
Potato diet for weight loss

Potato diet for weight loss
Potato diet: principles of losing weight, diet features, diet.

Potatoes are a unique and tasty root crop, from which you can prepare a large number of various dishes from the simplest to exclusive. Potatoes are widely used in many countries of the world, it was appreciated by cooks and cooks, use it in the menu in restaurants in various variations.

Properties of potatoes


  1. There is a stereotype that the root crop is a very high-calorie product, but this myth has long been debunked by dietitian specialists. Potatoes are a healthy and tasty vegetable and if it is used correctly, it will benefit, in addition, with its help you can lose weight painlessly.
  2. Potatoes are perfectly absorbed by the body, like other vegetables. The young root crime contains many amino acids, vitamin C, potassium, iron and pectin. Of course, this cannot be said about the old vegetable.  The more it is stored, the faster its beneficial properties disappear. Therefore, in some countries of Europe, after long -term storage, potato stocks destroy and purchase new ones.
  3. It is better to store it for no more than 3 months. After this period, vegetables become starchy and high -calorie, and with longer time all their useful qualities are completely lost.
  4. Residents of Slavic culture, in general, consider potatoes to be second bread. Therefore, many did not even hear about a potato diet, since the idea that this vegetable is heavy and calorie firmly fixed in the heads of people.
  5. This happened precisely because it is often consumed with fatty foods: with sour cream, butter, fried, with meat and mayonnaise. And if you approach, on the other hand, and remove all the calorie components, then the potatoes become dietary.
  6. After all, this vegetable contains only 70 kcal per 100 g, which is not much more than in other vegetables that we consume with light salads. But it contains all the necessary nutrients for humans. Even for a rather long time you can live, eating with one potatoes, milk and bread. Although our compatriots have known about this for a long time.
  7. Thanks to such a familiar root crop, you can lose weight, without refusing at the same time from hearty and healthy food. Those who wish to quickly lose their extra pounds should like a potato diet.
  8. In addition to the fact that it is financially available for many, it is also completely elementary in preparation. Potatoes can, for example, bake on a stake or in the oven, boil or even fry on a grille. It can also be consumed in the form of mashed potatoes, but without oil and milk.
  9. Under the correct storage conditions, the vegetable for the side dish can be used not only for diets and the main meal, but also for therapeutic nutrition.
  10. Potatoes are an inconsistent product. According to the recommendations of nutritionists, you can use it along with the peel, since it is rich in fiber.

Features of the potato diet

  1. The potato diet receives a lot of reviews, it is easy to prepare and adhere to it, since the root crop itself is a very hearty and tasty product, so you can get rid of without special restrictions from extra pounds in a short time.
  2. Of course, using only potatoes for a diet is wrong. In the menu it is important to add greens, vegetables and dairy products. The duration of the potato diet often lasts from 2 to 10 days, depending on the menu you have chosen.
  3. If you can withstand completely unbearable for 3 days, you can only use vegetables on fasting days.
  4. In addition, in conjunction with kefir, the diet of potatoes will help cleanse the body and add vital energy.
  5. It is better to use such a diet with courses, 3 to 10 days, with breaks of 3 to 4 months. And it is better to spend it in the summer, when you can purchase young and fresh potatoes in the markets, and the time of the year helps to more easily endure hard diets.
  6. Also, the summer season favors on foot walks in the fresh air, which distracts attention from the refrigerator. Plus, you can add physical activity and sports.

Positive sides of the potato diet

  1. One of the main advantages is that potatoes are available and promotes budget saving.
  2. In addition, it is a very hearty and nutritious vegetable, thanks to which there will be no feeling of hunger literally half an hour after eating.
  3. Potato dishes are very easy to cook and even the most inexperienced cook will not have a problem in the cooking process.
  4. During such a diet, performance does not decrease, because of it there is no loss of strength.
  5. The menu of potato diet is quite diverse and there is the opportunity to pamper yourself with a new dish every day.
  6. This vegetable contains many minerals and vitamins. Useful elements of potatoes are easily absorbed by the body, due to which salts support the alkaline balance in the blood.
  7. Experts note that the potato in large quantities contains the protein of tuberin. It is present in breast milk in a woman. This suggests that this element, and with it the root crop, have high biological value.
  8. Regular use of potatoes helps to strengthen immunity and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  9. For people suffering from gastritis and ulcers, you should not be afraid to use boiled potatoes, since the fiber containing in it is not able to irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach.
  10. The starch contained in potatoes helps to reduce cholesterol in the body.
  11. Potassium in potatoes is involved in the withdrawal of excess fluid from the body.
  12. Even potato juice is useful for medicinal purposes, for example, for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, laryngitis and pharyngitis.
  13. Potato juice is able to help with headaches. For this purpose, its juice is used inside.

Disadvantages of potato diet

With such a set of positive qualities of the potato diet, unfortunately, there is also the reverse side of such a diet that we cannot but talk about. But if you follow all the recommendations and rules of use, these shortcomings disappear by themselves.

  1. Any mono -diet is dangerous for the human body, since a large complex of minerals and vitamins is required for the normal functioning of life systems.
  2. The root crop, unfortunately, will not be able to make up for all reserves of the necessary useful ingredients, so nutritionists recommend using a vitamin complex in parallel with a potato diet, as well as drink protein drinks.
  3. Due to the long storage in potatoes, the poison of Solanin begins to activate, which can cause significant harm to the human body.
  4. For people with diabetes, this kind of diet is contraindicated due to the content of starch in potatoes, which turns into sugar in the human body and thereby increases the level of glucose in the blood.
  5. From the potato diet, as well as after any other schedule of a limited diet, it is not so easy to get out. Long -term use of one type of vegetable can lead to a sharp overexposure of everything that I wanted so much. As a result, all the kilograms thrown out can be gained with accelerated speed and even more. Therefore, nutritionists recommend gradually leaving the diet and eat other food in small portions.
  6. Experts are often against the quick and sharp weight loss, since during this period it is the muscle mass, and not fat, therefore, the skin of the cover is subsequently losing its properties. The epidermis becomes less elastic and begins to sag.

Potato diet: options


A diet calculated for a week

It is very difficult to sit on a potato diet for a whole week. Therefore, nutritionists recommend including vegetables and low -fat sour -milk products in the diet. Let us give an example of such a diet in more detail.

The first days are the most difficult, but it is only worth starting and it will be easier to continue. There is no dinner in the proposed diet for weight loss. In addition, throughout the day it is necessary to use purified non -carbonated water in an amount of about 2 liters.

Consider the options for dishes that can be prepared both for breakfast and for lunch:

  • baked potatoes with vegetables;
  • various soups on the chicken broth or on a lean beef, veal with potatoes and a minimum number of spices;
  • potatoes baked in the oven, sprinkled with a small amount of cheese;
  • pancakes from potatoes steamed with low -fat sour cream;
  • potato soup with lentils;
  • a salad of potatoes and herbs without oil, where you can add a little low -fat kefir;
  • potato puree on water with a vegetable salad without salt;
  • young boiled potatoes with greens (dill, parsley, onion);
  • baked potatoes at a stake with a piece of low -fat beef, there will be an occasion to go out into nature and spend a day in the fresh air;
  • potatoes on a grilled grilled grille.

Of course, for any potato diet, it will be easier to transfer it by using young potatoes, it itself is very tasty and does not require a lot of spices. If it is really difficult, you can eat an apple.

Express diet on potatoes in 3 days

This diet is designed for those who urgently need to drop extra pounds, before the graduation or other solemn event.

  • a day you need to eat about 400 g of young potatoes;
  • the root crop can be consumed in boiled or baked form without seasoning, but it can be given to her with greens;
  • be sure to drink a lot of liquids, mainly purified non -carbonated water.

Do not expect that thanks to potato puree or boiled potatoes you will lose 10 kg, this is almost impossible, but 2 - 3 kg in strength to each.

Potato and kefir -based diet

Such a diet is very simple and useful, since kefir helps to get rid of toxins in the body, and the potatoes have positive functions described above. It can be either strict and stiff, or calculated only for 2 to 3 days or more sparing, stretched for a week.  It is very correct and useful to combine a diet based on potatoes and kefir with a large amount of purified mineral water.

  • the diet itself consists in the use of potatoes during the day, and for dinner it is important to drink only a glass of kefir;
  • the menu must be distributed at 4 - 5 meals;
  • the potatoes should be bought young and prepared with a small amount of spices in boiled or baked form;
  • it is allowed to add 50 g of boiled dietary meat or vegetable salad, try to diversify the menu so that the body gets enough nutrients;
  • in such a diet, potatoes helps reduce hunger for a long time, and kefir contributes to a good metabolism;
  • kefir is better to choose low -fat, maximum 2%;
  • all other drinks are excluded - only kefir and water.

Thanks to this diet, you can lose weight up to 5 kg and at the same time cleanse the body of toxins.

Potato diet with cabbage

Cabbage has many valuable food properties. It is often used in various diets, but it cannot and should not be the main product for a limited diet, such as potatoes. This vegetable does not contain such a large amount of substances that are vital for adequate work of the human body. The cabbage is easily absorbed, so the feeling of hunger returns faster.

The cabbage has excellent cleansing properties and contains a large amount of vitamin C. Nutritionists advise to use cabbage in conjunction with a hearty and useful product, for example, such as potatoes.

  • the diet of cabbage and root crop is calculated for a maximum of a week;
  • the menu often consists of boiled potatoes and stewed cabbage;
  • also, to diversify the list of dishes, they prepare potatoes in uniforms or on the grill;
  • cabbage can be consumed fresh or chopped in the form of a salad;
  • in the menu you can include fruits and vegetables in a small amount;
  • it is important not to forget to use a lot of liquids, at least two liters per day;
  • products must be distributed at 4-5 meals per day.

Using such a diet, you can lose weight up to 7 kg.

Potato puree diet

Such a diet lasts no more than 3 days. As a result of strict adherence to its rules, you can lose weight by 1 - 2 kg:

  • the diet is 3 to 4 a single meal;
  • breakfast should consist of 1 cup of low -fat kefir;
  • the main meal should contain mashed potatoes, which is prepared in slightly salted water, with the addition of a small piece of butter;
  • for dinner, you can use a vegetable salad without spices or 1 boiled egg.

As can be seen from the diet, such a diet is completely simple and there is a sufficient number of products in it so as not to feel hunger.

Potato diet: tips for weight loss


  1. If you decide to lose weight, you need to gain all the willpower and paint a menu for the required number of days that will correspond to the selected diet.
  2. Buy young potatoes and related products.
  3. If it is very difficult, nutritionists recommend better to move a little from clear diet rules than to break off it, for example, add a little low-fat milk or a piece of butter to the potato puree, and season the potato salad with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and add some kind of some kind of menu vegetable.
  4. Try to walk as much as possible and breathe fresh air, arrange hiking in parks or trips to nature.
  5. Try to leave the diet, also try carefully so that during the same week you do not gain even more kilograms than you are thrown away.
  6. Any diet will be effective if you are configured for a positive result, adhering to the rules of the selected menu.

Be healthy and beautiful.



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