
From which Ketorol helps - indications, contraindications. Ketorol: Instructions for use in injections, tablets, ointments. Analogs of Ketorola.

From which Ketorol helps - indications, contraindications. Ketorol: Instructions for use in injections, tablets, ointments. Analogs of Ketorola.
From which Ketorol is helped - pills, ointments, injections. Instructions for the use of ketorol. Ketorol from pain: How to act, recipe. Ketorol analogues.

Anesthetic drugs are present in a home first aid kit for each family. In this article we will talk about one of the strongest similar funds - Ketorola. This drug is suitable for getting rid of both moderate pain syndrome and a strong syndrome. Let's figure out in what cases this drug will be effective, we will learn about the forms of ketorol and its counterparts.

Ketorol - instructions for use

Ketorola action

Ketorol is a nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drug. Its action can be explained by decreasing production in the peripheral tissues of a special enzyme - cyclooxygenase, as a result of which the synthesis of prostrapyins occurs. It is the simple-headed challenges responsible for pain, inflammation processes and thermoregulation in the human body. Thus, the pharmacological effect of Ketorol is to create the effect of the following types:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • painful effect;
  • antipyretic effect.

It is also worth noting that Ketorol does not affect the course of the disease, but simply removes some symptoms.

Ketorol - composition

The drug ketorol is produced in various dosage forms, depending on which the composition of the drug is changing. But the active substance always remains the same. Consider the composition of Ketorol tablets:

  • ketorolak Trometamine is the main active ingredient;
  • cellulose;
  • starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • silica;
  • dyes.

Ketorol - Dosage

Ketorol is a strong analgesic drug, which is capable of riding even from severe pain syndrome. As with the reception of any other drugs, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the dosage. It is important to know what the maximum number of tablets (other dosage forms) is permissible to take within a day.

  • Obstruction dose of ketorol - 10 mg of ketorolac of thrometamine. This means that with pronounced pain syndrome, one time can be taken 1 tablet.
  • Permissible dose per day - 40 mg of Ketorolak of thrometamine (4 tablets).
  • It is advisable to make a minimum effective dose. The course of receiving Ketorola should not exceed 5 days.
  • If there was a need to switch to the parenteral pathway for the administration of the drug, then the daily dose of Ketorolak of thrometamine on the day of the transition should not exceed 90 mg. This dose is permissible for patients aged 16 to 65 years. For people suffering from kidney diseases, and people over 65, the dose should not exceed 60 mg of Ketorolac thrometamine. On the first day of transition to an intramuscular method of administration of ketorol, the dose of tablets should not exceed 30 mg for all categories of patients.
  • Ketherol is intramuscularly introduced 1-2 ml every 6-8 hours. As a rule, this method of administration is chosen with particularly pronounced pain syndromes. The course of receiving Ketorol in ampoules should also not exceed 5-7 days in order to avoid the appearance of side effects.

Ketorol - side effects

If you do not comply with the recommended dosage in the reception of the drug ketorol, that is, the big risk of side effects. People over 65 years or people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases have a greater chance to experience the side effect of the drug. Consider a list of possible side effects on various human body systems:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract, such side effects as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomatitis, meteorism, acute pancreatitis, hepatitis, erosive or peptic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract may occur;
  • from the urinary system, such side effects can rarely occur as acute renal failure, a decrease or increase in urine volume, nephritis;
  • from the parties of the senses, such side effects as disorders in vision, hearing may rarely arise;
  • from the side of the respiratory system, such side effects as shortness of breath, bronchial spasm, larynx spasm can be observed;
  • on the side of the nervous system, side effects in the form of dizziness, drowsiness, apathy, pain in the head can often be observed. Decessant states, hallucinations, neurotic states, increased nervous excitability may occur very rarely;
  • from the side of the cardiovascular system, an increase in blood pressure may often be observed. Rarely can occur the ease of light, a faint condition;
  • from the side of the skin can occur rash, urticaria, dermatitis, itching, peeling.

In a person hosting a drug Ketorol, there may be an individual intolerance to this fund. This can be occurring in an increase in body temperature, breathing difficulty, an increase in or decreasing pressure, sweating, chills, an edema of quinque, the edema of some parts of the body, nausea and vomiting. If, after taking a tablet, you have sharply manifested any of these symptoms, then let me know the doctor immediately and do not take the next dose of medication.

Ketorol - Contraindication

Before the use of the drug, Ketorol must be familiar with the contraindications to the use of this fund:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • polyps in the nose or separation sinuses;
  • state of dehydration of the body;
  • ulcer, gastritis of the stomach or any other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase;
  • children's age up to 16 years;
  • individual intolerance to Ketorolaca of thrometamine - the main active substance;
  • heart failure;
  • renal failure;
  • disturbability of blood;
  • state after surgery with high blood loss;
  • suspicion of bleeding of any kind;
  • pregnancy period, breastfeeding.

Compatibility of ketorol with other medicines

If there was a need to apply a drug ketorol, then you need to know about the peculiarities of its interaction with some other drugs. The joint acceptance of some drugs can reduce the effect of one or another drug.

  1. The joint adoption of the drug ketorol with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs significantly increases the risk of harmful effects on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Joint use of the drug ketorol with medicines that have the same burden on the work of the kidneys, increases the effect of nephrotoxicity. This preparations include paracetamol, methotrexate.
  3. It is worth avoiding the joint use of the drug ketorol with thrombolitics, anticoagulants due to the risk of bleeding.
  4. The joint use of the drug ketorol with drugs to reduce blood pressure, with diuretics reduces the effect of the latter.
  5. With the joint use of the drug ketorol with insulin, an insulin dose correction is required.
  6. It is worth avoiding the joint admission of the ketorol drug with any psychostimulating drugs due to the high risk of the occurrence of adverse reactions from the nervous system.
  7. It is worth avoiding the joint use of the drug ketorol with anticonvulsants due to the risk of seizures.

Dosage forms of Ketorola.

Ketorol in tablets - instruction

Ketorol is a non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug, which, with moderate pain, use most often in tablets. Tablets ketorol Two-bucks, covered with soluble film shell of green. On one of the sides of the tablet, there is an embossing letter S. If you cut the tablet half, then in the slice you can see a white core and a thin layer of a green shell. Ketorole tablets are sold in blisters placed in cardboard packaging.

Ketorol in injections - instructions

Ketorol in injections is used for severe pain syndromes. In practice, this dosage form is usually used in the postoperative period to eliminate pain. The duration of the use of ketorol in ampoules should not exceed 5 days. As a rule, from the 2nd day of intramuscular administration of this drug, patients are transferred to ketorol in tablets. Consider the composition of the Ketorol solution:

  • in one ampule contains 30 mg of the main active substance - Ketorolac of thrometamine;
  • ethanol;
  • sodium chloride;
  • propylene glycol;
  • water and others.

The dosage of the ketorol solution for intramuscular administration depends on the intensity of pain, the age of the patient, the state of health. One-time dose can be 10-30 mg of ketorolaca. Always need to strive for the smallest effective dose.

Ketorol in gel - instruction

Ketorol is an analgesic that can be used for outdoor use if gel is presented. Gel ketorol is a transparent gel of homogeneous consistency, which has a weak characteristic smell. This agent is used to reduce pain syndrome in Malgia, Radiculitis, bruises, neuralgia, bursite, synotte. Consider the composition of the dosage form of Ketorol:

  • in 1 grams of gel contains 20 mg of the main active substance - Ketorolac of thrometamine;
  • propylene glycol;
  • dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • thrometamine;
  • water;
  • flavoring;
  • ethanol;
  • glycerol, etc.

It is worth noting that the drug Ketorol gel as well as in other dosage forms, does not affect the course of the disease. The gel should be applied topically and only on dry and clean skin. Squeeze the gel strip of 1-2 cm at the place where the pain is felt most strongly. Gentle rubbing movement need to massage this place up until the gel is completely absorbed. The next time you use Ketorol gel can only be 4 hours. Max Ketorol use gel per day - 4 times. To refrain from using the gel Ketorol be children under 16 years, women in the last trimester of pregnancy, people with diseases of the skin, open wounds, cuts, abrasions, people with individual intolerance of ketorolac tromethamine, for people with asthma, nasal polyps.

Ketorol in the ointment - the instruction

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments are very comfortable to use. Ointment differs from the gel in that it is created on greasy basis. The ointments usually present petrolatum, various oils, grease, etc. Pharmaceutical formulations in the form of gels have a lighter structure, are water or alcohol basis. They are quickly absorbed, leaving no sticky feeling on the skin. Unfortunately Ketorol medicament is not discharged in the form of an ointment. But today's pharmaceutical market is able to offer other non-steroidal drugs with similar effect in the dosage form.

Ketorol in candlelight - instruction

In some situations, very convenient to use non-steroidal drugs with a pronounced analgesic effect in the form of rectal suppositories. Means starts to act quickly and avoid a direct hit in the stomach. Unfortunately, the drug Ketorol not represented at the current pharmaceutical market in the form of candles. If you go to the doctor, then he is sure to pick up for you like a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug in the form of candles.

Ketorol - from what helps

Ketorol for back pain

Ketorol is an effective means for reducing pain syndrome with back pain. If the pain is not too strong, then use the dosage form for outdoor use - gel ketorol. It needs to slowly rub into the most painful area on his back, waiting for full absorption. Thanks to its light texture, the skin does not have an unpleasant feeling after using this gel. Ketorol in the gel begins to act about 30 minutes. The greatest effectiveness of the means is maintained for 1-2 hours, and slightly less pronounced - for 4 hours. To get rid of pain in the back, the tablets ketorol or injections will be effective (in extreme cases), which should be used strictly according to the instructions.

Ketorol from dental pain

What can be more unpleasant toothpow? The pain of this kind can reach the highest threshold, bringing a person unbearable torment. Of course, it is easy to "extinguish" the symptoms of painkillers. A visit to the dentist is the first thing you need to think about. But situations when you have to contact painkillers, still possible. Cetherol medicine is one of the strongest funds recommended for dental pain. Due to its bright anti-inflammatory action, the toothpache passes literally 20 minutes after taking a tablet. Dentists recommend using this drug in cases of acute pain, to remove diseases after removal of the tooth, surgical intervention in the oral cavity. But it is not worth postponing a visit to the doctor after getting rid of dental pain.

Ketorol from headache

In the testimony to use the drug ketorol there is both headaches. The drug blocks the production of prosthelov, which are responsible for the occurrence of pain. Improving well-being occurs 15-20 minutes after receiving tablets. If headaches appear often, it is necessary to find out the reason for their appearance. Just take pain symptoms - this is not an output.

Ketorol from pain during menstruation

Dysmenorrhea - painful sensations at the bottom of the belly in women during critical days. Someone has a pain may not be, someone feels moderate pain, not bringing special discomfort, and someone has pain syndrome can reach his peak. As a rule, the strongest sharp pains are felt in the first days of menstruation. Ketorol is an effective preparation to reduce pain. Take it should be strictly according to the instructions. Also not allowed by the adoption of the drug Ketorol "in advance". The medicine is taken only on the fact of the occurrence of acute pain. It is also worth recalling that Ketorol is contraindicated for use in persons under 16 years.

Features of the use of drug ketorol

Ketorol Children

Ketorol is a strong drug, the use of which in childhood up to 16 years is simply unacceptable. To remove pain symptoms in children under the specified age, other drugs are used. Gel ketorol can be used in children over 12 years old, and a solution of ketorol for intramuscular administration is over 15 years old.

Ketorol during pregnancy

The use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory means Ketorol is not recommended for pregnant women, women, nursing, during the birth. This rule concerns ketorol in tablets and in injections. The use of ketorol gel is permissible for pregnant women on the I-II trimesters of pregnancy.

Ketorol and alcohol

As for the absolute majority of drugs, the combination of ketorol and alcoholic beverages is unacceptable. Consider what our organism is experiencing when such a "powerful cocktail" gets:

  • both alcohol and drug ketorol have a significant irritant effect on the digestive organs. With their combination, double load on the mucous membranes of the stomach, intestines;
  • with a combination of the drug ketorol with alcoholic beverages, the character of its influence on the body changes. Ketorol is faster absorbed into blood, as a result of which the removal of pain symptom may occur after 10 minutes. But also the elimination of medication from the body is accelerated, as a result of which the need for a new dose appears faster;
  • both alcohol and drug ketorol have a burden on the liver and kidney. With their joint acceptance, the load on these organs increases twice.

Ketorol - Reviews

  • Irina Evgenievna: "In my home aid kit there are many medicines, among which can always be found ketorol. This tool is a kind of emergency at various sharp pains. The husband suffers from radiculitis, and these pills are very helpful. I use ketorol with headaches. "
  • Marina Ivanovna: "I got acquainted with Ketorol even in youth. The fact is that during critical days my life literally stops for 1-2 days. And only thanks to this anesthetizing, I can continue to work without falling out of the schedule. "
  • Vladimir Ivanovich: "Once at night I just had an incredibly strong attack of dental pain. My condition will understand only one who knows what a toothass pain. The daughter gave a tablet of Ketorol. I did not hoped for the imminent effect, but the real miracle happened. The pain subsided, and I could sleep calmly until the morning. "

Ketorol - analogs

Ketorol is produced in 3 dosage forms - in tablets, in gel and in ampoules for intramuscular administration. As with most drugs, he has his analogues. Replace ketorol tablets with the following means:

  • Ketanov;
  • Ketarolak;
  • Dolomin;
  • Dolk;
  • Naz;
  • Nooofen;
  • Tempalgin.

Ketorol in ampoules for intramuscular administration can be replaced by:

  • Ketanov;
  • Torolac;
  • Ketorolak;

  • Ketolak.

Ketorol gel can be replaced with the following analogues:

  • Naz;

  • Diclofenac;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Dikloben.

Features of the use of drug ketorol

  1. Ketorol tablets should be swallowed entirely, not grinding and without riser. Pipes need to drink a small amount of water.
  2. Ketorol tablets can be taken both before eating and after or during. Only it is worth considering that Ketorol's tablet, taken after eating, will begin to act a little later.
  3. Ketorol is the strongest non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, the stronger of which is only narcotic drugs.
  4. Do not take the drug ketorol simultaneously with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents.
  5. Persons suffering from violations of blood flowing should be borne in mind that Ketorol will affect blood frequency processes for another 1-2 days after cancellation.
  6. In elderly people, the risk of side effects from Ketorol's reception is always higher.
  7. When admitting the drug, Ketorol always need to strive for the smallest effective dose.
  8. The duration of the reception of Ketorol should be not more than 5 days.
  9. Tablets and injections of ketorol are able to cause violations in the work of the nervous system. For this reason, it is recommended to refrain from managing vehicles, from working with complex mechanisms.
  10. If you accidentally accepted a large dose of ketorol than you need, there may be symptoms of overdose in the form of nausea, vomiting, acute stomach pain, fainting. In this case, the stomach is washing and accept adsorbing drugs.

Ketorol is an indispensable drug that can help with acute pain of different origin. Always follow the instructions for the use of this powerful drug and keep it away from children. Ketorol has no cost not very high, which makes an affordable drug. The presence for the purchase of Ketorola recipe from the doctor depends on the country where they want to buy it.


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