
How to prepare Cordon Blue at home. Step-by-step recipes Cordon Blue with a photo

How to prepare Cordon Blue at home. Step-by-step recipes Cordon Blue with a photo
The article presents a classic recipe for cooking Cordon Blue with step-by-step photos from veal, as well as simple recipes from chicken and pork dishes.

Cordon Blue is a classic high kitchen dish, which cannot be attributed to everyday food. Although it is present in the menu of almost every restaurant in many countries, in the home atmosphere it is always a festive dish. Prepare Cordon Blue may not everyone. But if you like to cook, you can create a culinary masterpiece in your kitchen.

Cordon Blue - What is this High Kitchen Dish

  • First of all, Cordon Blue is a method of cooking meat, which is served by one large piece. Based on this, the meat can be any. The only thing that remains unchanged is a filling.
  • Some Cordon Blue resembles a simple cutlet in breading. But the whole secret is hiding inside under the golden crust. Already on the first touch with a knife, the creamy cheese will begin to flow smoothly, and the juicy filling is striking with its taste.
  • The dish consists of an outer meat shell, stuffing is prepared from ham with cheese. Most often, Cordon Blue is served in a creamy sauce, but modern hostesses prefer to use tomato sauce and blanched vegetables.
  • Traditionally, Cordon Blue is considered a classic French cuisine and is translated as a "blue ribbon". Of course, nothing with the ribbon and blue dish has no common. This is due to the fact that Louis XV gave blue ribbon to the cook, which prepared the most delicious dish on the holiday. Or there is another version - Cordon Blue received a tape as a reward for victory in a culinary competition.
  • Despite the rich history and attitude towards the high kitchen, every mistress will be able to master the dish of his cooking.

Cordon Blue - from which the secrets of the recipe is prepared

  • Classical recipe execution involves the use of veal. For the main layer in Cordon Blue, cutting is most often taken. Ham is added as a filling and solid grade cheese. A special feature of the Schnitzel is a golden crust that is achieved by frying. It is with a veal dish with a juicy.
  • To make a dish more gentle, some chefs use chicken or turkey. But in this case, you should carefully treat the cooking process not to cut meat.
  • The main condition for the use of meat - it must necessarily be fresh, without cartilagers and streaks. It is also allowed to cook a dish of pork.
  • The filling worst into meat in several ways. If you have a small piece of meat, then it makes an incision in the form of a pocket. Then it is filled with stuffing and closes. A large piece of meat is cut by layers, knocks off. The filling is located between two layers of meat or simply wraps in the form of a roll. Each hostess itself chooses a way to prepare Cordon Blue.
  • To get the original taste of the dish, you need to use Swiss solid cheese varieties Emmental with a spicy-sweet taste or Gruyer with a nut aftertaste. Such cheeses shade the taste of meat. You can replace cheese on any other, but necessarily solid varieties.
  • The ham must be ferocked, without major pieces of meat. Smoked product reveals the taste of meat, especially if you use a chicken or turkey.
  • Preliminary marinization of meat is allowed, but only without adding bright spices to marinade. You can use soy sauce, olive oil and lemon.
  • For a golden crust, a triple breading is used. At the same time, crackers should be fine grinding and well dried, and the flour carefully sifted. Egg will additionally captures breading with meat.
  • Since spices are not used in the stuffing, they must be added to breading. At the same time, it is thoroughly whipped so that seasonings are evenly distributed in the mixture.
  • You will succeed in the crispy crust, if you add solid cheese, grated on a small grater. To panicing evenly covered meat, finished schnitzels put in the freezer for 10-15 minutes and only then proceed to roasting them.
  • Before frying Cordon Blue, heat the pan and thoroughly warm herbal oil. During the roasting, try to turn the cutlet as much as possible. For uniform cooking meat, the frying pan must be covered with a lid during the frying dishes. Or bring it until readiness in the oven.

How to cook classic cordon blue veal

Before proceeding with Cordon Blue dishes, you need to learn how to prepare a traditional recipe from veal clipping. Since such meat needs additional heat treatment, it is necessary to fry it for a long time or extinguished in the oven.

Ingredients and recipe tools:

  • 1 kg. calf clipping;
  • 4 Slice of solid cheese;
  • 4 pieces of ham;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 150 g. Bread and breadcrumbs;
  • salt, pepper and other spices;
  • vegetable oil for roasting;
  • toothpicks for fastening meat;
  • food film and culinary hammer.

Preparation formulation:

  • For the recipe, Cordon Blue Beef is best to take only fresh. Frozen meat will not work fine and wrapped with a roll. Cutting with paper towels, doinched streaks and excess fat. Meat cut into thin slices.
  • Cutting board with a food film. At the top of it, put a piece of meat and close another layer of the film. At the same time, try to pull the film strongly to avoid folds on it.

  • Culinary hammer bulk swept the meat. So you reduce the thickness of the steak and increase the size of the first layer for the schnitzel. But work carefully not to break meat.

  • Remove the top layer of the film. The taste of the filtered meat is better, since his juice appeared. Thus, the meat in the dish is juicy.
  • From both sides, season meat. You can use for this only salt with black ground pepper. Hand wrap the spices in meat and leave it for 10-15 minutes to miss.

  • Cut the ham slices. Their thickness must be no more than 0.5 cm. Thick ham will not be able to evenly wrap and break. Too big pieces do trust in the size of the steak.

  • Place the ham on top of a piece of meat. If the length you did not have enough product, then cut another slice. You have meat must be completely covered with ham.

  • Solid cheese cut into thin slices and lay out the ham on top. Since the cheese is melted, you can put a few stripes on meat, but only throughout its surface.

  • Stuffing is ready, now it is necessary to wrap meat. Start it from one of the narrow edges of the steak.

  • Try to wrap steak as close as possible. Since during cooking products are horrong and if you wish freely, then the dish is cavities.

  • To cordon blue with ham and cheese, it turns out during cooking, edges fasten with sparecrows. Try to switch them as deep as possible. So they will not fall during frying.

  • The finished schnitzel must be addressed. For this edge, cut a sharp knife for this, so you do not break the meat. Do not worry that the cheese will follow during the frying, due to the breading it will not happen.

  • Rinse eggs in running water with detergent and break into a separate container. Add spices to them. The amount of salt is adjustable, since you additionally spilled meat.

  • Wear eggs with a fork. At this stage, you do not need to use a mixer, as it will make a lot of lush.

  • Prepare breadcrumbs. They should be well dried. If you want to get a uniform panning with a dish, then crush the crush as much as possible. You can also use a large crumb, but then it will create a lumen on meat.
  • Pulk the meat rolls into the egg. Try to cover them the entire surface of meat. To do this, completely immerse the schnitzel in the egg and turn it over with your hands on the other side.

  • Immediately put the cordon blue on the breadcrumbs. Scroll through the meat as well. Make sure that you have a uniform bedding layer.

  • Prepare all the steaks in this way and put them in the freezer for 10 minutes. So the breading will not lag behind meat during frying.

  • Then projection. It is best to use a frying pan with a non-stick coating, but you can also take the cast-iron dishes. Well warm the pan, pour any vegetable oil and let him warm up. This action will not give a fatty film on Schnitel.

  • Carefully shift the cordon blue into a frying pan. If it allows the surface of the dishes, then burn several pieces at once. So you make the same root of all the kitlet.

  • During frying, try to turn the meat as much as possible. But at the same time, make sure that they are not burned.

  • Do not forget to delight the side parts of the roll, as the meat is wrapped in several layers.

  • Finish the preparation of cordon blue is needed in the oven. Preheat it up to 180 degrees. Roasted cutlets put on a leaf for baking and prepare about 15 minutes.

  • Remove the schnitzels from the oven, cool slightly and do not forget to get the toothpicks from meat.

  • Before serving on the table, cut the rolls with slices. Use cordon blue need in warm form.

How to cook cordon blue chicken with cream sauce

To give a delicate taste of a dish, experienced cooks use chicken meat. But with this, it is more gentle than veal or pork. Therefore, it is necessary to work with it carefully and carefully monitor the baked temperature so that the meat remains juicy.

Products for cordon blue:

  • 6 pcs. chicken breasts without bones;
  • 12 ham slices;
  • 300 g. Solid cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. Wheat flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. breadcrumbs;
  • 6 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Ingredients for sauce:

  • 1 pache. butter;
  • 2 garlic slices;
  • 3 pcs. whole cloves;
  • 1 tbsp. Fat cream;
  • 1 tbsp. Parmesan solid cheese;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Muskarpone cheese.


  • First you need to cook Cordon Blue. Chicken breasts need to be discussed from excess moisture and cut into 2 parts along a piece. Each half bulk the hammer. In order not to damage meat, cover it with a food film or package.

  • Since the chicken breast has a different size, then try to make a piece of the same thickness. To do this, start to beat the hammer from the largest plots, gradually moving to the edge of meat.

  • Eggs break into the bowl, take the fork. Completely plunge into it and sprinkle with spices on both sides. The egg will make meat softer and additionally connect the layers of the stuffing among themselves.

  • Cheese cut into thin slices and put on a chicken. Hold it in the center of a piece so that he melts uniformly inside the schnitzel.

  • Top of cheese to put the ham, which you need to cut as thinly as possible. It must completely close the meat piece.

  • Carefully turn the chicken into the tube. Watch the stuffing very tight to get layers inside the cutlets. If you want, then secure meat with toothpicks. Freeze chicken rolls.

  • For breading, seek flour, crush crush. Each ingredient decompose into separate containers. In half an hour, get meat out of the freezer, plunge it first into the flour, then into the egg and only then in the crush. Put the schnitzels in the freezer for 10 minutes again.

  • To make a crispy crust of golden color, you need to make three bedding layers. To do this, repeat the procedure for applying flour, egg mixture with crumbs and freezing.

  • While the meat is cooled, heals the oven up to 200 degrees. This recipe for cooking Cordon Blue involves the use of only oven. Pre-fry meat in a frying pan does not need.
  • Put ready rolls on parchment for baking, lubricate on top of melted creamy oil. So the crust on the shinieces will be ruddy.

  • Put the Cordon Blue in the oven for 30-40 minutes, depending on the thickness of the rolls. But at the same time control the inner coating temperature of meat with the thermometer. It should not exceed 75 degrees.

  • Meanwhile, cook sauce. Creamy oil melt on a water bath or in a microwave. It must have a transparent color.

  • Pour it into the scenery Add the carnation and sliced \u200b\u200bgarlic slices. Put the container on slow fire and negotiate garlic until golden color. Then straighten the oil to remove the spices.

  • Add Mascarpone to hot oil and thoroughly stir it up to a homogeneous consistency.

  • Dog fire to a minimum mark, pour room temperature cream oil. If you add cold cream, they will quickly curl. It will not only spoil the taste of the sauce, but also will change its color.

  • Constantly stirring the mixture, warm the cream, but do not allow their boils. Cheese Stodit on the grater and in small portions, enter to the oil-cream mixture. Still sauce to thickening.

  • A creamy sauce, like cordon bleu must be fed to the table in the form of heat. At first pour plate 3 tbsp. l. sauce, then lay out the schnitzel. Also you can use a bechamel sauce dish.

How to cook a chicken cordon bleu lazy way

Modern housewives like to use recipes that require no effort on their preparation must be pressed for time. Cordon Bleu Chicken with cheese and ham can be done in a simpler way - in the form of baking.

Ingredients for the filling:

  • 1 whole chicken;
  • 250 g of honey ham;
  • 250 g of cheese.

for breading products:

  • 1.5 cups breadcrumbs;
  • 4 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 0.5 h. L. turmeric, or any other seasonings;
  • 1.5 h. chopped parsley.

Ingredients for sauce:

  • 4 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 4 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 3 tbsp. milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Dijon mustard;
  • ¾ h. L. rock salt;
  • ½ h. L. washed-dry paprika;
  • ¼ h. L. crushed white pepper.


  • Boil chicken, remove the bones and skin. The meat cut into small pieces. You can use the recipe chicken raw, but only increase the cooking time.
  • Ham cut into large pieces. You can not stick to the same size pieces, because it is already in finished form, and she did not have time to cook.

  • Grease a baking dish with butter. Do not use for cooking parchment. Since cordon bleu will look like in a casserole, then you will be uncomfortable to get a dish with the sauce.

  • On the bottom of the mold lay out an even layer of the chicken pieces.

  • She lay on top of sliced \u200b\u200bham. Try to evenly distribute the product in the form that the layers get the same size.

  • Hard cheese cut into thin slices of ham cover them. It must be put in such a way to maximize close all layers casseroles.

  • Prepare a sauce with béchamel. In a saucepan, place the butter and melt it over low heat. Sift the flour and enter to oil 1 tbsp. l., stirring the mixture constantly. Boil the flour until golden brown. Follow this process to not to burn the mixture.

  • Then pour in cold milk in a thin stream and continue to interfere with the gravy. When it begins to thicken, add the juice of half lemon. Stir the mixture again. At this stage, add spices: mustard, white pepper, salt and wig. Sauce Mix until homogenous and then bring it to the boil and take off with the plate.

  • When the sauce cools a little, completely pour it into the shape of ham, cheese and chicken. Put the shape on a flat surface so that the liquid is evenly distributed along the bottom.

  • Bread must be prepared by a special way. In a saucepan, melink the butter, mix it with breadcrumbs. Add spice and greens to the mixture.

  • Mix the bread down thoroughly. At this stage it must be salted, but note that the ham is a little salty. Therefore, correctly define the number of seasonings.

  • A mixture of breaded superstars and oils distribute in shape with products. It will be the last layer in Chicken Cordon Blue.

  • Bake the dish 25-30 minutes before the formation of a golden crust. At the same time, the sauce must completely thicken.

  • Serve cordon blue need portion along with sauce. A total of the specified amount of products you will have 8 servings.

How to make cordon blue from chicken fillet pocket

If you can't beat meat and then turn the rolls from it, then make cordon blue in the form of pocket with filling. Prepare a dish in such a way can only be made of fresh meat. The best chicken breast is best.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • 4 things. chicken breast without skin;
  • 60 g. Swiss cheese;
  • 60 g. Smoked ham;
  • 3 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 0.5 Art. Bread and breadcrumbs.


  • Turn the oven and warm it up to 200 degrees. Chicken breasts to dry with paper towels. On each piece it is necessary to make a longitudinal incision. But at the same time, try not to hurt the side parts of the breast. So you will have a deep pocket for the filling.

  • Solid cheese soda on a grater, hamper with thin stripes. Stir them in a separate container and fill the chicken breast. So that the filling was kept inside, secure the meat with toothpicks.

  • Bread crushers are drying in a microwave, pour them into a large flat dish. Each piece of meat dip in the cruck from all sides. Then put in the freezer for 30 minutes and again apply a layer of crumbs.

Advice. If you want to prehell to fry meat, then use breading with flour, egg and breadcrumbs. Alternately dip the chicken in each ingredient and prepare on a well-hot frying pan.

  • Place the Cordon Blue cutlets into the dressing form and put it in the oven for 20-30 minutes before the formation of a golden crust on meat. Before serving, do not forget to get a toothpick of chicken.

How to cook rolls cordon blue pork

To get a more raw dish, use pork in the recipe. You will need a little more time on her cooking than for chicken. Since the meat should have a homogeneous structure, it is better to take the blue clipping cordon for pork cordon.

Pork Schnitzel Products:

  • 1.3 kg. meat;
  • 8 smoked ham slices;
  • 8 solutions of solid cheese;
  • 3 pcs. large eggs;
  • 150 g. Flour of the highest grade;
  • 150 g. Suhares for breading;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt, spices for your taste;
  • wood spanks.

Recipe Cordon Blue with step-by-step photo:

  • Slide a piece of meat, dried with kitchen towels. Excess fat and veins remove the knife. Cut meat into two stages. Its slices should contain a fold in the center so that the meat is easily folded in half.
  • The thickness of the piece should not exceed 1 cm. First sharpen the meat by one third from the top. Then slightly turn the knife towards the main part of the piece. Cut meat at an angle. Then continue to cut it, but now on the contrary. As a result, you should get in the middle a slight deepening on the one hand, and on the other - the convex seam.

  • Each piece will get similar to the butterfly wings. Put the meat with a deepening down on the cutting board and take off the kitchen hammer.

  • Salt with spices mix and apply on meat on both sides. Hands evenly distribute seasonings over the entire surface.

  • At each piece, put the cheese slice strictly in the center, to put the ham the same size as cheese. Roll in half. Make sure that it does not go beyond the edges of meat, otherwise the cheese with ham will nourish during frying.

  • Wrap the second part of the meat slice from above and secure the toothpicks, as shown in the photo of the billet for cordon blue.

  • Prepare four flat plates. Put flour into one of them, add salt and spices to it. Mix the mixture well. In a separate container, sculpt the eggs and pour them into the second plate. You will need the third dishes for breadcrumbs for breading, which are pre-dry.

  • For breading, first scroll through the meat in flour on all sides, then plunge into the egg and only then into the bread crumb. Check that meat is evenly covered with breading. Finished schnitzels put on the fourth pure plate.

  • The pan is well warmed and pour vegetable oil. It should be well hot and in sufficient quantities, as the panning will absorb its large part. Fry Cordon Blue from pork for 6 minutes on each side.

  • Finished cutlets put on paper towels, they will absorb excess fat from the surface of meat. When you fry all the schnitzels, bring them in the oven. Prepare pork schnitzels for 15-20 minutes at 170 degrees.

  • Serve dish is only in warm form. If you wish, you can sprinkle cordon blue lemon juice.

Unusual version Cordon Blue from minced

Modern hostesses love to prepare variations on famous dishes. Cordon Blue did not exception. No less appetizing crust is obtained from a stuffing schnitzel, and the original filling gives the dish of spikes.

Prepare such products:

  • 0.5 kg. chicken fillet without skin;
  • 200 g. Boiled ham;
  • 200, Swiss cheese;
  • 2 pcs. eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. breadcrumbs;
  • 2 slices of bread;
  • 0.5 Art. milk;
  • spices to taste.


  • Softening bread in milk. Rinse the chicken, dry the kitchen towel and grind in a blender. Put minced stuffing in deep container. Drive eggs to him, add spices and bread.

  • Mix well mix. If the mass turned out to be liquid, then add bread more. Machine cutlets must keep shape.

  • Wet your hands, take a little minced meat, roll the ball out of it. Then press it slightly so that you get a pellet. In the center lay out a slice of cheese and ham.

  • Wrap the stuffing stuffing. Make sure that the meat is evenly distributed around it.

  • Finished cutlets dip in breadcrumbs. They must cover the mince from all sides and have the same layer, otherwise you will not get an appetizing crust.

  • Fry cordon blue from two sides before the appearance of golden color. At the same time, install fire at the middle level.

Now you know how to prepare Cordon Blue not only by classic recipe, but also a lazy way. To get the original taste, strictly follow these recipes and then guests will ask you supplements. Bon Appetit!

Another recipe for delicious Cordon Blue Look at the video:


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