
What is intuitive nutrition

What is intuitive nutrition
Intuitive nutrition: origins and methods, basic principles and results.

How often women are tormented by thoughts of their own appearance, I always want to look irresistible so that the hairstyle is neat, face without wrinkles and an ideal figure. Let us give a well -known quote from a popular film a service novel: “What does a woman do a woman - a gait,” which can be rephrased as follows: “What does a woman do a woman - self -confidence and a desire to have an ideal figure.”

How much time and energy is the representatives of the fair sex, and sometimes men, to create a perfect and impeccable image. On the way to the goal they experience various diets, make themselves starving, limit and exhaust with exhausting physical exercises. Basically, this approach works and helps to lose weight, and when you achieve that long -awaited mark on the scales, panic begins and the question arises: “How to hold this weight and not recover again?”  And here the psychological aspect is triggered, because often in a person’s head there is an obsessive idea of \u200b\u200bthe problem of excess weight, as a result, psychological disorders, apathy, a breakdown of strength occur, and in worst cases, this situation can lead to complex diseases as bulimia or anorexia.

Diet: The criteria for and against


  1. For a rather long time, the problem of losing weight is one of the main topics for disputes, the development of new methods, step -by -step instructions and a wide variety of diets.
  2. Perhaps not a single release of a women's magazine is complete without an article about losing weight, for example, a new exclusive diet from Julia Roberts or Alla Pugacheva, who told how she lost 25 kg, weight loss as a star, etc.
  3. All this, of course, attracts the gaze, hearing and the hand stretches to read the desired recipe.  However, mostly such ducks are just loud slogans and fiction of journalists to attract attention to a particular magazine.
  4. In addition, not every diet can be suitable for the human body according to individual characteristics.
  5. It is quite difficult to start a new diet correctly. To begin with, if you are faced with this for the first time, you should examine your body and already on the basis of the results of the tests, to draw a conclusion whether you can even resort to the method of getting rid of extra pounds.
  6. Another criterion is that even a healthy person can, after an exhausting restriction of the diet, on the contrary, worsen his condition.
  7. And the most important is precisely the question of the subsequent retention of the desired weight on the cherished figure, and this, often, is even a more difficult task than the process of starvation itself.

Intuitive nutrition: History of occurrence


In recent years, an interesting phrase has become actively described in the press - “intuitive nutrition”. The first thought after the name read is the idea that this is something strange and seriously explained. What is intuitive nutrition? Below we will try to provide you with detailed information about this modern tool for a happy and slender life.

Methodology of Stephen Hawks

  1. This name has become popular in our country not so long ago. Thanks to Stephen Hawks, we first heard about intuitive nutrition, and many tried to become adherents of this theory.
  2. So, an American scientist invented a new methodology, who himself tried to get rid of extra pounds for a long time. Moreover, Stephen Hawks began with standard methods of losing weight: he exhausted his body with diets, erased starvation, and even for a short time he managed to lose weight, but how quickly he lost it, also rapidly returned to the previous complexion.
  3. After many in vain attempts, he began to develop a new technique. One of the factors attracting it is that he experienced such a schedule for himself on himself and with his help lost 23 kg. In addition, only with the help of such a way of losing weight did he manage to keep the weight at the desired level.

Team Wayler technique

  1. Of course, the name of Stephen Hawks is quite known, but the principles that are laid down in the intuitive nutrition method for the first time developed, introduced and tested Tham Weiler. Back in the 70s of the last century, she opened a clinic called Green Mountain, which means the Green Mountain.
  2. In this institution with a unique atmosphere, she offered women to lose weight without diets. Here they could eat everything that their soul wanted and demanded the stomach. Her method was aimed at recognizing itself, the correct sensation of her body and the art of listening to his desires.
  3. Of course, in the clinic, patients not only were engaged in the fact that they ate. In the breaks between meals, they actively spent leisure and were often in the fresh air, walking through the territory of the park zone at the clinic. By the way, it is this institution to this day that exists and successfully operates, adhering to the same principles as 46 years ago.
  4. Teim Wealer did not immediately come about an intuitive nutrition. Prior to that, she worked for 20 years as a psychologist with children suffering from diabetic disorders. I watched their regime and behavior. From practice, she was able to establish that children who received an insufficient amount of food in childhood, already adults, tried to fill these gaps in nutrition in full, as a result of which they suffered from excess excess weight and obesity.
  5. After organizing the clinic and its successful functioning, the technique was recognized in America. Estates began to open throughout the country according to the method, similar to the concept of Green Mountain. More and more psychologists began to study intuitive nutrition and publish their manuals with individual adjustments.

Intuitive nutrition: Principles


  1. He criticizes various types of diets quite sharply. After all, they make us abandon delicious products, which are often harmful and not quite useful. After a short time on a diet, a person can come nervousness, a depressed mood, which leads to nervous breakdowns. Those who helped the diet, and it was possible to throw off extra pounds, comes from their own capabilities. Subsequently, subconsciously begins the brain to allow the body small pranks in the form of forbidden food. And this again leads to weight gain and a person again looking for a suitable diet. The circuit of the cycle of food and diets closes. And how to break it so that the body does not lead to stress? To do this, Hawks offers to throw away all books about diets and learn to listen to his body. You can not pay attention to colorful headlines in magazines about quick and easy weight loss. In general, it should be crossed out of the head and memory the word about the diet, otherwise it will not work to start working with the method of intuitive nutrition.
  2. The idea of \u200b\u200bHawks is that a person allow himself to use the food that he wants and if he is correctly listening to the body, he himself begins to choose useful. As they say, the forbidden fruit is sweet and that is why a person begins to convince himself that it is categorically impossible to use flour and fried. And what we get as a result, it is these products that he will want the most. It is necessary to listen and trust your body, satisfy his desires and allow himself all sorts of pranks.
  3. You must try to understand and accept the feeling of hunger. Do not overeat for the company if you feel that you are not hungry. The phrase that “after eating you still wants something” should disappear. Do not allow a critical feeling of hunger, the body should eat a sufficient amount of carbohydrates for vital energy. There should be a golden middle in the diet so that a person from the table comes out a little hungry.
  4. Do not try to control your food. The idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you have overwhelmed, as you used instead of 1000 kcal, for example, 1200 begins to nibble you and this is a kind of shock for the body, to receive vital energy in 1000 kcal every day. You should understand the body at an intuitive level, if you feel the need for a piece of chocolate, then forward, take and crush.
  5. Do not enter the war with food. This is a useless activity, because the human body will not last long without food. Remember those moments that most likely arose precisely after the end of the diet, when you pounced on forbidden products and then with a sense of guilt condemned yourself and frustrated that you could not resist. Try to make friends with her and love the food that you have chosen during the day. And she will definitely respond to you.
  6. Try to respect a feeling of saturation. During the eating, when you have already satisfied the feeling of hunger, set aside the plate and stop eating. Feel yourself a scale of 10 balls, where 10 - it will be a feeling of overeating, and 1 - a feeling of severe hunger. Try to stop at 6-7 mark, and does not strive for a clean plate.
  7. Try to feel the stage of satisfaction of the body. In eastern countries, people are usually not easy to eat to make up for life energy, they try to enjoy food. And as soon as they ate, they stop eating. If you eat in a pleasant environment and you like what you eat, you will get more energy and a sense of satisfaction. Do not forget that while eating should enjoy every piece of food, and not just score the stomach to stop the exhausting feeling of hunger.
  8. Try to control your feelings without eating. Very often, a person during experiences, stress, nervous situations begins to eat unconsciously, food for the body helps to cope with the spleen and bring it to a balanced state, but this is all at the psychological level. After all the experiences leave, remorse begins about the food eaten. Basically, this turns into a habit, which is difficult to get rid of. Try to solve the problems of unpleasant situations for you not with the help of food, but for example: walking in the fresh air, a passionate hobby, a fitness occupation, communicating with people.
  9. Appreciate your body. Take yourself as you are. Fear your reflection in the mirror, treat yourself with respect. But in this principle, one should not overestimate your capabilities in self -love so that this does not turn into excessive narcissism, and did not have to work in the future with a lack of arrogance. Just like yourself and begin to improve yourself in common sense.
  10. Do physical exercises. This principle is quite famous and understandable. All nutritionists recommend playing sports, fitness and other sets of exercises. Indeed, from the quantity and quality of food it is impossible to achieve an ideal image. For well -lost people, there is a problem of excess skin, and if you combine intuitive nutrition and sport, this nuisance, most likely, will not even arise. Active people are easier to throw off weight and do not sit in one place.
  11. Treat your health with great respect. Choose those foods that will benefit and pleasure. The main thesis of the methodology of Stephen Hawks is to understand and listen to his body. Trust your intuition, and you will enthusiastically accept your new result.

Intuitive nutrition technique from Svetlana Bronnikova


Who still instilled intuitive nutrition to the Russian-speaking people? The founder of this direction in the post -Soviet space was Svetlana Bronnikova, a famous specialist in the field of clinical psychology, who has great practical experience in the field of healthy nutrition.

  1. Svetlana wrote and published a book called “Intuitive nutrition. How to stop worrying about food and lose weight. ” Very quickly, practice, like the book, has gained great popularity.
  2. It describes aspects not only in the field of losing weight, but also practical techniques on how to listen to your body, get rid of fears about excess weight and gain consent with your psychological mood.
  3. The book is written in two parts: the first is theoretical, and the second is practical, where Svetlana Bronnikova experiences the technology of intuitive nutrition itself and shares impressions with readers.
  4. Also in the book it is proposed to take a test for the compatibility of the body with food. The analysis consists in 12 questions that must be answered monosyllabic: “yes” or “no”. Based on the results, the user will be able to determine a 100% to whether he has a healthy food or there are deviations, and what plan they are.
  5. At the moment, Bronnikova is working on the creation of an intuitive nutrition center, teaches courses, conducts trainings who want to know and apply intuitive nutrition.

You can read a lot and go to rehabilitation courses before and after losing weight, but it is better to try such a rather new intuitive nutrition technique in our country. It is more effective in your experience to make sure of the correctness or incorrectness of this method.

In order to decide to apply intuitive nutrition on yourself, read the numerous reviews of the lucky ones about the experience that they have already received. The most extremely positive, but remember this is a lot of work on yourself. But remember that intuitive nutrition does not mean an uncontrolled technique of your favorite food. In this way, you will definitely not hear your body. The methodology of cognition of oneself is in hard work, which must be prepared for in order to subsequently feel harmony in the soul and body.



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