
Montignac diet for weight loss

Montignac diet for weight loss
The concept of Montignac diet. Approximate menu, recipes for Montignac diet.

The secret of Montignac’s diet from the famous French nutritionist is that you do not limit yourself to anything. Forget about hunger strikes and tasteless lean dishes, because this special diet involves a completely different approach to getting rid of extra pounds. All the well -known “hungry” methods of losing weight are too hard, and therefore more than 70% of people simply break down and gain lost kilograms again. In this article, we will tell in detail about the diet of Montignac and share useful recipes for weight loss dishes.

Montignac diet concept for weight loss

As a true Frenchman Michelle Montignac, a weakness for exquisite and tasty food always had a weakness, but this did not stop him from the first to abandon the calculation of calories. Instead, the nutritionist drew attention to the glycemic index of all food consumed. The concept of the method is not to limit yourself in food, but to select and combine the right products.


All products can be conditionally divided into two large categories: with a low and high glycemic index. The first category basically includes carbohydrate -containing, the second - fat -containing. But the main separation occurs in the Montignac diet according to the glycemic index. The success of any event largely depends on the understanding of all its processes and stages, and the diet is no exception. Therefore, before moving on to recipes and instructions, we suggest dwelling on the very concept of glycemic index.

In the human body, an insulin hormone is constantly being developed. Insulin does not allow fats to split and contributes to the accumulation of the supply of nutrients. It is logical to assume that the more insulin is in the body, the more fats will accumulate in it. The level of blood sugar has a direct effect on the production of insulin - the higher it is, the more active the hormone is produced. Blood sugar rises during the intake of any food, even spicy, salty or bitter, but the difference is the level of this rise and speed with which sugar will fall into the blood. Imagine that you ate a delicate cream cake: taste receptors instantly received the corresponding signal, the saliva moistened and almost completely dissolved the delicate cream, the product was already digested in the oral cavity, and its components fell into the blood. Since the cake is very sweet, the sugar level jumped high, and since the body did not have to waste time processing and splitting the product into components (the tender cake melted in the mouth), the glycemic index rose almost instantly.


Now imagine that you bit a piece from a juicy sweet apple. You chew it in your mouth to swallow, the body spends more time on processing the product, and therefore sugar into the blood enters much slower and its level rises not as high as in the case of the cake. The essence of Montignac’s diet is based on the study of this process: if you regularly use foods with a high glycemic index, this will inevitably lead to the accumulation of fat deposits. If you eat products with a normal and low glycemic index, the production of insulin will not be so intense, which means that fats will not accumulate under the skin.

  Important: in different sources, different glycemic products index may be indicated. This is influenced by a lot of factors, so the numbers are everywhere approximate. In addition, the index will depend on the state of the product: raw, boiled, salty, fried, dried. For example, fresh grapes have a glycemic index several times lower than raisins. All that must be remembered for following Michel Montignac’s diet - the basis of the diet should be made up of products with a low glycemic index. Fortunately, there are more than enough of them.

The French nutritionist has developed its own table of products that you can see below. In the Montignac diet menu, you can include any food with an index up to 55 units. From 55 to 70 - this is a category of conditionally permissible products, and from those opposite which it costs 70 and above it is better to refuse at all. In addition, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean filtered water daily, but not drink food with it, but eat separately. Between meals, you should withstand intervals of at least 3 hours.

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Using such simple principles, you can quickly get rid of extra pounds and, most importantly, not to gain them again. It should be understood that the diet of Montignac is not a temporary phenomenon and not a course of treatment, but a conscious change in their nutrition habits for life. If, after losing weight, return to abuse of confectionery and fried meat, no diets will help. Moreover, a return to malnutrition can seriously harm the body, which has just begun to get used to a “good life”.

Montignac diet phases for weight loss

The diet of Mr. Montignac is divided into two phases: first it is necessary to cleanse the body to prepare it for the laying of a new healthy “foundation” from healthy foods, and then begin to direct weight loss. And if the first phase lasts a certain period of time, then in the second you will stay all your life, since it implies following the established food order and the use of “correct” products.


The first phase of Montignac diet

Entering the first phase of the diet, it is necessary to sharply limit the use of fast carbohydrates: baking, sweets, fast food and other harmful delicacies. This is where the table will come in handy, since at first you can eat only products with a glycemic index below 40. You should also adhere to separate nutrition, in no case mixing fats with carbohydrates. Unfortunately, this practice is in the order of things, for example, sandwiches with butter or a roll with a cutlet (hamburger). Products with an index from 20 to 50 units can be eaten without mixing with fatty foods. But products with an index less than 20 can be eaten in almost any quantities and combine with anything.

Broccoli, Tomato, Lettuce Salad and Slice of Bacon on Forks Isolate ON A White Background.

Montignac's approximate menu in the first phase:

  1. Get used to starting with sweet juicy fruits every day, since their juice and fiber perfectly stimulate intestinal motility, helping to remove gestures of undigested food and toxins. Remember that the first phase is designed to cleanse the body and prepare it for proper nutrition. Breakfast tightly, leaning on carbohydrates and fiber. Vegetable yogurt without additives, whole grain bread, oatmeal, grapefruit, etc. is suitable.
  2. After 3-4 hours, a afternoon snack comes, and it should already pass without carbohydrates. You can eat a little cottage cheese, ham, boil eggs.
  3. For lunch, it is recommended to eat fat -containing food, but this does not mean at all that the food itself should be fatty. For example, there are a lot of vegetable fats in avocado, but the fetus itself will not work fat, you know? If you want something meat, prepare a bird, beef or fish, just do not fry in oil-it is better to make a grill or steam. Prepare vegetables on the side dish, and do not hesitate to sprinkle everything with fresh herbs - the more, the better. Greens, just applies to products with a glycemic index below 15 units, so it can be eaten in any amount.
  4. Dinner should always be easy and consist of proteins with lipids or proteins with carbohydrates. In the first case, it can be vegetable soup, poultry or fish, in the second - beans, eggplant, cauliflower or green salad with tomatoes. Enjoy the body to the last meal no later than 19:00.

The second phase of Montignac diet

The first phase will last as much as you consider it necessary. When you reach the desired weight, you can proceed to the second phase, which stabilizes the condition and will hold it at the established level. Here you can already relax a bit and make some relief in the diet, sometimes pampering yourself with "delicious ones." But remember that the second phase lasts all your life, and you should not too often move away from the basic rule of Montignac - the higher the glycemic index, the worse.


In the second phase, it is allowed to use products with an index above 50, but it is not necessary to abuse it. It should also be excluded from the diet honey, baking of white flour and any starch -containing products (potatoes, corn, white rice, pasta).

Useful advice: if you really want to, or you are afraid to “break”, you can eat a “very bad” product with a high glycemic index, but combine it with a lot of fiber. The same rule applies to fatty products. In general, fresh greens and any green foods always help neutralize the harmful effects of “poor” food: parsley, cilantro, broccoli, asparagus, patching beans. Chlorophyll in their composition quickly restores the digestive system.


Remember several rules of proper nutrition, and you will never gain excess weight:

  1. If you really want to mix fats with carbohydrates, combine them with a lot of fiber. For example, if he is very drawn to enjoy a hamburger, order a double portion of a green salad for him.
  2. If you want to drink, give preference to dry wines or champagne, but never drink on an empty stomach.
  3. Minimize the use of fast carbohydrates and try not to eat them after dinner.
  4. Loof from sugar.
  5. Get used to whole -grain free -free bread (ideally it is better to cook it yourself).
  6. It is also better to exclude coffee from the diet.
  7. Do not forget to drink more water.

Montignac diet recipes

As you can see, Montignac’s diet is quite loyal and gives space for gastronomic manipulations. In other words, in your power to make the process of getting rid of extra pounds as comfortable and painless as possible, preparing delicious and healthy dishes.


Montignac diet recipes:

  1. Fish soup-buy a soup of red fish (head, tail, fins) and cook broth from it, putting a whole peeled onion and carrots into the water. In a pan separately, make a onion roasting with salted cucumbers chopped with a small cube. Add to the frying tomatop, a little cucumber brine and fish broth, reduce the fire to a minimum and simmer under the lid for 15 minutes. Strain the broth through a sieve, boil fish cut into small pieces, put the contents of the pan into the soup, add olives and a couple of lemon lobers. Serve with abundantly with herbs.
  2. Garlic cream soup - cut a pair of zucchini in small cubes and crush 4 cloves of garlic with a cloth with a knife with a knife with a knife with a knife with a knife with a knife with a knife can. Lower the vegetables in a double boiler and cook for 20 minutes (it is convenient to cook in a slow cooker). You can just boil in a small amount of water. Add to vegetables 400 ml of cream with fat content of not more than 15%, a couple of spoons of olive oil and chop with a submersible blender. Add salt and spices to taste, heat on a minimum heat. Before serving on the table, decorate with herbs. If the consistency is too thick, dilute the soup with cream.
  3. Fast lunch - beat off the chicken fillet with a kitchen, salt and pepper it, transfer it to a baking container with sides and pour yogurt without additives. Put in the oven at a temperature of 180C. While the bird is baked, boil spaghetti from hard wheat varieties with finely chopped mushrooms (champignons or oyster mushrooms). The dish is delicious with a sauce of grated tomatoes with garlic.
  4. Mushroom side dish - rinse champignons and pour them with boiling water, then shake off moisture and fry over high heat. Transfer into a separate plate and fry in the same oil finely chopped onions (it should be as much as mushrooms). Mix mushrooms with onions, put on a flat dish, pour cream with cream sauce and tomatpasts, and sprinkle with grated cheese abundantly.
  5. Walnut biscuit - grind in a blender 1 tbsp. purified fried peanuts. Separate 3 proteins and beat them into foam, mix the yolks with 2 tbsp. l. fructose, 1 tbsp. l. Cocoa powder, peanuts and 50 g of butter. Gradually insert the protein foam into the mixture and carefully mix with a spatula. Lubricate the baking dish with oil and lay out the air dough. Bake in the oven preheated to 180C for 15-20 minutes.


Having studied the glycemic index of products, you can come up with your own recipes by combining certain components. Gradually, you will learn to live and eat in a new mode and will forever forget about the problem of excess weight.



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