
Hair loss: Causes and treatment

Hair loss: Causes and treatment
Hair loss is a male problem? This is a myth! Almost every woman at least once came across such a nuisance. We will tell you about what could cause hair loss and how to cure it.

Every woman at least once in her life faced the problem of hair loss. Today, scientists have already established about 50 reasons for hair loss. This includes stress, and ecology, and elementary, wrong hairstyles. The question is how to deal with this ailment. After all, thick and healthy hair is a symbol of female beauty, and it is worth fighting for them. In this article, we will tell you about the main reasons for hair loss and how to avoid them, at the same time and correcting your health.

Causes of hair loss


In fact, there are a great many reasons, ranging from hormonal failures to too tight hairstyles. We will figure it out for starting with the norm of hair loss.

Most people lose about 50-100 hair per day. And this is normal! These are the same hairs that you collect from the sink and pull out from the comb. You can talk about hair loss as a serious problem when you lose them with whole shocks while washing your head or styling. But what is the reason for this?

  • Problems with the thyroid gland. This is an organ located in the front of the neck and responsible for the production of hormones. The thyroid gland regulates many processes in our body. And therefore, problems with her can be very dangerous. As for hair loss, it is observed in case of a lack of or vice versa, an oversupply of the iron generated by it. However, you should not make a diagnosis of only one of the symptoms, namely a violation of hair growth. There are other symptoms of thyroid problems - a sharp change in weight, changes in heart rhythm and increased sensitivity to hot and cold. If they are found at yourself, see a doctor.
  • Alopecia or baldness. The fault of this is the human immune system that attacks the hair follicles of its own body by mistake. As a rule, this is a temporary problem and the bald sections of the head will still cover the hair through a year or two. But it happens that hair falls out once and for all.
  • The birth of a child. So, many women noticed that while they had their child, the hair was thick and strong. But as soon as they gave birth to, hair loss was an urgent problem. During pregnancy, a lot of hormones are produced, which prevent hair loss. After childbirth, their level decreases sharply, which is the cause of hair loss.  Restoration will take about 2 years.
  • Incorrect medication. Hair loss is one of the side effects of taking oral contraceptives. The guilt of the hormones that suppress ovulation and protect us from unwanted pregnancies. It also happens that the hair began to fall out immediately after the cessation of medication. Preparations for controlling blood pressure, treatment of heart disease, depression and drugs that thin the blood can also provoke hair loss. Before their reception, it is necessary to advise a doctor and very carefully study the instructions for use.
  • Extreme diets. Women who are closely monitoring weights are given not only by perfect shapes, but also dull, thin hair. Be prepared for hair loss if you are starving or in your diet there is too little protein and fats.
  • Too tight hairstyles. Do you think this is a myth? But not. Too tight braids and tails irritate the scalp and provoke hair loss. The same is about tight curlers. Want beautiful hair - let them relax at least at night! Dissage your hair in the evening before bedtime and they will begin to grow normally. Try not to wear, albeit beautiful, but not too useful for hair, tight hairstyles constantly.
  • Stress. So we got to one of the most common causes of hair loss. Strong emotional overwork and constant stressful situations can cause loss to ¾ hair of the scalp. And it can last from 6 to 8 months.

Treatment of hair loss

Medical treatment of hair loss


The most probably common means of treating hair loss is minoxidil or (Rogain). This drug is officially approved by the Ministry of Health and in 25% of cases is able to slow down or even stop the process of hair loss. But as soon as you finish taking the drug, everything will return to its place. There is a very good vitamin complex inNeov. Sold in any pharmacy, but it is not cheap, but the result is worth it. Hair becomes more thick and does not fall out. An excellent tool is fish oil. Moreover, if our parents frown, remembering his terrible taste, then we will no longer have to suffer like that. Fish oil in capsules is absolutely tasteless and very useful, not only for hair, but also for skin, nails, heart and general condition of the body. Corticosteroids (hormonal drugs) will be able to help women suffering from alopecia. But if the cause of hair loss lies much deeper or lies in a shortage of nutrients, then you should still contact a specialist, because the only way out for you is to identify and treat the initial cause of hair loss.

Hair loss treatment with a laser


Even very weak laser radiation can help cope with hair loss, stimulating their growth. Such treatment is available in some clinics. But there are also portable laser devices that can be stored right at home.

Traditional medicine in the fight against hair loss


Folk remedies of treatment can be very effective, and most importantly, they are available to everyone:

  • Berry roots help with hair loss. Their juice must be rubbed into the skin of the head 2 times a month.
  • Burdock, castor and olive oil are excellent means against hair loss. Rub them into the scalp several times a month and the result will not be long in coming.
  • It is impossible not to recall the healing properties of honey. Very good mask against hair loss: 1 tbsp. l. honey + 1 egg, mix, apply on the hair, pour the hair in a warm towel for an hour and then wash off the whole thing with warm water. It is used several times a month.
  • A onion mask for hair growth: grate the onion and rub in the scalp. Repeat the procedure every other day.
  • Do not forget about the beneficial properties of kefir. Apply it to the hair for 15-20 minutes and then wash your head thoroughly.
  • Before washing your head, you can try to make a mask with aloy. Move aloe juice in the scalp with massage movements. After 5-10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Hair loss prevention


Of course, first it is necessary to eliminate the cause of hair loss. But when you have already coped with her, the new goal is to maintain the result in the future. To do this, the hair needs to be treated and restored. After all, they are subjected to stress and harmful external influences daily. Here are some tips to save your hair:

  • It would be nice to at least sometimes do massage of the scalp. This helps to improve blood circulation, which in turn is the key to the flow of nutrients to the hair follicle.
  • Regularly make various nourishing hair masks and use at least sometimes shampoos for their growth.  You can buy them at the pharmacy.
  • Rub the egg white once a week for half an hour, and then wash it off with warm water.
  • Take vitamin V.
  • Try to avoid external factors such as curling iron, hair dryer, electric bigs.
  • Follow the proper balanced diet.

  How to fight hair loss



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