
How to determine the type of skin of the face. Facial skin characteristic

How to determine the type of skin of the face. Facial skin characteristic
Healthy and well -groomed skin is the cherished dream of every woman. To achieve it, you must accurately know your type of face skin and care for it correctly.

Healthy skin of the face is the main indicator of the general state of health of a woman. However, only a small percentage of the fair sex has perfect skin. It is important to know exactly your skin type in order to choose the right option for caring for it and purchase just decorative and natural cosmetics suitable for you. This is the only way to delay the undesirable aging and wilting of the skin of the face and extend youth.

There are a large number of classifications of types of facial skin, which describe its main characteristics, the level of fat excretion and elasticity. However, the main ones are 4 skin types: normal, dry, oily and combined. Knowing your specific typology, you can determine your skin type, which will allow you to correctly select and apply cosmetics, take care of it and take care.

In this article, we will consider the main types of skin and their characterization, as well as note important ways to care for a specific type of skin. Let us give an example of tests to determine the type of skin of the face at home.

Why do you need to know your type of face skin

Having ensured your face skin proper daily care, constant care and hygiene, you will maintain the elasticity and youth of the face for many years. It must be remembered that each type of skin requires absolutely different care, as well as the use of various cosmetics. That is why it is so important to correctly determine specifically your type of face skin, in order to competently compile a program for it, to acquire the creams and lotions that suits you, which will ensure full -fledged facial skin care.

The condition of the skin of a person’s face directly depends on the general health of a person, as well as on the correctness of the care of it and numerous surrounding factors. All this can cause changes in the general condition of the skin and further complete change in the type of human skin.  With age, even minor stresses, differences in mood, depression, the influence of the sun or wind can make the skin of your face fat -free and dehydrated. That is why cosmetologists recommend regularly conducting a test for determining the type of skin of the face, especially for women after 35 years. This will help you adjust the skin care in time and choose the cosmetics suitable for you.

It should also be borne in mind that different types of skin react completely differently to changes in air temperature, severe frosts and wind, and direct sunlight. In this case, you need to be very careful and monitor the changes in the condition of the skin of the face in order to come to her aid in time.

Normal type of face skin - characteristic

  • 1 type of skin is normal, which is extremely rare, only about 6-7% of women.
  • The normal type of skin is most often found in children and adolescents, women whom nature endowed with this wealth are lucky.
  • A distinctive feature of the skin of this type is considered a flat pinkish tint, which is ensured by the correct blood supply.
  • In its structure, normal skin is smooth and elastic, very elastic with a natural shine.
  • Unlike other different types of skin, normal is the optimal ratio of the release of skin fat and dryness. Such skin has a good chemical composition in the correct proportions.
  • Women with normal skin have no peeling and visible wrinkles that appear gradually only after 35 years. In general, the entire process of aging of the skin of this type passes more slowly and more gradually than others.
  • Girls and women with a natural type of face skin do not suffer from inflammation, acne and hated acne. Only occasionally, during the period of female ailments, can individual acne associated with the release of a large number of hormones during this period appear.
  • There are no expanded pores on such skin, an exception may be a plot near the nose.
  • To the touch, the skin of a normal type is very silky and delicate, sometimes it is compared with peach.
  • The skin of this type is least subject to external exposure. Sudden temperature changes, frost, wind, sunlight tolerates the skin normally.

How to care for normal skin

If you are the owner of a normal skin type, this does not mean at all that she does not need care at all. After all, any type of skin can change with an improper care program and incorrectly selected cosmetics.

  • First of all, be sure to cleanse the skin twice a day with special lotions that tone the skin and have an antiseptic effect.
  • Daily washing and cleansing of the skin can be carried out with ordinary warm water and bran, which will act as a scrub.
  • Before applying decorative cosmetics, be sure to lubricate wet skin with a nourishing cream. This will help you protect the skin of the face from the exposure of the sun and wind.
  • During the stay of the house, it is also recommended to apply the cream on the skin of the face, since during cleaning, cooking and washing on the skin there is also an adverse effect.
  • Every evening before going to bed, it is necessary to carefully remove cosmetics from the face with special milk, then wash your faces with warm water and wipe with a lotion. The final step of evening skin care of a normal type of face should be the application of a nutrient cream.
  • Once a week you can make a nutrient mask by previously steaming the skin.
  • For this type of skin, select creams with vegetable extracts and a neutral pH balance.

Combined type of face skin - characteristic

  • 2 of the skin of the face is mixed or combined.
  • The combined type of face skin is characteristic of more women and girls. At first glance, such skin is also healthy and looks fresh, but some of its areas are subject to inflammation, increased fat content and acne rash. This zone is often called a T-zone.
  • In such women in some areas of the face (on the nose, forehead, around the mouth), the skin is quite oily and is subject to the appearance of acne. In this zone, expanded pores and black dots often appear.
  • All other parts of the face in women with a mixed type of skin to the touch are rather smooth and dry. Here you can sometimes observe peeling and the early appearance of wrinkles.
  • With proper care, the appearance of wrinkles can be slowed down. At the same time, with age, mixed skin can become normal, but this is only if properly selected cosmetics and competent care for its condition. If you neglect all the rules, then on the skin of a combined type of wrinkle will appear after 28 years, and in 50 years all signs of skin wither and its sagging will be clearly visible.
  • The level of the skin of a mixed type varies in different areas from 3 to 6, in the event that the level of pH of normal skin is 5.5.
  • Sometimes such skin may differ in an uneven shade.

How to care for a combined type of skin

Combined skin combines the features of oily skin and dry skin, so caring for it should be competently thought out and should include cosmetics for different types of skin.

  • It must be remembered that combined skin does not respond well to daily washing with soap and water. Therefore, it is important to choose other, more gentle means. Cosmetologists recommend to girls with a mixed skin type to wash with herbal decoctions.
  • In the morning, you can use decoctions of herbs such as calendulas, mint or sage. After washing in this way, the skin will become fresh and smooth.
  • In the evening, you can use a decoction of chamomile, tea with milk. An approximate process of cleansing the skin of a mixed type: Take a swab and moisten it in ordinary milk and wipe the skin of the face well. Next, dilute the milk with water in an equal proportion and moisten your face well.
  • In the evening, after washing with decoctions, use the lotions and wipe the T-zone, after which apply a universal nutrient cream to your entire face.
  • The cream is recommended to be applied after each cleansing of the face.
  • Once a week you can make nutritious masks.
  • You can also make masks for different types of skin at the same time, i.e. At the T-zone, apply a mask for oily skin, and lubricate the rest of the mask for dry skin.
  • Buy creams for combined face skin with zinc, calcium, and oil oil.

Dry type of face skin - characteristic

  • 3 skin type is dry.
  • At each age, the dry skin type is manifested in completely different ways. At a young and middle age, such skin looks delicate, thin and smooth. However, the first wrinkles are manifested much earlier.
  • If you often doubt what your skin type you have, but you constantly feel tightness of the skin and its peeling, do not hesitate - you are the owner of a dry skin type.
  • With improper care, peeling irritation of the skin may increase.
  • Typically, girls with a dry skin type should not use soap, and it is also recommended to select nutrient creams with particular thoroughness.
  • Dry skin is also characterized by the lack of optimal tone and elasticity, most often it is pale and sluggish.
  • Sometimes redness appears on the dry type skin, which intensify in the cold, capillaries are often visible, which spoil the general condition of the skin.
  • Such leather requires careful and meticulous daily care, because even the natural effect affects destructively for such skin. The work of the sebaceous and sweat glands in such skin is impaired, so it is not able to develop a kind of barrier to protect against the effects of the sun, wind, frost.
  • Dry skin is most close to hypersensitive skin, which can be with various types.

How to care for dry skin

The skin of the dry type is most vulnerable in comparison with others, therefore, it requires the mistress of constant attention and careful care throughout the day, taking into account external factors in the impact on it.

  • Caring for dry skin of the face should consist in constant moisture, in the restoration of the protective function, in normalization of blood circulation, in tonic.
  • To care for such skin, it is best to purchase a phytocosmetics, which contains plants such as olive wood leaves, green tea, sea buckthorn, karit, echium, exclusive chamomile and calendula. This will moisturize the skin of the face, soften it. Many drugs with the content of plant extracts have healing and regenerating function.
  • It is recommended to cleanse the skin of a dry type twice a day. In the morning, you can use various oily creams, cosmetic milk to cleanse the skin of the face. Further, it is important with a swab, moistened in a tincture of linden color or in a decoction of chamomile, wipe the whole face. Without allowing the face to dry, it is lubricated with a fairly liquid nutrient cream. After 15-20 minutes, the remnants of the cream must be blown up with a paper towel. For normal absorption of the cream, 10-15 minutes are enough, and after that it begins to clog pores, which is not needed at all with dry skin.
  • In the evening, it is important to thoroughly cleanse the skin with cosmetic milk, and then apply a greasy nutrient cream with vitamins.
  • Girls with a dry skin type are recommended to make nutritious and moisturizing masks at least twice a week.
  • For dry skin, creams with vitamins A and C, with hyaluronic acid, with natural oils, glycerin, collagen, propolis are ideal. Do not purchase cosmetics for alcohol. Dry skin care products must contain sunny filters and oily oils.

Fatty type of face skin - characteristic

  • 4 The main type of face skin is oily.
  • The oily skin type is most often found in girls and young people who are over puberty, which is associated with natural hormonal processes. Sometimes oily skin can have more adults in whom the digestive system, endocrine system and nervous system are disturbed.
  • Increased oily skin is caused by excessive secretion of skin fat due to violation of the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • In appearance, such skin is very rough and compacted.
  • There can be black dots and a large number of extended pores all over the face.
  • The skin is characterized by uneven color and strong oily sheen.
  • Due to the increased operation of the sebaceous glands and the release of fat on the skin, inflamed areas and pustules often appear. Due to this, the skin has an unpleasant earthy complexion.
  • On the other hand, this type of face skin is least affected by weather conditions, the skin of the oily type remains elastic and smooth, musical wrinkles appear on it much later.
  • To care for such skin, it is important to choose the correct cosmetics that will gently affect it, penetrating inward and slowing down the release of fat.

How to care for fat skin

  • To care for this type of skin, it is important to purchase only special creams with reduced oily.
  • You can use light emulsions and gels with a large content of nutrients.
  • Fat skin care should consist of three stages that are carried out daily. This is cleansing, tonic and moisture.
  • It is necessary to cleanse the skin of the face twice a day - in the morning and evening. To do this, you can use hot water with soap, after which the face is rinsed with cold water with lemon juice. You can clean your face with oily skin with special cosmetic milk or water -based gel.
  • You can tone the skin with purchased cosmetics on a plant basis or you can use decoctions and tinctures. You can prepare ice cubes with chamomile or tincture of calendula with a swab with a tampon.
  • Moisturize oily skin is necessary throughout the day. In the morning, you can apply a moisturizing nutrient cream to the skin, which contains UV filters. During the day, you can use infusions and decoctions of herbs, for example, sage or calendula. In the evening, after carrying out all the procedures, apply a nutrient cream with D-panthenol to the skin.
  • It is also recommended to periodically carry out peeling with plant components. But no more than 2 times a week and during the procedure, massage the skin very carefully so as not to injure it.

Failing type of skin - characteristic

In addition to the above types of facial skin, many others can be distinguished, based on its elasticity, the release of sweat and skin fat.

  • Witing the skin manifests itself after 30 years, when its upper layer is very thinner and veins and capillaries begin to shine through it. The operation of the hydrolypid mantle is disturbed, which leads to moisture loss inner layers of the skin. The skin loses turgor - a certain pressure inside the skin cell. In this connection, wrinkles appear on the skin, flabbiness and loss of elasticity are visible.
  • For such skin, it is recommended to use special products that contribute to rendration, skin regeneration, its moisturizing and nutrition.
  • In the morning, it is important to carefully cleanse the skin. To do this, use cosmetic milk or ordinary sour cream, and then apply a nutrient cream for 15-20 minutes. After the indicated time, it is washed off, and the face is wiped with pieces of ice. Then again apply the cream on the face and after 15 they crush its remains with a paper towel.
  • In the evening, it is best to use herbal infusions and decoctions. For fading skin, you can purchase chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, calendula, sage, orange juice. After washing on the skin, a nourishing cream is applied.
  • It is recommended to make nutrient masks twice a week.

Facial skin types - photo

How to determine the type of skin skin

Each separate type of skin requires special care using special cosmetics, so it is so important to determine in advance what type of skin you possess. Today there are a large number of ways to quickly determine the type of skin. You can visit a cosmetologist who will apply professional methods for determining the type of skin, its fat content and elasticity. There are also many ways to test your skin type at home without the help of professionals.

How to determine the type of skin using a paper cloth

  • First of all, you need to carefully remove all the makeup and rinse your face with water. Let your face rest for about 3-4 hours.
  • Next, take an ordinary paper napkin and get your whole face, then analyze your results.
  • If quite large fat spots remain on the forehead, nose and chin, then you are the owner of oily skin type.
  • If on a paper towel you did not see oily spots at all, your skin is dry.
  • If weak fat spots appeared on the napkins in the forehead, nose and chin, then you are lucky and the owner of a normal skin type.
  • If the fat spots appear unevenly, then your skin is mixed or combined.

How to determine the type of skin of the face with a test

To determine the type of skin of the face, you can answer several questions, for this you will need only a mirror and good lighting so that you see your face perfectly.

Other classification of skin skin types

The separation of skin skin types into normal, mixed, dry and fatty is conditionally called basic. However, in addition to them, there are slightly different classification of types according to completely different parameters. You can distinguish types of human skin and type of skin aging.

Types of human skin flowers

  • Yellowish skin color. This type of skin can have various shades, from light to dark. Sometimes yellowish skin may seem almost transparent or have a shade of ivory. Such skin can also be defined as sandy, golden.
  • Reddish skin color. This is also the main type, which is expressed by pallor or copper shade, depending on the specific tone of the skin.
  • Reddish freckled skin.
  • Beige skin color. The main color of such skin is yellow, while the skin is very slowly hazardous.
  • Porcelain color.
  • Ivory of ivory.
  • Olive leather.

You can also distinguish the classification of skin flowers depending on its tones. It is often used by cosmetologists and makeup artists in their work.

  • Dairy color of the skin. The skin is very pale and transparent, sometimes vessels can be shone. In the sun can turn quickly.
  • Light skin color. The skin is pale with a yellowish tint.
  • Medium light beige.
  • The middle color of the skin.
  • The average dark skin color.
  • Dark brown.
  • Very dark skin color.

The skin is an important part of the human body and needs constant and careful care. Knowing your type of face skin, you can provide it with the correct program of care and care, thereby prolonging the youth of the skin and its health.



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