
What to give a child to increase immunity. Vitamins for children to increase immunity

What to give a child to increase immunity. Vitamins for children to increase immunity
The article tells about the features of children's immunity, factors that affect it. You will also learn what drugs, vitamins, recipes of traditional medicine can strengthen the child's immunity

With the beginning of the season of colds, every mother is looking for a way to protect her child. Various drugs in advertising on television and in the media promise truly impressive results. But is it all safe? Is there a "magic tablet" for strong immunity? In this article we will try to learn about all kinds of ways to increase the resistance of the child's body, from traditional medicine to modern vitamin complexes.

As practice shows, the majority of parents turn to precisely the public medicine and the rules of a healthy lifestyle and nutrition to the generally available and proven decades.  And this, of course, is common sense, because To give the baby strong immunostimulating agents without consulting a doctor is very thoughtless and dangerous. In the article, we will consider those situations where you may need to take such drugs, and when it is worth geting to effective means of traditional medicine.

What is immunity. Features of children's immunity

For any parent, there is nothing worse when his beloved son or daughter gets sick. Moms begin to frantically remember what they did wrong, why the child is ill, try to find at least some cause of the disease. Sometimes they even blame themselves that it is fundamentally wrong. Children always get sick. And this fact must be recognized and put up. There is nothing wrong with this. After all, each cold disease makes the baby’s immunity stronger. Parents very often see poor immunity to the guilt of the child’s frequent diseases. Let's figure out what it is. Immunity is the amazing ability of the human body to resist the negative external influences of the environment. Including viruses and bacteria. This ability is innate and every person is born with it. Immunity can conditionally be divided into 2 types:

  • specific immunity. This is the type of immunity that is formed after any disease. For example, the baby was sick with measles, and as a result of which he develops immunity to this disease. After some diseases, immunity is formed for life from this disease, and from others at some period of time;
  • nonspecific immunity. This type of immunity begins to form even in the womb, who has not yet been born a baby. Mom gives the child antibodies to those diseases that she herself has already ill. Thus, the baby is born with a rather strong one and, even one might say, “perfect” immunity. All these antibodies continue to be transmitted to the child during breastfeeding. And that is why modern pediatrics advises to adhere to breastfeeding at least for the first 6 months of the child’s life.


Based on these data, you can form the main features of children's immunity. Knowing these features will help parents answer many questions that concern them. Let's list them:

  • starting from the period of newborn and until the age of 6 months, the children are under the protection of the immunoglobulins, which his mother handed over to him during the bearing of the baby;
  • after 6 months of age, the reserve of “mother’s” immunity in the child ends;
  • the body begins to produce its own immunoglobulins only at the age of 6 years;
  • cellular immunity can form up to the period of puberty;
  • as he grows, the child acquires a specific immunity. This is largely due to vaccinations;
  • the state of non -specific immunity can be judged by the frequency of viral and other diseases that the child transfers. It is logical that children with weaker immunity are more susceptible to diseases.

What affects immunity in children

As we have already said, the child is born with almost “perfect” immunity. Many parents underestimate the protective abilities of the body of their child, which, in turn, can even exceed an adult immunity in strength. But it is worth considering the fact that there are a number of factors that can affect the state of immunity and not always positively. What are these factors and what does the child's immunity depend on?

  • specific immunity most often depends on whether the child has vaccinated. In every country with a developed level of medicine there is approved vaccination calendars. According to these calendars, the child, in accordance with his age, must receive this or that vaccine. Thanks to vaccination, many terrible diseases remained in the past and our children have the opportunity to get immunity from them for the future;


  • power quality. Nonspecific immunity depends on nutrition. It is no secret that the child should receive a full and diverse diet. If for a long time the baby does not receive one or another element, then this can undertake the immune system and make it weaker;
  • the psycho-emotional state of the child. Since the body is an integral system, all its faces depend on each other. If the child lives in constant stress, in an unfavorable atmosphere, then this can also negatively affect the work of immunity;
  • the general condition of the body. Under the general condition of the body, it means a satisfactory state of internal organs and systems. If any organ does not function as it should, then the immunity will be much more vulnerable.

When you may need drugs to increase immunity in a child

The immune system of the child is a holistic and closed system. If all the necessary favorable conditions are created for the child (nutrition, fresh air, hardening, etc.), then immunity cannot but work or work in full force. Therefore, if you suspected that your baby’s immunity has some kind of “weak”, then first of all, adequately assess the correctness of the conditions in which the child lives. Many parents create almost sterile conditions for the baby, and then they are surprised that he began to get sick after each trip to visit, to the store, to the playground, etc. This is not surprising. Hyperopeca is one of the causes of frequent colds. But in some cases, the child may need special drugs to maintain and strengthen immunity. But only a doctor can prescribe them! Before taking such funds, such elementary examinations are usually prescribed:

  • blood test;
  • urine analysis;
  • fecal analysis;
  • dentist's inspection;
  • inspection of the LOR of the doctor.


Only after this kind of examinations can a doctor establish the need to take drugs “for immunity”. Immunostimulating drugs can increase the resistance of the body of the child. There are truly very strong funds that can be assigned to children who have established immunodeficiency. But it is very, very rare. Drugs for immunity can be divided into:

  • interferons;
  • inducers of endogenous interferons;
  • bacterial preparations;
  • plant preparations.

The correct lifestyle of the child as a means of increasing immunity

In order not to start stuffing the baby, possibly unnecessary, or even dangerous for him, immunomodulators, begin to build the right lifestyle of the child. Get the right habits from birth that will make him more hardy and resistant to negative environmental conditions. Such children do not begin to sneeze and “temperature” instantly after they get their feet or get into the rain. What is so important to teach a child?

  1. Walks in the fresh air. Walking is useful and necessary. In children, after a good 2-hour walk, appetite will necessarily improve and sleep normalize.
  2. Hardening. There are hardening programs for children, starting from the period of newborn. Usually this is done during bathing, completing it with dousing with water of a lower temperature. Even simple washing with cold water is suitable. Of course, all this should be gradual and smooth.
  3. Dress the child according to the weather. There is nothing worse than a wet and sweaty 3-year-old baby on the playground due to the fact that mother and grandmother dressed him “25 clothes”. Remember that the child is more active in adults. Clothing should be warm, but not constraining movement.
  4. The regime of the day. No matter how old it may sound, but the regime for the child is the key to good health and health. Treat the baby to fall asleep and wake up at the same time, eat at the same time, etc.
  5. Proper nutrition. An excess of sweet, flour does not benefit not only adults, but also for children. Raise the taste for proper food - vegetables, fruits, dairy products, grain, etc.


Modern medicine drugs to strengthen immunity in a child

Vitamin-mineral complexes to strengthen immunity in children

The modern market for children's vitamins is simply full of a variety of offers. What vitamins are there to increase immunity in children?   In order not to get lost in abundance of colorful packages and beautiful bottles, it is important to pay attention to the composition of these vitamin complexes. It is better if it is a combination of not only vitamins, but also minerals. If we talk about good vitamins to increase immunity in children, then the following can be distinguished:

  • Pikovit. The vitamin-mineral complexes of this manufacturer are conveniently divided by age. For babies older than 1 year, there is a convenient shape in syrup. For older children - in chewing pastors. All drugs in the Pikovit line contain the most valuable vitamins, micro- and macro elements that can increase the resistance of the child's body.


  • Vitrum Kids. This is another popular vitamin complex for children from 3 to 5 years. It contains 12 vitamins and 10 useful minerals, including the growth trio - calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.


  • Immuno Kids. The manufacturer declares this drug as an excellent tool for the prevention of acute respiratory diseases during their increased danger. The composition contains lactobacilli, folic and pantothenic acid.


  • Vita Mishka. This drug differs from the previous ones in its composition. Natural plant components (sheet of currants, grapes, mountain ash, strawberries, etc.) and vitamins with minerals (vitamins of group B, C, R, E, carotenoids, nicotinic acid, choline, etc.) are successfully combined here.


  • Alphabet of kindergarten and alphabet in a cold season for children. Data vitamin-mineral complexes also have a rich composition and a profitable advantage. The fact is that the daily dose of this complex is divided into three doses: iron+, antioxidants+and calcium D3+. According to scientific research, some vitamins and minerals are absorbed worse or are not absorbed at all in the presence of other vitamins or minerals. Given these studies, vitamins have been created.


Plant preparations to increase immunity in children

Some parents prefer to conduct seasonal courses for taking vegetable drugs. The fact is that it has long been known about the healing effects of some plants on human health, and in particular, on increasing the resistance of the body. Phytopreparations are most often produced in the form of tinctures to increase immunity in children. The following popular means to increase immunity in children have been created:

  • Immunal. This drug is available in the form of tablets and drops. The main active ingredient is the purple echinacea. The manufacturer advises taking this drug with frequent colds, during periods of seasonal exacerbation of viral diseases. Suitable for use by children from 4 years old.


  • Eleuterococcus extract. It has a general strengthening, tonic effect on the body. Positively affects the adaptive capabilities of the body.   Tincture is very effective for increasing immunity in children.


  • Tincture of ginseng. This herbal preparation also has a general strengthening effect on the body.


It should also be noted that various kinds of herbal preparations should be used with extreme caution in children. Plant components can very often provoke allergic reactions. As a rule, such funds are prescribed no earlier than 6-14 years. Recently, homeopathic remedies have been gaining more and more popularity to increase immunity in children, despite the fact that most of them have unproven effectiveness. Among the most popular can be called Aflubin, Influucide, Antijippin. Well, what to give a child to increase immunity is decided by parents themselves together with a pediatrician.

Antiviral drugs to increase immunity in children with interferons and drugs stimulating their formation

Antiviral drugs are very often used by parents very thoughtlessly. They have the greatest effectiveness in the very first days of a viral disease. The use of such drugs for prevention is pointless.   Among the most popular can be distinguished:

  • Viferon. This drug contains human interferon and can be used even for newborn and premature babies, pregnant women. It has a pronounced immunomodulating effect. Available in the form of gel, ointment and rectal candles.


  • Grippferon. The drug is available in the form of a spray and drops in the nose. Prevents the propagation of viruses in the nasal passages. It can be used by pregnant women and children under 1 year old.


  • Anaferon. This antiviral agent gained wide popularity among parents of young children, especially with the start of going to kindergarten. Pediatricians write out this tool, including as preventive, to protect the body at the very peak of a colds of colds.


  • Arbidol. It can be prescribed for children older than 3 years for the treatment of influenza, as part of complex therapy in the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as a preventive agent to strengthen the body's protective forces.


  • Cycloferon. It is also a fairly popular antivirus agent that can be used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of influenza, acute respiratory infections. Significantly reduces the risk of complications.


  • Derinate. A fairly popular tool that has a wide range of application. It is produced in the form of drops that need to be buried in the nose (also used in ophthalmology). Derinat activates local immunity, is used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of acute respiratory infections.

Drugs to increase immunity in children of bacterial origin

Immunostimulating drugs of bacterial origin contain fragments of bacteria in their composition that cause certain diseases. Of course, there is no danger of infection with this disease when taking such drugs. But they form the body's resistance to infection in the future.

  • Broncho-Munal P. Released in the form of capsules. There are 2 types of broncho-munal, one of which is intended for children-P. broncho-munal can be used in the treatment of babies older than 6 months, but strictly after prescribing a doctor. The drug is designed to treat and eliminate the risk of a recediva of diseases such as bronchitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, influenza, etc.


  • Ribomunil. Immunostimulator, which can be used in the treatment of children over 6 months. It also acts as a prophylactic with a tendency to frequent diseases of the ENT organs.


Traditional medicine is an assistant in strengthening immunity in children

The means of traditional medicine are loved by many grandmothers, often used in the treatment of children, the most effective of them are transmitted from generation to generation. Almost every family has a “miracle tool” recipe, which can significantly accelerate recovery. In folk medicine, there are a huge number of herbs descriptions to increase immunity in children. But parents should not forget that any means of traditional medicine should be used with particular caution in the treatment of children. Some components of "folk medicines" can cause a strong allergic reaction in children. Therefore, before using this or that recipe, you should be 100% sure that your baby does not have allergies. Nevertheless, pediatricians are inclined to the assertion that the use of traditional medicine methods in the treatment of children under 5 years of age is unacceptable. So what can you give a child to increase immunity? Below we will list the most popular recipes from traditional medicine for prevention from diseases, i.e. To strengthen immunity:

  • a decoction of fresh apricots with the addition of raisins;
  • garlic;
  • onion;
  • tea with lemon or just lemon. It is better not to clean lemon from the peel, because It contains many useful substances;
  • aloe drink with the addition of honey. Honey to increase immunity in children is a rather old and proven tool. To prepare such a drink, which will have a general strengthening effect, you need to take 1 stoma, 150 grams of aloe juice and juice from 6 lemons. Aloe to increase immunity in children can become your indispensable assistant. Mix everything and store everything in the refrigerator;
  • rosehip decoction. Many parents have long been using rose hips to strengthen immunity to children. You can cook decoctions from it, add to tea;
  • a decoction of mountain ash;
  • tough with lemon cranberries. To do this, take 1 kg of cranberries and 2 lemon, scroll through a meat grinder, having previously got rid of the seeds. You can add honey to the resulting mixture. You can take 1 tbsp per day even to children;
  • cedar oil. Take 1/3 tsp 2 times a day. If the child’s chair changes, then reduce the norm;
  • wheat or rye bran, wrapped in boiling water.
  • "Vitamin mixture." To prepare such a mixture, you need to grind 1.5 st. Raisins, 1 tbsp of walnuts, half a glass of almonds and 2 lemon along with the peel. Add 0.5 tbsps of liquid honey to the resulting mixture and mix. Store the "vitamin mixture" in a dark place. You can give the child 1 tsp up to 3 times a day;
  • propolis with milk. Add a few drops of propolis to warm milk. The number of drops depends on the age of the child. Propolis is used to increase immunity in children from time immemorial;
  • "Vitamin infusion." To prepare an effective general strengthening agent, brew lingonberries, rosehip fruits and nettle leaves with boiling water, which will require 1 part. The course of taking this infusion is about 1 month for 1 cup per day;
  • ginger tea. Ginger to increase immunity in children is a frequent guest for many mothers. You can brew tea from the root of ginger by adding a lemon and honey there, and a healing drink is ready.


In conclusion. 10 useful tips on how to strengthen children's immunity

In order to summarize the information in the article, we will single out the most important tips for parents who want to strengthen the child's immunity:

  1. Make the child’s nutrition as diverse as possible, limit fried, sweet and flour. Enter the maximum of fresh vegetables and fruits into the diet. High -quality and healthy products to increase immunity in children are of tremendous importance.
  2. Juices, infusions of herbs and water. The child must receive a sufficient amount of fluid. Refuse store juices that contain a lot of sugar, and give preference to freshly squeezed. Various herbal teas to increase immunity in children are very effective, especially in the cold season.
  3. Vitamin-mineral complexes. When choosing vitamins for a child, a determining factor should not be a price or beautiful packaging. Give preference to well -known manufacturers who have earned the trust of customers. Always buy vitamin complexes designed for the age of your child.
  4. Take medications to increase immunity strictly in agreement with the doctor. A rash intake of such strong drugs can even seriously jam the child’s immunity.
  5. Minimize stressful situations for the child. Any cry, punishment, including verbal, is stress for a child. Talk more with him and bring to serious "adult" conversations.
  6. Do not wrap the child. When choosing winter clothing, for example, pay attention to modern materials that perfectly hold the heat of the human body and do not allow to sweat. Get rid of the habit of wrapping a child with a scarf in such a way when he closes his mouth or even nose.
  7. Cool the child from an early age. Everyone knows about hardening power, but for some reason only a few are introduced into practice with their own children. Start small - let the child begin to take air baths at least a few minutes a day, wash the hands with cool water, etc.
  8. Walk more often on the street. Nature has no bad weather. In the fresh air, blood is enriched with oxygen, tension is removed and mood improves.
  9. Start charging with the child. This vigorous start of the day will charge with energy and set up on a fruitful day.
  10. Make your child laugh. No matter how trite it sounds, but laughter prolongs life. Create as many positive emotions as possible for the child. May your children be healthy!


Nathalie 19.11.2017 Answer

I rub out a sea buckthorn with sugar, give a teaspoon per day. Rosehip broth also likes. But all the same in winter, this is not enough with our sometimes poor-quality food and without a balanced and selected vitamin complex of the Baby type vitamin complex.

Anastasia 19.12.2018 Answer

When the child begins to weaken, especially in the autumn periods, friends advised her daughter to give "Baby formula of the bear immunity." It is valuable, as part of rosehips and sea buckthorn, just thanks to them the immunity is well strengthened, it is convenient that they are in the form of chewing plates, the child does not suspect that he drinks vitamins)

Karina 28.05.2019 Answer

Very useful mixture of nuts, honey and dried apricots. Still effectively protect the body from the effects of viruses syrup Alpic. Our pediatrician advised us last year. Since that time, my daughter does not get sick at all.

Elena 23.09.2019 Answer

A couple of months after the birth of a child. She began to drip Derinat to her son. Why? Yes, it’s impossible to just go through the street on a walk, so that someone would not cough or sneeze. At the moment I use it to prevent ARVI, to protect against viruses, so as not to get sick. And then there are so many patients around that you can pick up anything. You can’t insure children from microbes, but Derinat helps us, thank God the baby is not sick yet and is growing now, and is gaining strength.

Anonymous 23.09.2019 Answer

A couple of months after the birth of a child. She began to drip Derinat to her son. Why? Yes, it’s impossible to just go through the street on a walk, so that someone would not cough or sneeze. At the moment I use it to prevent ARVI, to protect against viruses, so as not to get sick. And then there are so many patients around that you can pick up anything. You can’t insure children from microbes, but Derinat helps us, thank God the baby is not sick yet and is growing now, and is gaining strength.
