

For those who want to defeat the aging of the skin, make it young and healthy, a great assistant will be plasmolifting. You will learn more about this unique procedure from the article.

In the fight against the shortcomings of the appearance of the fairer sex, they are ready to make any sacrifices. They sit on diets, starve to become slim, turn to the center of plastic surgery, and play sports. Thanks to modern rejuvenation technologies, every woman can change her appearance, bring it to perfection. To influence problem areas, they use a universal non -grazing procedure - plasmolifting.

What is plasmolifting?


Plasmolifting is a unique technology that is used to influence problem areas of the skin, to correct certain defects. Why unique? Yes, because the activated plasma of nitrogen or compressed gas is used here in order to remove and regenerate damaged skin. With the help of the patient, it becomes possible to achieve effective rejuvenation. In addition, this technology is actively used in order to eliminate scars and stretch marks. Using plasmolifting, you can cure the hair and scalp.

Indications and contraindications to the plasmolifting procedure


From the indications for the plasmolifting procedure, the following should be distinguished:

  1. Earthing the skin of the face and body.
  2. Wrinkles.
  3. Singing skin.
  4. Acne.
  5. Acne.
  6. Hair loss.


  1. Pregnancy.
  2. The period of breastfeeding.
  3. The presence of inflammation in places where it will be necessary to injure during the procedure.
  4. Infectious diseases, diseases of the immune system and illness in the stage of exacerbation.
  5. Age up to 25 years.
  6. Blood diseases.
  7. Severe diabetes.
  8. Anticoagulant allergies used in preparing a solution for injection.

The effect of plasmolifting

  1. The basis of this procedure is the effect of plasma rich in platelets. It is administered using injections to the problem area - as a result, natural rejuvenation occurs due to its own reserves of the human body.
  2. This procedure helps to renew cells. Thus, the process of regeneration and metabolism is accelerated.
  3. Plasmolifting is absolutely safe; during the procedure, heat energy is transmitted contactlessly. Thanks to the use of the patient’s own plasma, infection and rejection is impossible.
  4. It becomes possible to influence the deep layers of the skin, preserving an important outer layer that acts as a natural cover, and the new skin is restored.
  5. During the procedure, the texture and elasticity of the skin improves - the results are preserved up to one year.
  6. There is an effect on deep wrinkles.
  7. The color of the skin, its texture and elasticity improves.
  8. Scars are reduced, as well as folds on the face.

After the plasmolifting procedure, over time, stimulation of collagen production continues. The condition of the skin continues to improve every month during the first year after plasmolifting. This is a clear advantage of this technology.

Plasmolifting in cosmetology  


In cosmetology, this procedure is used to combat skin problems. Human blood cells help her recover after damage. Various skin diseases, as well as skin aging, damage cells, and to protect the cells-centers are purposefully introduced into problem areas.

What results can be achieved in cosmetology using this technique?

  1. The general condition of the skin improves.
  2. The elasticity and general turgor of the skin increases.
  3. Small wrinkles are smoothed.
  4. Facial plasmolifting helps to improve the overall color of the skin.
  5. Pigment spots are brightened.
  6. The production of their own hyaluronic acid and collagen in the skin cells is restored.
  7. The regeneration and restoration of tissues is accelerated.
  8. The visible and hidden signs of chrono and photographs of the skin are reduced.

Rejuvenation using plasmolifting

The rejuvenation of the skin with plasma is quite effective. In a standard course from 2 to 4 procedures. They are carried out with a two -week or three -week interval. The first positive changes after plasmolifting will be noticeable in a couple of weeks.

Further, supporting procedures will help enhance and fix the effect. For an anti -aging effect, you can combine plasmolifting with other anti -aging methods, for example, with peeling and laser grinding. Plasmolifting of the face, reviews of which are very different, but mostly positive, helps to radically change its appearance, make the skin delicate, elastic.

Acne plasmolifting


Acne is an inflammatory process in the sebaceous glands. Pimples appear that are festering, purulent bubbles are opened, and the contents are on the surface, a crust forms. This is a rather unpleasant disease in the fight against which plasmolifting will become an effective assistant. On average, about 4 procedures are required to get rid of acne.

The main component of treatment is the patient's blood plasma obtained using special technology. In it, platelet concentration is several times higher than normal. Platelets contain protein molecules that contribute to the regeneration of the skin. Using injection, plasma is introduced into deep layers of the skin, as in mesotherapy. So the process of renewal and self -healing of the skin is launched.

Advantages of plasmolifting in acne rash

  1. Quite high efficiency of the procedure.
  2. Plasma enriched by platelets stimulates the restoration of skin cells.
  3. The metabolic processes in the skin are enhanced.
  4. Inflammation is reduced.
  5. This is a very effective procedure for riding acne.
  6. Technology safety.

Hair and scalp plasmolifting


Before doing the hair plasmolifting procedure, you should find out the cause of your curls. If the reason lies in hormonal or hereditary problems, then such a procedure will only help to solve the problem temporarily. It is best to contact a trichologist - it will conduct an examination and identify the cause of the loss.

The result of plasmolifting of the scalp remains for 1-2 years. Then a second course of treatment will be required. Often assigned the fixing sessions of plasmolifting, which are carried out periodically. In this case, the result will last longer.

Depending on the condition of the hair and the cause of the loss, sessions can be carried out at different frequency - with an interval of 2 weeks to a month. In most cases, after the first session, the following improvements are observed:

  • hair loss slows down for 2-4 days after the first session;
  • the hair is completely stopped falling after 2 sessions of the procedure;
  • the process of dying of hair follicles stops;
  • intensive hair growth begins 1.5 months after the first session;
  • after the first procedure, dandruff and bacteria that provoke it disappears;
  • after treatment, the hair is compacted, their diameter and structure are restored.

Plasmolifting in medicine

This method is widely used in various sectors of medicine - gynecology and urology, dermatocosmetology and dentistry. Joint plasmolifting is also very effective. This procedure helps restore damaged tissues in a natural way.

Plasmolifting in gynecology

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Against the background of inclusion in the complex treatment of inflammation of the genital organs, the effectiveness of treatment increases, a person recovers much faster. Using the plasmolifting procedure, it becomes possible to restore an erosive mucous membrane and tissue that suffered in an inflammatory process.

Indications for the use of this method in gynecology are:

  • cervical diseases;
  • leukoplakia;
  • endocervicitis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • kraurosis of the vulva.

The results of the procedure are quite impressive. After plasmolifting, the cervical mucosa is restored, the menstrual cycle is established. In addition, an increase in the tone of the pelvic floor muscles should be added to this list. Dry vagina is eliminated, cracks are reduced.

Plasmolifting in urology

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This technology, based on the use of plasma rich in plasma platelets, obtained from the patient’s blood, which has undergone treatment on a special apparatus, helps heal the affected of the bladder and urethra mucosa. With the help of plasmolifting, reviews of which are mostly the most positive, it becomes possible to treat cystitis and prostatitis, as well as urethritis.

In urology, the following results can be achieved using this procedure:

  1. It becomes possible to restore the integrity of the mucous membrane of the bladder.
  2. The effectiveness of antibacterial treatment increases.
  3. The duration of treatment is reduced, the duration of remission in chronic diseases increases.

Plasmolifting for the joints


If a person experiences pain and discomfort in the joints and spine against the background of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, micro-trauma or age-related changes in cartilaginous and bone structures, the plasmolifting technique will become an excellent way to prevent and treat ailments. Thus, one can interfere with the development of changes in a degenerative nature in the joints in the early stages, returning to patients mobility without pain.

In traumatology and orthopedics, the following results can be achieved using this procedure:

  1. It is possible to remove muscle spasm.
  2. The pain in the affected joint is eliminated.
  3. The mobility of the affected joints increases.
  4. The articular fluid is restored.
  5. The fabrics of the musculoskeletal system are strengthened.
  6. The formation of cartilage and bone tissue is stimulated.
  7. The tissues of the musculoskeletal system are strengthened.
  8. The rehabilitation period of tissues is reduced after prosthetics, operations, injuries and stretching, as well as fractures.

Plasmolifting in dentistry


The plasmolifting procedure helps to achieve excellent results in dentistry:

  1. The processes of engagement of dental implants are accelerated, the risk of rejection is reduced.
  2. Periodontitis is cured.
  3. In the minimum time, it is possible to relieve bleeding of the gums.
  4. Periodontal tissues are strengthened.
  5. The loss and loosening of the teeth is prevented.
  6. Lost bone tissue volumes are replenished.
  7. The rehabilitation period after the maxillofacial operations is reduced.

How the procedure goes


Before making plasmolifting, the doctor must conduct an examination in order to identify the cause of disorders in the body. Only then can you start the procedure itself.

  1. From the elbow vein in the patient, the doctor gains a little blood.
  2. It is placed in special tubes for plasmolifting, where a solution for injection is prepared. It contains postal factors, vitamins and trace elements, hormones that restore the necessary supply of nutrients in human skin.
  3. Plasma is introduced into the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe patient's skin using an injection.

As a result of this procedure:

  • the elasticity of the skin increases;
  • bruises are eliminated;
  • the bags disappear under the eyes;
  • the skin moisture is normalized.

On external signs, the result of plasmolifting is the same as with superficial surgical facial lifting, but here it is possible to achieve a result without surgical intervention.

Rehabilitation after plasmolifting procedure

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Plasmolifting is an ordinary injection. Therefore, by and large, rehabilitation after the procedure is not required. The maximum that can be is a small edema or hematoma at the plasma administration. But after 2-4 days they will disappear on their own.

Plasmolifting: photo "before" and "after"

  lico-Posle-Plazmoliftinga [1]




Plasmolifting. Video


Irina Vishnyakova 20.01.2016 Answer

It is always very difficult for me to be treated due to allergies to many medicines. Therefore, when problems with the back began, plasmolifting became a real salvation for me. Treatment was carried out using my own blood, therefore, of course, there were no allergic reactions. Blood for injection was taken from vein, cubes 10, on general well -being, this was completely not reflected. And the effect of the procedures was very noticeable, the pain went very quickly.

Irina Vishnyakova 20.01.2016 Answer

It is always very difficult for me to be treated due to allergies to many medicines. Therefore, when problems with the back began, plasmolifting became a real salvation for me. Treatment was carried out using my own blood, therefore, of course, there were no allergic reactions. Blood for injection was taken from vein, cubes 10, on general well -being, this was completely not reflected. And the effect of the procedures was very noticeable, the pain passed very quickly

Yana Adaeva 29.03.2016 Answer

I used to make a laser grinding to remove the post -acne, immediately after the procedure, the face of course looked scary, and he was healed for a long time. A month ago, the cosmetologist offered plasmolifting instead of grinding. Immediately after the procedure, only small traces of injections were visible, but after a couple of days and they disappeared. And the result is much better, acne scars after plasmolifting disappear already.
