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How to choose sunscreen

How to choose sunscreen
Types of sunscreens, factors affecting the choice. How to choose a suitable sunscreen.

With the onset of the warm season, a significant increase in solar activity occurs. A long stay under the harmless at first glance by sunlight is fraught with the appearance of burns, allergies, hyperpigmentation, irritation and peeling on the skin. To protect yourself from the emergence of these problems, you need to choose the right cream for protection from the sun.

Why are sunscreen are used

Sunny ultraviolet (UV) radiation is divided into the following conventional zones of the spectrum:

  • UVC Spectrum - a powerful short -wave radiation, which is mainly absorbed in the upper atmosphere;
  • The UVV spectrum - this radiation is most active in the period from 10 to 16 hours, leads to tanning, and can also provoke a sunny blow, burns, redness and damage to the skin. It is worth noting that glasses and fabric of clothing prevent the penetration of these rays. The radiation of the UVV spectrum can provoke various damage to the epidermis, including cell mutations and the development of neoplasms;
  • UVA Spectrum is the least energy component of solar radiation. Nevertheless, this type of radiation has the ability to penetrate deep into the epidermis, destroying elastine and collagen fibers. The UVA rays are a source of free radicals, causing hyperpigmentation and accelerated aging. This type of radiation passes freely through clouds, glass and loose fabric. According to recent studies, in addition to the effect of photo starting, the effect of this type of rays can also cause the development of skin cancer.

It has long been known that penetrating the skin, UV radiation is a risk factor that can cause serious harm to health. Scientific studies argue that such a harmful effect of solar radiation can be avoided. UV radiation is a preventive factor in the risk of skin diseases, including a deadly dangerous form of cancer-melanoma. In order to avoid various problems provoked by the effects of ultraviolet rays, doctors strongly recommend that the sunscreen regularly use.


What is the effect of the action of sunscreen

According to the principle of action, two groups of sunscreen can be distinguished:

  • funds reflecting UV rays-contain inorganic mineral particles of zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, acting as screens. Such a cream is suitable, including for sensitive skin. Screening filters form an invisible film on the surface of the epidermis that does not miss the radiation of the UVV spectrum. As the disadvantages of application, it is worth noting that such protection is easily washed off with water when bathing or washed with a towel - accordingly, the cream ceases to act and its layer must be updated;
  • blocking radiation - include filters that neutralize and absorb ultraviolet radiation UVA and UVV. Such filter substances can penetrate deep into the epidermis and form a fairly effective protection. These funds are distinguished by a mild consistency, not noticeable on the skin and create a sense of comfort, but may not be suitable for people with a tendency to allergic reactions. When buying such a sunscreen, it is recommended to carry out a preliminary allergy test, testing it in a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

How to choose sunscreen

A wide range of sunscreen creams is presented on sale, the price of which depends on many factors, including the fame of the trade brand and its pricing policy. To choose a sunscreen suitable individually, carefully read its description, pay attention to the level of protection and the composition indicated on the label. The list of components of the sunscreen can be mentioned by such active substances as oxybenzone and avobenzone, as well as retinel palmitate - the opinions of dermatologists about the harmlessness of these components diverge. Modern technologies also allow you to use nanoparticles in the composition of creams that can form a flat homogeneous coating on the skin and penetrate deep into the epidermis - using the possibility of protection from the rays of UVA and UVV are significantly intensified. The toxicity of some actively acting substances of the sunscreens is not proved, and their imaginary harm to their health is outweighed by undoubted confirmed scientific research advantages as a means that protect against the harmful effects of UV radiation.

Straw Beach Bag, Blue Towel, Sunscreen, Starfish Isolated on White

How to choose sunscreen: varieties

According to the recommendations of dermatologists, it is worth choosing a wide range of a wide spectrum of action, which fences from UVA and UVV rays. Most of the sunscreen creams presented are SPF filters that protect from UVV radiation. Means containing IPD and PDD filters protect the skin from UVA radiation. Do not save - a good sunscreen with PDD and SPF will effectively protect the skin from negative consequences. The sunscreen can include various moisturizing and relieving irritation, softening components. A properly selected and regularly used sunscreen protects from age spots and freckles.

Woman on the Beach, Bali

The modern cosmetology industry offers:

  • sunscreen for body creams that differ in a universal composition - for effective protection, you need to apply about two tablespoons of cream;
  • for the face-the skin of this zone is especially sensitive to UV radiation-which means that it requires special protection against damage. Facial sunscreen creams are characterized by a slight consistency, quickly absorbed, not visible and not noticeable on the skin. Such funds can be used for everyday makeup. Special sunscreen tonal creams are also presented on sale. In addition to protection from UV radiation, they are characterized by a slight tonal effect. It should be borne in mind that the usual tonal cream with the presence of UV filters provides minimal skin protection;
  • water -repellent and waterproof sunscreen creams that can withstand for some time without washing off. This tool is useful for conducting sea leave with frequent bathing;
  • sunglasses for children are characterized by a soft and gentle composition, as well as a high degree of protection against UV rays. These funds are usually intended for children from three years. A children's sunscreen with a hypoallergenic composition for babies from 6 months can be purchased in pharmacies. The use of such a tool for children under 6 months, as well as being under direct sunlight, is not recommended.


How to choose sunscreen: SPF indicator

The main criterion for the effectiveness of the sunscreen is traditionally the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) indicator. Its value indicates the level of protection against the exposure of the UVB rays provided by the means. According to the indicated SPF indicators, you can choose a sunscreen for various skin types. The SPF coefficient is an indicator that means how many times with the use of this tool you can extend the time of staying in the sun. Thus, it can be calculated - if yours, under the influence of solar radiation, will turn red after about 30 minutes, then the cream with SPF 20 can provide you with safe stay on the sun for 30*20 \u003d 600 minutes (up to 10 hours).

It should be borne in mind that the skin of different people reacts to such protective agents individually. Nevertheless, to choose which sunscreen is suitable for you, you can use the FICPatrick table to determine the type of skin. According to the scale developed by him, there are six averaged photos. Two of them can be attributed to the population of hot African countries, the remaining four are widely found in our latitudes. Having determined which phototype you belong to, you can choose individually the best sunscreen according to the above recommendations:

  1. The first phototype includes people with very bright skin, prone to the appearance of freckles, blue or green eyes, blond hair. A stay in the sun is poorly affected by such a skin - a hut arises in the form of redness, irritation and burns. To avoid such problems, owners of this type of skin are recommended to buy a sunglass cream with a high SPF indicator, marked “for sensitive skin”. Such a tool with SPF 40-50 should be used in the first days of stay in the sun. Next, it will be possible to use SPF 30 sunscreen. For this phototype, it is not recommended to use oil for tanning.
  2. The second phototype includes fair -skinned people with brown or blue eyes, freckles, light and red hair. In this case, you can sunbathe, gradually gradually increasing the time of stay in the sun. Initially, it is required to be used with a defense factor of 30, and then 15-20. For staying on the beach, it is recommended to choose a waterproof sunscreen.
  3. The third type includes people with dark eyes, brown or brown hair and fairly fair skin. This phototype is the most common among the Slavs. The skin of people of this phototype lightly light up, and it is usually possible to avoid redness and subsequent irritation. Such people are recommended to first choose a SPF 15 sunscreen, and then go to use a product with SPF 8-10.
  4. By the fourth phototype, dark -skinned people with dark hair and brown eyes can be ranked. Such skin easily tolerates tan, the sun on it does not leave burns. It should be noted that this phototype also needs protection. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a sunscreen moisturizer designed for dark skin.


The use of sunscreen

The sunscreen should be applied about half an hour before the planned appearance under the sun. In this case, the cream will have time to absorb and optimally protect the skin.

With the beginning of the warm season, it is recommended to gradually increase the time of stay in the sun, starting from 15-20 minutes, so that the skin can gradually get used to the effects of UV radiation.

Sunscreen on the skin of the face and body must be renewed every 2-3 hours. Even the most persistent waterproof cream has the ability to gradually be washed off and washed with energetic rubbing with a towel. Pay attention to the expiration date of the fund. It should be borne in mind that sunscreen can be used during the season. With the remaining remedy, the remedy will have to part without regret, since its protective properties, most likely, are already irrevocably lost.


It should be borne in mind that such a sunscreen is just a cream, while not a single cosmetic product is able to provide 100%protection against solar radiation. Given the recommendations of dermatologists, it is necessary to organize the period of being under direct sunlight as thoughtfully and carefully as possible, appearing on the beach during the greatest solar activity (from 11 to 16 hours) only in case of emergency. If you need a long stay in the sun, do not forget about clothes that protect from the scorching rays of the sun, a headdress and sunglasses.

How to choose sunscreen - video



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