
Effective masks for the skin around the eyes at home. Masks for the skin around the eyes from wrinkles. Skin masks around the eyes after 30, 40, 45, 50 years

Effective masks for the skin around the eyes at home. Masks for the skin around the eyes from wrinkles. Skin masks around the eyes after 30, 40, 45, 50 years
The article presents recipes for skin masks around the eyes for 30, 40, 50 years.

Healthy, young and attractive skin is the dream of every girl and women of any age.

Natural age -related changes, aggressive environmental factors, lifestyle features affect the skin of the face in the best way. Derma loses its elasticity, becomes less smooth, wrinkles appear. There are many means in the arsenal of modern cosmetology, the action of which is aimed at rejuvenating the skin. Unfortunately, even the most modern cosmetic products are not able to completely stop the natural process of skin aging. Moreover, almost all of them contain artificial components that can cause negative reactions from the skin. It is important to remember that the correct and, most importantly, regular face care will help to significantly remote the appearance of signs of wilting and aging of the skin. Do not forget about improvised means that will be found in the kitchen of every housewife. Masks for the skin around the eyes, prepared at home, is an effective and inexpensive dermis care, the result of which will not be long in coming.

Masks for the area around the eyes - Rules for skin care

The skin around the eyes is the most delicate area of \u200b\u200bthe dermis, which is more than the rest of the face and thinning. Therefore, he needs additional nutrition and hydration. Simple home recipes will help refresh the dermis and give it the necessary care. Why does the same mask or the same cream when applied to the skin in one person cause positive changes, and does not have much influence on another or at all the use of the product leads to a negative effect? The answer lies in many ways in the features of the dermis itself. That is why before the use of any means - industrial or home production - it is necessary to determine your skin type. Do not forget about possible allergic reactions to the components of the mask, so before using any product, be sure to carry out a small test for sensitivity on the skin of the wrist.

Ready -made skin care masks around the eyes

A large selection of ready -made cosmetic products is a good help for those who are not able or desire to cook masks on their own.

Gel mask for the skin around the eyes

One of the main differences in this type of masks is the possibility of their reusable use. The gel that is filled with a mask can maintain heat or cold for a long time (depending on whether you are heated by a mask by placing in water with warm water, or cooled it). In shape and size, such gel "assistants" also differ. Masks can cover:

  • The whole face. Only areas of the eyes, nose and mouth remain unclosed. For this purpose, the mask has the corresponding holes.
  • Areas of the skin around the eyes. Outwardly, such a mask resembles swimming glasses (for example, the SPA Bell mask).
  • The surface of the eyelids. It is necessary to close your eyes and place the balls filled with gel over the eyelids (for example, the L’Etual mask).

How do gel masks "work"? Their action is based on the uniform effect of heat or cold on the skin areas around the eyes. No more. The gel located inside the mask does not get to the skin, so it does not emit any supposedly useful substances. Thus, this is a kind of reusable compress. Before using the mask, the skin should be cleaned. The duration of exposure to the product is 10-3 minutes.

  • The use of cold masks gives a feeling of vigor, contributes to a more easy awakening. A warm mask, on the contrary, causes a feeling of relaxation, relieves muscle spasm. It is advisable to use it before going to bed.
  • Such masks for the skin around the eyes help reduce the intensity of headache, reduce tension.
  • If you spend a lot of time before the computer, the mask will help relieve fatigue from the eyes.
  • The chilled mask supports the skin of the face in tone, thereby preventing the earliest appearance of facial wrinkles.

Hydrogel mask for the skin around the eyes

"Instant Beauty" is now possible. Intensive moisturizing that the skin receives as a result of the effect of such a mask changes the appearance of the dermis almost before our eyes. The skin becomes more delicate, silky, elastic and elastic. Additional maintenance is provided by collagen, algae extures, antioxidant complexes, peptides and essential oils. These ingredients in one or another volume are present in many masks of this type.

  • Wash thoroughly and let the skin dry.
  • Open the packaging and remove the fabric base soaked in healing agents.
  • Attach her to face, gently slapping. One of the important advantages of these masks from other tissue is a dense clutch with a face does not allow them to move and fall. You can safely deal with other household chores while the mask "works".
  • As a result, you get not only a moisturizing effect from the mask around the eyes, but also cleansing the dermis (excess fat, pollution are removed from the pores). The components of the mask, as well as the greenhouse effect, which is created under the film, improves blood circulation and microcirculation in skin cells.
  • Start using the product 2 times a week, and after achieving the necessary effect - 1 time in 7 days.

Collagen mask for the skin around the eyes

Collagen is a special protein that is an integral component of not only skin, but also tendons, ligaments, cartilage, as well as connective tissue. With age, the production of this protein decreases, which leads to a decrease in the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. It becomes more dry, flabby, wrinkles appear. Collagen masks are a good means to care for delicate skin around the eyes. Collagen obtained from fish and skin of animals is close in its structure to human, therefore it is actively used in cosmetology. In addition, among the “magic” ingredients you will also find fruit and hyaluronic acids, extracts of healing plants, natural esters, vitamins. The active components of the mask allow the product to position the product and as a remedy for wrinkles around the eyes. Having opened the packaging, you will find a fabric base (most often), soaked in a useful composition.

  • Clean your face first.
  • Apply the mask to the skin.
  • After 20-30 minutes, remove the mask, and rinse your face with warm water.
  • The composition of collagen masks often includes creams and serums, which must be applied to the area around the eyes after removing the mask.
  • The frequency of the procedure is 1-2 times a week.

The result of the regular use of collagen masks is, first of all, an increase in skin elasticity. As a result - small wrinkles are smoothed, deeper - become less pronounced, the dermis becomes more elastic, its color improves. Among the masks from wrinkles around the eyes, according to the reviews of well -proven themselves, you can distinguish Vilenta, Imeten, Dizao, masks from Beauty Style, Purderm.

Mask Patch for the skin around the eyes

First you need to find out what a “patch” is and what the effect of this type of mask can have on the skin around the eyes. Patch-clock masks on a fabric basis or in the form of a patch that must be placed on the required area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. From the point of view of ease of use, this type of mask is an unconditional leader against the background of gel and creamy substances requiring washing off. Such applications are an output during trips or business trips, as well as when the skin is required in a short time. To do this, you need to clean the dermis and the focus of the mask for 10-15 minutes. Patches of several types are distinguished:

  • Ralaging. This type of masks also call patches with a lifting effect. The impregnation that is part of the mask leaves a film on the skin, which after removal leaves smooth skin. Such patches may include collagen, hyaluronic acid, colloidal gold.
  • Moisturizing. In a short time, masks are able to sufficiently moisturize the skin, saturate it with the necessary vitamins.
  • Cleansing patches are glued for only a few minutes. Such a time is enough that pollution from the surface of the dermis firmly glued to the mask. During its removal, the skin is also cleansed of gum and skin fat.
  • Nourishing. This category of patches is somewhat more expensive than the rest. Among the ingredients of the mask you can find extracts of plants, pearl powder, retinol, placenta. The action of the components is aimed at improving the skin.
  • Rejuvenating. The action of patches is aimed at launching and maintaining the natural processes of rejuvenation of the dermis. Extracts of algae, caviar and ginseng, collagen, enzymes and peptides will help reduce signs of skin wither.
  • Therapeutic. This type of masks is characterized by the presence of components such as salicylic acid or various antibacterial components in the composition of such components. Most often, these are masks of point exposure.
  • Drainage. Such patches will help to cope with swelling of the skin in the eye area. Their exposure time is slightly more than others-20-30 minutes.

Skin masks around the eyes after 30

At this age, the skin often does not require serious cosmetic interventions. At this stage, the main thing is, albeit basic, but regular dermis. And, as always, products that can easily be found in almost every house will help you.

Potato mask for the skin around the eyes

Wash raw potatoes (1 root crop), relieve the peel and grate on a fine grater. After gruel can be applied to the skin. The exposure time is 20 minutes.

Mask with oatmeal for the skin around the eyes

  • 0.5 tbsp. Place oatmeal in a thermos and pour a small amount of hot milk. When the flakes swell, apply the mixture for 20 minutes to the skin.
  • In 2 tsp Clapev add 1 tsp. strong tea and 2 tsp. liquid honey. Mix the components and apply to the area around the eyes for 20 minutes.

Flax mask for the skin around the eyes

In 0.5 cups of water, place 1 tbsp. flax seeds. Put the mixture on the fire and cook until it turns into a thick mass. Cool the gruel and apply around the eyes.

Mask with cottage cheese for the skin around the eyes

Prepare the following components: 0.5 tbsp. fat cottage cheese, 0.5 tsp. honey, 1 tsp cream and butter (pre -flood). Combine the ingredients and mix the mixture thoroughly. Apply the resulting cream mask around the eyes for 15 minutes.

Bread mask for the skin around the eyes

Take a bread crumb and soak it in warm vegetable oil. Apply the resulting product for 20 minutes to areas around the eyes.

Mask with sour cream and parsley for the skin around the eyes

Prepare a fresh parsley and grind it. Take 1 tsp. greens and combine with 2 tsp. fat sour cream. Apply the composition to the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes, and then rinse it.

Masks around the eyes after 40

Periodic or systematic lack of sleep, the negative impact of decorative cosmetics, violation of the mode of operation at the computer, improper nutrition and bad habits - all these factors over the years begin to affect the face, moreover, not in the best way. A variety of effective masks around the eyes are called to help the skin, which can be prepared independently.

Yeast mask for the skin around the eyes

Connect 25 g of fresh yeast and warm milk. The resulting mass should have a creamy consistency - do not spread and at the same time not to be too thick. If there was no milk at hand, high -quality olive oil can be an alternative.

Mask with potatoes for the skin around the eyes

The problem of “goose legs” will help to cope with a mask against wrinkles around the eyes with the inclusion of potatoes. Prepare 1 raw medium -sized potato. The root crop must be cleaned from the peel and grate on a fine grater. Take 1 tbsp. The resulting gruel and mix it with 1 tsp. cream (fat content of 25 - 30%). Apply the product to the area around the eyes.

Mask with apricot for the skin around the eyes

Prepare in equal parts the softened pulp of apricot and oily sour cream (30%). Connect the ingredients and mix them thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Cool the product a little and apply it around the eyes.

Banana mask for the skin around the eyes

Good remedy for facial wrinkles. Clean the banana from the peel and open its flesh. Take 1 tbsp. Silming butter and banana pulp. Apply the product warm.

Masks with olive oil for the skin and around the eyes

  • Combine fat cottage cheese and milk in equal parts (1 tbsp). Add 1 tsp to the resulting mixture. olive oil, melted honey and fat cream.
  • Such a composition has a good lifting effect. Mix 1 dessert spoon of olive oil with 2 tbsp. potato puree. Add 3 dessert spoons of fat sour cream to the resulting composition.

Mask with chamomile for the skin around the eyes

The composition will help to cope with the edema. Take 6 dess.L. Dry chamomile pharmacy (or 2 filter packages). Pour 1.5 cup boiling water into the raw materials and give it to brew for 20-30 minutes. In the resulting infusion, moisten cotton pads and put them on the eyelids.

Masks around the eyes after 50

A woman is beautiful at any age, but the skin changes that occur over the years sooner or later overtake every representative of the fair sex. Having crossed the 50-year line, the signs of dermal withering are already manifested quite clearly. This is facilitated by the hormonal changes taking place in the body and chronic diseases that are often present in a woman. The natural production of collagen is also reduced. However, do not despair. A comprehensive approach to the issue of skin care will extend her youth for more than one year.

  • The first thing to always start should start is the cleansing of the dermis. The ideal assistant in this matter will be cosmetic milk based on plant extracts or light oils.
  • Do not forget about moisture, as well as skin nutrition. When selecting a gel, lotion or cream of the necessary action, it is worthwhile to turn to an age group for which a cosmetic agent is designed.
  • In addition, choose the drug taking into account skin characteristics. For example, the owners of fat dermis are better to stop their choice on funds with a fat texture. Under their influence, the skin will become more smooth, elastic. With cosmetic problems (swelling, fatigue, small wrinkles), gels will cope well, and the light texture of the lotion will have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin.

Starch masks around the eyes

  • Combine 50 g of kefir or yogurt (you can use ordinary milk) with 1 tsp. starch (or flour). Mix the product thoroughly and apply to the problem area. The mask will help to cope with dark circles under the eyes, as well as excessive skin pigmentation.
  • Cool the egg protein and beat. Make 4 drops of tea tree oil into the composition. Further gradually, stirring, make starch. As a result, a mass of porridge consistency should be obtained.
  • Combine honey, table salt and starch in equal proportions. Apply the product for 30 minutes. After gently cleanse your face and apply a nutrient cream to the skin.

Such masks have the effect of Botox, which is especially relevant for the zone around the eyes.

Mask with cucumber for the skin around the eyes

Grind a cucumber peeled from the peel. Take 50 g of cucumber (without seeds) and connect it with 20 g of cottage cheese maximum fat content. As a result, get a good tonic.

Mask with watermelon for the skin around the eyes

The cartoon pulp should be combined with a very fat sour cream until thick mass is obtained. Apply a moisturizing mixture to problem areas.

Aloe masks for the skin around the eyes

  • Daily (within a month) apply juice and flesh of fresh aloe to the area around the eyes. Exposure time for 5-7 minutes. A rejuvenating agent will not be long in coming.
  • The following composition has nutritional properties. Mix glycerin, aloe juice and honey in equal shares. Dilute the resulting agent with water, and then add a small amount of oatmeal flour (for density).

Honey mask for the skin around the eyes

Connect 10 g of flour and honey. In the resulting composition, intervene 1 raw protein. Teach a good remedy in the fight against wrinkles.

Turmeric masks around the eyes

Kurkum deserves special attention. Its vitamin complex, ascorbic and folic acids, as well as essential oils made turmeric an indispensable assistant in the struggle for beautiful skin.

  • Remedy for wrinkles. Get 2 yolks from 16 g of cottage cheese, add 12 ml of cream (fat content of not more than 22%) and 3 g of turmeric. Leave the mixture on the face for 20 minutes, after - wipe the dermis with coconut oil.
  • From dark circles. Place 1 tsp in a blender. spices, 0.5 tomatoes and 1 tbsp. Asso flour and citrus juice. Beat the composition until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • To eliminate sagging and swelling. Using a blender, turn a bunch (handful) of mint into homogeneous mashed potatoes. Squeeze mint juice and add a quarter of tsp into it. turmeric and the same chone flour.

Regular skin care will help to postpone the meeting with the first wrinkles for many years to come. In addition, do not forget about important rules: do not be lazy to use sunglasses, try to avoid excessively active facial expressions, be sure to remove makeup before bedtime, pamper your skin with self -massage.



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