
What products contain zinc

What products contain zinc
Zinc in products: beneficial properties, balance in the body, impact on life processes, a list of products with high content.

Each element of the Mendeleev table is very important in its content in the human body. Zinc is no exception. In importance, this trace element for the life of internal organs takes the second place after iron.

The question is in the balance sheet


  1. In order for the human body to feel in normal condition, it needs the content of macro- and trace elements in sufficient quantities. But in the modern high -tech world, it is difficult to maintain the balance of all components in absolute norm.
  2. The reasons for this can be various factors of both stress, environmental problems, as well as improper nutrition, regime and stressful situations. As a result of an imbalance from a lack of vital elements, both its individual organs in general suffer from both its generally. This leads to poor health, a breakdown of strength and apathy.
  3. It is not always difficult to resume the functions of the body. One of the factors for replenishing cells with useful substances is proper balanced nutrition. Since the gastrointestinal tract is the main conductor of nutrients, it is in the process of processing food that most microelements enters our blood.
  4. Even our ancestors in ancient Egypt known the beneficial properties of such a trace element as zinc. Even then, it was used in the form of ointments that contributed to the rapid healing of the wounds.
  5. Nowadays, unfortunately, the healing properties of zinc are evaluated mainly by doctors and very little people know about it, ordinary inhabitants. And it would be good if most of the population knew and understood how to properly maintain the balance of chemical elements in the body, what useful products containing zinc and its compounds need to be used, and how to choose these products correctly.

Zinc functions in the human body


Zinc takes an active part in the metabolic processes of human life. It mainly localizes and accumulates in bone tissues, promotes the growth and division of cells, stimulates the reproductive function, and helps in tissue regeneration. Also, this microelement is, as a rule, in small quantities in organs such as kidneys, male prostate and skin. Oddly enough, zinc is even present in the retina of the eye, so its sufficient amount in the body guarantees normal life, working capacity and excellent mood. But if the amount of this periodic element in the body is very small, this can lead to a number of health problems:

  • weakening of immunity, as a result of which resistance to infections is reduced;
  • with a significant deficiency of zinc, problems with taste receptors arise and quickly aggravate;
  • there is a significant slowdown of growth in children;
  • there is often no appetite;
  • the deficiency of the trace element inhibits the process of puberty in adolescents;
  • the performance of the thymus is violated, which is responsible for the protective function of the cells;
  • blood circulation in the cardiovascular system is disturbed;
  • against this background, various allergic diseases and dermatitis develop and progress;
  • the absence of zinc leads to the rapid loss of hair;
  • there is a danger in premature birth, and in worst cases, in general, a microelene deficiency can lead to termination of pregnancy;
  • excessive irritability and a sharp change in mood appear.

Many did not even suspect that the above symptoms could occur due to a lack of such a small but very significant trace element. It is important to know that the lack of zinc in the human body can be caused due to large physical exertion, strong sweating, eating foods containing a significant amount of carbohydrates, and abuse of diuretics.

A combination of zinc with other trace elements


  1. It is clear that zinc and many other substances of the periodic table of Mendeleev interact with each other. Some are well combined, others are worse, but others are very bad.
  2. So, entering into contact with mercury, iron, calcium and copper, zinc begins to be poorly absorbed by the body.
  3. Also, if toxins come from the outside in large quantities, they lead to the imbalance of microelements in the blood.
  4. The use of many drugs and alcoholic beverages also disrupt the properties of the interaction of chemical elements.
  5. Fiber, it would seem, is such a useful substance, and can lead to zinc losses up to 80%.
  6. Of course, there are many trace elements, when interacting with which zinc is perfectly absorbed and reveals not only its properties, but also contributes to the better absorption of other useful substances. Such assistants are vitamins of groups A, E, B6 and C. The combination in the food of vitamin A and zinc favorably affects the quality of the assimilation of the first. At the same time, he begins to better transport with blood to all vital cells of the body.

Food containing zinc

Collage of Products Containing ZINC

There are a large number of products containing such an element as zinc. The use of only plant foods in the diet, for example, in the case of vegetarians, does not provide a person with the necessary amount of zinc. Therefore, if you decide to adhere to a diet that provides for the use of exclusively plant products, take into account that such food contains a relatively small amount of zinc, and in addition only its small part is absorbed. From the list described below, each person will be able to choose the right diet with a sufficient content of the daily consumption of zinc.

  1. In the first place among the products rich in zinc is rightly meat, seafood, eggs and cheese.
  2. Among the vegetables you can highlight: tomatoes, garlic, potatoes, beets and ginger.
  3. It is worth noting that the content of zinc in fruits such as apples, currants, figs, oranges and grapefruit. It can be seen that most of the products that contain zinc grow in our region.  Therefore, if you want to take care of the right diet of much difficulty, it will not be to purchase products with the desired composition in stores or in the markets, but what is there, just grow on your country beds.
  4. Of the seafood, the largest amount of zinc contains a sea mollusk called Oystzer, as much as 60 mg per 100 g of such a delicacy.  The second place in the content of this trace element is occupied by acne, properly cooked, approximately 12 mg per 100 g.
  5. Nuts and dried fruits should be noted. Here the leader is cedar nuts - as much as 6.5 mg, then it follows the almonds and cashews, which contain about 2 mg of zinc, and dried apricots with prunes - slightly not up to 1 mg. In the case of a walnut diet, it should be borne in mind that it is not worth abuse of these fruits, especially during the diet, since they affect the condition of the figure towards the increase.
  6. From 2.5 to 5.0 mg of zinc per 100 g of mass is found in flour, yeast, rabbit meat, beans and cheese.
  7. From 4 to 9 mg, zinc contain some types of fish, the same amount is present in the boiled beef liver.

A high -quality diet: recommendations


So, what product is the leader in the content of zinc in its composition?

  1. Such foods are cereals and legumes, which in many tables in the content of zinc in products are in the first place.
  2. Athletes and nutritionists often advise using a variety of cereals in their diet in the morning with fruits or mussels. They contribute to improving digestion and charge with energy for the whole day.
  3. Very useful bread of rough grinding from bran for people who adhere to a diet, suffering from diabetes, constipation and anemia.
  4. Each housewife during the preparation of muffins selects a convenient and suitable look of yeast. But, I would like to pay attention to the fact that dry yeast, in addition to the fact that a longer expiration date and this product is elementary in use, has another advantage — it contains more zinc and minerals than in pressed ones.
  5. Doctors recommend selecting their diet every day so that the daily zinc norm is completely learned. Then the human body will feel in normal condition.
  6. It is also good to use seasonal fruits as much as possible: apples, figs, currants, raspberries and blueberries.
  7. Do not forget about useful and satisfying cereals from lentils, bran, wheat and buckwheat.
  8. Eat vegetables: celery, tomatoes, asparagus, radish, beetroot and boiled carrots.
  9. And from folk products rich in zinc, juice from birch leaves, which is insisted for about 1 week, gained great popularity.

Zinc norms in the human body


Depending on the age and gender of the child or adult, the daily rate of food consumption rich in zinc depends. We will analyze in more detail the daily norms and rules for compiling the diet.

  1. For children who are constantly in a state of active growth, the daily use of zinc for the development of bone tissue is simply necessary. From 6 months to three years of age, 3 mg of this trace element should be consumed every day. For children from 3 to 7 years old, 5 mg of zinc in the diet is enough, and already adolescents from 8 to 14 years old - 8 mg per day. This period is significant in children. Another feature is the gender of the child, girls often need a little less trace element than boys. For example, girls aged 14 to 18 need only 9 mg, while boys need about 11 mg of zinc per day.
  2. For people aged 50 years, the daily consumption of zinc is slightly reduced: for women up to 11 mg, and men have enough dose of 14 mg.
  3. Another separate classification is a pregnant woman who gives all her trace elements and beneficial substances a small arranged organism, so for her daily gas consumption differs from the rest. A sufficient zinc norm for women in a position is a dose of 15 mg. Nursing mothers need a little more - about 17 mg.
  4. The body's need for zinc also increases among athletes up to 25 mg per day, and with heavy loads associated with competitions, up to 35 mg daily.

Features of food use with zinc


There are a number of factors that are required to pay attention to when adjusting the food according to the set of products containing zinc.

  1. The effect of the trace element is greatly reduced during the use of contraceptives, in addition, drugs of this plan negatively affect the health of a woman.
  2. Using zinc, you should know that it becomes toxic in a dosage over 120 mg per day.
  3. With health problems, it is necessary to increase the amount of zinc in the diet, but before that you need to consult a doctor.
  4. Alcohol and caffeine are washed out of the body most of the accumulated zinc, this is also favored by the use of sugar and salt in large quantities.
  5. Vitamins and foods rich in protein contribute to good assimilation of zinc.

Lack of zinc in the body: Signs

Stressed Businesswoman Sitting on Couch

  1. An insufficient amount of zinc in the body can be diagnosed by the state of nails, they become weak and brittle.
  2. Hair growth slows down and eventually takes an unsightly appearance, they become weak and even the arches occur.
  3. The skin also suffers due to a lack of zinc in the body, it turns pale and becomes dry. There is a long healing of wounds and scratches.
  4. Memory worsens and attention is scattered.
  5. Human growth and the development of the body are inhibited.
  6. The protective functions of the cells are reduced, a person begins to more often get sick with a variety of colds.
  7. The function of smell and the operation of taste receptors are impaired.
  8. There is an increased cholesterol level.

Useful properties of zinc


Recently, the use of zinc in cosmetics has gained great popularity. Cosmetics manufacturers have appreciated the beneficial properties of the element and use it for various purposes. Zinc and its compounds are added to many skin care creams and neckline, hair shampoos, nail products and even used as part of dental pastes for the care of the oral cavity.

The main useful properties of zinc can be called the following:

  • improves the protective functions of the body;
  • normalizes the immune system;
  • contributes to the growth of hair and nails;
  • participates in the rejuvenation of the skin;
  • positively affects potency in men and increases sexual attractiveness;
  • helps in the excretion of cholesterol;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds;
  • helps the better assimilation of vitamin A, which is extremely necessary for vision;
  • contributes to the rapid restoration of the body;
  • improves mood and general physical condition.

It is not always possible to correctly calculate the amount of zinc and specific products that a person needs. Preparations come to the rescue here, which in rigid proportions can help replenish the deficiency of beneficial trace elements in the body. In pharmacies, a sufficient number of such helping drugs are sold, with different dosages and even in conjunction with other vitamins and trace elements. However, before going to the pharmacy, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since an excess of zinc in the body can also harm. Regular excess of zinc norms can lead to weakness, vulnerability of the body, violation of bone mineralization and a decrease in immunity. In addition, the storage of food in a galvanized bowl promotes the formation of sulfates, chlorides and zinc oxides, and they are highly toxic for the human body.

In our time, there is no longer a question of the need for zinc for the human body. The benefits of this trace element have long been appreciated by employees of the medical and cosmetology spheres, as well as cooks. In many restaurants in the world, they offer a menu rich in zinc. In addition, modern cosmetic centers offer zinc services for a variety of procedures. So, after reading this article, you can also evaluate the beneficial properties of zinc in a new way and now approach your nutrition from the other hand, with benefit for your health.



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