
Choose a microwave oven

Choose a microwave oven
Microwave oven. Types and functions

Today's design of modern kitchen is difficult to imagine without a microwave. And since this technique is necessary for everyone in any house, it should be chosen especially carefully.

The microwave microwave oven is an important assistant in the kitchen of any household. It would seem that quite recently she “settled” at every house, but has already become an indispensable assistant. Although many do not use stoves such as preparing dishes constantly, it is difficult to imagine everyday power without this electrical appliance today.

Just imagine that the finished food will not have to be heated immediately in a plate, but in a pan or in a pan, make breakfast from hot sandwiches not in a couple of minutes, but warming up the oven; To defrost the products before cooking, you will have to wait all day. And food at work will reduce dry cold sandwiches and fast foods. Simple functions of heating and defrosting are quite simplified by life and save precious time to any mistress, men and children.

Choose a microwave oven: for and against microwave ovens


Among the positive factors affecting the decision to buy a microwave oven, you can emphasize several advantages:

  • safety of use, including the absence of fire and hot surfaces;
  • the possibility of cooking in your own juice and without adding oil;
  • the use of a smaller number of dishes;
  • simplicity of use;
  • savings of time for the preparation, heating of food and defrosting of products.

Among negative aspects, only that the device requires electricity consumption and occupies a useful area in the kitchen.

Choose a microwave: types of microwave ovens


In addition to external data, such as color, model and size, all microwave ovens can be divided according to the type of heating, control and internal coating. Let us consider in more detail the varieties of microwaves and their functions for the correct acquisition of the equipment you need without overpayment for unnecessary functions in everyday life.

Choose a microwave oven: types of heating furnaces


Solo microwave microwave ovens only from microwaves and allow you to cook simple dishes, warm up food and defrost it. Suitable for the main types of simple preparation and heating of finished dishes at home for those who are not going to constantly cook in the microwave. Also, a monofunctional microwave patch of type solo is suitable for using employees of any office.

Microwave ovens with grill are used for cooking a la grill, separately by microwaves or when using both functions at the same time. Such a microwave can be used for simple heating and defrosting of products, as well as for the preparation of any dishes. The grill, in turn, can be several types, as well as mobile or not.

The heating grill can be presented in the form of a spiral or metal pipe with a heater inside. Such a grill can be located at the top of the furnace camera or be mobile. The mobile grill allows not only to fry the food more evenly, but also to preserve the microwave inside the cleaner.

The quartz grill is represented by a wire of alloys of nickel and chromium located in a glass pipe. Such a grill is statistical and is not at the top of the camera, but inside its ceiling, heated faster and is easier to clean. There are also models with several types of grill at the same time - quartz at the top and bottom or side, angular and heating elements.

The combined type of microwave is characterized by the presence of microwave waves, grill and convection mode or steam generator, which involves cooking in combined modes. There is a fan on the rear wall of the convector furnaces, which distributes hot air and allows food evenly baked. Combined microwaves with steam processing, convection, grill and microwave waves are used as full-fledged ovens for the preparation of all dishes.

The coal type of microwave grill involves the use of halogen heating and coal heating element, which significantly reduce cooking time and give updated taste of food. Typically, the coal heating element is located in the upper part of the chamber, and the coal core itself is placed in an inert gas pipe. Such carbon details allow you to penetrate the dishes faster and maintain the main beneficial substances of dishes.

Choose a microwave oven: types of stoves by volume


An important factor is the volume or total capacity of the furnace camera. Small furnaces up to 20 liters will include chicken and a plate for food. For housewives who love to surprise with a new dish, a bake up to 30 liters will come in handy. If the family is large and a lot of food is required, then you should pay attention to the models of up to 40 liters, in which even a goose can be baked.

Choose a microwave oven: types of stoves on the inner table


Almost all models of modern microwaves suggest the presence of a rotary site for uniform distribution of temperatures for food. Basically, such a table is presented in the form of a large round plate of durable glass, which is installed on a part with rotating wheels. The diameter of such a plate will directly depend on the volume of the furnace.

Choose a microwave oven: types of stoves by power


Power is one of the most important characteristics of the furnace, since the speed of cooking and warming up, as well as electricity consumption, directly depends on it. Often, the larger the internal volume of the furnace, the more power is needed to warm it up. Basically, the power varies from 700 to 1500 watts.

In all microwaves of the modern type, the power level can be adjusted. Depending on the brand and model of the device of such adjustments, there can be about 10. The grill and convection modes have their intended levels, which can succumb to adjustment or not, depending on the model.

Choose a microwave oven: types of stoves by temperature distribution


In the new models of microwave, there are several sources for radiation, which allows you to distribute the temperature faster and more uniformly. Temperature waves come from the holes inside the chamber in a bundle -like way in different directions. In contact with the glass or other surface of the camera, the rays are reflected to the next point, thus heating the entire camera.

There are also inverter microwaves in which the power smoothly decreases or increases. The heater or magnetron in such microwaves is not completely turned off, as in ordinary solo devices that work according to a discrete scheme (with interruptions) and, with a new inclusion, give out all power. The inverter allows the temperature to smoothly heat the product, which retains its beneficial properties and saves energy consumption.

Choose a microwave oven: types of stoves according to programs


There are several types of software of microwaves. For example, models with automatic modes prepare products according to recipes made in memory of technology. Such algorithms can be different and depend on the power, time or possibility of combining modes.

The user should choose the weight of the product specified in the mode, and the preparation will go according to the given program. There are also models with the possibility of independent programming such modes. Such microwaves should have memory to remember the cooking algorithm.

The function of automatic defrosting of products allows in a few minutes to make a frozen product suitable for cooking or use. The user needs to choose the type of product and its mass, and the equipment selects the temperature, time and power independently. Also, defrosting can be without cars or is completely absent, which does not interfere with defrosting the product at minimum temperature.

The function of automatic heating of products involves settings of the same type as defrosting. You just need to choose the weight and type of product. Without automatic warming, it is quite possible to do and warm up food at any temperature, taking into account the required time and weight of the dish.

The function of the combined grill mode and microwave films allows you to prepare dishes with uniform heating and baked crust. The convector regime in conjunction with the grill allows you to cook the dish faster and more useful. This mode is preferable not only for meat dishes, but also for the manufacture of hot baking and dishes from the dough, as it involves the appearance of a brust.

The function of steam cleaning of the furnace is available only in models with a steam generator. Such a model can practically cleanse the entire working volume of the inner surface of the camera. The program provides for the placement in the microwave of the container with water and the detergent, and the launch of the cleaning system for 20 minutes, which allows steam to dissolve fat and other pollution.

Choose a microwave oven: types of control furnaces


All microwaves according to the type of control can be divided into button, electromechanical, sensory and mixed type. Mechanical regulators set power, mode and operating time for the device. This control is the simplest and most convenient, usually used in solo and grill of microwaves.

Management using buttons can allow the user to set more accurate preparation programs. All the necessary parameters can be set by repeated pressing on certain buttons that will be displayed on an electronic board. Using is simply and is often described in the instructions for the microwave oven.

Electronic maneuvering of the microwave with touch buttons radically does not differ from button control. The only plus of such management is the impossibility of pollution of the buttons cavities. Such features depend directly on the model of technology and can combine buttons and sensor.

There is also a new type of electronic tactile programming. The microwave of this kind is equipped with drowned programmers, which display the mode settings for the monitor. There is also a dialogue control mode when all recommendations are not displayed on the screen, but pronounced as voice tips for the user.

There are also models equipped with additional functions of protecting doors and buttons from children. The function of automatic weighing of products will allow the technique to determine the weight and cooking mode. The automatic launch mode will allow you to prepare the dish for the prescribed hour, and maintaining the temperature will not allow the dish to cool if the guests are lingered.

Choose a microwave oven: types of furnaces on the internal coating


The easiest type of coating is the enameled walls of the camera. Such enamel is easily cleaned of pollution, but is not recommended for using too high temperatures. Typically, a coating of this kind is used in inexpensive microwave pumps of the type of type.

For high temperatures, stainless steel coating is used, but such a material is worse to clean. Such walls need to be cleaned with a brush without a stiff scratching surface. The best coating is a ceramic one that perfectly withstands temperatures and is easier to clean.

Choose a microwave oven: types of furnaces for configuration


First of all, in all microwaves there should be a heating plate. For devices with the grill function in the kit, frying lattices, additional pallets, dishes, and twists can be provided. In models with a large camera included stands for plates can be provided, which will allow you to heat several portions of the dish at the same time.

Additional configuration may include stands for bottles for baby food, special containers for baking bread, steaming dishes for steamed dishes. When purchasing a microwave, it must be borne in mind that it does not allow metal dishes and dishes with a golden coating, the use of which can lead to the appearance of sparks and even a breakdown of equipment. Therefore, you should pre -purchase the necessary heat -resistant glass, ceramic or porcelain forms for the furnace and plastic lids from spray and pollution.

Choose a microwave: built -in microwave oven


The microwave can be embedded in the kitchen design and forms a single harmonious furniture atmosphere. Any type of microwave can be built -in and located in the most convenient place. Interior designers recommend installing such stoves at the chest level and not higher than the head to avoid tilts and overturning dishes.

The built-in microwave patch should be installed only by the employee of the service center. Only a specialist will be able to carry out the necessary installation of equipment and safely connect it. In addition, with independent installation of built -in equipment, you can lose your warranty service.

Choose a microwave oven: the price of microwave ovens


If you need a microwave oven for simple heating and defrosting, then choose a solo model worth from 1,500 r. Having bought an inexpensive microwave oven of this type, you will use all the advantages and functionality of the microwave waves for the preparation of simple dishes if necessary. However, there are no popular functions of the grill, convection and their combination in such microwaves.

You can choose a microwave oven in stores for the preparation of the main dishes, defrosting and warming up within 2500 r. In such common models there is a grill function and all microwave modes. However, there will be no beneficial properties of convection preparation and combined installations in such a solo-grille microwave.

A multifunctional microwave oven in a store of household appliances can be purchased for 6000 p. or more. Such a microwave has all the modes of microwaves, grill and convection, as well as the possibility of their combination. This technique will be able to replace the oven, as it allows you to cook food of any complexity, as well as on the grill, defrosts and heats products and finished dishes.

Choosing a microwave oven: the main manufacturers of microwaves

Referring to numerous reviews about microwave ovens, one can distinguish several main common and high -quality manufacturers of kitchen equipment, and you should also pay attention to the estimated cost of these brands and the function corresponding to the pricing policy.

Samsung microwave ovens


The Samsung Meter 731 KR model is represented by a white plastic and dark door, an electronic display, sensory control buttons and opening button. Designed for warming up, simple preparation and defrosting, without grill and convection functions. Microwries allow you to evenly distribute the temperature, and the ceramic coating has an antibacterial effect and is perfectly washed.

A great option for busy users is complete with 30 recipes for cooking the most common dishes. Defrosting will help save time and has several modes. The volume of such a solo furnace is about 20 liters, power up to 800 watts, the total weight of 10 kg, a rotating heating glass table in the kit.

Microwave ovens LG


The MS20 R42D model from the manufacturer LG (about 3000 p.) Is a classic black and white version of solo type of microwave oven. The absence of the grill is compensated by the presence of 32 cooking modes and the energy conservation program due to the disconnection of the backlight and display. The coating is easily cleaned, and the doors can be blocked from children.

The power of such a furnace is 700 watts, the volume of the internal chamber is 20 liters, the total mass is about 12 kg. Such a microwave is very simple and economical in use for warming up finished products and defrosting. In the process of preparing dishes and in other modes, it works almost silently.

Panasonic microwave ovens


The NN-GD 371 m model from the Panasonic manufacturer (about 6000 p.) Is an inverter microwave. The technique is equipped with a combined type control, intra -chamber backlight, internal walls made of enamel, resistant to temperatures. The combined oven of such a model allows you to prepare various dishes, has a grill and defrosting function.

The grill power is about 1000 watts, the power of microwave waves is about 900 watts, the volume is 23 liters, the total weight is 10 kg, the book of recipes includes. The buttons in this technique are sensory, except for the door, and it practically does not produce noise. Preparation is provided by an inverter stream to preserve beneficial properties.

Gorenje microwave ovens


Model GMO 23 ORA ITO from the manufacturer Gorenje (about 9000 p.) Is made of black metal with silver coating and equipped with sensory control. The camera is made of stainless steel, the stove is equipped with a grill, and the door has a blocking function from children. Such a stove is equipped with automatic defrosting, a quick start and its planning.

Grill power 1200 W, microwave capacity 900 W, the volume of the internal chamber 23 liters, the total weight is 15 kg. The kit is a grill grill and a round glass rotary table. The handle breaks without a button, and the sensor panel is equipped with a protective coating.

Daewoo microwave ovens

A detailed video review of the KOR-5A17 model from the manufacturer Daewoo See further:



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