
Vitamins for children from 3 years - rating of vitamins for children

Vitamins for children from 3 years - rating of vitamins for children
The article is devoted to the review of the most popular among parents of vitamin complexes for children over 3 years

Each mother wishes his baby of all the best. And if the woman collides with the question of choosing vitamins for his child, it will strive to choose the best and useful. Looking at a stand with children's vitamin complexes in any pharmacy, not difficult to get lost. Especially if you are far from the "vitamin" theme, and do not know whether your baby needs some additives and which one. In this case, of course, it will be more logical to rely on the opinion of a specialist who will help you make the right choice.

In this article, consider the most popular vitamins for children from 3 years, their differences, advantages and disadvantages. Many mothers begin to think about the reception of vitamins at this age, because Most children go to kindergarten and begin to root often. Of course, parents want to protect their baby as much as possible, strengthen his immunity, fill the lack of vitamins in the winter period. No one argues that the most useful vitamins and trace elements can be obtained correctly forming a diet, which must include fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, milk, fish, cereals, etc. But the utility and naturalness of vegetables from the supermarket in the winter can also only guess. Vitamins become a real salvation for the parents of "Maloezhekov". Indeed, in such cases, the child certainly does not get the necessary daily stock of vitamins and trace elements. What are the vitamins to choose? What are the best vitamin complexes? What is the price of vitamins? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article.

What are vitamins for children from 3 years

To choose the best vitamins for your children, you need to have a minimal view of groups on which all vitamins are divided. Currently, it is customary to divide them into 3 groups:

  • water-soluble vitamins;
  • fat-soluble vitamins;
  • vitamin-like substances.


Perhaps the third group of vitamins may seem the most incomprehensible. Such substances as orothic and pangamic acids, choline, mineoint, lipoic acid, cannot be called full-fledged vitamins, because No diseases were detected from their shortage. But, presumably, vitamine-like substances have a positive effect on the various functions of the body. Water soluble vitamins include: C, P, B1, B2, B6, RR, B12, B5, folic acid, biotin. Life-soluble vitamins are a, d, e, k. It is worth noting that water-soluble vitamins are faster from the body, and it is precisely their shortage that may most likely come. Also, vitamins for children from 3 years can be divided according to the composition:

  • one-component;
  • polyvitamins.

Multivitamins contain in its composition rich complex of not only vitamins but also minerals, enzymes and other nutrients. Monocomponent same vitamins contain only one kind of vitamins, such as vitamin C. The choice of one or another group of vitamins depends not only on your personal ideas about their use, but also on the doctor's opinion. Since vitamins can and do harm. Everyone knows the state of vitamin deficiency (lack of vitamins), but forget about hypervitaminosis (excess of vitamins). You should not trifle with reception of these drugs without consulting a pediatrician.


Vitamins for children from 3 years. When you need to think about vitamins reception

Any mother, who closely monitors the state of the child, is able to catch the slightest change in his behavior. For example, in the winter time with your baby:

  • it appeared drowsiness;
  • steel nails exfoliate;
  • peel off the skin;
  • appetite;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • frequent ARI.

One of the causes of such manifestations can be lack of vitamins. The first thing to do is of course correct food baby. Try to make it more varied and nutritious. Perhaps the child receives insufficient amount of dairy products or fruits. A vitamin complexes could be in a situation of this magic wand. But we should not impose on vitamins too much hope. They are as good as disease prevention, but not as a treatment for respiratory diseases, for example, in the acute phase. Take care of proper nutrition, walk in the fresh air - and it will be a big part of the success.


Admission Regulations any vitamins children from 3 years

As we have said, the vitamins can bring not only benefit, but even harmful when misused. Follow these rules when using them:

  • carefully read the instructions inside the package with vitamins. It contains complete information about dosage, storage, overdose, etc .;
  • take vitamins is always one and the same time. Better to do it in the morning. But how to take them - before or after a meal, will be specified in the instructions;
  • vitamins can be produced in various forms - tablets, gelatin candy, syrups, candies, etc. But they always have a strict dosage per day. In no event should not be given some delicious "candy" in the day, if prescribed in the instructions in 1 day;
  • some vitamins for children may have additional flavors or nutritional supplements to create a more attractive form for children. Therefore, follow the condition of the baby in the first days of acceptance, so as not to miss possible allergic reactions. Or carefully read the composition to buy the most "natural" vitamins;
  • doctors usually do not welcome the adoption of vitamins, if a child has diarrhea or vomiting;
  • read carefully about the method of storage of vitamins. Some of them should be stored in the refrigerator, while others in a dry, darkened place. But any vitamins should always be stored in unavailable places for children!


Vitamin rating for children from 3 years

The best vitamins for children from 3 years old. Pink

Some of the most popular and beloved vitamins for children over 3 years old are peak. And this is not just vitamins, but a full-fledged vitamin and mineral complex Peaks Junik. Manufacturers advise to start taking this drug in the following cases:

  • if the baby began to eat badly;
  • if the child is experiencing an emotional or physical activity (for example, when visiting a kindergarten, where a lot of diverse classes and active games);
  • if the child does not get a full nutrition;
  • during the intensive growth and development of the body.


It is worth noting that the peak of UNIC has a very attractive appearance. Manufacturers took care not only about packaging design, but also about the form of vitamins themselves. Such fun chewing bears will not leave a single child indifferent. You can forget exactly about doubts if your child will eat them. An important fact is that the peak of UNIC does not contain artificial dyes or flavors. What is contained in this complex? And its composition is very and very rich:

  • calcium and phosphorus;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • group of vitamins in;
  • iron and iodine;
  • selenium;
  • copper, magnesium and zinc.

The best vitamins for children from 3 years old. Supradin

Supradin is another popular vitamins that are often used to maintain the immunity of children, their vitality and the body as a whole. Bright and solar packaging distinguishes these vitamins on the shelf in the pharmacy and they immediately rush. But, of course, the case is far from colorful packaging, but in skillfully combined composition. In the line of vitamins from Supradin, you can find the following vitamins for children from 3 years old:

  • Supradin Kids Gel;
  • Supradin Kids with Omega-3 and Holine.

Manufacturers of the Vitamin Complex Supradin make an emphasis on the content in their vitamins of such a component as choline. He has a beneficial effect on the development of the nervous system of the baby and the brain. One of the main components in Supradin KIDS is omega-3 fatty acids that have a colossal positive effect on the mental abilities of the child, the development of speech and memory. Vitamins of group B, which are also presented in a wide range of vitamins, are able to increase the body's stability to various loads, including mental. Vitamins manufacturers Supradin Kids for children from 3 years old are assured in a huge meaning of their product for the development of cognitive functions of a child, memory, attention, speech, etc.


The best vitamins for children from 3 years old. Vitrum

Vitamin complexes from Vitruum have long been known and loved by many. There are in their ruler and vitamins for children from 3 to 5 years - Vitruum Baby. These are not just vitamins, but a universal multivitamin complex with minerals. Vitruum Baby has a bright packaging with a fun Tiger, which will definitely like your baby. In addition, vitamins are very convenient to take. You do not need to worry that you forget to give a child vitamins for lunch or in the evening. We need only 1 tablet per day. What action is able to have these vitamins on the child:

  • contributes to improving appetite;
  • contributes to the mental development of the baby;
  • strengthens the protective functions of the body, preparing the child to the kindergarten;
  • strengthens the enamel of dairy teeth, protecting them from the appearance of caries.


Also, Vitrum Baby is successfully represented in its composition of the main miners of growth - calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. It is a competent combination of these components that is necessary for the harmonious and holistic development of the rapidly growing and changing body of the child.


The best vitamins for children from 3 years old. Complivit

Many parents who care about the harmonious development of their child choose the vitamin and mineral complexes from complivit. In addition to the huge line of vitamins for adults, there are both complexes for children from 3 years:

  • Complivit multivitamins + iodine (from 3 to 8 years). A fairly rich complex. It can be found in its composition: vitamin A, almost all vitamins of group B, C, D, E, PP. An important component is iodine. It is because of this component, vitamins are positioned as a complex needed for reception locally with a bad environmental situation. It is a lack of iodine that suffer in such localities most; vitaminy-Komplivit-Dlya-Detej-5
  • Complivates the asset chewing (from 3 years). The complex contains 11 vitamins and 3 minerals. Success can be used in the winter-spring period, when the most acute shortage of vitamins is felt, as well as after the diseases suffered to support and restore the protective forces of the body. Chewable candy- "vitamins" have a pleasant fruit taste and will not leave any baby indifferent. vitaminy-Komplivit-Dlya-Detej-12

Children's vitamin and mineral complexes from complivits can be an excellent choice of caring parents. Manufacturers focus on the unique microgranulation technology in the manufacture of a complex, which reduces the risk of possible allergic reactions to a full minimum. To that, vitamin and mineral complexes for children from complivitis have the most accurate daily dosage of vitamins and minerals, allowing you to avoid the organism of the organism by these substances or, on the contrary, their lacks.

The best vitamins for children from 3 years old. Alphabet

The complexes of the alphabet are aimed at a variety of cases of vitamin prophylaxis. It is very convenient, because You can independently choose the complex you need. For children from 3 years, the following vitamins from the alphabet line are suitable:

  • Alphabet kindergarten (from 3 to 7 years). It's no secret that the child is first going to kindergarten, is experiencing colossal emotional loads. In order to somehow support it in such a difficult period and this vitamin and mineral complex is intended. It also has such an important calcium bone growth.


  • Alphabet in the season. Creatures for children (from 3 to 14 years) Complex is enriched with probiotics important for the children's body. This will especially be relevant after the disease, acceptance of antibiotics.


The complexes of the alphabet have one very meaningful difference from the remaining polyvitamins. Recent scientific studies are already confirmed that for better absorption of vitamins and minerals, they need to be taken separately. Manufacturers of this children's vitamin and mineral complex successfully embodied these studies in their products. The daily rate of all vitamins and minerals from the alphabet is divided into 3 chewing pills:

  • iron +.
  • antioxidants +.
  • calcium D3 +.

Of course, first can be durable in the convenience of receiving such vitamins. After all, they need to be taken not 3 tablets immediately, and in 3 reception at approximately equal intervals. But the creators of the complex alphabet have quite convincing facts:

  1. Sharing with calcium and iron reduces almost twice the absorption of iron.
  2. The joint acceptance of B12 and iron reduces the digestibility of B12 by 30%.
  3. Cooping of zinc and folic acid also adversely affects the assimilation of each of these components.

In addition, a separate reception of some vitamins and minerals reduces the risk of allergic reactions to zero.

The best vitamins for children from 3 years old. Multi-Tab

Vitamins from multi-tabs deserve confidence in many parents thanks to their experience "work" - more than 20 years. This brand offers vitamins not only for adults, but also for children, starting from birth. For kids who have already achieved 3 years of age, you can choose the following complexes:

  • Multi-Tab Kid (from 1 year to 4 years).


  • Multi-Tab Kid Calcium + Growth Vitamins for Children (from 2 to 7 years).


Vitamin and mineral complexes from multi-tabs will provide your baby with the most necessary trace elements. An important fact is that vitamins are produced in the form of chewing tablets with a pleasant fruit taste. Do not contain dyes and preservatives.

Remember the most important thing that no vitamins, even the best, are not able to completely replace full-fledged food, hardening and walking in the fresh air for children. Let your children be happy and healthy!


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Marina 14.06.2017 To answer


Ilya 18.10.2017 To answer

Useful information on children's vitamin complexes Well and it is clearly written, what vitamins and for what age it is better to choose, and what can be replaced. And the main thing is not unfounded, but reasonably, in general, every mom will be useful.

Invisible 30.10.2017 To answer

Found on the Internet site, where you can buy vitamins for children ...
I advise everyone. No allergy, only positive results.
I pleased that I release in a jelly-shaped form. Baby is interesting very) every vitamin is different!)
Ordered on the Baby1care website.
Multivitamins for children Altman Yomi Multi Vitamin 100 chewing jelly.
Altman Yomi Multi Vitamin Marmalade Mix contains the entire necessary complex of vitamins for normal growth and development of children. As part of polyvitamins Vitamin B12, C, B3, B5, B6, folic acid, zinc and biotin. Recommended daily rate - up to 4 bears. These vitamins are suitable for children over 3 years old.

Vasilyeva Evgenia Vladimirovna 23.03.2018 To answer

For my child, I chose Baby Mischitamine Bear Formula. A child with pleasure takes them. I give them to him in the season of colds, and so more fruits, nuts, vegetables, more often in the fresh air we walk, in the summer we still go to thermal sources
