a bright floral image, but this option is not suitable for everyday use.


The most suitable outfit for a suburban walk will be a tracksuit or jeans with a T -shirt or a light jumper. T -shirts and cardigans with prints of branded signs or musicians are categorically not suitable.


Genuine leather shoes at medium heights of stable heels - Mast Hev for a mature woman. Such shoes can be combined with a bright leather bag.

Among the necessary things that should be in the wardrobe of a forty -year -old lady, we can note:

  • dark trousers with arrows expanding from the hip. They must be worn with high -heeled shoes;
  • blue or blue jeans trousers without any stripes;
  • flared light skirt of a plain color to the knee length;
  • delicate and airy plain blouse;
  • simple but exquisite black dress.

How does the wardrobe begin. Video

What things should be in the stylish arsenal of any woman and how to make a basic wardrobe, the irresistible Evelyn Khromchenko will tell you.


Marina 30.11.2017 Answer

This is not an article, but a mini-encyclopedia in style, thank you !!! I gathered a basic wardrobe, but I can’t resist trending updates)) In order not to spend the entire family budget on them, I started a rule: to buy only in stock stores or on the Internet. I especially help out sites like Avito, where people sell their things - I thought there was only used, but no, it turned out that there were a lot of clothes and shoes that had never even worn! Well, prices, you understand - ten times lower than in the store!
