
From what helps propolis on alcohol, therapeutic properties. Applying propolis on alcohol - instruction. Treatment with propolis on alcohol at home. How to prepare propolis on alcohol - recipe

From what helps propolis on alcohol, therapeutic properties. Applying propolis on alcohol - instruction. Treatment with propolis on alcohol at home. How to prepare propolis on alcohol - recipe
from what helps propolis on alcohol and its use. Treatment with propolis on alcohol at home: instruction. How to prepare propolis on alcohol: recipe.

"Bee Plasticine" is known even to children. Perhaps not everyone knows about all its properties, including the medical influence on the body. Therefore, in this material the instruction will be given, how to use and what the propolis is treated, cooked on alcohol.

Properties of propolis on alcohol

First you need to figure out what kind of propolis looks like. And which composition helps to achieve such practically universal properties of the tincture of propolis. After all, propolis is also called natural lamp and a storehouse of nutrients.

  • This is a sticky and supple fatty, like plasticine. It has brown or sometimes with a kind of dark green tint. You can easily roll the ball from it.
  • Propolis is a product of life bees. When workers insects are collected pollen, then on the legs are brought into the hive of glued resin plants. Most often for this use kidney blossomed birch, aspen or poplar. And already in the hive there is a processing of such a resin. It is necessarily added honey, pollen and wax, as well as the enzyme of maxillary glands. Bees use it, first of all, as building material. They smear the cracks in the ulle.
  • Such a substance still protects against fungal and viral infections or microbes.
  • Also, with its help, the bee is balsaming greater prey or the enemy, which resulted in their home. In this "sarcophague", a large animal can fly not one year, remaining completely unharmed. That is, it will not be degraded.

Important! Propolis flavor burns and often causes a slight numbness of the language. Since its composition is 50-55% consists of resins of plants, propolis is much heavier than water. Therefore, he is necessarily sinking in it! If it pops up to the surface, it indicates less therapeutic ability, since a lot of wax and impurities.

  • Propolis dissolves better in alcohol. Therefore, considering its composition, it is worth studying the tincture of propolis. Then it becomes clear what the propolis is useful on alcohol. Allocate three groups of the main components of its composition:
    • petrigine resins - the minimum limit is 35%, the maximum is 60%;
    • bees wax add up to 25%;
    • various natural balsams and oils are also included in up to 25%.

  • But this composition is not limited. It is not studied to the end, but it is known that about 2 more than 280 substances are combined. True, only 111 of them are known to science:
    • a very large number contains terpety acid, which has such an important antifungal effect;
    • a special role is given to flavonids. It is their merit in healing wounds and their disinfection;
    • an important function is made by various acids. For example, benzoic acid is used as a natural preservative, but ferulic acid helps to achieve skin rejuvenation. Coffee and cinnamic acids have an antimicrobial effect and produce an anesthetic effect. Total numbers 16 amino acids;
    • from biologically active substances, more than 20 units can be found, including such important elements such as fluorine and calcium, potassium and magnesium, iron and copper, as well as iodine.
    • from vitamins it is worth highlighting riboflavin in a volume of more than 20 μg / g, as well as vitamin C and A. Many also vitamins of the group in (especially, 1.2 and 6 discharge);
    • do not forget also about the content of essential oils that help to deal with viruses;
    • also, the honorable place is given to the tanning substances, which is an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect and help fight eductions and excessive fat production.

Propolis on alcohol is called a natural antibiotic. It is impossible not to note its uniqueness. After all, even after staying for about an hour in hot water, he does not lose its properties and also successfully fights viruses and bacteria.

Propolis on alcohol: what helps?

  • That propolis himself is that his tincture increases human immunity. They do not just enrich the body with useful substances, vitamins and minerals, but also protect all its functions. Speolis tincture creates a protective "fortress" of the body from viral diseases.
  • It contributes to healing wounds, helps with rashes and in purulent processes. Moreover, not only as an outdoor application, but also for the treatment of internal wounds. It will not only help the speedy healing, but also will have a disinfecting effect.
  • Propolis on alcohol inside will help with stomach or gastritis ulcers.
  • Moreover, the propolis is under the power to overcome not just the influenza virus, but also such fungal diseases like tuberculosis or gas.
  • The tincture of propolis can "clean" the blood canals, freeing them from cholesterol plaques. Thus, this tool prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  • But in the cardiovascular system, this is not all his merit. Propolis reduces blood clotting and eliminates vessel spasms.

  • This is the chief assistant for our liver, because it takes extra bile. He is also successful in the treatment of hepatitis V.
  • The treatment with propolis on alcohol stimulates metabolic processes and removes inflammatory responses in the body.
  • Also, it is impossible not to allocate and anesthetizing properties, which is almost 5 times higher even novocaine.
  • Propolis can increase brain performance, improve memory and even improve vision.
  • This is a natural antioxidant, which prevents early aging. The tincture is also indispensable for problem skin, to eliminate scars or bugs.
  • Stops bleeding gums.
  • These are not all areas that the propolis treats the alcohol. It helps even in female diseases, helps conceit and strengthen men's potency.
  • This tincture can neutralize the poisons and remove toxins from the body.

Propolis on alcohol: application

The alcohol tinctuct of propolis is adopted both internally and externally. There are also aqueous extract of propolis, but the alcohol tincture is much more valuable and is kept much longer. There are several and concentrations, but the most effective 10% tincture. It can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepare independently.

If applied externally:

  • The most common and easy way - for processing wounds. Propolis is used 1-2 times a day. If the suppuration or inflammation is observed, then the dose increases to 3-4 times.
  • You can also use it under otitis purulent. I bury 1-2 drops in the ears 3 times. Or more convenient to make cotton swabs moistened in propolis. This harness is entered into the ear for 2 minutes, also 3 times a day.
  • A chronic sinusitis is also treated by propolis on alcohol. For this, it is bred with sodium chloride to a concentration of 1:10 and washed the sinuses of the nose.

Propolis on alcohol: dosage for internal use. Depending on the ailment, the number and duration of treatment may vary. Although propolis is often taken as a folk remedy, but be sure to consult with your attending physician.

  • In the middle, the course does not last more than a month, but also should not be less than 5-7 days.
  • The tincture of propolis is necessarily bred by water and only then accept.
  • The amount is measured in drops. Depending on the severity of the disease and on its character, you need to take from 20 to 60 drops.
  • The medicine is accepted before meals. It does not harm the intestinal walls. A, on the contrary, it has an enveloping and soothing effect.

Propolis on alcohol: instructions

Now it is necessary to consider each disease in more detail. After all, for internal or even outdoor use, we must observe the rigor and the correct dosage. Despite the fact that this is a folk medicine, harm from it can also arise.

Propolis on alcohol for immunity

  • The decay of immunity threatens constant attacks of various diseases. Therefore, propolis should be taken even as prevention, especially in the flu season and ARVI.
  • The most delicious way is to combine tincture with honey in equal proportions. As a result, there should be a teaspoon. It is accepted before each meal.
  • You can breed tincture and water. Also in equal amounts - 20 drops on 20 ml of water. It is also accepted before meals, 3 times a day. But you need to withstand the minimum half an hour before meat.

Important! During this period, for a positive and effective action, it is necessary to abandon smoking and drinking alcohol! In general, to treat any ailment, it is worth abandoning bad habits.

Propolis on alcohol with headaches and migraines

  • It is necessary to breed in 2 tbsp. Water 5 drops of tincture. Take before eating, also in an hour.
  • The course should not exceed more than a month. But if the disease is chronic, then treatment should be repeated 2-3 times a year.

Treatment of the stomach with propolis on alcohol

  • If symptoms are observed, for example, bitterness in the mouth, nausea, the pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach or heartburn, then the tinctures of propolis will help to remove and improve the overall state.
  • To do this, we need to dilute 20 drops of tincture in a glass of warm water. You need to take a strictly on an empty stomach and only in the morning. The course of such treatment covers six months, after which it is necessary to make a binding necessarily. If there are chronic or sharp form of the stomach diseases, then 2-3 months can be repeated receiving medication.
  • Propolis on alcohol during gastritis or ulcerative diseases is bred not in water, in milk. For this, 35-40 drops of tincture are also bred in one cup of liquid. You only need to take on an empty stomach, at least 1 hour before meals. The course covers 2 weeks, but if necessary, it is extended to 20 days.

Propolis on the cough alcohol

  • For the treatment of cough and other diseases of the respiratory system, tincture in milk is also breed. For this, the dosage takes less practically twice - 25 drops. And it is very important that the milk is warm. This solution needs to drink before bedtime. The strongest action will have adding honey and any fat or oil.
  • For diseases such as laryngitis, tonsillitis, or pharyngitis, inhalation can be carried out. For this, propolis is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:20. Procedures spend 2 times a day to 15 minutes.
  • Propolis on alcohol with throat disease. It is necessary to rinse it 3-4 times a day with a glass of warm water and 2 tsp. tincture.

Propolis on alcohol during influenza or ORVI

  • For the treatment or prevention of colds and viral ailments, you need to use a tincture with tea.
  • It is enough 3 times a day for 15-20 drops.

Propolis on alcohol with a cold

  • It is treated not divorced tincture. Yes, this method can not withstand everything, and he is contraindicated to children. But the effect will be incredible.
  • There are 2-3 drops of tincture into each nostril. Such manipulations are carried out 3-4 times a day until complete recovery.

Propolis on alcohol for cardiovascular system

  • True, not only the tincture of propolis will be required. It is necessary to finely chop 200 g of garlic, the bay of its 200 g of vodka, send to a dark and cool place for two weeks.
  • After that, strain and combine with 30 mg of tincture and a tablespoon of honey. This mixture is taken within a month before eating on a teaspoon.

Propolis on alcohol from vision problems

  • Tincture must be mixed with water. Take three times a day before meals.
  • The dosage should not exceed more than 20 drops, which are bred in a tablespoon of water.

Propolis on alcohol with pains in the joints and in injections

  • It is necessary to make from the gauze and the rolling of the rods that impregnate the tincture of propolis.
  • They are applied by 15-20 minutes. To the patient place.

Propolis on alcohol with liver disease

  • The course of treatment begins with 1 drop of tincture. Gradually, increase it every day.
  • The course takes two months, but do not exceed the dose after 50 drops.
  • The drug is accepted on an empty stomach, 1 time per day.

Propolis on alcohol under pancreatitis

  • For this mix propolis on alcohol with milk. It is necessary for one reception 40-60 drops of tincture and ¼ cup of milk. The medicine is also drinking on an empty stomach, 1 time per day.
  • The course treatment should not take more than a month. And note that propolis is used only as auxiliary drug, and not as basic treatment.

Propolis on alcohol with hypertension

  • 20 drops of tincture will help reduce blood pressure, collecting it in half a glass of water or milk.
  • It is also accepted 1 hour before meals, three times a day. Treatment takes 20 days.

Propolis on alcohol from dental problems

  • As for treatment, 30 drops of propolis on a glass of water are divorced for treatment and prevention. This solution is spinning the oral cavity.
  • The procedure is carried out twice a day. Just learn that water should not be too cold.

Propolis on alcohol from skin problems

  • The tincture in this case is applied to problem areas externally and accepted internally. If inside, then 8-15 drops (depending on age) are bred in 2 tbsp. water. Also 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.
  • The tincture is applied to acne or acne the tincture with a sponium. Apply only for clean skin!

Propolis on alcohol with brittle nails

  • Even the fragility of nails can be eliminated with the help of propolis tinctures. To do this, you need to rub propolis in the nails once a day or apply in the form of compresses.
  • Treatment should not exceed more than 14 days.

Propolis on alcohol when haired problems

  • You can prepare hair masks 1-2 times a week. You need to mix 1 tbsp. Tincture with egg yolk and 1 tbsp. Tire oil. It is applied for 30 minutes. After washed off with a shampoo.
  • This method helps not to simply eliminate the brittleness and problem of hair loss, but also eliminate dandruff.

Propolis on alcohol in gynecological diseases

  • The medicine is accepted only inside. Once, in the morning and an empty stomach is a glass of water with 20 drops of tincture. The course of treatment takes 1 month.

Important! In no case do not use propolis on alcohol to douch. This can cause a chemical mucosa burn.

Propolis on alcohol for men

  • It not only has a soothing effect on the whole body, but also helps with problems with a prostate. It can also be taken in preventive purposes.
  • For this, 30 drops of tincture are bred in a glass of water. You need to drink in 30 minutes. Before meals, 3 times a day. The course lasts 2-3 weeks. If necessary, it is repeated, but not earlier than after 14 days.

Propolis on alcohol with violations in the work of the nervous system

  • For this, the tincture is added to tea 3-4 times a day in the amount of 30 drops. You can also add a spoonful of honey.
  • The medicine is desirable to drink warm and no more than 4 weeks. Improvement is already becoming noticeable for 2-3 days.

Propolis on alcohol: contraindications

In general, this medicine is included in that small list when there are practically no side actions or contraindications. But still they are present.

  • The most good reason to abandon such a wonderful and universal means is an allergy. Since this is a bee product, then refers to a number of the highest allergens.
  • Propolis on alcohol to a child up to 3 years is strictly forbidden to give. Again, it may cause an allergic reaction. But also do not forget that the tincture contains alcohol.

Important! Babies up to a year is forbidden to give tincture on alcohol. If the baby has no allergies, then only prepared propolis can be used on a water basis. Up to 5 years, tincture is surely bred by water, juice or milk. Note that for children the proportions will be 20 times less than for an adult.

  • Also on these two reasons the tincture of pregnant and nursing mothers is contraindicated.
  • For outdoor use, the tincture can be taken at any age.
  • But if at least one of the symptoms is observed (no matter, in a child or adult), then the drug is necessarily terminated and immediately stopped:
    • if rash or redness appeared, which are also accompanied by itching;
    • another common side effect may be a significant decrease in blood pressure;
    • when accompanied by dizziness;
    • if there is a general decline of strength or a crash in the heart rhythm.
  • It is necessary to accurately take propolis to alcohol in the pathological diseases of the liver and choleretic ducts. Such treatment can only harm the body.

Propolis on alcohol at home

The tincture can easily prepare at home. Even the very beginning of the hostess or the owner can cope with such a task, which does not have the chambers of the People's Health. About how to make propolis on alcohol at home will learn further.

The tincture can be prepared on vodka or medical alcohol. But it is very important to take into account the percentage content - 96% of alcohol is used only for outdoor use! But for reception inside, especially children, you need to take 70% alcohol.

  • The recipe of propolis on alcohol includes only two ingredients - propolis and alcohol. Also learn that propolis should be purified.
  • But, if such at hand was not found, the crude propolis is taken in the amount of 30-40% more from the volume of pure substance.
  • It can be cleaned by washing it in cold water. For this, the balls are rubbed and poured with water. In 5-10 minutes. Collect pop-up pieces. 100 ml of alcohol will require 25 g of propolis.
  • Propolis needs to grate on the small grater.

Important! To simplify the process of grinding propolis, it must be pre-freeze.

  • After that, pour chips with alcohol and close the lid tightly.
  • It is advisable to take the dark and only glass container. If you took a transparent can, then wrap it with a cloth or newspaper.
  • You need to insist two weeks in a dark and cool place. But do not forget to periodically shake the contents. Do it you need once every 3 days.
  • Ready product strain and can be stored for about 3 years.

Home tincture of propolis on alcohol in one hour:

  • The proportions are taken the same. But alcohol must be heated to a temperature of 50-55 ° C.
  • While leaving the liquid on the stove and gradually enter the grated propolis.
  • At the same time, continuously stirring alcohol.
  • After removing from the fire and rearranged on a water bath.
  • Withstand the tincture of one hour, periodically stirring the contents.
  • At the end, profile the finished product.

Important! If you decide to make an aqueous tincture, for example, according to this method, then time is increased by 2-3 hours. The alcohol evaporates faster than water, and it also significantly dissolves propolis. Although, be prepared for the fact that part of it will remain in a non-dissolved state.

Propolis on alcohol: reviews

About the alcohol tincture of propolis are collected only positive feedback. Moreover, it has an exceptionally natural origin. And also its applications can be considered universal.

Svetlana, 37 years old:

"My son is 8 years old. The topic in the kindergarten did not go, as there was a grandmother near. But after the start of the school, the cold, bronchitis and even purulent angins fell by one after another. Moreover, we managed to get sick even in the summer. Treat constantly drugs - this is not a way out. Moreover, antibiotics were appointed. Advocked to take a tincture of propolis. Of course, I consulted with our doctor. Then we were not 7 years old, but age has already allowed to give alcohol tincture. I added him in tea or warm milk. Immunity really became much higher. Forgotten when and in the hospital were. Now I give the whole family during the disease. ".

Peter Stepanovich, 57 years old:

"I thought that such a" delicate "problem would never touch me. But several years ago she touched my family. I remembered another Dedovsky method, which once heard. He began to take the tincture of propolis. True, I decided to cook it alone using medical alcohol. Prostatitis delivered not only discomfort, but also painfulness that I have already forgotten. And I can please your wife as in my youth. Well, or at least close to that. After all, we are no longer teenagers. "

Veronica, 28 years old:

"I have problems in the female area after pregnancy and childbirth. Especially tormented thrush. But I applied propolis not only for this, more precisely, it began to take a completely different purposes. And I saw a good comprehensive effect. I, again, after childbirth, the vision fell. We advised to drink propolis and make the gymnastics of the eyes. After all, only comprehensive treatment will give a positive result. Vision no longer fell and even rose a little. At first, with -1, I raised it to -0.5. But then noticed that I forgot about the thrush, which he had no longer treated. "

Video: Treatment and application of propolis


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