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Thermal water for the face

Thermal water for the face
Thermal water will remain youth and health of your skin

Water is the basis of all living things on Earth. The life of people, plants and animals is unthinkable without water. Thermal waters are of volcanic origin.  These are underground waters having a temperature above 20 degrees.

What is thermal water


There is a legend that the goddess Olympus Hertsina decided to find out how they live on earth. The walk was tiring, Hertsin was tired, felt thirst, but could not find a spring and therefore stamped her leg with annoyance. The first thermal source appeared in this place.

People have long been using thermal waters. From history, the use of thermal waters is known by ancient Romans. Special structures were built over the sources for this - the terms. Medicine has long recognized hydrotherapy in an effective way to get rid of some diseases. There is a whole direction of treatment with water - balneology. In the 18-19th century, aristocrats were treated at thermal resorts, it was very fashionable to go “to the waters” to treat the disease or simply calm the nerves, relax, flirt, find the bride or groom.

The composition of thermal water


Thermal sources can be found in different places of the planet, on different continents. The water temperature in them is due to the activity of processes occurring in the underground layers of the hydrosphere, the proximity of magma to the surface of the Earth. Thermal water is extracted from natural springs-geysers, beating from under the ground, as well as from wells drilled in healing water deposits.

In different natural sources, the composition of the water is diverse. Thermal water in composition can be hydrogen sulfide, bicarbonate, sodium, nitrogen, as well as with many options. The chemical composition of the water depends on the variety of the minerals of the source and temperature. Thermal waters are rich in mineral salts and trace elements:

  • iron;
  • bromine;
  • iodine;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium.

What is thermal water for

Washing face

Thermal water energy has been used for a long time. In industry, hot sources are used for the production of electricity, heating of residential and industrial premises, water supply of greenhouses and pools. Near healing hot springs, very famous resorts of Visbaden, Karlovy Vary, Essentuki, Borjomi, Vichy and others were built. All year round, a huge number of people in these resorts improve their health and gain strength. Thermal waters positively affect the treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatism, lung diseases, and ENT diseases.

Thermal mineral water is saturated with trace elements and minerals by nature itself, it observes a natural balance. It differs favorably with mineral water, often artificially enriched with minerals.

The use of thermal water in cosmetology


Due to the natural origin and content of a wide range of useful trace elements, thermal water has a positive effect on the skin. Skin of any type is lacking moisture or dehydration. The disadvantage of moisture is the main reason for the aging of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles, peeling, irritation. Due to dehydration of the skin, its nutrition is disturbed, the skin becomes dry and dull.

In order to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin, you must drink a fairly pure high -quality drinking water during the day, wash, saturating the upper layer of the skin with moisture, use moisturizers. It is very important to wash not with simple water, which dries the skin, but use thermal water for washing. Due to the unique composition and content of various trace elements and mineral salts, thermal water moisturizes the skin, supports the water balance of skin cells, increases immunity, and tones. Thermal water has hypoallergenic properties, so it does not cause irritation, even children and people with sensitive skin can wash it.

Positive qualities of thermal water are used in the manufacture of cosmetics. Based on this healing fluid, they make:

  • moisturization creams;
  • creams and masks for fading and age -related skin;
  • gels and tonics for cleansing the skin;
  • creams for the contour of the eyes;
  • milk for cleansing the skin;
  • cream-soap for washing;
  • sprays.

Thermal water


The cream created on the basis of thermal water, over the minimum time eliminates dry skin, give the skin softness, elasticity, relieve inflammation from sensitive skin. Such a cream allows nutrients directly into the deeper layers of the skin, improving its tone. The use of the thermal water cream will make the skin more resistant to an external aggressive environment. Thermal water is part of the creams to combat cellulite, restoring the elasticity of the skin.

Thermal water spray


The spray made of thermal water is the best gift for the skin invented by cosmetologists. This is a very delicate delicate substance. Thanks to the properties of thermal water, it has hypoallergenic qualities, so they can even wash it. You can use the spray as often as the skin requires. The spray can be sprayed into clean skin, or you can make a makeup. Makeup will not suffer from this, on the contrary, it will be fixed.

Varieties of thermal water


Thermal waters of various brands may differ in composition, since water for them is taken from different thermal sources. Therefore, it is necessary to select thermal water given the type of skin. For oily skin, water with a high content of salts is suitable, but if the skin is dry, then the content of mineral salts is desirable minimal. A large selection of sprays from different manufacturers allows you to buy thermal water for the face, taking into account the condition of your skin.

Thermal water is packaged in comfortable bottles with a spray. It is convenient to carry such a bottle with you in a purse or cosmetic bag and use it as needed. Water does not spill from it, does not drip.

Thermal water VICHY


The famous VICHY brand produces very popular thermal water for the face. VICHY water is mined from the source of the overwhelming volcano. It contains about 15 minerals, the composition of the water is so unique that it is not artificially reproduced. Freshness, skin elasticity is guaranteed with the constant use of Vichy Spa thermal water. The nutrition of the skin also improves, irritation, redness disappears, tone is aligned. To get such excellent results, it is necessary to use the VICHY spray 3-4 times a day.

Thermal water Avene


Avene water differs from others with a neutral PH indicator, this allows you to use it for sensitive skin. Avene thermal water is suitable for the prevention of skin diseases. Avene water is a natural product, they pack it immediately after receiving from the source to the plant. It has a unique softness and natural balance of trace elements, has high saturation with silicon. The unusual softness of this water allows you to use it without exception.

Thermal water la Roche


Thermal water La Roche has a high percentage of selenium, which has antioxidant properties. La Roche water relieves swelling, soothes inflamed skin. It is recommended to use dermatitis.

Thermal water uriage


The famous Uriage brand produces isotonic thermal water. Uriage water is an excellent tool for sensitive skin. It contains a wide range of trace elements, has antibacterial effects. Improves skin condition immediately after the first spray. It is recommended to use Uriage thermal water after peeling and sunburnal procedures. In its composition and healing strength, Uriage water can be called "living water" from the Alps.

Thermal water Dermophil


Thermal water produced by the dermophil brand refreshes and moisturizes the skin. Great as the basis for makeup, as well as to consolidate makeup. Relieves small inflammations and a burning sensation after tanning. It has a unique balance of minerals.

Thermal water spa vosges


The thermal water of the SPA Vosges brand levels the skin tone, restores freshness and relieves skin fatigue. SPA Vosges water is extracted from a natural thermal source located in France. The Spa Vosges bottle will make any journey easier, help during the summer heat.

Thermal water black pearls


The origin of thermal water black pearls is an alpine mountain source. The relatively low price for thermal water black pearls make it available to every woman. Perfectly moisturizes the skin, gives the skin a healthy radiant look. It is packaged in very comfortable bottles.

How to use thermal water correctly


Cosmetologists advise spraying the spray to the face from a distance of 10-15 cm or spray the cloud in the air and “enter it”. Do not wait for absolute drying of water on the skin. After 1-2 minutes, excess moisture should be removed using a napkin.

It is very good to irrigate the skin with thermal water before applying a cream or mask, as well as after aggressive peeling or facial cleaning procedures.

Application of thermal water on top of makeup requires accuracy, it is important to spray a small amount of water so that the makeup does not flow, but is fixed.

Thermal water: Review of the most popular means (video)



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