
How to choose scales

How to choose scales
Which scales are better to choose to control weight, for the kitchen, for weighing the child.

Libra is a familiar and familiar device. The device for weighing with weights has gone far into the past. Currently, the scales are equipped with many functions, and some models even resemble computers.

According to their purpose, the scales can be floor, kitchen and children.

What floor scales to buy

Perhaps there are floor scales in every house. This is the most important subject for those who follow their health, playing sports and leading a healthy lifestyle. Which floor scales are better: mechanical or electronic?

Mechanical scales show weight with a spring that stretches when we stand on the platform for weighing. What burden was placed on the scales, respectively, the spring stretched for it, and the arrow of the device deviated. Everything is very simple. Mechanical scales do not require special care, they do not need to change the batteries, they do not depend on lighting. I just put it on a flat surface, stood on the scales and saw the result. Buying mechanical scales is an option to save money, they cost much cheaper than electronic ones. But mechanical scales are suitable only for those who are weighed from case to case. They have some shortcomings:

  • errors when weighing;
  • lack of additional functions.

How to choose electronic floor scales

how to choose floor scales

The error when weighing on electronic scales is minimal. However, for proper weighing, the rules should be followed:

  • set the scales on a flat solid surface;
  • weigh in one place;
  • during the weighing, standing evenly, not swing, do not lean.

To choose electronic floor scales with additional functions, it is necessary to consider how many people will use them. This function is called a memory cell. Each user has a separate cell, it is stored there about its weight. Depending on the model of the scales, the number of users in electronic memory can be from 2 to 10. The scales with memory can compare the indicators of the last weighing with the previous one, as well as distinguish users automatically.

Electronic scales can have various additional functions.

  1. Calculation of the body mass index (BMI). Currently, this is the most popular and fashionable indicator for those who follow their figure. The user makes an indicator of growth in memory of the scales. With each weighing, the data on how the BMI has changed, are displayed on the display.
  2. With the help of the latest technologies, some models of weights can show the content of fat and muscle mass.
  3. Automatically recognize the user at every subsequent weighing.
  4. Automatically turn off if they are not used.
  5. Weight control function. With significant changes in weight, the device reacts with a certain sound.

Modern floor scales not only have interesting useful functions, they delight an unusual stylish design. For their manufacture, modern materials are used: glass, plastic, wood. Fans of elegant stylish things will like glass scales, the prices for them are relatively low. The glass scales are very thin, perfectly complement the interior of any bathroom. Wooden scales are more expensive, they are very comfortable in operation, their platform is always warm and pleasant to the touch.


Tips for those who decide which floor scales choose.

  1. First of all, pay attention to the fact that the weight is displayed in kilograms. Some models of Western production show the weight in pounds, which is not very convenient for us.
  2. Check the correctness of the scales when buying. In order to choose good scales, you need to know your weight for sure. It is very good to check the accuracy of weighing in different places of the store.
  3. If the scales are in the bathroom, it is better to choose models that are not afraid of moisture.
  4. Libra should not swing.
  5. Pay attention to the weighing site. It is better to choose scales with a corrugated surface, they are safer. The legs do not slide on them.
  6. The scales in the metal case will be more durable.

If you take into account customer reviews when choosing floor scales, then the best models are the scales of Zelmer, Tefal, Bosh, Beerer. Which company to choose the scales, it is only you to decide. The main thing is that the selected scales fully satisfy your needs. You can buy an inexpensive high -quality model with an interesting design solution and the necessary functions, or you can buy a branded popular thing.

Electronic scales, which, in addition to weight, show additional information about the structure of the body are called diagnostic. The best diagnostic scales are produced by Beurer and Tanita, they allow you to accurately learn about the amount of fat, muscle and bone tissue, and fluid in the body. In addition, they can show the degree of training and determine the biological age of the user. Before choosing diagnostic scales, you should decide on the number of people who will use them. Such scales are equipped with an automatic user recognition and memorizing his data. The more users, the more memory cells should be and the higher the price of the scales.

How to choose kitchen scales

Kuhonnye Vesy

If you are tired of measuring products in the kitchen with glasses and spoons, then it's time to buy kitchen scales. Using weights, you can determine the weight of products for home preparations or comply with the recipe exactly, which is especially important for the preparation of confectionery. Kitchen scales are necessary for accurate weighing of portions. This is convenient if there is a small child in the house or one of the homes observes a diet. Kitchen scales can be mechanical and electronic. Mechanical scales for the kitchen are currently not in demand, but they have several positive qualities. They are cheaper than electronic ones, do not require a power source, can weigh up to 10 kg at the same time.

To choose the right scales for the kitchen, you should determine why the scales are needed. If it is necessary to weigh large volumes of products and small errors are allowed, then you can buy mechanical scales. For accurate, scrupulous weighing of products, for example, for the preparation of dietary dishes, it is better to buy electronic scales.

The design of the scales for the kitchen is diverse. They can be with a weighing bowl. And some models have a flat platform. Which scales are better to choose: with a bowl or a flat surface? A removable bowl is convenient for weighing bulk products, for preparing complex recipes with phased weighing. A flat platform allows you to weigh large products, for example, it is convenient to weigh the watermelon or a large long fish, on the platform you can weigh a plate with a ready -made dish.

Kitchen scales are made from different materials: plastic, glass, metal. Which scales are better to buy? If the scales are made of metal, they will last a long time, do not lose their original appearance. Libra of plastic is lighter, cheap, have a pleasant design. Kitchen scales with a glass platform or bowl are perfectly washed, do not gain extraneous smells, have modern design.


The kitchen weights may have additional functions:

  1. Tara function. This function allows you not to make complex calculations to find out the weight of the product without containers. The weighing container is installed on the scales, the “container” button is pressed. Libra has the ability to remember the weight of the container and subtract it from the total weight. As a result, on the display we see only the weight of the product.
  2. The function of consistent weighing allows you to accurately observe the recipe and weigh the products in stages. To do this, just press the memory button when adding the components.

  How to choose scales for children


Libra for children are mechanical and electronic. Mechanical scales are very simple in operation, they have long been familiar to everyone. But compared with electronic scales, they are more bulky, take up a lot of space, allow errors when weighing.

If you choose scales for a newborn, you should pay attention to that they are intended specifically for infants. The maximum load for such a device is 20 kg. You can buy scales for weighing a child with a removable platform. While the child is small, he is weighed lying. When the child grows up and can weigh standing, the platform can be removed.

To choose children's scales, you need to see how convenient functions they possess:

  1. Ringing the weight of the diaper. A diaper is laid out on the scales, the discharge option is noted, then the child is weighed.
  2. Weight memorization. The memory of electronic scales contains data on the latest weighing, so mom does not need to look for records how much her baby weighed last time.
  3. Weights. The child is weighed to feed, weight is fixed on the scales. Then the child weighes after feeding. The display reflects the weight of the drunk milk.
  4. A floundering child. This function allows you to weigh the child with the least error. The baby's weight is fixed at the time of maximum calm.

Buying good comfortable children's scales is expensive, but sometimes the baby’s health requires clear control from the parents. And then it is better to buy a device that will easily monitor the state of health of the child.

How to choose scales. Video

Video on how to choose floor electronic scales.



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