
Henna Tattoo at home

Henna Tattoo at home
Temporary henna tattoos. Recipes of mixtures for tattoos henna. Instructions, how to make a temporary tattoo.

Pictures on the skin are popular for a long time. Initially, they were performed by natural dyes, applied to the surface or under the upper layers of the skin. Such tattoos were temporary or constant depending on the method of application and had a symbolic, and sometimes magical. Nowadays, the tattoo is becoming increasingly in demand by lovers of this kind of self-expression. However, not everyone is decided to apply "Eternal Pattern", because this procedure is very painful, there are considerable money, and you do not always know how the skin will react, and whether the final result will arrange. In addition, it will be very difficult to reduce such a drawing in the future - even the scars can even stay. And here the temporary tattoo henna comes to the rescue - a safe alternative to the ink tattoo.

Henna tattoo history

Make a henna tattoo at home is quite simple, for this you only need to master some secrets. You can experiment with a variety of styles and patterns, choose different sections for application and are not afraid that over time it gets tired or burst.

It is believed that if the henna tattoo is competent, it will have powerful magical properties, which - depends on the image. Such a drawing can serve as a mental and physiological guard at the same time, because it does not cause allergies, opposes dermatological diseases, and in general, it is advisable to skin cover.

Scientists believe that the custom tattooed the body of henna appeared more than five thousand years ago in ancient Egypt. When excavations were found mummies, hair and nails whose nails covered an unusual composition, later it was possible to find out what it was HNU. She also stained other areas on the body (feet, palm). In the XII century, such a manner of body decoration was distributed in India, the countries of Central Asia and North Africa.


The temporary tattoo of henna was called Mehendi, and it wore both aesthetic and practical character. For Muslim and women, India Mehendi was a mandatory festive attribute, especially those associated with the wedding ritual of the bride's body painting, which has been preserved to this day. Senior family women and a friend of the future bride carefully paint the body with newlyweds beautifully intricate patterns endowed with sacred meaning. Thus, the temporary tattoo of henna for girls became the key to a happy family life, he was guarded from the evil eye, and besides that, freed from any homework, until he was completely erased.

In many countries of the East, women applied patterns during pregnancy, illness or in front of important ceremonies. The techniques of the implementation and shape of the patterns varied depending on the region and the state. At the beginning of the Middle Ages, the henna tattoo became an integral part of the cultural heritage, the national tradition, today is a distinctive cultural line of these countries.


Outside of Central Asia and East, Mehendi's art came out relatively recently. Moreover, various ways of decorating the body, including the Henna Tattoo, until the XVII-XVIII centuries were generally under the strictest prohibition of Christianity and were considered a remnant of paganism. Today, the world got rid of such prejudices, and to make a temporary tattoo of henna can everyone.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Henna Tattoos

The advantages of the tattoo of the henna (the so-called bio-tattoo) set:

  • natural henna has healing properties;
  • this is a budget option, but the drawing looks fashionable and "expensive";
  • lack of pain at the time of application;
  • this is a universal option that is suitable for any skin, age, gender;
  • not demanding in care;
  • how much is the henna tattoo - from 5 days to 2 weeks, depending on the conditions (frequent shower, constant stay under the sun, swimming in the sea, contact with clothing, etc.).


Among the disadvantages, you can only distinguish that the small details of the drawing can draw only an experienced master, and even the most skillfully performed pattern "live" no longer than 14 days.

Selection of drawing for tattoo henna

Modern technologies and Internet access will significantly facilitate many life tasks, such as, for example, sketch search for henna tattoo. It is worth pressing the button, and hundreds of thousands of various photos of ready-made work or phased master classes will be before your eyes. The choice of drawing for a temporary tattoo of henna will not be so complex and will not require the scrupulous thinking of the smallest details and details as for a constant tattoo.

Floral patterns will never come out of fashion or similar to lace made in Indian techniques. For men, it can be stylized images of animals, insects or plants. Do not forget about your favorite hieroglyphs, you just need to accommodively approach the selection of characters, so as not to be in an awkward situation, because the slightest inaccuracy in writing may be in the root to change the meaning.


If the henna tattoo is planned for a special case: a stylized wedding, a fashion show, parties, or, for example, a graduation, then here you need to think about all the details in accordance with the generally clothing, make-up, hairstyle. It is necessary to withstand a single style so that it does not look too extravagant and tasteless. The bride can make a henna tattoo on their hands, as is customary in Central Asia countries. At the same time, it should be remembered that the thinner and intricate patterns will be made, the stronger the magic protective properties of the image.


Henna cooking recipes for tattoos

In online stores you can buy a ready-made henna paste, already packed in tubes for drawing tattoos. However, in order to keep the authenticity of the process, it is better to try to prepare a paste at home. To do this, it is necessary to purchase a hnu that will not contain additional chemical additives and impurities.


To obtain different colors, you can mix the huu and bass or buy natural red huhu (although it is very difficult to find on the counters of domestic stores). There is also a colorless henna, but it is not suitable for creating tattoos. Color saturation and durability will depend on how high-quality ingredients used and proportions are properly observed.

Henna powder solvent is natural black coffee, strong black tea or red wine. For fermentation and oxidation, the paste is used sugar, lemon juice and various vegetable oils (carnation oil or eucalyptus). In advance, the paste is not prepared, since when contacting the air, it loses its properties. Unified henna recipe for tattoos does not exist. In each country, in each region, each family had their own ways and their secrets that were transmitted from generation to generation.


However, there are three basic recipes (always use ceramic, glass container or dishes from heat-resistant plastic):

  1. The first option is most close to the ancient Indian recipes. Henna powder sift to get rid of large particles. Raw very strong black tea and give it to be laid, but do not cool. Strain the half of the welding (100 - 150 ml), add 2 tbsp. l. Sugar and juice of lemon halves. Henna dilute this mixture to the consistency of thick sour cream. The resulting liquid wipe well through the sieve. Let stand for about 15-20 minutes. The finished paste must resemble the glaze - not too thick and not too liquid. The resulting composition, hermetically closed, can be stored in the refrigerator no more than 2 days.
  2. For the second recipe you need to take a sample powder of henna, juice of one lemon, 50 ml of strong welding and a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Welding and lemon juice mix and gradually introduce the resulting liquid into dry hu. Mix thoroughly to a homogeneous state. Just as in the first version, wipe through the sieve. Leave the finished mixture of 4 h in a dark cool place.
  3. Prepare sample powder, 150 ml of ground brewed strong coffee, 2 tbsp. l. Lemon juice, 5 drops of cloves and eucalyptus oils. The obtained ingredients are mixed to obtain a thick homogeneous mass without lumps. Leave the mixture to be incanded for 2 hours.
  4. Video recipe for the preparation of homogeneous henna to create thin detailed compositions:

Henna tattoo applying

The finished chilled paste is placed in a special tube syringe, a plastic bag or a paper cone. The hole at the tip must be made as small as possible so that the lines are fine and neat. If the henna particles block it, then it is necessary to remove or push them with a thin needle. If this is a bought tube, it is quite thoroughly understood before use.

You can apply "Mehendi" with wooden chopsticks, tassels, tubes, stacks. Salons and online stores offer a wide selection of original stencils, templates and interchangeable nozzles to apply henna tattoos. They can be disposable or for repeated use. However, all these innovations should not limit the manifestations of your own fantasy, because options for creativity in this direction are a great set.


How to apply Mehendi:

  1. Before applying the drawing, carefully prepare the skin. Declaring the selected area, thoroughly washing with soap or rubbered with a swab, moistened with an alcohol-containing facial tonic. The smoie the skin surface, the more durable and qualitative will be the result.
  2. Remove dead skin particles with peeling or washcloth, but do not overdo it in order not to get irritation, otherwise the session will have to postpone.
  3. Also remove the hair from the intended site, because they hold the paint longer than the skin. Consequently, the henna tattoo with skin will disappear earlier than with painted hairs. Hair is better to steal, and not plunge or remove the epilator so as not to cause irritation.
  4. Cosmetic pencil dotted with barely noticeable basic lines of the drawing - it will greatly facilitate the work on the image.
  5. Treat the skin with eucalyptus oil. Alternatively, ordinary petroleum or bold cream from organic components can be used as an alternative. The bold layer increases the time of drying paint, which means the time of its exposure. The oil opens the pores and contributes to the best penetration of the coloring pigment. Thanks to this secret, the color of the drawing becomes more saturated. No more than three drops of eucalyptus oil should be used so as not to cause skin irritation. If the skin is prone to allergies, it is recommended to test the test - a little bit on the wrist and do not erase for several hours, then appreciate the effect.
  6. Apply the drawing on the outlined contour. In the course of the work of the flaws and inaccuracies, you can immediately remove with a cotton stick, which will even make a newcomer not afraid to spoil the "picture". 4
  7. After completing the creation of the drawing, it is necessary to give it to dry completely. If the image was created using a template or a stencil, then the device remains fixed on the skin to the complete drying of the henna. The drying process on average takes at least 1 hour. If you hurry, the color of the tattoo will be less intense, or after a while disappears.
  8. Hus tattoos are usually applied and dried in warmth. After complete drying, the paste should be carefully removed from the skin. For this procedure, you can use a special scraper, handkerchief, a dry napkin or a stupid knife edge. Flush the drawing can not!
  9. Wipe the drawing with any vegetable oil: sesame, olive, clove, almond, mustard or eucalyptus. It will fasten it, give the shine, the saturation of the henna tone and calm the skin.
  10. You can complete the work with decoration with special dry sparkles or rhinestones.

Henna Tattoo Care

Of the above information, it becomes clear that the henna tattoo keeps an average of up to three weeks. And in order to consolidate the effect for a longer period, you must follow a few simple rules for the care of mehendi.


How to care for Mehendi:

  1. Observe clearly all the rules for the preparation of the skin to apply henna. You can also use special oil for mehendi instead of eucalyptus and other oils, which is sold together with coloring composition.
  2. When applied, the paste should withstand the thickness and uniformity of the layer - too thin layer will not give the desired effect. Give the finished drawing to dry completely. eust
  3. After removing the dried paste, the tattoo will be a light copper shade. The color darkens and manifests itself completely only the next day. Therefore, it is strictly not desirable to wash or water the drawing during the day after it is applied.
  4. Henna tattoo must be wiped with oil and for the next day after applying when the color is already starting to manifest.
  5. Mehendi is a temporary tattoo, and the painting pigment of the henna penetrates only in the upper layers of the skin. Therefore, in order to extend the life to such a decoration, you need to try not to rub this place with the washcloth, do not use aggressive detergents or scrubs. Contact with clothing is also undesirable.
  6. The last advice will undoubtedly become the most useful - if your tattoo henna became pale, but still did not have time to bother you, just upgrade it!


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I give preference to classic tattoos from temporary me annoying about how in a joke about guinea pigs - and do not have a pig and to the sea do not have a relationship)
