
How to cook the knob in Bavarian beer at home. Step-by-step recipes knuckles in the beer in the oven. Cooking the steering wheel in beer in a slow cooker

How to cook the knob in Bavarian beer at home. Step-by-step recipes knuckles in the beer in the oven. Cooking the steering wheel in beer in a slow cooker
Appetizing baked pork steering wheel in beer: the best suite recipes with photos and step-by-step cooking at home.

Ruddy, roasted, fragrant and appetizing pork steering wheel has long won the status of one of the best snacks to beer. In Bavaria, this dish is served on the largest beer festival - Oktoberfest, and in the Czech Republic, a baked steering wheel, known as the "Private Weping Knee", is one of the favorite dishes.

Baked pork steering wheel is very popular in many countries and loves gourmets not only beer, but also admirers of delicious juicy meat. The dish is able to decorate even the most festive table. How to cook the steering wheel in beer at home? How to choose and bake meat to hit your native hearty and tasty lunch? All answers in today's selection of material. And step-by-step recipes with photos will help to cope with the task even novice culinary.

How to choose a pork steering wheel?

What is the pork steering wheel? This is the name of a part of the pork leg from the knee to the tibia (conditionally).

It would seem that gross muscles, connecting tissue, thick skin and bone. What can be prepared from such a not very presentable set. It turns out, it is possible, and a very tasty dish. Baked pork steering wheel in many countries is considered to be a favorite delicious delicacy. But so that the dish manage, it is important not only to cook it correctly, but also to choose a good ham, - only then the cooked steering wheel is truly juicy and tender.

  • For the preparation of pork steering wheel in beer, you only need to use freshly young meat. It will provide a saturated meat taste of a dish, an appetizing aroma and soft meat.
  • It is important to draw attention to the appearance of the naked: the color of the skins should be light, the smell is fresh, sweetish, and when the meat is pressed, it should spring, which indicates its freshness.

  • Choosing a pork naked baking, it is better to take the back of the rear part, which is more meaturaysome and soft. The front legs, like more dense and fat, it is better to leave for a chill.
  • The thicker and the meaty of the wheel - the more tastier the dish it turns out. The meat on the leg should be pink, with thin streaks of a sala. Naturally, in the context of the steering wheel, 90% should consist of meat and only by 10% - framing its bass and skins.
  • Ideally selected pork nose must be completely covered with skin, without damage and cuts. Otherwise, the meat will be prepared uniformly and will lose its juiciness.
  • Before the cooking process, it is important to carefully clean the skin from dirt, blood and bristles. To do this, part of the pork legs are cooled and scrape with a knife. At the same time, it is impossible to cut the skin, otherwise the dish will lose the uniqueness of taste.

Features and beneficial properties of pork steering

  • The pork steering wheel is a tasty, juicy and appetizing delicacy, from which someone is unlikely to refuse. It is served with a variety of headsets, sauces and spices.
  • Prepare a pork steering wheel in different ways: in the oven or in a slow cooker, and unusual marinades give me a special taste and fragrance.
  • The most balanced and useful is the pork steering wheel baked with vegetables.
  • In addition to the design option, a nutritious soup can be prepared from the steering wheel or appetizing pork roll.

  • The dish, despite the high calorie content, contains a number of vitamins: H, RR, E and most of the Vitamins of the group B. Pork steering wheel is rich in such valuable for the human body by trace elements, like potassium, iron, fluorine, iodine, copper, calcium, etc.

Recipes for cooking pork steering wheel in beer

Recipes for cooking pork steering is quite a lot. The dish is very popular in many countries, and therefore has undergone a number of transformations and interpretations.

Most often, the cooking technology includes the following steps: pork naked, first marinate, then boiled and only after that bake. Marine the knuckle in beer is a classic cooking option. But in some recipes, meat naked is not just marked, and also boiled in beer.

For a saturated dinner for two, it will be quite enough single pork steering wheel. The dish is obtained nutritious and delicious. The only drawback is the long time of its preparation. But the final result is truly worth all efforts.

So, consider the most popular and proven recipes for cooking pork naked.

Recipe 1, baked pork steering wheel in beer

  • Pork steering wheel baked in beer - the most commonly found classic cooking option.
  • The homeland dish is Germany and the Czech Republic, famous for the manufacture of the most delicious beer. So, the prehistory of creating a dish is the search for cooks of perfect snacks to beer, which is certainly a baked pork steering wheel.
  • Nowadays, the dish is still used as a snack, as well as simply as an independent dish for connoisseurs of gentle tasty and juicy meat with a fat.

Required products:

  • 1.5 kg of pork naked;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 bulb;
  • 1 l of dark beer;
  • seasoning (bay leaf, peas pepper, carnation, cumin);

Products for coating naked (mix to choose):

  • salt, pepper, ready-made seasonings for meat or lady;
  • oregano, Rosemary, Turmeric, Salt, mustard;
  • mustard, honey.

Consider a step-by-step recipe of a baked steering wheel in beer with honey and mustard. Meat on this recipe is carried out gentle, with a sweet caramelized and crispy crust. Such an option is the perfect feed to a dark or bright beer.

  • Prepare naked and vegetables: wash and clean.
  • Note the knuckle with cloves of garlic and carrot slices. For this, the clove of garlic or a piece of carrots must be swollen in salt and put into a neat, deep cut on the naked. The incision is made with a sharp knife, trying as little as possible "injury" the skin. Vegetables It is important to inhibit evenly over the entire surface, thus providing the pickling of meat from the inside.
  • The next important stage is Pork Golyashka Marin. In order for the marinade as best as possible meat, it is necessary to make shallow cuts across the naked (better in a checkerboard). Then the stuffed steering wheel is poured with beer and leave for several hours.

  • Next, the pickled steering wheel is boiled. For this, a deep saucepan is suitable, where the pork nickname is completely placed. The meat is poured with water, bring to a boil, remove the resulting foam, after which they are added to the broth spices, a piece of carrots and a whole purified bulb. Vegetables will make tastier and fragrant not only broth, but also meat itself. The pork steering wheel is cooked on a slow fire about 1,5-2 hours (it depends on its value).
  • While the nickname is brewed, cook-sauce prepare. For this, the equal parts of the mustard and honey are mixed, for example, 2 tbsp. And add more 0.5 liters of beer (where the steering wheel was pickled).

  • The resulting mixture put on fire and bring to warm state so that a homogeneous mixture turned out.
  • The welded steering wheel is placed in a container for further baking, pouring the prepared coating there. Carefully fault with a rug from all sides.
  • The final stage - the baking of meat. Put the steering wheel in advance preheated to 180 0From the oven and bake it about 45 minutes. It is important periodically (every 15 minutes) to turn over and water the steering wheel formed on the bottom of the tank capacity. This will allow meat evenly to bake, and the caramelized crust and shovel.

Recipe 2, baked pork steering wheel in beer with sauerkraut

Interesting Czech version of baked pork steering wheel with sauerkraut. "Private Weprevo Knee" - this is the name of this dish in the Czech Republic.

The perfect garnish for meat is the baked sauer cabbage. As a rule, it is used as a "vegetable pillow" on which meat is fried. A simpler version is possible when the cabbage for the side dish is extinguished separately, in a pan, with the addition of tomatoes or pasta.

Required products:

  • 1.5 kg of pork naked;
  • 7-8 garlic cloves;
  • 1 bulb;
  • 1 tbsp. salts;
  • 100 ml of soy sauce;
  • 1 tbsp. mustard;
  • 1 l beer;
  • seasoning (bay leaf, peas pepper, carnation, rosemary, oregano);
  • 0.5 kg of acid cabbage;
  • 1 tbsp. Tomato paste.

Consider a step-by-step recipe for a baked steering wheel in beer with sauerkraut. According to the Czech recipe, the pork naked is not necessarily before baking. You can do the longer time of baking in the oven (up to 4 hours) or marination (up to 12 hours).

  1. Prepare a naked: wash and clean.
  2. Inspecting the knob with trained cloths of garlic. For this, each clologist must be swollen in salt and put in a neat, deep cut on the naked. The incision is made with a sharp knife, trying as little as possible "injury" the skin. It is important to mean garlic meat uniformly throughout the surface, thus providing additional aspecting meat from the inside.
  3. The next important stage is Pork Golyashka Marin. In order for the marinade as best as possible meat, it is necessary to make shallow cuts across the naked (better in a checkerboard). Then the stuffed steering wheel is poured with beer and leave for 5-6 hours (you can at night) in the refrigerator.
  4. At this time, a garnish of sauerkraut is preparing. To do this, grind and fried to a transparent state of the bulb, cabbage and tomato paste are added. All ingredients are stirred and extinguished 5-10 minutes. Tomato paste neutralizes excessive acid, making cabbage with a harmonious addition to fried meat. Instead of pasta, berries are also suitable cranberries or lingonberries.
  5. The wizard cooler is deceived by spices and a mixture of mustard with soy sauce. Recommend to use mustard with grains to make the dish more original and tasty. You can also add some liquid honey to the sauce.
  6. The "pillow" from the sauerkraut is laid in the baking container, the steering wheel is placed on top and send a dish into the oven for 2-2.5 hours. Baking temperature is 180 0WITH.
  7. To avoid burning cabbage, periodically need to water the naked beer from the marinade.

If there was no sauerkraut in the house, you can simply bake pork naked with soy sauce, honey and mustard. This option is customized to call the "knob in Bavarian beer." Meat on this recipe will be unique, as close as possible to the pork, supplied in Bavaria's beer pubs.

Recipe 3, pork steering wheel in beer baked in sleeve

The pork steering wheel marinated in beer and baked in the sleeve does not need a preliminary glowing of the naked.

The meat for this recipe is obtained juicy, soft and fragrant.

Required products:

  • 1.5 kg of pork naked;
  • large salt;
  • 50-70 ml of soy sauce;
  • 2 liters of light beer;
  • seasoning (mustard, bay leaf, peas pepper, oregano, turmeric, rosemary);
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Consider a step-by-step recipe for the steering wheel in beer baked in the sleeve.

  1. Prepare a naked: wash and clean.
  2. Salt the knob and pour beer for several hours (you can at night). Marine in the refrigerator.
  3. Mocked pork shin is fought by refueling from soy sauce, spices and vegetable oil.
  4. Final stage - baking. The knob is placed in a sleeve for baking, seal it and sent to hot (up to 200 0C) oven by 2.5-3 hours. After the first 30 minutes, the fire in the oven reduce and leave meat to languish. Baking time can be extended to 4 hours, because the nickname was not pre-bore.
  5. For half an hour before readiness, the sleeve will need to open, giving the opportunity to the shkoroke as you should shut up.

Recipe 4, pork steering wheel in beer baked with potatoes

  • The perfect and usual combination for us - meat with potatoes. The pork steering wheel marinated in beer and baked in the oven with potatoes is at the same time exquisite and incredibly tasty.
  • Potatoes for this recipe is impregnated with pork shiny juices and goes ruddy and fragrant.

Required products:

  • 1.5 kg of pork naked;
  • large salt;
  • 1-2 heads of garlic;
  • 2 bows heads;
  • 500-700 g potatoes;
  • 1 l of dark beer;
  • seasoning (bay leaf, pepper pepper, rosemary, etc.);
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Consider a step-by-step recipe for the steering wheel in beer baked with potatoes in the oven.

  • Prepare a naked: wash and clean.
  • Inspecting the knob with trained cloths of garlic. For this, each clologist must be swollen in salt and put in a neat, deep cut on the naked. The incision is made with a sharp knife, trying as little as possible "injury" the skin. It is important to mean garlic meat uniformly throughout the surface, thus providing additional aspecting meat from the inside.

  • The next important stage is Pork Golyashka Marin. The stuffed steering wheel is poured with a beer marinade and leave for 5-6 hours.
  • Flawed pork skin is deceived by refueling from all spices, garlic and vegetable oil. Refill lubricate not only the skin of the naked, but also trying to get under it, as far as possible.
  • Potatoes cut into large pieces, onions - rings.
  • Final stage - baking. For this, the foil is littered with a baking sheet, lay a sliced \u200b\u200bonion on it, from above - a steering wheel, and on the sides - potatoes. All sprinkle with vegetable oil and salt.
  • Foil closes and send a dish in hot (up to 220 0C) oven for 40 minutes.
  • Then reduce the temperature to 160-180 0C and tomatov still 1.5-2 hours. 15-20 minutes before the readiness of the foil open and give a dish to twist.

Recipe 5, pork steering wheel in beer in a slow cooker

This recipe uses beer not only for marination, but for extinguishing, while the pork steering wheel is not less tasty and fragrant.

For the preparation you will need a multicooker, which will make the process rapid and unemployed. In addition, meat in a slow cooker will not fake, it turns out juicy and soft.

Required products:

  • 1.5 kg of pork naked;
  • 0.5 l of dark beer;
  • large salt, sugar;
  • 1-2 heads of garlic;
  • seasoning (bay leaf, pepper fragrant, cumin);
  • vegetable oil.

Consider a step-by-step recipe for the steering wheel in beer baked in a slow cooker.

  • Prepare a naked: wash and clean.

  • Pour the steering wheel with a beer, add salt and sugar, spices and finely chopped garlic to marinade. Capacity is closed with a food film and leave for 6 hours for marination.

  • The pickled naked nickname is slightly dried (towel), make deep cuts in the skin, are stuffed by garlic slices, rub the remaining spices and salt.
  • The meat is put into the multicooker's bowl, they add some vegetable oil to the bottom, better than olive, and poured marinates (in which meat was pickled).
  • Multipowner mode is displayed in a multicooker for 2 hours at a temperature of about 120 0WITH.
  • After the specified time, the steering wheel is left languishing for another 20-30 minutes.
  • Feed meat hot with vegetables and greens.

Recipe 6, boiled pork steering wheel in beer

  • This option is suitable for those who are contraindicated fried and fat. The meat prepared on this recipe is carried out gentle and practically dietary. In addition, it is prepared with a large number of vegetables, useful and necessary organism.
  • Using prunes makes dish spicy and unusual.

Required products:

  • 1.5-2 kg of pork naked;
  • 1.5 liters of light beer (a mixture of light and dark beer can be used);
  • large salt;
  • 1 kg of fresh cabbage;
  • 0.5 kg of sauna cabbage;
  • 2 pcs. bulbs;
  • 2 pcs. carrots;
  • 2 pcs. green apples;
  • 10 pieces. potatoes (medium sizes);
  • several pieces of prunes;
  • seasoning (bay leaf, pepper fragrant, cumin).

Consider a step-by-step recipe for a boiled knob in beer:

  • Prepare a naked: wash and clean.
  • Pour the beer knuckle so that it covers it up to about the middle. Add 1 in beer 1 purified bulb and 1-2 laurel sheets.
  • Capacity put on fire, adjust to boil and boil on a slow heat about 2 hours. During the cooking, the nickname periodically turn over the meat to progress from all sides evenly.
  • At this time, fresh cabbage, stitching straw, add sauer cabbage, salt, pepper, cumin and mix well.

  • Semi-welcomed pork nose is getting out of the pan and give it to cool.
  • Take a deep saucepan and prepare a pillow of vegetables. To do this, it is cabbage, apples, sliced \u200b\u200bby slices, carrot mugs, chopped onion and prunes. The knuckle rubs the salt, pepper and lay out on vegetables.
  • All content is poured with a beer broth, in which the meat was boosted and extinguished on a slow fire for another 1.5-2 hours.
  • 40 minutes before readiness in the pan add potatoes.

  • Boiled pork steering wheel in beer obtained by a gentle and fragrant aroma of beer and vegetables. Feed meat hot with vegetable garnish-assorted.

Recipe 7, baked root in the oven in beer with vegetables

Baked meat with vegetables - real restaurant dish. A naked nose is served on a large dish, surrounded by no less appetizing baked vegetables.

Required products:

  • 1.5-2 kg of pork naked;
  • 1.5 liters of light beer (a mixture of light and dark beer can be used);
  • large salt;
  • seasoning (bay leaf, pepper);
  • vegetables (potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin, mushrooms, pepper, asparagus, eggplant, garlic, tomato, onions, etc.).

Consider a step-by-step recipe for a baked steering wheel in beer with vegetables.

  • Prepare a naked: wash and clean.
  • Make uniform cuts on the tibia, choking garlic slices.
  • Mix salt with pepper and rub the knuckle from all sides. Leave meat for 20 minutes for better understanding.

  • Pour the steer with beer and leave to pickled around 6 o'clock in a cool place.
  • The pickled naked nickname wrap in foil and bake for about an hour in preheated to 180-200 0S, oven.
  • At this time, prepare existing vegetables: wash, clean and cut about the same parses (about 3 cm).
  • Sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables are solid and mixed in a deep bowl.
  • Semi-finished the knob is getting out of the food foil and shifted on the baking sheet.
  • Vegetables are laying around meat that spray with juice gathered when baking a naked in foil.
  • Bake meat with vegetables for about another hour.
  • The finished pork steering wheel is obtained fragrant, with a ruddy and crispy crust. Baked vegetables impregnated with meat aroma and juice are served as a side dish.

Recipe 8, baked knob in Czech in beer

  • The classic Czech recipe of baked pork naoles can be easily reproduced at home and surprise friends and close to rich bright taste of meat delicacy.
  • According to Czech recipe, the steering wheel is cooked in beer, followed by baking in the oven. Served with a garnish of stewed sauerkraut with vegetables.

Required products:

  • 1.5-2 kg of pork naked;
  • 2 l of dark beer;
  • large salt;
  • seasoning (bay leaf, pepper fragrant, carnation, cumin, coriander);
  • 1 PC. carrots (for broth);
  • 1 PC. celery (for broth);
  • 1 garlic head (for broth);
  • 2 bulbs (for broth and garnish);
  • 1 kg of sauerkraut (for garnish);
  • 200 ml of meat broth (for a side disk);
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil (for a side disk);
  • 1 tbsp. mustard grains (for sauce);
  • 1 tbsp. Honey (for sauce).

Consider a step-by-step recipe for a baked knuckle in Czech in beer.

  • Prepare a naked: wash and clean.
  • Pork naked pour into the beer of dark varieties, bring to a boil, remove the foam.
  • Bouillon add chopped vegetables on a slow fire in a slow fire: carrots, onions, celery, garlic.
  • Salt the broth to taste and add spices (except for cinema and coriander). Cook naked on a small fire about 2 hours. During cooking (if the broth does not cover all meat), the shin is turned over several times for uniform cooking.

  • While the pork steering wheel is drunk, a vegetable side dish is prepared. To do this, chopped by half rings onions passover to a transparent state on vegetable oil. Pressed with a sour cabbage to add to the bow, stew, constantly stirring. Pour into vegetables meat broth, add coriander and cumin. Continue to extinguish on slow heat under the lid about half an hour.
  • The boiled steering wheel is getting out of the pan, dried and deceived with a sauce of mustard, honey and 2 tbsp. Beer broth.
  • On the baking sheet, the steamed sauer cabbage is laying down, from above - naked. The meat is overlooked with a small amount of beer broth and put in preheated to 160-180 0C, oven.
  • Bake meat with vegetables is even about half an hour, constantly watering the leg with broth.
  • The dish cooked on this recipe is obtained very tasty and satisfying.

Recipe 9, baked steering wheel in a dark beer in Bavarian

The classic German recipe for fragrant baked pork nose is distinguished by the unique smell of juniper.

In addition, the technology of cooking the steering wheel is different from the options discussed above. In this recipe, the naked is first baked, then dried in the marinade and baked in the oven.

Required products:

  • 1.5-2 kg of pork naked;
  • 1 tbsp. Dark beer;
  • large salt, sugar (to taste);
  • 200 ml of chicken broth;
  • 1 garlic head;
  • seasoning (bay leaf, pepper fragrant, juniper berries);
  • 1 PC. carrots;
  • 1 bulb;
  • 1 PC. Bulgarian pepper;
  • 90 g of tomato paste;
  • 3-6 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 100 g of honey.

Consider a step-by-step recipe for a baked knuckle in Bavarian in beer.

  • Prepare a naked: wash and clean.
  • Make uniform cuts (4-5) in the steering wheel for the best subsequent marination.
  • The knob bake in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of about 220 0WITH.
  • Prepare marinade: in tanks (saucepan), about 5 liters, dilute tomato paste with 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, pass no more than 5 minutes. Then pour the liter of water, pour along the pinch of salt and sugar, add bay leaf, juniper berries, pepper and garlic slices.

  • Separately prepare vegetables: wash, expose and largely chopped (carrots with circles, onions and pepper by half rings). Fry vegetables on vegetable oil and add to tomato marinada. Bring a mixture to boil, add beer, chicken broth and liquid smoke (7 g).
  • A slightly fried knuckle is placed in the prepared marinade and boil on slow heat for 3 hours.
  • The boiled nickname again lay out on the baking sheet, they are deceived with honey and baked to a golden crust for 15-20 minutes, periodically watering meat beer. The temperature in the oven is 200-220 0WITH.
  • It is served baked steering wheel in Bavarian with sauerkraut and a horseradish - a traditional German side dish.

Another option of education is characteristic of the German smell dish - use pork naked in light bristle. After boiling the leg, the bristle burn, keeping the appetizing aroma of the haze in the baked meat.

Recipe 10, baked steering wheel in beer with mushrooms

This dish is rightfully considered festive, satisfying and original. Meat, baked in foil with mushrooms, looks extraordinarily attractive and has a unique exquisite taste.

Required products:

  • 1.5 kg of pork naked;
  • 1 l of dark beer;
  • salt (to taste);
  • 1 kg of champignons;
  • greens;
  • garlic;
  • spices (pepper, paprika);
  • 200 g Adzhika.

Consider a step-by-step recipe for a baked steering wheel in beer with mushrooms.

  • Prepare a naked: wash and clean.

  • Make uniform cuts on the tibia, choking garlic slices.
  • Pour the steer with beer and leave to pickled around 6 o'clock in a cool place.

  • Grate the knuckle from all sides with salt, pepper and adzhika. Leave meat for 30 minutes for better impregnation.
  • The pickled naked naughty lay out on the tray together with mushrooms and greens, wrap in foil and baked about an hour and a half in preheated to 180-200 0S, oven. Champignons are pre-splashing with vegetable oil and salt.
  • After the expiration of the specified time, the foil is discovered, the greens are cleaned, and meat with mushrooms bake for another half an hour.
  • Meat with mushrooms when feeding sprinkled with fresh chopped greens, served with boiled potatoes.

Baked steering wheel in beer, cooking secrets

  • The readiness of the baked steering wheel is determined by piercing it with a fork (toothpick) or a knife, while the transparent broth should flow, and the edge to gently pass through the meat fibers.
  • So that the meat is not separated from the bone during cooking, the naked can be wrapped in gauze.
  • The best marinade for pork nose is the beer of dark varieties, giving the dish unique aroma and spicy taste. Although bright beer can be used, then the meat product is carried out gentle and delicate.
  • Beer for marinade should be high quality, with a bright hop aroma, without obvious alcohol tones. After baking, all alcohol evaporates.
  • The dish will turn out to be more tastier and rich if the knob is not only marked in beer, but also water drink in the process of baking.

Thus, it's not so difficult to prepare a baked steering wheel in a beer at home as it may seem at the beginning. The main conditions for successful cooking is: correctly selected pork shin and compliance with the technological process. Well, the exclamations of the surprises of relatives and loved ones during the tasting of meat treats will not wait a long time.

Photo, baked steering wheel in beer


Video: »How to cook the knob in beer"


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