
How to say compliments

How to say compliments
Tips on how to make compliments to different people. Secrets and tricks in order to arrange people to themselves.

Everyone seeks to have a good relationship with the people around him. In particular, it concerns his relatives, friends, as well as the second halves. Therefore, the need to systematically speak to each other compliments are so important. And today we will consider the issues of why compliments are so important and how to do them correctly.

What is compliments


It is worth starting, perhaps, with what is actually a compliment. These are such a pleasant word spoke in the direction of the interlocutor, a flattering note, or a positive feedback, which is borne by kindness or praise.

It is difficult to find a person who does not like compliments, which is why they are considered one of the best and most simple ways to get acquainted, please a person and arrange his attention, kindness and respect for themselves.

The correctly selected compliment is always capable of:

  • improve mood;
  • raise self-esteem;
  • locate your interlocutor;
  • establish relationships;
  • make a new acquaintance;
  • give pleasant emotions.

How to say compliments: what is best to start

The standard question is what it will be better to start. To begin with, naturally, you need to learn a number of different, most popular and not only, phrases that will surely delight any interlocutor.

But try to remember that it is rather stupid to play with such phrases - it's pretty stupid, because warm words that do not mean anything in fact, no one needs. Use words only to those people that you really are the roads and which you want to place to yourself. And try to create a habit of saying pleasant compliments.

Habit of talking compliments

Very useful and practical quality is the habit of always telling people nice words. After all, making a compliment is quite simple, and making it, you only improve the attitude of other people to yourself.

And in order to teach themselves such a habit, you need to spend just a week or another. Perform the following actions:

  1. Pay attention to the changes that could occur from your interlocutor, allocate them and mark them with warm words.
  2. Speak about what you like in the appearance of people.
  3. At work, pay attention to the business qualities of employees.
  4. Admire all that you really like, do not be afraid and do not hesitate.

Believe me, after a few days you will notice that we began to say warm words to people completely at ease, and they, in turn, will be better to treat you.

02 Rejected compliment

What to do if the compliment was rejected

Sometimes it happens that saying that by saying a nice word to a person, we did not hear anything in response from him. Yes, it is not necessary, but often people prefer to answer a compliment, and not receiving counter words, many are in a stupor, or take it on their own expense.

There may be two different problems here:

  1. Your words were not quite relevant or successful.
  2. In a person, in the direction of which your feedback was sent, at the moment there are some problems.

Not all people prefer compliments or knowingly see an excessive flattery in them, they suspect the desire of the interlocutor to receive any benefit. That is why your words can be cold accepted.

In this case, with pleasures you need to be more neat, you need to make them hidden or without accident.

For example, it may be your interest in work, mood, or to the hobbies of the interlocutor, about which he will gladly tell. So he will feel that you are interested in dialogues with him, and you also have common interests. This is a hidden compliment.

If you are talking to a new person, familiarity with which happened literally just, try to periodically mention his name. Most people pay attention to the fact that you remember what is called them, and this can already be called the first hidden compliment.

Top compliments for different people

It is quite obvious that for people of different sexes, age, social status, it is necessary to have completely different kind words and techniques in stock, which will be similar somewhere, and somewhere - to variety. Therefore, you need to disassemble them separately.

How to talk a girlfriend compliments

Olympus Digital Camera.

It is no secret that it is with the help of correctly selected phrases, any girl can be delighted, make it feel confident, beautiful.

The very first compliment towards the girl is recommended to speak at a meeting, as it will give her a positive attitude for the coming time you will spend together. And of course, it may not be just nice words, but a bouquet of flowers or a small nice gift.

When you make a compliment to the girl, you need to follow these rules:

  1. Look at her exactly in the eyes.
  2. Smile a little.
  3. Be frank.

If we talk about adjective compliments that can be used, then their list may be limited to several hundreds, but here are the most popular and suitable:

  • stunning;
  • beautiful;
  • good;
  • interesting;
  • unmatched;
  • inspired;
  • wonderful;
  • the only one.

Also, the list of compliments must necessarily include words about beauty, good appearance or physical condition. If you are visiting a girl, and she prepared dinner, pleasant words about her culinary achievements - a mandatory moment.

If a fair sex is a hairstyle, began to use a new lipstick, or bought new clothes and accessories, it should be noticed by original and heading.

The main thing is to remember the rule:

  • be sincere;
  • do not overdo it;
  • do not be too obsessive.

There are some tips about when it is better not to speak nice words. If suddenly you do not know how to praise the girl, what a flattery say this time, it is better to keep silent than inventing something inappropriate or knowingly false. After all, so you will be seriously risky to be a liar, and in this case all your preliminary efforts will go to the Nammark.

In addition, do not try to talk, the so-called "pending" compliments that will concern something that was before. If you remembered that a week ago, the girl was in a beautiful dress, it is not necessary to repeat once again, because pleasant words should be timely.

How to talk compliments woman

young Loving Couple.

Someone, but a woman can be hit only with beautiful compliments that will be chosen correctly and gently.

Any woman definitely wants to hear compliments on beauty, but speaking of them, you need to know some very important moments, non-compliance with which can make the desired effect of completely reverse. Speaking a woman about beauty, you need to follow the following moments:

  • Do not allow yourself such mistakes, saying something like: "You look wonderful for your age." Such words, it seems and declare a good look of the lady, but it will notice here, like any other woman, it is the phrase that said about her age.
  • It is unacceptable to use phrases, like: "I admire your desire for attractive appearance." Such a compliment can also be perceived in two ways, because women do not want the people around them to admire their desire. They want everyone to admire their attractiveness.
  • Do not confine flattelling, because flattering is a clear exaggeration of the benefits of a woman, and it can often be recognized and adopted "in the bayonets".

How to say compliments girlfriend


A pledge of strong and long friendship between two girls or women is also compliments. It is not worth saving here, but it is important to remember that they do not turn into frank flattery. After all, so friendship can only harm.

Pleasant words aimed in the side of the girlfriend may touch the following topics:

  1. Taste in clothes.
  2. Appearance.
  3. Makeup.
  4. Taste about guys.
  5. Qualities of the real mistress at home.

As always, here the main thing is not to overdo it, because good friendship is based not on only pleasant reviews, it is simply necessary to periodically fow the words of compliments.

Believe me if you are sensitive and carefully treat your friends, they will surely answer you the same reciprocity that will make friendship only stronger.

How to say compliments beloved

06 Compliments beloved

Speak nice words to your girlfriend - this is what should be some kind of compulsory measure for a truly loving man. This is exactly what should come from the heart and be completely sincere.

Here, of course, phrases should be extremely original and romantic. More often to remind the ladies about what you love them, why you are happy to spend every day with them.

Thus, you will at the same time emphasize their advantages, and report how much you are lucky with them.

Of course, you need to remember and always notice all changes related to:

  • appearance;
  • cosmetics;
  • hairstyle;
  • work;
  • mood.

When you see any changes with one or another item, you certainly need to talk about it. By the way, it is absolutely optionally to praise a new hairstyle or color of lipstick, at least awareness of the fact that you are attentive to your second half that you really notice even small little things that have changed in it will become the best complimentary girl.

And most importantly, that, praising and emphasizing the benefits of your halves, you yourself will notice how to feel better and how your connection is strongly strengthened.

How to talk compliments to your loved one


Since we paid attention to your loved ones, you need to talk about what words are more suitable for the second halves of male.

Despite the fact that most men are not so pleasant as girls still have certain rules that need to be followed. And here they are:

  1. Sincerity. This is the first rule, since most men feel when they are not frankly talking to them, and when they lie.
  2. Do not speak pleasant words wasted, solely in the case, for some events and actions.
  3. Try to pay attention to the factors that emphasize the male qualities of your beloved, especially they like it when your common, or his friends.
  4. Do not forget to talk the name of your beloved when you are going to praise it with something or award a portion of flattering reviews.
  5. Look strictly into the eyes or on the face of your loved one.
  6. Finally, do not forget about the smile. True, the smile must be sincere, not comic.

And here is a small list of compliments guy who may be to you by the way:

  • careful;
  • unmatched;
  • gallant;
  • kind;
  • the only one;
  • incendiary;
  • wonderful;
  • ideal;
  • amazing;
  • sincere;
  • gentle;
  • best;
  • cute;
  • manly;
  • real;
  • resourceful;
  • incomparable;
  • educated;
  • witty;
  • brave;
  • soup;
  • understanding;
  • romantic;
  • the most of the most;
  • strong;
  • fairy;
  • sweet;
  • sharp-witted;
  • perfect;
  • smart;
  • clever;
  • impustic;
  • unique;
  • fair;
  • elegant;
  • erotic;
  • humorous.

Such a stock will probably have enough for a long time.

How to say compliments man

08 Compliments of a man

Now it's time to discuss such warm words that will be pleasant to the absolute majority of men.

After all, it is possible to establish relationships with employees, colleagues, neighbors, just familiar people and even make new nice friends.

Like your favorite guys, men also need to make compliments neatly. It may be a question about what kind of gym he walks, for example. After all, it is the question that you will probably emphasize what they drew attention to his sporty appearance and excellent physical condition.

In addition, it will not be superfluous and admiration for men's perfume, shoes or any male accessory, like a belt or hours.

A very interesting variety of compliments for men is a kind of instruction or word support. They may sound like this: "I am convinced that you will do it," or so: "You probably have a smart enough to act as you need." It is these phrases that instill confidence in men and in their power, which is sometimes valued more than any compliment.

How to say a compliment to a friend

09 Compliments to friends

Speaking about friends, it is safe to say that it is not too important that said beautiful compliments. Similarly, the frequency of such pleasant words is not so important. The main thing is that they are completely honest and from all soul.

If a person is your best or just a very good friend, you should never hide it or somehow be shy, tell him about it. This will probably be the most pleasant word he would like to hear.

Among other things, for a real friend will always be pleasant cool compliments, and they, by the way, should be noted:

  • To any friend will be pleased to hear a compliment, sort of: "Your shortcomings cannot be found, I was able to notice only gorgeous special effects."
  • If your friend is a soul of a company, you can say this: "If I were a doctor prescribing antidepressants, I would tell everyone to communicate with you."
  • And for those friends who constantly help something, they are well versed in the technique, there will be no superfluous phrase: "Your hands grow out of the right place."

Such compliments will always be appropriate and probably will raise a friend not only self-esteem, but also the mood.

How to say compliments mom

Finally, we postponed advice on how to talk pleasant things to the most important and dear person in life - Mom.

This is exactly the only person thanks to which we are those who we are. Therefore, there are no compliments to describe what Mom made for each of us. But, nevertheless, you need to systematically try to do it.

Naturally, banal words should be present:

  • about appearance;
  • about culinary successes;
  • on pedagogical inclinations.

But besides this, you should always celebrate that without a mother, you would not be so happy. In each of its success, after each increase at work or sports achievement, mark the mother, because she really deserves it.

But the main compliment that we can make your mother is attention, these are actions, not empty words. Therefore, try to be more sensitive to mothers, do not forget about them and more often communicate.

If the mother does not come out often to see, an excellent option is an SMS compliments that are not so difficult to do, but you can rejoice like almost every day.

Here are suitable options:

  • being a real mother is a complex calling, but you cope with him;
  • i understand well that no one is more expensive for you, and it is mutual;
  • i do not have enough of all the words that have ever been told to express how I love you and how thank you for everything.

Naturally, the list does not end in the proposed options and, if you wish, you can find a huge set of other compliments, or come up with them yourself - what will be better.

Compliments in verses will also like absolutely any mother, and they are ideal for most holidays or even without the slightest occasion. We offer you some good poems.

11 Compliments in verse


Under the end of our conversation, I want to mention a wonderful video about what a big force possess compliments and what can be achieved, correctly picking them up.


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