
Vitamins for women after 30 - vitamin rating for women after 30

Vitamins for women after 30 - vitamin rating for women after 30
In which vitamins does the body of women who are "a little over 30" need? Rating of the most demanded vitamin complexes.

Women who have passed the mark "30+" are still beautiful and energetic. Only the first messengers in the form of small wrinkles under the eyes and it is not clear from where the health problems that have arisen remind them that their youth begins to count the countdown. But how much it will last this transition from youth to maturity, directly depends on the way of life and full nutrition. Vitamins occupy particularly important in this matter. What role do they play in the body and how to choose the best vitamins for women after 30?

Vitamins for women after 30. Reception of vitamins as prevention of age-related changes

Many women after 30 years with regret understand that it becomes much more difficult to care for them than five years ago. They are grieved the first wrinkles, "remembered" morning face after a night party and difficulties with housing kilograms, which, as if called, come back.

The reason for this is the hormonal changes in the reproductive system, which slowly begins to be exhausted, as well as slowing the oxidative reactions and cell metabolism.

To this age, women have already acquired family and gave birth to one or two children. And pregnancy, as you know, also depletes women's health, pulling useful substances from the body. And why are there are stresses at work and troubles when raising offspring? All this gradually takes youth and health in women.

If you believe statistical data, most chronic diseases in more mature age start at 30 years.

Therefore, women after 30 years should be more carefully referring to their health. Fortunately, there are many available ways to slow the aging, one of which is sufficient admission to the body of minerals and vitamins. But, only the right nutrition does not solve the deficit of the necessary substances. It requires a more radical approach, namely the reception of complex vitamins for women after 30.


What vitamins are necessary for women after 30 years

Age changes, chronic diseases and vitamin deficit are very interrelated. To understand that something is wrong with the body in such manifestations:

  1. Bauffed weakness and decay of working capacity. If a woman works a lot, then a long-term lack of vitamins can end with chronic fatigue syndrome.
  2. Neelasticity and dryness of the skin, fragility of nail plates, hair dullness, premature wrinkles.
  3. Spontaneous headaches.
  4. Hormonal imbalance.
  5. Pathological changes in the endocrine system.
  6. Iron-deficiency anemia.
  7. Frequent colds.

The female organism needs all groups of vitamins and minerals, but there are a number of substances that are especially important. They are in the complex of vitamins for women after 30 pharmaceutical production:

  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamins of group V.
  • Cholecalciferol.
  • Folic acid.
  • Cyanocobalamin.
  • Pyridoxine.
  • Tocopherol.
  • Retinol.
  • Biotin.
  • Calcium.
  • Iodine.
  • Magnesium.
  • Zinc.
  • Iron.

In conditions of non-normalized working day, the use of fast food and semi-finished products develops a deficit of nutrients. To help a woman to preserve health, pharmaceutical firms offer many vitamin complexes. They contain the perfect ratio of minerals and vitamins, which are required by 30 years of ladies. At the same time, their combination has its own characteristics:

  1. Vitamin C is an active antioxidant, which neutralizes the effect of harmful substances, especially if the woman has bad habits. In combination with iron, provides a full assimilation of the latter.
  2. Group vitamins in help experience stressful situations and normalize the work of the nervous system. They are well absorbed in a pair with manganese, selenium and copper.
  3. Calcium is responsible for the strength of bone tissue, but it is practically not absorbed without vitamin D.
  4. Zinc is needed to prevent the impairment of memory, but without vitamin and it cannot perform its functions.
  5. Vitamins E, and folic acid protect the reproductive function of a woman.


Vitamins for women after 30. Selection of vitamin complexes, taking into account the tasks

In the age of 30, you need to maintain your mineral-vitamin balance so that over the next decade you could emit beauty and health. And since every woman knows his "weak points", you need to choose a list of vitamins based on what tasks it should decide. For example, if a woman has problems with menstrual function, but also dreams of one child, she needs to be focused on vitamins of hormonal action. And if she has problems with leather and hair, then vitamins-antioxidants.

Vitamins for women after 30 to raise immunity

In order for the immunity to defend a woman from viral diseases and the appearance of pathological processes in the body, including oncology, a whole spectrum of vitamins, including ascorbic acid and vitamins of group B. These substances, in addition to the immunostimulating function, regulate the psycho-emotional woman background.

Vitamins for women after 30 to extend the youth

For the elasticity and softness of the skin, the glitter of hair and the nail strength corresponds to the complex of vitamins E, C, F, A, H, B1, B9 and B6. Some vitamins, for example, tocopherol and retinol, are real vitamins of youth for women after 30 years, which can not only be taken inside, but also to make nutritious masks and creams on them. If vitamins in deficiency, the skin becomes "pulled", the hair is rare, and the nails break.

Vitamins for women after 30 to maintain reproductive function

When planning a conception or simply desire to stop the onset of menopause, a woman is required folic acid. She takes part in the growth of the follicle, where the egg ripen, provides ovulation and affects the production of estrogen. No less important is vitamin E, which shows a similar effect with progesterone. It supports pregnancy if fertilization occurred, and is also a strong antioxidant. Positively affects the reproductive system. Full flow of vitamins C, D, A and K.


Vitamins rating for women after 30 years

Fully ensure the body with the necessary vitamin compounds with rational nutrition is quite difficult. First, you will have kilograms to eat vegetables and fruits, and, secondly, with age, the process of digestibility of all plant nutrients deteriorates greatly, which sooner or later lead to hypovitaminosis. In such a situation, the multivitamin complexes for women will help. But alone should not choose them. You need to contact the doctor and pass a standard examination.

Next, let's consider a list of the most effective vitamins for women after 30.

Vitamins for women after 30. Complex "Alphabet Cosmetics"

Alphabet - vitamins for women after 30 with a unique ratio of chemical components. These vitamins not only provide full-fledged work all internal organs, but prolong the external beauty of a woman. The composition has 13 vitamins, coenzyme Q10, 10 mineral salts and bioflavonoids of plant origin.

To ensure complete digestibility of the components, they were divided into three groups and placed in a tablet of different colors. On the day you need to take three tablets with an interval of 4-6 hours.

  • Green tablet replenishes the daream dose of calcium and d3. Due to this, the power of teeth, nails and skeleton is maintained, which prevents the development of osteoporosis. In addition, the green "vitamin" contains folic acid, biotin, vitamin B12, chrome and silicon. These components do the skin and stimulate hair growth. Para opaminobenzoic acid is as an additional element, which contributes to the growth of bifidobacteria and the normal suction of other vitamins.
  • A yellow tablet satures the female organism by antioxidants and bioflavonoids that slow down the aging process. It consists of vitamins E, RR, C, B2, B6, beta-carotene, as well as minerals of iodine, magnesium, selenium, manganese and zinc. Such a vitamin set protects the skin from the effects of free radicals and makes it more resistant to external stimuli. Kurkumin, Coenzyme and Quercetin improve the blood circulation of the skin of the face and show the protective effect against the wind, chlorinated water and the sun.
  • A red tablet serves as prevention of iron deficiency anemia. The composition includes a combination of iron and ascorbic acid, as well as inulin, vitamins B1, A, B9. This "vitamin" is responsible for sufficient hemoglobin production and full oxygen food of all organs.


Vitamins for women after 30. The complex "Laura" from Evalar

Vitamins Evalar for women after 30 is a completely natural product that contains phytoestrogens of a liano plant called Wild Yams. The main indications for the use of this agent is the resumption of elasticity and elasticity of the skin and the prevention of early mimic wrinkles. The complex contains other components. It is vitamin C and E, as well as hyaluronic acid.

Laura is an anti-aging complex, which is capable of naturally extending the life of cell cells. It stimulates collagen production, and the skin quickly acquires a healthy look.


Vitamins for women after 30. Formula 30 Plus Formula complex

The formula of this drug is created taking into account the needs of the female organism. All components are obtained from plants and are in a bioavailable form, that is, completely absorbed.

The main therapeutic effect of the vitamin complex belongs to the extract of Dyagil. This is a vegetable source of female hormones that prevent the early climate attack. It is effective in disruption of the menstrual cycle, as well as with sexual activation issues. Probably, therefore, these are very good vitamins for women after 30, according to the reviews of women who regularly undergo rejuvenation courses with it.

One of the advantages of this tool is to stimulate the synthesis of genital hormones, which prevents the occurrence of hormone-dependent diseases (mastopathy, misa, endometriosis, reduction of libido). Antioxidant and the Lady's Formula Conventional Effect ensures the stable operation of the endocrine function, which ensures the extension of youth.

The composition includes vitamins E, D and A, as well as the extracts of the manner, pomegranate, asparagus, broccoli, spinach and cabbage. These components activate the production of collagen, contribute to the improvement of the lymphatic flow and prevent swelling. And calcium, zinc, magnesium and potassium improve the blood formula and the state of the nervous system.


Vitamins for women after 30. Complex "Vitrum Beauty"

The combined vitamins of Vitrums for women after 30 are shown at the first signs of damage to the structure of external covers and hair. As prevention, vitamins are recommended for heavy loads or unbalanced nutrition.

In one capsule, there are vitamins C, D, A, E and all representatives of the group V. Already after the first days of admission, the woman improves metabolism, fuses the rate of lipid oxidation, radicals are output from the cells, the amino acid metabolism is normalized. It helps to restore vision, improve the condition of the skin, normalize weight.

9 minerals maintain the water-salt balance and operation of all systems. A complex of amino acids improves digestion and the process of cleavage of carbohydrates.

Rutin and bioflavonoids have an antispasmodic and relaxing effect. They protect the capillaries from luxury, and the vessels are from plaques. And also serve as the prevention of thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis.


The rationally selected vitamin and mineral complex, full nutrition and an active way of life - a guarantee of long youth and excellent well-being. The main thing is to start a fight against age-related changes and aim to a positive result.

Video "Vitamins against old age. We fight with time "


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