
How to build hair

How to build hair
Overview of various types of hair extensions. Hair extension methods at home.

Long and beautiful hair is an unrealized dream for many women. Unfortunately, most often, it is very difficult to achieve this: the hair is fragile, liquid, slowly grow and in general, there is no time to wait until they grow to the desired length. And if it used to cope with this problem, it was unrealistic - except to buy a wig, then today, thanks to the modern beauty industry, you can only "grow up" a thick shop for a few hours. And at the same time no matter what color and volume your own hair, as it is possible to grow hair today on any hair - if only she was on the head.

What you need to know how to grow hair


  • There are several methods for hair impairing. All of them occupy a certain time, so you will not make a "fast" procedure: on average, all this will take you from 1 to 4 hours.
  • It is possible to grow hair today in any beauty salon, since this is a very fashionable current procedure. But, depending on the level of preparation of the wizard and the elibne, the beauty salon, your desire to grow hair can meet with a barrier - the price of this procedure can be different, sometimes very high.
  • If you learned how much the hair is worth it and it is really expensive for you, do not be discouraged - you can find a master who can at home spend all the necessary manipulations, as it is not so difficult to grow hair.
  • A little practice and you can do everything at home, as it is possible to grow hair well and at home, so this question is restarted only in the presence of financing this procedure.
  • Hair extension technology is as follows: on its own hair at a short distance from the roots are attached strands of the hair that you chose, after which, thanks to several existing methods today, they are "sticking", that is, are increasing.
  • There is a capsule and tape hair extension.
  • It is possible to increase the hair length with a cold and hot way.

Consider all the methods that are used today to extend the hair.

How to grow hair: methods and types


There are several types of hair extensions: capsule, ribbon, cracks and beads. In addition, there are methods of hot and cold buildings - they, in turn, have a huge amount of technology.

Hot hair extension

Hot technology is that the capsule (for extension) is created using a hot liquid resin. Thermal impact is necessary to make hair extension.
The most popular methods are English and Italian.

Cold hair extension

Cold technology does not use any thermal impact for hair extension, that is, there is no need to melt and heat something. For many women, this technology is more acceptable, as it is possible to grow hair with this method, it means to spare your own hair.
The most popular methods are Spanish, German and with beads.

How to grow hair: technology

How to grow hair: english technology


  • Refers to hot hair extensions.
  • To increase the hair using English technology, we need a screwdriver, such as a glue pistol and a coat of keratin resin.
  • Thanks to this technology, you can extend from 100 to 150 strands, the length of which varies from 30 centimeters to 70 centimeters.
  • The area where their hair and strand for extension are connected, looks visually as rice grains.
  • Hair extensions will be spectacular if it trusts an experienced professional, since in inorganate hands the adhesive gun will be able to spoil not only the expectation from the finished result, but also its own hair.
  • Such technology will help beautifully grow hair, but it has pretty contradictory reviews.
  • On weakened or bleached hair, you can build strands do not more than 3 or for 4 months.
  • Correction for healthy hair spend once every six months.


  • One strand can consist of a hair of different shade.
  • Due to the temperature, resin, with the right procedure, do not harm for their hair.
  • disadvantages

  • With neon lighting, capsules that hold the extensive hair will glow.
  • In the bath or sauna, the extensive hair can be turned off, since at 80 degrees keratin resin begins to melt.
  • For a good effect, the capsules themselves should be quite large.
  • If the capsules are small, then donor hair will be very falling out.
  • This method is known for the fact that in 2 months, an average is lost up to 30% of donor hair during combing, regardless of the size of the capsule, this is such a specificity.
  • It is impossible to use various hair care products like balm, mascock, gel, mousse, etc., because if these technicians fall on keratin, then the resin will lose its strength, viscosity may appear.
  • To dry your hair, you need to use a hairdryer, since when natural drying keratin loses strength.
  • How to grow hair: italian technology

    Photo of Beautiful Fashion Woman with Magnificent Hair.

    • Refers to hot hair extensions.
    • Italian hair extension is similar to English, but the main difference is the curls are manufactured at the factory, and the resin is applied in the form of thin plates, not a capsule.
    • Donor hair have very high quality, as they are made for this procedure only in Italy (from where and the name).
    • To enjoy hair using this technology, a power unit is needed that adjusts the heating temperature.
    • To create a lush and beautiful hairstyle you will need about 120 strands.
    • There is a "just" 63 shades that are used in modeling hairstyles through this technology - all of them are standard and created under natural hair.
    • The correction must be carried out once every 3 or 4 months.


  • Donor hair can hold for a very long time - about six months.
  • The best hair extension for those who like to visit the solarium, sauna or bath, as keratin, which is used in this technology is very resistant to temperature.
  • When combing, donor hair is practically not lost.
  • You can safely visit the beach or pool - water is not a complex obstacle.
  • disadvantages

  • The duration of the procedure takes from 2 to 4 hours.
  • Places where your and donor hair are connected, very noticeable to the touch. With unusual, they can even interfere with sleep.
  • When growing, hair can put the plates "edge", which will lead to discomfort.
  • Donor hair is removed with a liquid, which in composition is something similar to acetone - it can damage their own hair.
  • How to grow hair: spanish technology

    Blond Woman with Long Straight Hair

    • Refers to cold hair extensions.
    • Donor hair is glued to their hair with special glue.
    • After hair extension, small flat spikes are formed.
    • Spikes have a light color, so more suitable for blonde women.
    • Correction is carried out in 4 times or even 6 months.


  • There is no danger that high heat treatment can spoil your own hair.
  • Hair care is unlimited.
  • disadvantages

  • Donor hair is removed painfully.
  • During combing, a large amount of hair is lost.
  • It is impossible to remove all the extensive hair in urgent order - it can take several weeks to it, since in its composition the glue is very durable.
  • To remove donor hair, it is necessary to use only the drug Rueber. All others are fakes that will lead to the fact that during the removal of strands will suffer their hair.
  • How to grow hair: german technology (tape)


    • Refers to cold hair extensions.
    • Technology provides for the use of special hair tapes - their width of about 4 centimeters.
    • There are no clamps, no capsules or glue.
    • The procedure is possible due to silicone composition.
    • No distinction between your and donor hair.
    • Instructed with this technology, hair can be laid in various hairstyles.
    • Correction is carried out once a month, and if the hair is growing slowly, then every 2 months.


  • This method is best suited for those people who have hair thin and weakened, as it is possible to grow hair in this way, it means that it is evenly uniform.
  • On the touch, the tape is practically not sufficient.
  • Hair after extension disintegrates to curls and in general, similar to their relatives.
  • For hair fastening, a polymer is used, which is almost harmless.
  • disadvantages

  • Ribbons can slick out a little on the sun or in the light.
  • It is impossible to make styling, as it is possible to build hair in this way, it means that it is strictly in a certain order.
  • Not always hair that is offered to use for this type of building, have the perfect look.
  • How to grow hair: extension by beads


    • Refers to cold hair extensions.
    • The technology provides for the use of special metal beads-biserin, through which their and donor hair, and then with the help of forceps are fixed in this capsule.
    • On average, for the procedure, it is necessary from 150 to 200 strands.
    • Correction is carried out every 4 months.


    This is the most harmless procedure, since the hair is not subjected to any chemical or thermal effects.


    There are beads of only 4 shades.

    How to grow hair: other technologies


    There are also other technologies. They are less common and, most often, have a lot of common with already described above.
    For example, the French technology is identical to Spanish, but in the wizard glue add various dyes, which makes it possible to apply this method for any hair color.
    But the Korean technology is similar to increasing with metal beads, only instead of round fasteners, microcolates are used, which clamp strands.
    Hair extension, as in the photo, is made in the beauty salon using one of the above-described technologies.

    How to grow hair: the best technology

    It is impossible to answer the question of how to grow hair using the best technology, because each of the above methods has both advantages and disadvantages.
    In addition, all of us are individuals are individual, so they need to look for an approach with the master you have chosen for this procedure. What hair to grow is to solve only you!
    True, experts unequivocally argue that a more sparing method is still tape extension. But again - he is not suitable for everyone, but it is ideal in order to use it at home.

    How to grow hair at home


    How to grow hair for cracks

  • At home, you can enjoy hair for cracks - these are long adhesive tapes in which donor hair are sewn. You will only be left to cut the tape on the necessary parts and "to do" - "Money" with the help of threads and sticky scotch here your own hair.
  • This technology is ideal for those who have thin hair or exhausted after a chemical curling.
  • True, the term "socks" is such a shortner's chapels - maximum month.
  • This procedure is shown to everyone, since it is possible to grow hair in this way, without even thinking about the health of the hair - extension on the cracks harmlessly and does not injure your curls. True, the correction must be made more often, however, thanks to the adhesive tape on the cracks, this procedure is painless and is carried out very quickly.
  • The minus of this technology is not to do high hairstyles, as the locations of their and donor hair will be noticeable.
  • The extensive hair can be dried with a hairdryer and curl with the help of forceps, however, using low temperatures.
  • To remove extensive hair, it is necessary to use a special means - solvent liquid "Hair Talk Extensions".
  • Sequence of work

  • Cut from the tape 10 two-penimetime strips with hair.
  • Along the circle of the head divide the hair by the sample (not higher than the uha uhmi).
  • Most of the hair fasten on the top of the top.
  • Stay under the strands of the hair that you separated, strips with donor strands.
  • Stick hair, securing them with threads.
  • Having retreated a few millimeters, make another sample around the head circumference.
  • Take all the above manipulations until all hair is used to build up.
  • Draw your hair carefully.
  • Purify the same length.
  • How to grow hair with capsules

    Capsule extension is carried out in beauty salons, but many practiced it at home.
    Before proceeding with work, you need to know if you overdo it and overheat the hair, or vice versa, "short-term" capsule, then spoil your appearance, and for a long time.

    Sequence of work

  • Along the circle of the head divide the hair by the sample (not higher than the uha uhmi).
  • Take a thin strand (no more than eight millimeters in diameter).
  • Attach a donor strand to your hair (which already has a keratin capsule), retreating a little from the roots.
  • Secure the junction with hot tongs.
  • Similarly, and all other strands.
  • Disable hair, spread them and align along the entire length.
  • How to grow hair on silicone rings


    This technology is from Japan - its second name "Ring Star". Donor hair has a silicone ring, to which their own hair is attached. Cleaches are clamped with nippers.
    The procedure is performed quickly, but its big minus is that the hair is very injured during the removal of "rings".

    Sequence of work

    Exactly the same as for hair extension with the help of capsules.

    How to grow hair on the hairpins


    The easiest and gentle way to build hair at home - hair on the hairpins. This method is not suitable for constant wearing, but as a hairstyle for one evening - the most it is!
    It is best to choose natural hair on the hairpins, as artificial hair is not so beautiful, besides, they are very confused.
    By the way, this procedure is suitable for any hair: build short hair for volume or long, for effect - to solve you!

    Sequence of work

    At the ends of donor hair there are small boards that are very easily attached to their hair. Due to its structure and diverse colors and shades, hair on the hairpins can be increasing throughout the head or hotel strands, and the most diverse color.

    Cons Hair Extensions at home

  • To capacity hair, you need to gain certain skills, be very attentive and neat.
  • Alone to increase hair on the back of the head is hard - the help of the second person is needed.
  • Incorrect donor donor and their hair can disappear at the most inopportune moment, which will lead to a confusion on your part, as well as to the horror or merry among others.
  • If you damage your hair with forceps, you will have to treat them, and this is very expensive "pleasure" and, that is important - very long.
  • Do you know what is much harder than growing your hair in home conditions? Correction.
  • Contraindications for hair extensions


    • Your hair should not be shorter than 5 centimeters.
    • Your hair should be healthy: you can not exhaust strands on brittle, weakened, thin and damaged hair. Lighted hair will be confused, so they are also not desirable to build strands.
    • It is impossible to increase the hair with pregnant women due to hormonal imbalance, since the hair most often in this period becomes brittle.
    • It is impossible to increase hair with girls who have not reached the age of 16 - the body is not ready for such a load, besides, a hormonal failure occurs during the growing period.
    • It is impossible to increase hair if you take antibiotics, pass the chemotherapy course if you have a scalp skin: dandruff, fungi, lice T.
    • It is impossible to increase hair with a vegetative-vascular dystonia, with frequent headaches and migraines - capsules can create additional pressure on the head, which will lead to more frequent headaches.
    • It is impossible to increase hair to people who have sensitive skin of the head.
    • It is impossible to increase the hair to those people who have a tendency to different allergies.
    • It is impossible to increase the hair, if the hair falls very much.
    • It is impossible to build hair if you poured the scalp - until the abolition of the abrasion.
    • It is impossible to increase the hair if you changed the climatic belt to the full adaptation of the body.

    Standard Colors.

    How hair is increased: video instructions


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