
How to cook chicken, beef, pork liver in a strict. The recipe for a classic liver is strictly step-by-step with a photo. Liver in a strict in a slow cooker

How to cook chicken, beef, pork liver in a strict. The recipe for a classic liver is strictly step-by-step with a photo. Liver in a strict in a slow cooker
In this material, we will talk about the liver in Staganovsky. We learn several recipes for cooking a stroke liver with sour cream.

There are many nutritious and delicious dishes that can be prepared from the liver. The liver liver is a very useful product, which includes proteins and amino acids, folic acid and vitamins of group B in order to maintain the benefits of this product, it is enough to prepare it correctly. Today we will give a few simple, but delicious recipes for cooking the liver in a strict. The recipe for this dish has long become popular in the menu of any housewife.

Stargovsky liver: classic recipe

Before opening the secret of cooking in a strict liver, let's look into the history of its creation.

  • It is known that at the end of the 19th century a count named Stroganov lived in Russia, he was a very rich person with an exquisite taste, so his cooks came up with a recipe for a meat dish from small pieces of beef meat stewed in the sauce.
  • The prescription of meat is strictly included in the traditions of preparing Russian (sauce is used as a gravy, and is served to a table with meat) and French cuisine (frying pieces of meat and serving them along with sauce).
  • The dish has become success and popular among admirers of Russian food. The dish has its own popularity in the world, it is prepared in restaurants and public canteens, but he failed to win the status of a national Russian dish.
  • To date, according to the "Stroganovsky" recipe, not only meat is prepared, but also offal, such as liver, hearts and ventricles.

The exact recipe for the classical preparation of beef liver was lost, in many countries changes were made to the recipe and cooking. We will try to give an example of a delicious recipe that absolutely all lovers of the liver will like.

Today, the traditional and main component of the recipe is the liver. So, how to cook the liver in a strict? Perhaps we will start with the list of necessary products. For the preparation of a classic dish-we will need the following products in a strict liver in a strict liver:

  • Beef liver-0.5-0.7 kg.
  • Milk - 2/3 glasses.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Salt, pepper to taste.
  • Any greens. It all depends on your preferences.

We will need to prepare the sauce:

  • 1 onion.
  • Carrot.
  • 3 tbsp. sour cream.
  • 1 tbsp. flour.
  • Half a glass of water.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Salt.

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook a delicious liver in a strict:

  • Choose a fresh beef liver, rinse under running water, peel from films and veins, cut into small elongated pieces and put in the freezer. The liver will freeze a little, and then it will be easier to take shape.
  • Before cooking from a piece of liver, neat pieces of rectangular shape are formed, approximately the same thickness and length.
  • Pour the liver slices with milk to give juiciness and tenderness to the product. We leave for a while. You do not need to salt. Do not ignore this advice, salt the liver according to this recipe at another stage of cooking.
  • Pour a little vegetable oil into a preheated frying pan and brown the liver until excess fluid is evaporated. At the end of the frying, you need to add salt and pepper. It should be borne in mind that the liver must be salted precisely at the end of cooking, because it becomes stiff from salt.
  • Remove the fried lives of the liver on a colander and give the opportunity to drain the clock. The liver will be considered finished if the sucker stops standing out.

The next stage is the preparation of a delicious creamy sauce, which is the secret of the taste of beef liver in a strict.

  • Cut the peeled and washed onions with cubes and pour into a preheated frying pan with vegetable oil, then three carrots on a fine grater and also add to the onion, fry, constantly stirring over medium heat so that the onion acquires a delicate golden color. It turns out a frying that is prepared for many other dishes.
  • Separately, heat a pan with vegetable oil and add flour to it, fry, stirring until a creamy color and the appearance of fresh baking smell.
  • We combine this flour with frying, add sunflower oil, you can smell, which would enhance the taste and aroma.
  • We season the cooked vegetables with sour cream, the higher the fat content of the product, the better, mix everything well. The result is a cream sauce saturated with vegetables.
  • In the finished sour cream sauce we throw a pre -fried liver, add a little water and leave to stew for 15 minutes.
  • Add salt, pepper, if desired, your favorite seasoning and, of course, a lot of greenery.

The liver liver is strictly the second dish, so it is served as the second for dinner or dinner. You can add parsley and dill greens, a few summer vegetables that will perfectly combine this dish.

Any second dish should be consumed with a side dish, spaghetti is ideal for this purpose, but you can boil potatoes or cook potatoes, buckwheat, rice, millet, pearl barley.  To improve the taste of sauce, you can add tomato paste or tomatoes to it.

Important: the technical characteristics of the dish or its calorie content - in 100 g of the finished dish: 147, 7 kcal, the proteins account for 9.4, fats - 8.8, carbohydrates - 7.6 kcal.

The liver of beef is strictly suitable for the diet of future mothers and children. The dish contains vitamins and trace elements that help maintain immunity, help the work of enzymes, affect the growth and development of the body.

Kurinsky liver is strict

The chicken liver in its structure is more tender, contains a large amount of folic acid, the necessary component of the diet of a pregnant woman and children. I must say that the use of the chicken liver for this dish is very appropriate. The chicken liver is preparing much faster, but at the same time it turns out much softer and does not bitter.

The recipe for chicken in a strict liver is practically no different from the classic option, but the main offal is chicken liver. Consider the main stages of cooking:

  • One onion is cleaned of the husk, washed and cut into small pieces.
  • The chicken liver is defrosted (preferably at a temperature of 18-20ºС), is freed from the bile duct and film, it is well washed with water. The prepared product is cut into pieces. Since the chicken liver is softer and more tender, it does not require preliminary soaking in milk.
  • In a frying pan heated with vegetable oil, the onion is fried to beautiful golden color, then add chicken liver there and fry it, constantly stirring. You need to fry over medium heat until the color of the product changes.

  • If the color of the liver acquires a brown shade, you need to add sour cream, it is desirable in which 20% fat content, it should also add spices to taste at this stage.
  • Mix well, bring to a boil, then continue to extinguish on low heat. This process will take about 20 minutes.
  • The finished dish should be served immediately to the table.
  • To give the dish more appetizers, it is generously sprinkled with herbs.
  • The chicken liver will be more nutritious if you serve it with potatoes, boiled rice or other porridge.

Some housewives extinguish the liver in butter or a mixture of animal and vegetable fat. To sour cream, tomato lovers can add tomatoes or tomato sauce peeled from the peel.

Pork liver is strict

A stroganic dish can also be prepared from pork liver. The preparation of the liver in this case in this case is not much different from the classic recipe, but there are some subtleties that even an experienced hostess should take into account:

  • The pork liver is softer and more tender than beef, but has a slight bitterness, so it needs to be kept in milk or mayonnaise for several hours.
  • To make the liver juicy and soft, it needs to be frying in a hot pan for 5 minutes, before the hot, pan in flour.
  • Fry each piece from 2 sides, fry a little and cover. Prepare in this form for 7 minutes.
  • It will be wrong if the liver turns out to be overcome, it will be dry. In this case, the addition of milk or sour cream to the pan will help.
  • You need to salt and pepper at the end, otherwise we risk getting a hard dish.

As a rule, the hostess will need the following products to prepare such a dish:

  • 400-600 g of fresh pork liver. It is better if the liver is homemade.
  • Vegetables: onions, carrots. Lovers of dishes are more sophisticated, they can add a little garlic.
  • A couple of sour cream.
  • Tomatoes or pasta of them.
  • 50 g of butter.
  • A couple of flour.
  • Seasonings, spices, greens to taste.

For people with a high cholesterol content in the blood, they are not recommended to use dishes of their pork liver, since it worsens blood circulation, heavily digested, and can cause an allergic reaction.

Liver in a strict with sour cream

To prepare the liver in a strict liver with sour cream, the liver of any animal is suitable. Even a pork liver prepared according to this recipe will be soft and juicy. It is better to cook sour cream flooding with low -fat dairy product.

The recipe for the liver stinker with sour cream is somewhat different from the previous options, but the dish is also very tasty.

List of ingredients (let's bring it to several portions):

  • 500 g of the liver of any.
  • 1 large onion. However, those who do not like onion may limit themselves to a small amount.
  • 2 tbsp. flour.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • 300 g 15 % sour cream.


  • Prepare the hepatic offal.
  • Cut with stripes or cubes, as the hostess wishes. It is not necessary to soak in milk in this case, since according to the recipe, the liver will be soft and juicy.
  • Fold the liver in a food bag.
  • Pour flour there and mix everything well. Such a trick is used for convenience to roll each piece well so that it looks like a white lump. Thus, the flour is applied to pieces of the liver evenly. Flour will also prevent fluid loss during frying.
  • Cut the onion in half rings or small cubes.
  • Onions are fried for 5 minutes. to a transparent state over low heat. It is better to fry in butter, so it will be tastier.
  • In the finished onion we spread the liver and fry all this over medium heat until a golden crust is formed at the bow, constantly stirring your culinary masterpiece.
  • The liver is fried for 20-30 minutes.
  • Typically, the addition of ground black pepper and salt is enough, but for fans of piquant sensations you can use various seasonings for meat, for example, turmeric or marjoram.
  • The last stroke, sour cream is laid out on the liver, all the components are mixed and stewed on fine heat under the lid. If suddenly sour cream is very thick, it can be diluted with warm water or broth, as well as milk.
  • For a long time to extinguish the liver should not be, since prolonged heat treatment will make it stiff.
  • At the end of cooking, add greens.
  • It is better to serve the cooked liver in a strict liver with sour cream with mashed potatoes or rice.

Liver in a strict in a slow cooker

Most housewives love to prepare their culinary masterpieces in modern household appliances. It is believed that the finished dish from the liver in a slow cooker will be more tender and juicier.

Here is a recipe for the liver liver for multicooker:

  • Fresh chicken or turkey liver - 0.9 kg.
  • Bay leaf-2-5 pcs.
  • Onions.
  • A glass of fresh milk.
  • Ripe red tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream with fat content of 30% - 3 tbsp.
  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp. with a hill.
  • Water - 2 cups.
  • Salt, spices, ground fragrant pepper to taste.
  • Green.
  • Refined sunflower oil.

Stages of cooking:

  • Wash the offal thoroughly, cut the ducts and remove the film.
  • Cut the liver with straws, rectangles or pieces. It all depends on the preferences of the cook itself.
  • Pour the chopped liver with a glass of milk for 30 minutes, such soaking will remove a bitter taste and give the finished offal of softness and juiciness.
  • The liver liver in a slow cooker is prepared with the addition of vegetables, namely tomatoes and onions.
  • The vegetables must be washed, cleaned, cut into small pieces, chop the greens.

Note: most often in slow cooks are prepared in such a way that all products are laid simultaneously. This is what this device has earned its popularity among hostesses.

However, the liver liver needs to be prepared in several stages, using several modes:

  • Send onion onion with sunflower oil to the multicooker bowl, turn on the "Frying" mode for 15 minutes. Fry the bow until the golden color manifests itself.
  • Send the sifted flour to the bowl, interfere, so it is possible to prevent excess moisture. Cut or grind tomatoes in a blender.
  • Mix all the ingredients and continue cooking in the “extinguishing” mode for another 7 minutes.
  • Pour in sour cream, put bay leaf, dill and parsley.
  • Continue to extinguish for another 1 hour. This time will be enough for the offal to become soft and absorb the sour cream sauce.

Well, today you have learned the simplest and most delicious recipes of the liver in a strict. Prepare for your loved ones according to our recipes, and you will always get a delicious and delicate dish to the table. We wish you a pleasant appetite.

Video: Liver in Stannoye: Very delicious recipe



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