
Pets for legs at home

Pets for legs at home
Skin care. Types and recipes for legs

In the modern world, full of fuss, various problems and hurry, many women forget about their own health and care for their body. Querity, poor well-being and decay of strength take its beginning from overworking legs, as they carry a huge load daily - high heels, walking over long distances, overweight, etc. Unlike the face and hair, the legs are paid much less time, so there are problems such as natoptes, cracks on the heels, dry skin and, finally, varicose veins. In order to put the legs in order, no big financial costs are required. Just just a few hours of free time per day and several components for home procedures.

Foot baths: Leg care at home

The summer season is the most difficult period, since at this time the legs are most of all subjected to various external damage (dust, heat, uncomfortable shoes, dirt, etc.), so the best solution to the problems will be taking a footman. At the initial stage, with small cracks and dry skin, you can take advantage of regular cleaning of the feet, using a special cream and a slight massage. All these ordinary procedures must be alternating with baths. They can be absolutely different in recipes and types.

After a difficult day, the fastest way to relax is the base bath for the legs, which consists of a small amount of warm water mixed with the sea salt. An unpleasant sensation is held in an instant - salted water is perfectly tone, and the body receives the required amount of iodine.

Water Pouring From An Earthenware Pot Into A Luxurious Aromatic Foot Soak

In order to cope with the fatigue of the legs, you can use contrasting baths, i.e. Alternately move the legs of the cool water in the hot, until it cools, or you will not get bored.

As a rule, it is enough 5 minutes for the base bath, 10 minutes - to get rid of cracks and 3 minutes with severe sweating. Water should not be heated strongly, and if you are sick of varicose veins, it is better to make it below room temperature. Cooling baths help to narrow blood vessels and reduce pain.

Most often, water is also replaced with grasses on the wrappings depending on the desired result:

  1. A chamomile and lime decoction helps to deal with the swelling.
  2. Infusions of chamomile and calendula disinfectly disinfectly and helps cure fungal diseases.
  3. Against sweating, you can use a chamber, oak boron and coniferous extracts.
  4. Refreshing properties are owned by mint, nettle and beast.

In addition to brazers, you can use those ingredients that are present in any kitchen, for example, mustard, lemon juice, milk, etc.

Foot baths: species and recipes

Paths for legs at home are able to restore the health of the legs and have a multidirectional action. With the help of a mix of different ingredients, you can make refreshing, softening, moisturizing baths, compositions against edema, sweating, poor smell, cracks, paraffin, bathtubs with hydromassage.

Refreshing Foot Baths

At the end of the day, the majority of women often experiences gravity in the legs and strong fatigue, and there are still new muscles pain.

young Woman in Blue Underwear Sit On The Floor, Side View, Studio Shot, Little Amount of Grain Added

You can get rid of the above symptoms using refreshing baths:

  1. The composition based on the ragland of the Zvercaoy, the gold masculine, chamomile, plantain and melissa helps to fight fatigue, and the lavender and mint are cooled and relax, so you can use a different combination and in the proportions you consider necessary. To start, fill the herbs with boiling water and leave it for about an hour. Then mix the concentrated decoction with water acceptable for you temperature, and lower your feet into it for 20 minutes or before cooling.
  2. For the second type of baths, inject 0.5 tbsp. An aromatized or ordinary sea salt in 4 liters of warm water, and then lower the legs into this solution for half an hour. Such a procedure updates the skin of the feet, purifies the pores and removes the swelling of the lower extremities. Additionally, you can use a few drops of any essential oil.
  3. To remove fatigue, mix 2-3 drops of ginger or cinnamon oil with 3 l warm water. Enough 20 minutes in order to bring your feet in order.

Baths against edema

Foot swelling can provoke various causes - serious health problems (kidney and liver disease, cardiovascular system) and everyday fatigue.

Acetic bath for feet:

  • 3 tbsp. l. home apple vinegar;
  • 4 l warm water.

Mix vinegar with water in a basin and lower the legs in it 20 minutes. This procedure will help you get rid of not only from the swelling, but also from the symptoms of varicose veins. Apple vinegar, prepared at home, contains more useful elements in contrast to the store.

Bath with Nasty Linden:

  • 1 tbsp. l. iodized salt;
  • 0.5 Art. infusion of lime color;
  • 3 l of water.

For several hours, leave the lime color, then mix the water heated to a comfortable temperature with salt and infusion. The duration of the procedure can be about 20 minutes.


Lemon Bath for Foot:

  • lemon juice;
  • warm water.

Slit lemon meals and add it to the water. Use this composition to tone vessels and improved blood circulation.

Baths against sweating legs

This problem is relevant for both women, and for men. It brings a lot of concern and discomfort, so many people are trying to find a way to get rid of abundant sweating. At home, you can use a special foot bath.

Recipe Baths for Foot:

  • 3 tbsp. l. herbal collection (bark willow and oak, pomegranate peel, sage);
  • 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • 3-4 drops of mint, eucalyptus, tea tree, orange or lemon;
  • warm water.

First prepare the half-liter of herbal infusion - you will need 0.5 cups for the bath. Then pour in warm water a few drops of one of the essential oils to choose from and cooked decoction. The composition of this foot bath tones the skin and stabilizes the work of the sweat glands. After the procedure, getting the foot with a towel and wipe with a 2% boric acid solution.

Mitigation and Moisturizing Baths

The skin of the feet needs the same help and care, like the skin of the whole body. To make it soft and well-groomed, it is recommended from time to time to make moisturizing feet for feet based on milk or ragners of the plantain, birch leaves, chamomile, souls, mint, melissa, lavender, legs for legs with soda, sea salt, vitamin A and coniferous extract . After the procedure, wipe the foot with a soft towel and apply a softening leg cream.


Baths against cracks

From a long stay on the feet of the girl and women face the problem of holing, rigid skin heels and cracks. Most often it happens in the summer season because of wearing open shoes. To better eliminate all these problems, you need to soften the skin with warm baths and clean the foot pemp.

We offer to use one of the following recipes.

Recipe 1:

  • 2 tbsp. l. sea \u200b\u200bsalt;
  • 3 tbsp. l. ammonic alcohol;
  • water.

Divide all the ingredients in hot water and lower your feet for 15 minutes. The skin after the bath will become soft and militant to various cosmetic procedures.

A Woman Cleaning Her Foot WHIT A Brush.

Recipe 2:

  • 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap;
  • 1 tbsp. l. soda;
  • 1 tbsp. l. ammonic alcohol;
  • 2 l of water.

All ingredients mix thoroughly and disappear legs for 40 minutes. You can use in advance the grated solid soap, even economic.

Recipe 3:

  • 50 g of boric acid;
  • 1 tbsp. boiled water;
  • 3 l warm water.

Prepare the solution and mix with heated water. For use, just 15 minutes is enough before bedtime, then wipe the legs and lubricate the feet of vaseline, cracks creek the medical plaster and put the cotton socks, and rinse the legs with hot water in the morning. The course should be extended by 4 times.

Baths against unpleasant odor

An unpleasant smell of legs delivers tangible discomfort. The causes of this problem can be fungal diseases of the legs, shoes of poor quality, individual characteristics of the body. You can fix it with gels, ointments, sprays and baths.

There are several useful recipes depending on the cause of the unpleasant odor.

Against fungus:

  • 6 tablespoons. l. chamomile;
  • 6 tablespoons. l. flax seed;
  • 6 tablespoons. l. horsetail;
  • 2 liters of hot water.

The large basin stir all ingredients, pour hot water and leave to cool to an acceptable temperature, and then dip it in feet to 20 minutes. Duration of treatment - 30 days.

Against sweating:

  • 6 tablespoons. l. oak bark;
  • 2 liters of hot water.

Make infusion, filter and leave it to cool a little. Fill the basin with water oak and lower back leg for 20 minutes. After the completion of the procedures of the foot may be slightly colored in brown. Baths should be done every other day for 2 weeks.

beautiful legs and hands with perfect french pedicure

Baths with hydrogen peroxide

Cleansing the heels of a rough and cracked skin it is considered to be a very time consuming process. The first stage can use a foot bath of hydrogen peroxide. They help, even in the running situations, but it should be remembered that it is desirable to alternate different types of baths, as not recommended peroxide for a long time.

Recipe baths and its application:

  • 8 Art. l. hydrogen peroxide;
  • 3 l warm water.

Prepare a solution of a comfortable temperature and lower it in pre-washed legs. In order to keep warm bath longer, cover the bowl with water and his feet large towel. While taking bath you decide for themselves individually - it all depends on how badly damaged the skin. In mild dryness of 10 min enough to moderate (presence corns) - 20 min, and for the heels which have been deep cracks, it takes more time and more sessions. After each of them, lubricate the heels of the healing ointment.

Foot bath: paraffin in foot care

The use of paraffin baths for feet gives the opportunity to return a decent view of your feet. A good result is visible immediately after the first treatment, and will be supported for a long time.

Baths equally well affect the skin of any age and type - it becomes much softer and more elastic.

Paraffin, which is used in the composition of the trays, can be bought at a reasonable price at any drugstore or specialty store. He begins to melt at a temperature of 55 ° C, so do not be afraid to burn or just strong redness. Due to this thermal effect of the skin cells begin to recover, expand the pores, improves the function of the sweat glands and increases blood flow. Gradually cooling down, the paraffin contracts the skin that gets rid of fine wrinkles.


Systematic use of paraffin bath gives such a result:

  • soft and moisturized skin;
  • strong nails;
  • lack of swelling and pain in the legs.

Contraindications to the use of foot bath

You should refrain from this procedure if you have the following symptoms:

  • strong redness of the skin;
  • minor damage to the skin;
  • infectious diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • crick.

Recipe Paraffin Foot Bath

Make a paraffin foot for feet at home is completely easy. You just need to get acquainted with some stages of cooking.

Makeup preparation process:

  1. Put melting cosmetic paraffin on a water bath. To do this, you will need deep enameled medium-sized dishes.
  2. While the paraffin melts, clean the skin - remove dead particles with a scrub and process the feet with a special lotion.
  3. Control the paraffin temperature - it should not burn.
  4. Lower the foot by 10 seconds and remove them while the skin is not formed a thick paraffin layer.
  5. Carefully wrap the legs with a food film and wear warm socks for half an hour or all night.
  6. Separate paraffin from the skin along with the film.
  7. Apply the nutrient cream.

Useful leg care tips

The following recommendations will help you constantly maintain legs in a healthy and beautiful condition:

  1. If you want to save time on the search for the right herbs and other ingredients, do not forget during shopping to enter the pharmacies and cosmetic shops to buy packaging with a variety of herbs or flavored seaside salt.
  2. Each cosmetic procedure requires systematic, so do not throw the work started halfway, even if you did not notice the desired result after 2-3 procedures.
  3. In addition to using the baths against edema, also wipe the legs from the knee to the feet of ice cubes with the infusion of chamomile or mint.
  4. The most important thing is convenient and practical shoes. If you are a lover of high heel, then it is worth thinking about the state of your feet. Let them take a break from uncomfortable shoes at least a few hours during working hours.
  5. After home procedures, try not to forget for a few minutes to keep the legs above the head, throwing on the back of the sofa or on the wall. Blood outflow contributes to the speedy removal of fatigue and discomfort.

The use of footbanks at the level with other means will help you get rid of many problems. Reliable care takes a little time, and the result will exceed all expectations. After all, the health of the legs is the health of the whole organism, as well as the key to beauty and longevity.


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