
The reasons for the appearance of a jar. How to get rid of a little -legged face

The reasons for the appearance of a jar. How to get rid of a little -legged face
In order to prevent the appearance of a asking on the face, it is important to know the causes that cause the appearance of white blackheads. If such a problem arises, the proposed methods of treatment will necessarily cope with the task.

Sometimes, most often on the face, white acne can appear, which do not become inflamed and do not disappear for a long time. This, the so -called Possyanka, is a common cosmetic problem. What is a Suschanka, the reasons for its occurrence and how to get rid of unsightly white seals - read in this selection of material. Following the advice and recommendations of specialists in the prevention and treatment of white flaws, soon it will be possible to forget about this aesthetically unpleasant problem.

  What is a jurisprudent: symptoms and signs

  • Suschanka or miliums are yellowish-white solid subcutaneous formations in the form of small cones. Translated by the word "milium" means "ASSENSH GRANOM". Indeed, the acne of the jar resembles the smallest grains of millet or beads, with a diameter of 0.3 to 3 mm.
  • Dermatologists are diagnosed with a jar named after a retention or follicular cyst in medicine. Experts distinguish between two types of acne - primary and secondary (pseudo -Miliums). The latter are formed at the place of damage to the skin due to inflammation, burns or injuries.
  • Primary white flashes are formed due to a deep delay in fat in the sebaceous gland cells or accumulations of keratin protein in skin pores. Such a “blockage”, along with keratinized particles of cells, visually shines through under the skin in the form of a dense white nodule.
  • The asking is localized shallow under the skin, most often on the face: in the eye area (even on eyelids), nose, cheekbones and temples. Less common, white acne can appear in the genital area.
  • Posvanka often can be seen on the face (gums, heaven) of even a newborn child, which is not considered any deviation from the norm. The excretory system of the baby is simply not sufficiently formed, subsequently the process is established.

  • In adults, acne also appears, which often requires dermatological intervention.
  • Most often, according to statistical data, a little kind of asking for the skin of women, aged after 30 years. Especially exposed to the risk of eeling of this kind of women with oily (or mixed) type of face skin.
  • The acne of the jurisdiction does not bother the person in any way: they do not itch and do not cause pain. They are a purely aesthetic problem, as they look unattractive and cause cosmetic discomfort.
  • Miliums do not have access to the surface (they are located under the skin), so their own bundles of the jacket are not absorbed and can be under the skin for several years. After a long period of time, white acne themselves disappear or open. If desired, they can be removed, although this does not exclude the possible repeated appearance of acne.
  • You can diagnose the flash on your own, carefully studying the appearance of the white "nodule". To decide on the possible reasons for their appearance and choice of treatment, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

The reasons for the occurrence of a jar

The etiology of the accumulation of dead cells and the occurrence of a little kind is very ambiguous and includes many reasons. Such a “trouble” can happen to any, regardless of gender or age.

The exception is newborn children who often have a asking for the skin of the faces due to the imbalance of the exfoliation of keratinized scales. Such a completely normal physiological phenomenon is absolutely not dangerous for babies and soon passes when the natural mechanism of “cleansing” of the pores and sebaceous glands is restored.

Consider the most common factors that provoke the formation of white eels in adults.

  • Increasing blood cholesterol.
  • Disorders of the hormonal background (in adolescence, in pregnant women, during menopause) or diseases of the endocrine system.
  • The use of some incorrectly selected cosmetics (clogging pores) or procedures (for example, chemical peeling).
  • Incorrect skin care.
  • An allergic reaction or disease (damage) of the skin.
  • Long -term exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  • Unstable nutrition and digestive system diseases.
  • Excessive oily skin and improper care.

Prevention of the occurrence of a little kind

There are methods that help to avoid the appearance of a petition for the skin and protect the face from “unwanted” white blackheads. It is enough to observe certain rules of a healthy lifestyle and conduct simple and affordable cosmetic procedures. Preventive measures include:

  • Compliance with the correct regime of the day (labor, rest, physical exertion), which helps to increase immunity and strengthen the body as a whole.
  • Providing rational and good nutrition with a predominance of vegetables and fruits. Fiber improves digestion, helps to remove toxins. The use of fatty, salty, flour food should be limited. It is better to replace animal fats with vegetable (olive) oil, sugar -containing foods and alcohol can be excluded from the diet.
  • Daily (in the morning and evening) cleansing the skin of the face. Washing, removal of makeup using cosmetic milk, tonic or gel - compulsory hygiene procedures.
  • The use of scrubs for deep cleansing the skin and removal of keratinized cells. With dry skin, it is recommended to carry out a similar procedure once a week, with a oily or combined type of skin-1-2 times a week. Scrubing cleanses and disperses pores, preventing the appearance on the face of a jar.
  • The use of cosmetic cream skin care, contributing to the moisture and nutrition of the skin of the face.
  • Performing useful cosmetic procedures: steam baths and masks for facial skin. Steam baths with a decoction of medicinal herbs open pores well, and the masks cleanse and nourish the skin.
  • When buying decorative cosmetics, it is important to pay attention to the composition of the product and product quality. Hypoallergenic quality cosmetics delicately affects the skin, without provoking the occurrence of a little kind.
  • Given that the production of skin fat increases with stress and depression, it is important to minimize these negative conditions.

Posyanka treatment

Do not rush to remove the just emerging acne of the jar. Perhaps after a few weeks the miliums will resolve on their own. If the problem remains relevant for several months, you can begin treatment. It is quite simple to cure it, although it is better, of course, to prevent the appearance of such “uninvited guests”.

For successful treatment of askance, it is necessary to first eliminate the provoking the appearance of subcutaneous cysts adverse factors. Only after this should be proceeded with the treatment of miliums, both with the help of cosmetics and through medical intervention.

So, how to get rid of a sourdow on the face?

  • If the appearance of police is associated with the use of cosmetics or improper care of the skin, you should abandon the usual cosmetics in order to prevent the further development of the problem. At the same time, it is necessary to revise the correctness of the skin of the face: timely cleansing, nutrition, moisturizing the skin, etc.
  • The doctor determines the method of removing the jurisdiction depending on the quantity and location of acne, as well as on their size and depth of the occurrence.
  • With minor rashes, it is usually recommended that mechanical sterile removal of acne by manually or with the help of medical remedies, with a deep cleaning of the epidermis with peeling.
  • There is also a method of treating police by electrocoagulation, radio waves or laser. The cauterization site will be noticeably no more than 2 weeks, through small dry crusts. For one session, no more than 10 rash elements are removed.
  • Positive results of the treatment of the jurisdiction, according to the reviews of many patients of cosmetic salons, gives cleansing the skin with galvanic current, vacuum-ultrasonic method, laser therapy. Resorption injections are also used, but in rare cases.
  • It is almost impossible to squeeze the acne of the jurisdiction independently. You should know that by removing such acne at home, you can easily “earn” inflammation, irritation of the skin, a long non -healing wound or a noticeable keloid. And the infection in the wound is fraught with possible suppuration or inflammation.
  • The most difficult thing is to deal with flashes located on the eyelid or under the eyes. Delicate sensitive skin negatively and painfully reacts to mechanical intervention. In such cases, it is better to try to use folk, harmless treatment methods.
  • In the case of the secondary form of the asking, the doctor dermatologist (or cosmetologist) determines the treatment of milias using therapeutic ointments and creams, which includes derivatives of vitamin A (retinoids).

How to get rid of a sourdow

If, for objective reasons, it is impossible to visit a doctor, you can try to remove the acne of the jurisdiction yourself, observing sterility and certain rules.

Attention! The procedure is extremely undesirable to carry out at home! You can easily injure and infect a hair follicle or sebaceous gland, which is fraught with the formation of scars, acne, and an inflammatory process.

  • Starting the procedure, it is important to withstand cleanliness and sterility (use sterile gloves and tools). Otherwise, a small, inconspicuous tubercle can turn into a huge abscess or crimson scar.
  • Before starting the procedure, the skin is well steamed over hot water with the addition of soda (2 liters-2 tbsp), about 10-15 minutes. To enhance the effect of opening the pores, it is better to cover yourself with a terry towel.
  • The skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe milium is wiped with alcohol. Then, a sterile needle (from a syringe) or boiled, for 20 minutes, a cosmetic needle, is pressed on the center of the formation of a “grain”. Pressing at a right angle on an epicenter of earned eel, the contents easily come out.
  • The resulting small wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide and sprinkled with photofortomas (or other antiseptic).

How to get rid of a sourdow

The mechanical method of removing flaws, especially at home, is extremely undesirable. A high risk of infection of the wound and deep damage to the skin is distinguished by this method as the extreme measure of the treatment of acne. To begin with, you can try to cope with the problem with the help of folk remedies.

  • Kalina juice is often used in the fight against “unwanted” mili. To do this, the ripened berries are pressed, and not only the skin is wiped with juice, but make lotions (15 minutes each) and therapeutic masks. To prepare a mask with viburnum juice, oatmeal is added to it until a thick consistency is formed. The mask is kept for about 40-50 minutes.
  • Fresh cucumber juice is also an effective cosmetic product that additionally brightens and moisturizes the skin. Apply ordinary juice, infusion of juice and milk (pour juice with hot milk, insist 4 hours, wrapping dishes) or mask compresses. For the mask, cut a piece of natural fabric from cotton (flax), make holes for the eyes and mouth, moisten in cucumber-milk infusion and applied to the face for 20 minutes.
  • After the mechanical removal of the police in a cosmetic salon, folk recipes for drying masks and compresses will also be useful. To prepare the mask, take 25 g of yeast, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. 3% hydrogen peroxide. Twice a week, 20 minutes of use of the mask, they will help to restore the skin of the face much faster.
  • Oat scrub helps to cleanse the skin of the face, preventing the accumulation of keratinized cells. Grinded (in a coffee grinder, blender) oatmeal is mixed with 1 tsp. soda and 1 tsp small salt. A prepared scrub is applied to the cleansed skin of the face with massage movements. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. After the procedure, it will be useful to rinse the skin with a decoction of chamomile or sage.
  • The leaves of the indoor plant "Golden Clothes" are rubbed into a slurry and in this form, flashings are applied to acne for the whole night. The mixture can be fixed with gauze or adhesive patch. In the morning, washed off the gruel with water.
  • A compress of medicinal herbs: chamomile with calendula, relieves inflammation, disinfects and cleanses the skin. The grass is brewed with boiling water and insisted at least 5 hours. The moistened cotton wool or a piece of gauze is applied to white eels for 15 minutes. Compresses are made daily in the morning and evening.
  • Effective therapeutic masks of bodybags with hydrogen peroxide; honey and egg protein. They need to be done daily (if there are no allergies to the ingredients), locally (applied to the eels of the jacket), with a duration of at least 15-30 minutes.

Thus, Posyaka is a purely cosmetic problem that does not bring any tangible discomfort. White acne spoil the appearance of the skin of the face, but can as easily and quickly disappear as they appeared.

In order to protect yourself from unwanted miliums, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures of the occurrence of such "clogging" of the skin.

If such a problem appears, the article presents wide material on how to correctly and painlessly remove the jurisdiction.

Suschanka, photo


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