
How to cook vegetable cutlets in a pan, in the oven, steamed, in a slow cooker. Recipes of delicious vegetable cutlets at home - step by step with photo

How to cook vegetable cutlets in a pan, in the oven, steamed, in a slow cooker. Recipes of delicious vegetable cutlets at home - step by step with photo
In the article you will find a few simple but delicious step -by -step recipes of vegetable cutlets. You can cook which you can not only in a pan, but also in the oven, as well as in a slow cooker.

Vegetable cutlets seem to many of a tasteless dish and inappropriate in the home menu. But they can be not only childish and dietary. You can diversify the taste when adding meat or fish minced meat, as well as combining vegetables among themselves. After all, there are such a large number of recipes, among which each housewife will find the most delicious for herself.

Vegetable cutlets - Principles of cooking

  • In the kitchen you can prepare the simplest recipes for vegetable cutlets, which consist of carrots, beets, onions, tsukini or even pumpkin. But the most popular of vegetables are potatoes and white cabbage.
  • To get a fragrant crust, it is customary to fry cutlets. This preparation option is considered the most delicious. Dietary recipes and children's menu involves another cooking technology: steamed and in the oven. If you choose the right recipe, then such dishes will be no less tasty than vegetable cutlets in a pan.
  • Vegetables are pre -chopped. The cutting method will depend on what consistency you want to get a vegetable minced meat. Spices, eggs for fastening masses, as well as flour or panning crackers are added to it. Some housewives use semolina instead of flour.
  • Products for vegetable cutlets They can be used both raw and after heat treatment. Cabbage and beets are pre -boiled. The bitterness is necessarily removed from the eggplant and they are either fried or blanched in boiling water.
  • You can cook vegetable cutlets equally tasty from not only one type of vegetable. You can supplement the taste if you mix products and use fragrant spices.

How to cook vegetable cutlets without eggs

The main vegetable, which is most often used for cooking cutlets, is cabbage. On its basis, delicious and nutritious dishes are obtained. If you exclude eggs in the recipe, then such cutlets will become a frequent guest from those who are on a diet. So that the mass does not break up, you should clearly adhere to the specified recipe.

Prepare the such ingredients:

  • white cabbage - 1 kg.;
  • wheat flour and semolina - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • dill, parsley, etc. Greens - 1 Puch.;
  • cleaned garlic - 1 slice;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • crackers for panning.

How to cook cabbage cutlets:

  • Wash cabbage in running water, remove the upper leaves. Cut in large pieces, then lower it into boiling water and boil the vegetable for 10-15 minutes. In this case, the leaves should purchase a transparent shade.
  • Gently take out the cabbage, cool and grind in a meat grinder. You can use a blender, as this recipe needs minor minced meat. After that, squeeze the mass well with your hands and transfer it to a separate container.
  • Clean the dry onion of the husk, cut in parts and pass through the meat grinder. Together with juice, add to the cabbage. Rinse and dry the greens, then finely cut and transfer to the minced meat. Put chopped garlic on it.
  • See you flour so as not to add baking powder and mix with semolina. Pour the mixture to the minced meat. At this stage, it is necessary to season the mass and salt.
  • With wet hands, form small cutlets. To get a crust, roll them in breadcrumbs.
  • Pour the pan with a thick bottom well, pour vegetable oil. When it becomes hot, fry the vegetable cutlets until golden crust appears. It is not worth holding the dish for a long time, since the cabbage was previously cooked.
  • To remove excess oil from the cutlets, after frying, use a thick base paper towels. Put them to paper, then turn them over after a few seconds and then put them on a plate for serving.

How to cook vegetable cutlets for a couple

Useful cutlets from vegetables are also tasty. You can cook them not only in a pan, but also steamed. This recipe can be used for the children's menu. You do not need any special skills and skills.

Recipe ingredients:

  • medium -sized beets - 1 pc.;
  • raw potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • raw carrots - 1 pc.;
  • manki - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • snums, prunes, salt, spices - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Rinse the carrots, peel. Grate the vegetable finely. Set aside for a few minutes to glass juice. Then squeeze the pulp well with your hands. In the same way, prepare the beets.
  • Peel the onion, cut into very small parts or grind in a meat grinder. In a large container, put all the vegetables together, mix.
  • Pour the semolina with boiling water for a couple of seconds, then transfer to the vegetables. It can be replaced with flour of any kind, but only be sure to sift.
  • Rinse the potatoes thoroughly and bake in the oven with the peel or boil. After cooking, cool, remove the peel and grate. It is not necessary to grind it in mashed potatoes, since the rest of the vegetables are prepared in the form of pieces.
  • If you use prunes in the recipe, then steal it first. After a few minutes, put on a paper towel. Cut the product in very small parts and add to the vegetable minced meat. Now the mass should be salt and seasoned with your favorite spices.
  • Slightly wet your hands with water, form balls from a mixture of vegetables. Since the dish will be steamed, you should not use a breading. Sprinkle the cutlets with sesame seeds instead.
  • You can cook vegetable cutlets at home both in a double boiler and in a slow cooker in the "steaming" mode. The readiness time on the choice of technology does not depend. In total, you will need 25 minutes.
  • Steam cutlets from vegetables in warm form are served, watered on top with sour cream sauce. Instead, you can also use a tomato gas station.

How to cook fish vegetable cutlets

Among the variety of fish and vegetable cutlets, the leading place occupies white fish dishes. In order for the meat to remain juicy, you need to add zucchini. Potatoes will help to give a delicate taste.

Recipe ingredient list:

  • white fish fillet - 700 gr.;
  • medium -sized zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • raw potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • dry bow - 1 pc.;
  • wheat bran - 4 tbsp. l;
  • soybean sauce is classic - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • vegetable oil - for cooking;
  • sea salt and seasonings to taste.

Squeare of actions:

  • Cut the fish fillet from excess fat and carefully examine the meat for the presence of bones. Finely chop or pass through a meat grinder. Since there are no eggs in the recipe, so that the cutlets do not break up during frying, beat the minced meat well.
  • The zucchini is best to take young, as it has a delicate pulp and does not need to remove the peel. If you use a fruit with a thick skin, then it should be cleaned. Grate the vegetable on the smallest grater. Drain the juice or squeeze the pulp with your hands, then combine with the fish.
  • Peel the potatoes and grind. But it should be prepared in another way. Pour the vegetable with cold water. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Then put on paper towels. When the excess fluid is absorbed, transfer the potatoes to fish and zucchini. In this way, you will remove excess starch from the vegetable.
  • Mix wheat or any other bran with soy sauce. When the mass swells slightly, transfer to the minced meat. Sell \u200b\u200bit and add seasonings. The mixture should be mixed very thoroughly so that all the ingredients are evenly distributed along the minced meat.
  • Make small hands fish cutlets and vegetables. For panning you can use semolina or wheat bran. Fry cutlets in well -heated oil until crust appears. In order for the fish to prepare, cover the pan with a lid during the frying of the second side of the cutlets.


How to cook dietary vegetable cutlets

Vegetable cutlets are not only a lean dish, but also hearty. You can diversify it even with fruits and flax seeds. So you get healthy cutlets with a spicy taste. As a side dish, semolina porridge is well suited for such an unusual dish.

It is recommended to take such products:

  • raw beets - 300 g.;
  • apple of sweet varieties - 200 g.;
  • sanny cereal - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • small grouse oatmeal - 3 tbsp. L.;
  • flax seeds - 2 tsp;
  • sesame and sugar - a pinch;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • olive oil for frying.

How to cook vegetable cutlets:

  • For this recipe, beets should be thoroughly washed and boiled in salted water until finished. Cool the vegetable, then peel and grate.
  • Wash the apple, dry with paper towels and also grate. If the skin is soft, then it can be left. Otherwise, the peel is cut off. Otherwise, it will spoil the taste of the finished dish. Combine the fruit with beets.
  • Oatmeal and semolina do not need to be soaked first. Pour them to the minced meat in a dry form. Salt immediately and add any spices to your taste. Mix the mass thoroughly.
  • Linen seeds also do not need preliminary preparation. Pour them to the vegetables and knead the minced meat again. Leave it alone for 20-30 minutes. During this time, a flake with flakes will have time to swell.
  • Form cutlets from the vegetable mass. Do it with wet hands to get a flat surface. Sprinkle them with semolina or wheat flour on top.
  • Warm up the pan well, pour 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. When it heats up, shift the cutlets to fry for 3 minutes at an average temperature. Then turn over and after 2 minutes pour a little boiling water and cover the container with a lid. Put the dish for about 10 minutes.
  • It is necessary to serve vegetable cutlets with an apple with sesame seeds. From above you can pour them with sour cream.

How to cook lean vegetable cutlets

During fasting, you should not give up delicious dishes. Vegetable cutlets are suitable for a lean menu. You can strengthen their aroma with dill and garlic. In order for the mass to keep the shape during cooking, remove excess fluid from vegetables as much as possible.

Recipe Product List:

  • white cabbage - 1 kg.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • semolina - 100 g.;
  • wheat flour - 100 g.;
  • cleaned garlic - 3 tooth.;
  • fresh dill - 3 tbsp. L.;
  • frying oil - 5 tbsp. L.;
  • paning crackers - 7 tbsp. L.;
  • salt and black pepper - to taste.

Description of cooking technology:

  • Prepare all the ingredients. Clean the cabbage from the upper leaves, rinse. Remove the husk from the bow, measure the rest of the bulk products for the dish.
  • Cut the cabbage into large pieces, remove the middle and transfer to a deep pan. Pour it with cold water, put on the stove and cook for 10 minutes. Increase cooking time when using varieties of cabbage with a dense sheet, for example, "aggressor".
  • After the specified time, drain boiling water from cabbage and lay it in a colander. So the excess fluid is draining. When the vegetable has cooled, grind it in any way convenient for you. You can even use a blender. Then squeeze the mass well from the juice.
  • Grate on onions on a coarse grater. If you prefer smaller pieces of vegetable in cutlets, then move it along with cabbage. Mix onion together, chopped greens with garlic and spices.
  • Such an ingredient as flour can be used of any variety and type. The main thing is to sift it to enrich the powder with oxygen. So the cutlets will turn out lush. Mix it with Manka and pour it to the cabbage. Mix the mass thoroughly.
  • Dry the breadcrumbs in a dry pan or in the oven. Then mix with black ground pepper or paprika. You can also add small salt to them. With such components, panning will turn out to be fragrant and tasty.
  • Give the cutlets the shape with your wet hands, then pan it each. Fry them in hot oil, which should be taken refined. So the smell and taste of vegetable oil will not go to the dish.


How to cook vegetable cutlets in the oven

Of course, the easiest way to fry vegetable cutlets in a pan. Many people like crispy crust. But the taste of the dish will not change if you cook it in the oven. In this case, you will not get a roasting crust, but the cutlets will become dietary.

List of products for 4 portions:

  • fresh zucchini - 0.5 pcs.;
  • raw potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • raw carrots - 1 pc.;
  • dry bow - 0.5 pcs.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc .;
  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp. L.;
  • solid cheese - 50 g.;
  • dill, garlic and spices with salt - to taste.

Method of preparing vegetable cutlets:

  • Prepare all the ingredients right away. Rinse the zucchini and remove the skin from it. Peel the bow with potatoes and carrots, put in cold water. Cut the bell pepper along, remove the stalk and rinse from the seeds. Dry ingredients measure.
  • Grate the zucchini on a coarse grater and squeeze well. Grind the carrots with potatoes and add to the zucchini. Sweet pepper with onions should be finely chopped, then connected to the rest of the vegetables.
  • Peel the garlic, pass through the garlic. Mix with greens and spices, then transfer to the vegetable minced meat. Mix thoroughly.
  • Solid cheese should be rubbed on a coarse grater, shifted to vegetables. Drive the egg on top. Salt the mixture, season and stir. Lastly, add sifted flour.
  • Since the mass will not be thick enough to form cutlets, use dessert molds. It can be metal forms or silicone for cupcakes. Lubricate each of them with any vegetable oil, but without smell.
  • Gently fill them with a vegetable mixture. If you want to get a light crust, sprinkle the bottom with semolina. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and bake vegetable cutlets for 20-25 minutes.
  • Then take out the sheet, let the potato and vegetable cutlets cool right in them. The dish is removed easily, while you get the original shape of the cutlet.

How to cook vegetable cutlets from zucchini

The zucchini has delicate pulp, so it is often used by housewives to make cutlets from vegetables. Eggplant also has a soft structure, but with a more saturated taste. Therefore, these two products are well combined with each other.

Components for the recipe:

  • zucchini and eggplant in purified form - 150 g.;
  • flour with bran - 150 g.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc .;
  • hard cheese - 80 g.;
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt - 1 tsp;
  • breadcrumbs - 50 g.;
  • garlic in dried form - 1 tsp.;
  • greens and spices - to taste.

The process of making cutlets from zucchini:

  • Since eggplant flesh quickly darkens, it must be prepared last. Rinse the zucchini, remove the skin. This vegetable is very watery, so after cutting it with a cube, let it stand for 15-20 minutes. After that, drain the juice that appears, and squeeze the pulp.
  • Grate hard cheese, shift to zucchini. Measure the rest of the ingredients. Now the time has come for eggplant. Wash the vegetables, peel. Cut the pulp with a cube, the same size with zucchini. Fold in a large container and salt well. Let it stand for 5-10 minutes, then throw it on a colander and rinse with cold water. Wait until the whole liquid is merged. Squeeze with your hands and connect with zucchini. So you will remove the bitterness from the pulp.
  • In vegetable minced meat, fill the flour, which should first be sift. Add to a mass of spices, crushed greens and salt.
  • Paning crackers should be added to the dough, and not use it as a breading. Mix the minced meat thoroughly. After that, drive the egg and knead the mass again with a spatula.
  • Unlike most recipes, these cutlets should be baked in the oven. Put the culinary parchment on the baking sheet, grease it on top with refined vegetable oil. Wet your hands and form cutlets from minced meat.
  • Put them on a baking sheet. Make a small distance between the cutlets so that the hot air evenly cooks them. Additionally, you do not need to pan cutlets. But you, if you want, then sprinkle them with flour or sesame seeds.
  • Bake the dish in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees. But the cutlets must be turned over after 10 minutes of cooking and bake them for another 7 minutes. Before serving, take out the dish from the oven and let it cool for about 10 minutes.

How to cook vegetable cutlets in a slow cooker

Such healthy vegetable cutlets can not only be baked and frying in a pan. Many housewives appreciated the convenience of using a multicooker in the kitchen. Some recipes of lean dishes can be prepared in this technique.

It is recommended to take such ingredients:

  • raw beets - 300 g.;
  • dry bow - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 lobe;
  • sanny cereal - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • spices with salt - to taste;
  • flour or breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking beetroot cutlets:

  • Beets in the recipe are used in boiled form. Therefore, first boil it until cooked in salted water with bay leaf. To make the fruits quickly cooled, pour them with cold water. Then clean. For grinding, use a grater with small holes.
  • Peel onions, cut into a small cube. Turn on the slow cooker for the "Frying" or "Baking" mode, pour 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and fry the onion to a transparent color. Grind the garlic and pour into a multicooker bowl. Fry the mixture for another minute.
  • Turn the beets to the fried onion, mix the mass and fry it in a slow cooker for about 5 minutes. Then fill in the semolina and spices. Salt the minced meat, stir again and proceed to the formation of cutlets.
  • Put the finished cutlets on a cutting board, roll in panning crackers or semolina. Wipe the multicooker bowl with paper towels and turn on the "Frying" mode, set the time for 25 minutes.
  • Pour vegetable oil on the bottom, wait until it warms up. Fry cutlets on both sides with an open lid. So you will form a crust.
  • If you want to cook vegetable cutlets for children, then you should change the recipe a little. Onions do not need preliminary frying. It is added to boiled beets in raw form. Spices, like garlic, use only according to the age of the child.
  • The preparation method should also be replaced. Instead of frying, use the "steam cooking" mode. To do this, pour the purified water to the bottom of the bowl, install the tray on top of it. Sprinkle the formed cutlets with flour and put on the grille. Close the lid. Cook cutlets from vegetables for 15-20 minutes.

How to cook vegetable cutlets with broccoli

A product such as broccoli has an unusual taste. Because of it, most hostesses do not use the ingredient in dishes. But the product has a high content of vitamins and useful components. Try to combine it with such a familiar cauliflower. Vegetable cutlets from it and broccoli will turn out very tasty.

Products that you need 4 portions:

  • broccoli and cauliflower - 300 g each;
  • dry bow - 1 pc.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc .;
  • sanny cereal - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • wheat flour - 1.5 tbsp. L.;
  • salt, black pepper - 0.5 tsp.

Preparation technology:

  • Disassemble the colored cabbage and broccoli to the inflorescences, thoroughly rinse from possible contaminants. Put a pan with water on the fire, bring to a boil, salt. Blanch 2 types of cabbage in boiling water for about 10 minutes. If you have cabbage in a frozen form, then previously defrost it at room temperature.
  • Clean onions, finely cut. Fry it over low heat with the addition of vegetable oil. In this case, the vegetable should purchase a golden color.
  • Grind the cabbage finely with a sharp knife. Do not use the product with a blender. Otherwise, you will receive a very liquid mass. Combine a passed onion with cabbage.
  • Mix the flour with a manka and spices, then pour it to the vegetable mass. Pull the egg, salt and mix thoroughly. Try to press the cabbage hard with a spatula, you should get the air texture of the cutlet.
  • Next, set the minced meat for vegetable cutlets for half an hour. This time is needed to swell semolina. In addition, so excess fluid will leave minced meat.
  • From the vegetable mass, make small cutlets. They should be fried in any vegetable oil until a crispy crust is obtained. This recipe can also be used to prepare a dish in the oven. In this case, bake cutlets for about 10-15 minutes, depending on the size.

How to cook meat and vegetable cutlets

Meat cutlets will purchase juiciness if you add vegetables to the minced meat. If you want to cook diet cutlets, then use a turkey. Although chicken-vegetable cutlets are no less tasty.

List of components for the recipe:

  • minced meat - 0.5 kg.;
  • raw potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • dry bow - 2 pcs.;
  • a medium -sized egg - 1 pc.;
  • white bread - 50 g.;
  • milk - 150 ml.;
  • spices, sea salt and herbs - to taste.

How to cook vegetable meat with meat:

  • Products should be measured and prepared. Break off the minced meat or prepare yourself. For this recipe, you can use different types of meat in any proportion. This is at your discretion.
  • Heat milk and soak the crumb of bread in it. After 10-15 minutes, take it out, squeeze well, open it with your hands and shift to the minced meat.
  • Peel the potatoes with carrots, cut into pieces and pass through a meat grinder. With onion, do the same. Combine all the ingredients, add spices, crushed greens, salt. Then break the egg, pour in the meat mass and mix thoroughly.
  • With wet hands, give the cutlets the shape. If you wish, you can roll them in panning crackers with spices. Fry cutlets on both sides with a closed lid. Do not forget to first warm up the oil.

Vegetable cutlets - the secrets of the recipe

Based on the recipes presented, you can conclude that vegetable cutlets are not only healthy, but also tasty. Small tricks will help you facilitate the process of their preparation.

  • During frying, sometimes cutlets decay into parts. Simple adding an egg is often not enough. To exclude such a factor, the finished minced meat should be thoroughly mixed. Thus, achieve a homogeneous consistency.
  • For a slight formation of cutlets, the hand must be moistened with warm water. In this case, the meat should be squeezed to the center. So the blanks will not break up during heat treatment.
  • In order to give the patties a rosy crust, they must be tilted before frying in panning crackers. They must be dried before use. You can replace them with semolina or use wheat flour.
  • When preparing the dish, it is important that the cutlets do not become fat. To do this, the oil in which you are going to fry is well heated. But at the same time, it should not be too hot, otherwise the breading will begin to burn.
  • You can determine the desired oil temperature for frying with a simple experiment. A pinch of flour should be thrown into it and then observe it. If she immediately sank to the bottom, then the oil is still cold and is absorbed into the cutlets. The coating of grains with a black film indicates that the oil is too hot and the flour began to burn. The ideal state of the mass is when foam begins around the powder.
  • To preserve the maximum number of useful elements, cutlets should not be cooked for a long time. The time for fastening the egg is enough for the dish, since most of the vegetables can be eaten raw.
  • For the convenience of turning the dish in a pan during the preparation and exclusion of the appearance of faults, sculpt small cutlets.
  • Vegetable cutlets are well supplemented with various cream -based sauces. Instead, you can use sour cream and sprinkle with herbs on top.
  • Vegetable dishes can be consumed both hot and cold. If meat was not used in the recipe, then such a dish is perfect for dinner or snack.
  • Outwardly, vegetable cutlets look very appetizing, which is confirmed by numerous photos.

If you choose the right recipe and skillfully use spices, then vegetable cutlets will become the most favorite dish in your family. After all, they can not only supplement the side dish, but also be served separately. Bon appetit!

Dietary recipe for vegetable cutlets with turkey watch on the video



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