
Hair dyeing rules

Hair dyeing rules
How to dye your hair correctly. Tips, recommendations and rules.

Many women from time to time want to change something in their appearance.   One of the fastest and simplest ways is hair dyeing. It is only worth changing their color, and your whole image will receive the missing brightness and freshness. At the same time, hair dyeing involves some rules that every woman who dyes hair should know and observe.

  Do you need to dye your hair


You again decided to change your image and dye your hair. And yet, think again, do you really need it? If you have grown hair roots or gray hair, then you can’t do without painting. Or maybe you only want to slightly change the shade of your hair, because the current one is tired or simply faded. Then it is worth considering the option with a tint shampoo, which will “revive” your hair, make it shiny and slightly change the color of the hair. At the same time, painting can be avoided, which, whatever one may say, is stressful for hair. Also set aside hair dyeing in such cases:

  • if you were sick and took medications. Some drugs may affect staining;
  • there are abrasions or wounds on your head. Put the staining until they are completely healing;
  • if you have menstruation, you should not assign a staining procedure these days. Various hormonal changes occurring in the body can affect the result of staining;
  • it is not recommended to dye the hair that have recently been subjected to a chemical curl.

  How to choose a color for hair dyeing

The hair dyed in another color can radically change your image. Therefore, you need to choose a tone with all responsibility.

If you have made the right choice, the new hair color will make your eyes more expressive and improve your complexion. Otherwise, it will emphasize all the shortcomings.

When choosing a paint, take into account the type of your appearance.


  • Warm type. These are people with dark skin, brown or green eyes. The natural color of their hair is usually dark shades. Therefore, staining in chestnut shades best suits them. But light colors, and especially ash shades, can visually make it older. The teply type is divided into spring and autumn. If you have a peach skin color, then it is best to dye your hair in golden or honey tones. But the spring type of people who have a white skin color, brown or red shades are more suitable.


  • Cold type. These are people who have light skin color with a small pink tint, blue -eyed or gray -eyed. They should choose the paint of ash and brown shades. You can try black. At the same time, do not experiment with red colors. The cold type also has a division into a winter and summer subtype. People with a summer subtype have pink skin color and bright eyes. Colors with ashen shades are suitable for them. The winter type of face has people who have a very light skin, while the eyes can be dark. In this case, it is worth choosing a paint of dark colors.

If you have decided on the color you need, do not rush to buy paint in the store. Choosing a tone for you on a bunch-test in a palette is a risky business. After all, the color is far from always after staining. The fact is that in the color palette are located in the sectors - red, yellow and blue. And only the master will be able to determine, depending on your original hair color, the desired tone. For example, to eliminate red shades, a specialist will select paint in the green sector, and paints from a violet palette will help to paint the yellowness. Even if you want to dye your hair yourself, consult when choosing paint with a specialist.

What are the dyeing for dyeing hair


Conditionally, hair dyeing can be divided into three types:

  •   Staining with persistent paint, in which the product lasts on the hair from one to two months. Plus, this paint is good resistance and complete painting of gray hair. Minus is the irreversibility of the process. If you misunderstood the tone or you do not like the result, the paint itself will not disappear from your hair. They will have to either be repainted or cut off;
  • coloring half -resistant paint. The paint lasts about one month. Plus - the paint does not spoil the hair structure, it is washed off gradually, so the difference between growing roots and paint is not so noticeable. Minus - the product will not be able to completely cope with the gray hair, does not give bright and saturated colors;
  • tinting agents. Stay up to three weeks. Plus - do not contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Not only do not spoil the hair, but also have components that take care of the structure of the hair. You can use pregnant and nursing mothers. Minus is a high price, not all tinting products of dark tones are suitable for blond hair (the result may turn out to be unpredictable), a low degree of painting gray hair.

  What should you pay attention to when coloring hair


If you decide to entrust your hair to a professional, do not forget - even a specialist cannot say with a 100% guarantee whether it will be possible to get the desired hair color the first time. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out a few more stains, which does not benefit your hair. That is why experts recommend not to change the hair color of the hair - it is best to paint them for a couple of tones lighter or darker than their natural color. This will keep your hair healthy and transform it. Also, if you decide to dye your hair, pay attention to such moments.

  • The result of dyeing your natural hair and those that have already been painted earlier will be unequal. Therefore, you need to take into account the time of exposure to paint on a particular area.
  • The number of gray hair your hair. Look at the packaging with paint, which indicates the amount of gray hair painted.
  • The color of your hair and the chosen color of the paint. Dark tones hold on their hair better than light ones. Colors with red shades hold well at the roots, if they are painted again. At the same time, they are washed faster on already colored hair.
  • Hair structure. For thick and long hair, a greater exposure time and the amount of means are required.
  • The previous effect on the hair of various chemicals and thermal processing: already dyed hair and undergoing repeatedly styling are different than “young” hair.
  • If your natural hair tends to burn strongly in the sun - when stained, it may not be the shade that you planned initially.

  How hair is dyed in beauty salons: staining techniques


In specialized beauty salons, the master can offer you several hair dyeing techniques. All of them are aimed at ensuring that your hair looks beautiful - they are evenly dyed and look natural. In the cabin, you can be offered to today the types of hair dyeing today.

  • Normal staining. Such a procedure is known to many, quite often it is carried out at home. For painting, it is necessary to apply the product to the hair, withstand time and rinse.
  • Blonding or lightening. Speaking correctly, this species is not staining. Just the opposite - it removes the natural pigment of hair. Depending on the time of exposure and the amount of paint, one or another clarification can be achieved. Blonding can be carried out both in itself and as one of the staining stages. For example, if a woman decided to repaint her hair from dark color to light. To do this, you must first clarify them into several shades.
  • Highlighting. Also quite popular technique. Implies clarification of individual strands of hair. It is carried out using the “cap” or “foil” methods. The strands can be both large and small, depending on the desired result.
  • Bronding. This type of staining has appeared quite recently. It consists in dyeing the hair from dark tones to lighter with a smooth transition. This coloring looks best in public whose natural hair color is dark blond, it will be the original. The technique of bronching is complicated, so it is better to entrust it to a professional.
  • Balayazh. The name is unusual, although in fact this is a familiar coloring of the ends of the hair. The brightening paint or any other color is applied to the ends that are closed with foil and withstand the required amount of time.
  • Coloring. It looks like the technique of execution with highlighting, only in this case several colors are selected. It can be shades similar to each other to make a smooth transition. Or the colors are completely different to achieve contrast.

How to dye hair at home: Rules and recommendations


If you still decide to dye your hair yourself, you need to take into account a few rules. Only when they are observed are a great result guaranteed.

  • If you purchase paint in a store, give preference to well -known manufacturers. Do not buy the paint of incomprehensible and "left" firms.
  • Have you decided to turn into a blonde from a brunette? Then you have to start with bleaching paint. This tool will completely bleach your hair and only after that you can paint it in the desired shade. However, do not abuse such a procedure: bleaching very strongly spoils the hair.
  • Be sure to follow the instructions and do not overexpose the product on the hair, otherwise they can turn into a washcloth.
  • Buy a paint that includes plant components.
  • If you really want to radically change your hair color, you can start with painting individual strands - highlighting. This will not cause much harm to your hair, but the image will very refresh very much. Just do not “take it” yourself - ask to do this a person with experience in this matter or contact a hairdresser.
  • When buying a persistent paint, give preference to means with a minimum amount of ammonia. This will protect the hair from harmful effects, and the process of painting itself will be much more pleasant - without a sharp “chemical” smell and burning of the head.
  • Before the start of painting, be sure to conduct a test for the sensitivity of the paint. Apply a small amount of the product to the inside of the elbow and hold for a while.
  • Clearly follow the instructions. No need to experiment, adding powders or liquids remaining from previous colors to the mixture. Otherwise, do not be surprised at the poor results.
  • To make the hair well, you need a sufficient amount of paint. Therefore, if you have long hair, do not save and buy two packages.
  • The paint should be applied as quickly as possible, the entire process should not occupy for more than 10 minutes.
  • Start applying paint from the back of the head. This part of the head is painted much longer due to lower temperature.
  • If your task is to paint only overgrown roots, apply paint, and distribute with the end of its exposure 5-7 minutes before the end of its exposure along the entire length of the hair.
  • Many believe that after applying the paint, the hair must be covered with a cellophane bag. You don't need to do this! The “greenhouse” effect is necessary only when staining with natural components - henna or basma. In other cases, the scalp should “breathe”. Otherwise, you can burn both the skin and hair.
  • If it is difficult for you to determine what hair color turns out, take the tone to the tone brighter than the desired.
  • In no case do not overexpose the paint. The color of the hair will not become brighter, lighter or more saturated. But the structure of the hair can deteriorate.
  • Rinse the paint with a lot of water.

  How to care for hair after dyeing


So that after dyeing your hair retains your color as long as possible, try to adhere to such tips:

  • Be sure to choose shampoos and other hair care products in stained hair. After painting, the pH of your hair changes, so they may no longer suit the tool that you used earlier.
  • Do not forget to pamper your hair with masks - nutritious and moisturizing.
  • You can also use natural products to maintain hair color:
  • for light hair, chamomile broth is suitable.  In a liter pan of water, add 4 tbsp. Dry mixture of chamomile flowers. A couple of minutes after boiling the decoction, cool and strain. Rinse your hair with this solution. This will give them a wonderful shine, and also light them a little;
  • dark hair is perfect for a decoction prepared in the same way, but from rosemary.

How to dye your hair at home. Video



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